Golf 4 Ball Random Selection With Preconditions
Apr 21, 2014
organising a golf tour for 32 players.playing in teams of 4 (4 Balls) for 4 games of golf and the teams are to be randomly selected such that no player plays in a group with a person he has played with in a previous game. finding it difficult to create a spreadsheet which meets this criteria.
need to build into the spreadsheet the fact that the variable mix of people is constrained by the fact that at least 4 persons have to use a buggy (which will have 2 people in it) and as the tour progresses and courses become physically demanding a number of people (N) for the last 2 rounds may also ask for the use of buggies as well.develop a spreadsheet to make the 4 Ball team selections.
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Jan 13, 2009
I have data for number of firms as :
year firm
1 1
2 1
3 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
1 3
2 3
3 3
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
how can one chose random samlpe from this population.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a file (see SAMPLE file attached) with over 2000 records. I need to know if there is a way to do a sampling or random selection by ethnicity and gender in order to get a diverse population for only 60 individuals. The selection criteria should be on ethinicity and gender.
Is this possible?
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Apr 19, 2006
random number selection...
i have a list of 200 items (rows) and i would like to "randomly" select 30 of them...(next month i will get another 200...)
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm trying to select an x number of random selections within the selection.
Basically, lets say A1:A100 is selected, im going to have a inputbox asking how many to select, you put 10 in the inputbox, and then it randomly chooses 10 from A1:A100 and highlights them
This seems easy enough, i can do the input box and know the random function. just not sure how to set the beginning point and the ending point with Cell locations and then have it highlight those selections... a for loop I'm guessing?
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May 15, 2013
I have been able to put together the below which generates a random 15% sample of all records in the worksheet.
It works perfectly, however what I would ideally like to do is get it to only produce the 15% sample of rows where it is todays date in col B and has the word "other" in col C. I've tried lots of different IF statements and FOR statements, but am only generating blank worksheets.
Sub getrandomrows()
Dim lr As Long, lc As Integer, a As Variant, MyDate As Date
lr = Cells.Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues, after:=[a1], searchorder:=xlByRows, _
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Aug 29, 2008
I have a set of 20 numbers that I regularly wish to select 6 numbers from, without duplicates
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Jan 10, 2007
Create a random selection based on odds. It would be similar to the RANDBETWEEN function, but in this case I specifically want one of the three values to be selected randomly in cell C2 based on the odds given.
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Jun 24, 2008
I am working on a challenging project. I have a list of names, job titles, and departments. Is it possible to select a random name who matches a specified job title or department? I'd prefer not to sort/filter/delete the original data range because the sheet will be used multiple times during the day by multiple users and with different criteria each time.
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Sep 3, 2009
I want to do is randomly pull from a field of data, MINUS any cells that do not meet the criteria in other columns. So if column A is my target column for the random selection (containing 10 unique entries), and column B has 10 repeating colors, and column C has 10 repeating animals, what can I use to perhaps create this effect: A random pull from column A, but only from rows in which column B says red and column C says cat? (The pull being 1, 4, 7, or 9 in the below example, of course.)
Data (this example is also attached in an excel doc):
One Red Cat
Two White Dog
Three Blue Horse
Four Red Cat
Five White Cat
Six Blue Cat
Seven Red Cat
Eight Red Dog
Nine Red Cat
Ten Red Horse
I have tried variations on IF and INDEX to no avail. Perhaps something with SUMPRODUCT?
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Jul 23, 2009
I need an action to allow for the random selection of a predetermined series of number codes which represent a given letter.
It is probably easier to look at the attached sheet and the previous discussion to see what I mean.
Previous discussion:
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Feb 5, 2009
I am wondering, in excel 2003 is it possible to randomly select two numbers from one column, say column b9:b45, that are random numbers, and selected by two different font colors. In other words: b9=1348, b10=1349, b11=1350, b12=1351, b13=1352, b14=1353.
Say we press a macro button, and in field B50 one radom black colored number is selected of a field of say 30 numbers that are all black in that column, and in b51, one red number is selected, in a field of 30 red numbers. We want to used this macro to select winners simulating a raffle drawing.
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Apr 24, 2009
I have a list similar to the below:
#....|Name.... | Weighting %
1Artur Boruc 1
2Igor Tudor 5
3Alessandro Grandoni 3
4Gian Elia Amoretti 3
5Olivier Kapo 12
6Kim Källström 13
7Emiliano Bigica 13
8Julio Baldivieso 12
9Fabrizio Miccoli 13
10Peter Vougt 14
11Massimiliano Esposito 12
What I want to do is randomly select either number 1 to 11 (leftmost column OR the person it represents) but also make the selection based on the percentages in the rightmost column. To illustrate using the above example, Number 11 (Massimiliano Esposito) should have 12 times more chance of being randomly selected than Number 1 (Artur Boruc)...
I have used a formula such as
to randomly select a cell but how would I modify this to include cell weightings? Or is there a better formula?
An additional note I have is that the weighting for each person will always be changing, but will always be a percentage.
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Jan 15, 2009
I am asking for help with the program Crystal Ball. Basically what I need is non repeating assumptions. I have a roughly 10 assumptions and they are all uniform discrete distributions between 1 and 10 but I need to make sure that if assumption 1 chooses say number 3 that no other assumptions chooses that number and thus all the numbers are used for each simulation.
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Jun 11, 2009
I would like to embedd a symbol into a cell. I dont want it to be done by using Fonts. By symbol I mean Harvey Balls (Plan, Do, Check, Act) symbol embedded the same as the "and" (&) symbol. I have seen it done once on a spreadsheet but did not get a copy and I would like to recreate it as a way of visually showing the status of an action item.
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Aug 14, 2012
I am trying to automate a simulation with the crystal ball add-in. Specifically the simulation will go through a set of workbooks in a directory - run the simulation (monte carlo x1000) and extra the "trial values" data in another spreadsheet.
I have tried to find crystal ball documentation but I'm not having any luck.
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Jun 4, 2009
i use it to arrange players for every hole during golf tournaments. The present sheet (that i have attached) will allow as few as 2 players per hole. i have been informed that it should not assign less than 3 players per hole. the math in the code needs to be adjusted so that it knows to always start with 3 somes and work up from there. i can do the math on a sheet of paper i just don't know how to code the math . the attached sheet is what a member on the forum previously did for me. i take no credit for it, i am not capable doing what this sheet does for me.
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Feb 6, 2009
Not sure if this is do-able but I figured I would try. For a golf league coming up later this year I want to figure out how many Birdies, Pars, Bogies, Dbl. Bogies and Others each (20) golfers have during the season. After each round I would input their scores and I am looking for a program that would look at the score of the hole and the par for the hole and figure out what they got 1 under par = birdie, even par = par, 1 over = bogie, 2 over = dbl bogie and 3 over = other.
I started by creating a simple if statement but it ran out too long and my other issue is adding up the number of birdies, pars..etc for each round. Meaning a golfer can have bogies on hole #1 and #2 and the if statement can take care of that but how would get a total saying the golfer had 2 bogies.
Something like this with the - meaning a column.
birdies Pars bogies dbl bogies others total holes
4 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 5 - 8 1 4 2 1 1 9
I would do this each week and total the number of each to keep a running total at the bottom of each column. We play on the same course each week so the pars for each hole can be hard coded.
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Apr 21, 2009
I run a spreadsheet that manages golf tournaments. i have to group
the # of players evenly as possible on each hole once they are entered into the tournament. since the number of players varies from tournament to tournament the math gets complicated trying to get the groupings right. i can do the math on paper but do not know how to code the math in a macro. this would save me a ton of time if someone can figure this out. i have attached a sample .xls that includes all the info i could think of a person needs to see what is going on. If i am asking to much i understand and will remove the thread.
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Feb 15, 2008
I am trying to compute the handicap for a golf group. We base our handicaps on the lowest 4 of your most recent 5 rounds. I have no problem selecting the 4 lowest of 5 using the SMALL function. My problem is have the formula select only the most recent 5 rounds. Because everyone doesn't play every day the five most recent scores might be over several weeks and the others might be in the last week.
I am only entering the adjusted score (not hole by hole). The header columns have the date played.
The formula currently shows =SUM(SMALL($F9:$J9,{1,2,3,4}))/4.
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Jul 5, 2008
I have been putting together workbook for my golf analysis.
Against each hole (1-18) I enter in one row which club I used from the tee which could be any of the following: D,3w,5w,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,w,s.
I also have a row that says whether I have hit the fiarway or not. If hit fairway = 1 if missed = 0.
What I want to be able to do is show the % of times I hit the fairway with each club. This would seem ida for the if function but I'm not quite sure how it would work because the result row is going to need to look at every hole to see if the club used was d,5w,3 etc etc and 'if' so then it will need to look at the row which says 'hit fairway or not' i.e. 1 or 0. This is where I get lost and am not sure if I do need the 'if' function or something else? Perhaps I need additional rows?
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Aug 7, 2009
I am organizing a golf scoreboard for my golf tournaments. Basically, this is what I want to do:
I would like to rank the players that are entered by their score, in ascending order. Basically, I want to take the column for "total strokes" and organize the numbers so that it will rank the numbers that are entered. If there are no numbers entered in a specific row, I don't want that "zero" to be ranked in the list. So for example, if I have five golfers but they are spread out over 10 rows, I would still need to have five numbers in the rank: 1,2,3,4, and 5, not 1 to 10, as if it were ranking the rows that have nothing entered in them.
This is how it will look:
Johnson - Strokes : 70 - Rank :1
Williams - Strokes : 75 - Rank : 3
Patterson - Strokes : 72 - Rank : 2
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Oct 7, 2006
I couldn't find a solution to where I'm at now, but Derks formula...
= SUMIF($J$5:$J$44,J5,$K$5:$K$44)/COUNTIF($J$5:$J$44,J5)
excel formula
...Almost gets what I need, but my data will not always be in a high/low descending order. I'm braindead; I can't think of how to make this formula work.
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Mar 14, 2008
I am creating a workbook to manage golfer scores, teams, winnings, handicap, ect. I am having trouble with the statistics sheet. I Need A Sub To:
1. Column "B" , take the average of the lowest 5 numbers in columns "AB" though "AU"
2. Column "C" , take the average of the lowest 10 numbers in columns "G" through "Z" divided by 0.96
3. Column "D" , take the average of the lowest 10 numbers in columns "AW" through "BP"
this needs to happen for each row where there is a name. (names added daily)
I have included a similar sheet as the one i am working with along with some command buttons typically not included. Should show some of the problems I am having.
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Dec 30, 2013
I am building a golf spread sheet with page 1 being where I will input scores, also on this page I have a drop down list with the 9 golf course names. What I have done is I have added 9 sheets with the names of each golf course, on this sheet I have added the scorecard. So what i am wanting to do is, on sheet 1 use a drop list with the name of the course, then choose what tees we are using and let it populate on sheet1 hole 1 thru 18, with the yardage and par for the hole.
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Mar 18, 2007
Just starting to use excel and have a problem I hope someone can solve. Trying to set up handicap system for golf league. Column A is players. Column B shows average of last 5 rounds played and rounded to nearest whole number. column C shows the same without rounding. column D and beyond show scores with column D being the most recent. Have this all this working well with one problem. Each week I insert new column D, enter scores, and everything is recalculated. How do I deal with absent players? Is there a way to enter perhaps "A" for absent and excel will know to count the last 5 cells with numerical values only?
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Jan 31, 2014
I run a golf society and need to set up a golf aggregate sheet that will allow me to enter the players weekly scores and the sheet will then look for the lowest score entered for each player and replace it with their score of this week.
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Jan 15, 2006
I would like to set up a Excel spreadsheet for golf handicaps where it will use the 4 lowest scores of the last 5 entries. It must be able to work even if there are missed entries (someone didn't show up/blanks ignored). I would like it to work if there are only three scores used at the beginning of the season, but when there are 5 or more scores, use only the 4 lowest scores out of the last 5. I want it to average these scores. The scores would start in column d. The following is an example of scores with an underscore being a blank:
Golfer 1 45,50,42,43,46,37,45,45,46,44
Golfer 2 41,43,42,_,41,_,_,47,42,39
Golfer 3 44,43,45,54,_,45,43,40,42,_
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Jul 15, 2006
If the number in one cell is larger than the number in another cell then i would need a 2 added to yet another cell.
I the first two cells are equal then I would need to add a 1 to that 3rd cell.
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May 25, 2008
I am using Excel 2002 in Xp and also want to use the spreadsheet on my Pocket PC using Pocket Excel.
I have a column of 10 numbers with rows 1,3,5,7 & 9 representing the individual gross scores of the 5 team members. Rows 2,4,6,8 & 10 have either a 0 or -1 (calculated) in them representing the strokes (or discount) the player receives for that hole. So the net scores for each player will be row 1 + row 2 and so on.
I need a formula that will calculate the total of the 2 lowest net scores and 1 low gross score with the score for each player only being used once which will then represent the team score for that hole.
A sample column would have 4,0,3,0,4,0,3,0,5,-1 in it.
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