Go To Input Boxes With Tab Button?
Nov 24, 2011I have 3 input boxes on my sheet. They are T10, T12, T14. Right now I click with mouse, but is it a way that I can use tab key to jump from one box to another?
View 2 RepliesI have 3 input boxes on my sheet. They are T10, T12, T14. Right now I click with mouse, but is it a way that I can use tab key to jump from one box to another?
View 2 RepliesI don't know if input boxes are what I want but you'll be able to tell me
When Excel is opened, I want a box to pop up where the following can be pasted:
Merchandise: 100,000.000
Merchandise: 1,000,000.0000
Merchandise: 1,000.0000
Merchandise: 10,000.0000
Total: 1,111,000.0000"
The text and numbers will be copied from a webpage. When Excel is then opened, rather than having to type in those values (I'm only interested in the numbers), could an input box (or something else) handle and filter those lines to basically just the numbers?
I want to create some VBA code, but I don't know how to do it, that allows the user to make a copy of any worksheet he/she wants within a workbook and then name the copy of the worksheet whatever he/she wants. The copied worksheet should come at the end of however many worksheets exist in the workbook.
I want to accomplish this by using input boxes for the user. I want the user to click the macro and then the input box appears asking him enter the name of the worksheet he/she wants to copy. Then I want the input box to ask the user to enter name for the new copied worksheet. That's it!
A cancel button on the input would be nice just in case the user decides not to copy any worksheet.
I have the following (intense) formula
I was wanting to make either 3 input boxes or 1 if thats possible that basically you click and it captures the column you want the answer in, and then the two columns the data is in. It then places the formula down in that column with the answers based on what your input was.
I would want the range to be atleast 1 to 6000 rows (just in case)
Not sure if this can be done, but a colleague of mine is trying to record a macro which is not cell or area specific, but content specific. i.e :copy only if cell A3:A10 = "rabbit", then paste in another tab cell B7:B14.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have to design an input user form (a button that opens an input box or dialog box), which asks user to "Enter number of "columns"".
User enters a number i.e. 2 or 3 etc
It then asks user for the headings of these coulmns and places first column heading in A1 and second column heading in B1, third in C1 and so on ...
How would I go about making a user form that has an input box where you can type in a year (in yyyy format), and then two radio buttons that allow you to choose either "Jan-Jun" or "Jul-Dec", and a submit button to run a corresponding macro.
The purpose of this is I have two macros that run the same report, one is for first half of the year, second is for second half of the year. For simple purposes we will call them "JanJun" macro and "JulDec" macro ...
Having problems with input boxes. I'm trying to creat 3 input boxes that will prompt the user to input 'Add1' in cell A1 'Add2' in cell B1 and 'Add3' in cell C1. Then return back to the first prompt box ready for further info - but this time, if it finds info in cell A1 it needs to move down to A2....and so on. Just about down the easy bit and have the three input boxes working - but unfortunatley that's it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have designed a spreadsheet to calculate time and speed averages of a ships voyage. When using a date and time value entered into a input box the value in the cell is reversed form the U.K date format to the U.S date format. this has been causing great amount of fustration to me. the cell has the correct date format i want and the excel system is configured to the U.K format. my program to allow you to look at it my knowlege is not very good of VBA. When entering the date in the FAOP from the drop down menu as dd/mm/yy hh:mm in is reversed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need some code to use text boxes to change the data in certain cells. Basically I want 3 text boxes to appear one after another. The first box should add text to cell T1, then 2nd to cell T2 and the 3rd will add text to cell T3. All these values should be added at numbers.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to set up a Inputbox to make the user pick the start line and end line for a loop
the sheet will have items on it numbered 1,2,3,etc I want a process done to the lines the user selects by item number not cell range.
line 4 to line 20 for example.
I am creating a spreadsheet where the user enters food they have eaten that day. The way this is done at the moment is with validated list boxes, one depending on the other using the indirect function. I want to be able to make this into a user input form. Is there a way of adding these validations from the spreadsheet, to an input form.
I want the input form to have an input for the day, food group, food item, and quantity of the food. The food item needs to depend on the food group.
> When the workbook is opened I want a box to appear with a message and 4 choices (as buttons?).
> Based on the button clicked I want 1 of 4 new boxes to appear (replacing the first box) and ask for input values.
>I then want the inputs to be written to specific cells on a specified worksheets inside the workbook.
This is basic but can't seem to work it out.
I have 2 text boxes and 1 label. I want -to add the numbers together I enter into the text boxes without using a button to start the sub.
Label1.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) + Val(TextBox2.Text)
I have a userform that has 3 option buttons (1, 2 & 3) each of these option buttons have a Label next to them, Label (1, 2,& 3) next to that I have 3 textboxes that are formatted for currency. Each label represents a dollar value $10.00, $20.00 & $30.00
OptionButtom Label TextBox
1 Month Member x $10.00 $.00
2 Month Member x $20.00 $.00
3 Month Member x$30.00 $.00
When one of the OptionButtons is selected I want the corresponding label dollar value to be multiplied by the OptionButton and that value placed in the TextBox
i.e. if OptionButton 1 is select the TextBox would have a value of $10.00
if OptionButton 2 is selected then TextBox would have a value of $40.00
if OptionButton 3 is selected then TextBox would have a value of $90.00
Lastly, if 1 Option Button is selected and then changed to another of the 2 buttons, the TextBox value would reset to $.00
I am trying to create a command button in Microsoft Excel (Office 2000) that enables me to reset the check box status for a worksheet from checked to unchecked. The worksheet contains approximately 50 check boxes and is meant to be reused. Is this possible? If so, how can I program it to do so?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSee attached file illustrating exactly what I'm trying to do.
I won't repeat the exact same things I wrote in the file, but the Summary is that I need to first make such that only certain check boxes can checked at any one time, then make the command button run certain macro(s) depending on which boxes are checked.
I have two combo boxes that both contain 7-12 separate search criteria for the user to choose from. The other includes months and the other value ranges in text form. Based on the selections, e.g. "August" from other and "increased by more than 5 %" from other, I'd like to have a command button to execute the appropriate macro. I've already compiled the macros for each occasion but I just can't figure out how to get the button to execute them. Can I use the Select Case statements? If so, how?
Oh, and whether it's relevant or not, the boxes and the button are from the control toolbar.
By clicking the print-button the user may select the area to be printed.
But if I click the Cancel button, or the upper right X, the print message is sent to the printer, even it shouldn't.
How do I write the code for cancelling the print when clicking the cancel button?
Please see the VBA editor in the attached file.
A last question: is it necessary to declare the variable?
I have attached a spreadsheet example. I would like to be able to use a command button to pop up a series of questions for the user to input a value and have that value populate the directed cell.
Example from spread sheet:Click - "How many bid" button
First question should be " How many for Joe"
Input the number i.e. 2
The number input should go to the cell C5 in this example
Next question should be "How many for John"
I want to input the number 3
The number 3 should go into cell F5
How many for Jim
I need to input a number
The number should go to cell I5
How Many for Jerry
I need to input a number
The number should go to cell L5
I would also like the same function for the "How many won" button.
I have made a sheet with 10 input boxes, some for text and some for numbers. If you make a mistake now you must click though the rest of the questions to start again and make a change. Is there a way to add a back button that would take you to the last question? Or possibly make the cancel button stop all questions? Here is a sample of the code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim strname As String
If Target.Address = Range("k11").Address Then
I want to put input box on sheet next to it add or substract button when I press the button after putting a number in the input box it add or substract of another cell with total amont .
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have this macro in which the user clicks a button and it formats a file for them. I want a box next to the button where the user can enter a number first then click the button and then the file will use that number to calculate a column. Any help is appreciated.
For example part of my macro is this.
Lcol = Range("IV5").End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
Cells(5, Lcol) = "Total Cost"
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("u6").Formula = "=IFERROR((RC[-1]/RC[-3])*the number the person entered first,0)"
Lrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Range("u6").AutoFill Destination:=Range("u6:u" & Lrow), Type:=xlFillDefault
With Range("u6:u" & Lrow)
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
I would like a VBA code that will display a large input box with multiple inputs boxes inside.
I have shown below the variables required (column C) and the default values (Column E). There is a combination of dates, percentage and numeric values....
I'm using the following code to create an Inputbox but I want to either disable the OK button until an entry is made or not allow a blank entry. Forcing the user to have to make an entry.
If NameTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then
NameTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("You must input a name/nickname to identify person", "Name")
End If
If SexTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then
SexTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("You must select a sex(m/f)", "Sex")
End If
If DOBTextBoxnew.Value = "" And AgeTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then
AgeTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("Please insert a rough age in years", " Date of RSIT")
End If
I am wanting to create a push button function with a query attched that will allow the user to input certain criteria with the end result in sorting the column containing the criteria.
I have attached a sample of my form:
My desire is the user will have the ablity to push the button and a input box will appear and they will be able to enter the data to search for. And the column with sort showing only the information required.
What I am having difficulties with is creating the pop-up input box. A simple macro with a sort or filter will not work as the data criteria is not the same everytime.
My new Time in Motion sheet is coming along nicely with some snazzy programmed Command Buttons to fill data into another sheet.
One of my buttons is for 'other' tasks, so I'd like to programme a button to prompt first for a number of minutes (e.g. 30), and then a brief description (e.g. Meeting) and input the data side-by-side in 2 columns on sheet 2.
This is what I have for my other single-entry buttons, so what would I need to add?
Dim ans As String
ans = InputBox("Case reference:", "Data Entry")
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = ans
I am developing a spreadsheet with numerous information on our different suppliers offices in the country for each of our outlets. I am tryin to define a way to do the following:
If a colleague selects a company another list will appear with the region and when the region is selected a list of the offices will appear.
1) We need the Input screen to auto clear the fields once the " Save " button has been pressed and data transfered to the appropriate tracking sheet
2) We want to ensure that if any of the Red cells are empty the " Save " button will give an error ( one complication If the "Transfer Type" highlighted in Blue has an entry " either STD/ISD/ESP " then " Call Purpose " needs to be mandatory
3) somehow the information on the "Comment " field is not getting captured
4) If possible we want a warning indicator if two rows in a tracking sheet ( example London ) are the same based on Coloums B to I ( except C )
5) Is there any possibility to give a pop calender in the " scheduled date " section of Input screen (Row 33)
I have a spreadsheet with 5 columns. A1 to A5
Entries are made into columns A2 to A5 but only ever one entry across all cells
If an entry is made into A2 to A5 the I need a "P" to be placed into A1