Having 1 Column Add Up Word Occurrences From 2 Other Columns And Sort?

Sep 20, 2013

So, I have two columns on a sheet that all contain drop down boxes for various information. We'll refer to them as column 1 and column 2.

In column 3, I want to have the highest instances of those words sorted with the highest on top, and downward from there, along with the number of times it appears in either column 1 or 2. (And I want the sorting to be dynamic, i.e. when I change what's in column 1 or 2, it will re-rank them according to highest number)


Column1 Column2 Column3 (Column4-#)
Bob Tom Bob 5
Joe Bob Tom 2
Bob Joe 1
Tom Bob

I have the drop downs and what not for the 1st 2 columns, I just need to know how to make 3 & 4 happen.

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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Count Word Occurrences In String

Jan 5, 2007

Lets say there is a string: " andy,andy,tom,amy,andy" and I would like to search the word "andy". The function would return 3.

How could I implement this using VBA?

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Count Word Occurrences But Excluding Keywords?

Feb 13, 2014

I have a list of courses that are run each month, I have a formula that counts the occurrences of these words to show how many times each course is run per month.

However, there are 'other' courses that will be run adhoc which I want to count the occurrences of. It basically needs to count if there is text there but exclude the normal courses which are run.

I have attached a spread sheet as an example, the list of the normal courses are on the right. I've highlighted in yellow where I need the formula.

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Sort Worksheets Using Custom Sort To Choose Certain Word?

May 30, 2012

As of right now these are the steps i do to sort...i click custom sort choose My data has headers and then i select from the drop down list the word FRNAME.

is there any way i can setup a macro to do this for me? i tried recording the macro but it just is recording me choosing the column FRNAME is in. This does not work for me since FRNAME end up being in different columns all the time but will always be in row 1.

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Returning Row Numbers Where One Word Contained In Text String - Multiple Occurrences

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to identify the row(s) where a match occurs when there can be multiple occurrences of the match.


john brown

Cathy Smith

Brown excavating company

XYZ Corp

Brown Advisors Inc.

The first test I ran in cell C1 with the information above was to determine if "Brown" was located in the range of A1:A5 using formula:

In the case of the word "Brown" it occurs in the range of A1:A5 three times, so the result of the above formula would be "True"

Now what I would like to do is return the locations, in this case the row number(s), where the word brown is contained range of A1:A5 because in the case of the word Brown, it occurs three separate times in the range of A1:A5. I would like the resulting value of the formula in this case to be "1, 3, 5" indicating the word Brown occurs in rows 1, 3, and 5. The formula also needs to work in case there is only one match as well.

I tried using the below array formula:
={MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(SEARCH(B1,'Working List of Vendors'!$A$1:$A$5)),0)}
But it would only return the first occurrence of the match which in this case would be row 1, or "1"

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Any Way To Sort Two Columns As One Virtual Column?

Mar 7, 2014

When I press SORT A-Z (through a column filter) on my spreadsheet, I want something like this to happen. Is it possible?


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Sort Columns Without Sorting First Column?

Jun 28, 2013

I want to sort columns A,C:P and use column C as the column that I sort and the other rows will move with column C. I want column B to stay and not move with the sort. How can I do this.

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Rearrange (sort) Columns Based On Number In Column Header String

Apr 3, 2014

I want to rearrange(sort asscending) columns based on numerical value in column header string through VBA macro. Please check attachment.

i.e. (Present Data)
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.4 col.3 col.2

(Output Data )
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.2 col.3 col.4


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Count The Number Of Occurrences From 2 Columns

Mar 29, 2007

Look at 2 columns and assess if certain criteria and then count the number of these certain criteria. I give an example below:

Column 1: Has a drop down box of possibilities from: "Red", "Amber", "Green", N/A

Column 2: Has a drop down box of possible choices of: "Significant", "Other".

What I would like to do is have a formula which will count the number of times you have "Red and Significant", "Red and Other", "Amber and Significant", "Amber and Other", "Green and Significant", "Green and Other" and "N/A and Significant" and "N/A and Other".

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Counting Occurrences Of Unique Text Between Two Columns

Dec 5, 2013

I have data like so

water juice
water water
juice soda
water juice
juice juice

I need to count the number of occurrences when the answers between column A and B are not matching.

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Count Rows Between Occurrences In Multiples Columns

Dec 24, 2006

How do I create a code that record on row 1012, starting with column N, will count the number of rows between each "0" record in the range F7:F106. Perform the same function for number "0" in the range G7:G106 and recording in N1013.

Perform the same function for number "0" in the range H7:H106 and recording in N1014. Perform the same function for number "0" in the range F7:H106 and recording in N1015.

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Counting Matching Occurrences From Multiple Columns

Feb 1, 2007

I have a sheet with data which is all sorted by columns.

What I want to be able to count the occurrence of an instance when 2 cells in the same row (but in different columns) match my given criteria.

Ive been using 'countif' to count the instances in a single column and I am now aware that this is about all it can be used for.

An example of my data is:

1 a
1 a
1 c
2 d
2 c
3 b
3 b
3 c
3 d

What I want to be able to count for example is how many times '3' & 'b' occur on the same row (in this case the answer would be 2).

Im not very good with pivot tables and have tried but have not managed to find an answer. I really hope that someone can help as Ive been working on this probelm for days and quite frankly its doing my head in :-)

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How To Search For A Word In A Column And Have Entire Row Opaque Once Word Is Found

Sep 3, 2009

I need my macros to search for the word "Cancel" or "Cancelled" in columns "T" and "U". Once found, I need the macros to make that entire row an opaque shading.

There will be other wording in these cells that contain "Cancel" or "Cancelled". Is it possible for the macros to search in the sentence and find the words "Cancel" or "Cancelled"

I started on the code below but am stuck.

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Count Unique Occurrences In Column A If Column B Equals Value?

Jul 25, 2014

how to count the unique occurrences in column A based on the value in column B. In the example below, I am trying to count the number of unique names in each state (Illinois=1, Colorado=2, New York=2). I would like the formula to count unique occurrences for the entire column A because I will be adding to the list.

Alex.....New York
Steve...New York
Steve...New York

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Trying To Count Number Of Occurrences Based On Content Of Two Other Columns

Jan 30, 2014

I am working on a spreadsheet that will provide count of types of complaints for particular areas over a running time span. I have tried a multitude of formulas but not sure how to write any of them correctly. What I am trying to do is generate a count of area type by whether it is formal or informal. (i.e. I want to know if there are x formal finish issues vs. y informal finish issues and so on.) This information will get charted and be kept "real-time" user input.




[Code] ....

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How To Get Number Of Occurrences Of A Grade And Its Total Value In Separate Columns

Apr 6, 2014

In a worksheet of marks of students, i have entered grades A,B,C,D,AND E.Grades are entered in cells o3,AB3,AO3,BB3 AND BO3.

In BQ3,I want to get -in the range of O3:BO3

a)how many "A" are there?
It should display for example A=2,

b) how many "B" are there?
It should display for example B=2,

c)how many "C" are there?
It should display for example C=2,

d)how many "D" are there?
It should display for example D=2,

e)how many "E" are there?
It should display for example E=2.

In BR3, I want to get >

If A=10, B=8, C=6, D=4, E=2 then

display the total value for the grade letters.

Pls see the attached file for more clarity.

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Count Occurrences Based Condition In 2 Dynamic Columns

May 9, 2008

I have been trying the whole day to create a formula to solve this but I just can't get it. To make it simple, let's say I have column A filled with different people names, column B filled with Level of Complexity and column C with the Activity (work task) title. This table is fed dynamically, so the number of rows can vary from 2 to 2000.

What I want to do is count how many times a single name appears related to the same complexity, so I can tell how many "simple, medium or complex" tasks each person has in their work queue.

A simple table example would be:
colA colB colC
Dan Complex Build House
Dan Complex Build Shopping center
Dan Simple Take dog to walk
Jose Simple Clean desk
Maria Medium Paint office roof

Then, on another cell I'd like to have a formula automatically telling me that Dan has 2 Complex tasks and 1 Simple, and so on - considering number rows is not a fixed number. What I have so far is this: =SUMPRODUCT((Data!$I$2:$I$457="Dan")*(Data!$L$2:$L$457="Complex"))
But I need to tell a specific last row, and if the data worksheet gets updated with less data (say 450 rows) the formula breaks...

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Sort By Single Word In Cells With Many

Aug 22, 2007

How can I sort across 2 columns?

As an example.. If I have the word "Text" placed in columns A and B at various rows (mixed with other words)

What sorting order can I use that will sort the entire row, based on both columns A, B. ( would like initiate via vba script)

Begin with this:

A , B


After sorting order:


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Excel 2003 :: Counting Occurrences In Two Columns Involving Range?

Jan 29, 2014

I am using Excel 2003 and I need to count occurrences involving two colums like this: on sheet "SALES", column I has values ranging from 8.00 to 10.00; column M has positive and negative values.

formula to count how many numbers in column I exist between 8.00 and 8.99 associated to a positive value in column M? And likewise for negatives?

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How To Find Specific Word And Sum The Column According To That Word

Mar 14, 2014

I would like to have a formula find a specific word in column L and return the sum from column E for the same fund from column C.

I tried using =SUMIF(L:L,"*annual*",E:E) but that gives me the sum of annual for the entire column. I need to be able to specify the fund.

word "annual" also appears in "semi annual" so I need to be able to separate the two.

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Searching For Word Copy Word To Different Column

Jan 22, 2013

I want to say if the word 'suitcase' is in column W (any row), place the word 'suitcase' in column Z, same row.

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Excel 2003 :: Counting Occurrences Involving Two Criteria In Separate Columns?

Nov 13, 2013

I'm using Excel 2003 and I need to calculate the number of occurrences on according to different criteria in two separate colums.

I am on Sheet 3 and the data I am analyzing is on Sheet 1, titled "RATES". I wish to know how many occurrences are when the word "GB" appears on column B (cells B2 to B100) along with a value greater than zero on column M (cells M2 to M100). The word "GB" does not appear alone but is part of a string of text with different words, I think this is relevant.

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How To Count Number Of Occurrences Of Particular Value Within Column

Jul 23, 2014

Row Number (A)
ID Number(B)
No.of Repetitions(C)

4 or TRUE

1 or FALSE

[Code] ............

In need checking if a particular ID number is repeated more than once in column B. I need to write a formula in each cells of "No.of Repetition" column or Column C to check if respective ID number in column B is repeated more than once and display the count or display a condition true or false.

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Sort Horizontally. Sort Across Columns

Dec 30, 2006

I am trying to sort a long range of text that is placed horizontally in a spreadsheet. I can do it vertically with the sort function in Excel but it does not seem to work for text that is placed horizontally. Example is as below:

Inventory Accounts Human Resources

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Return All Row / Column Numbers Of All Occurrences Of A Value In Database

Jul 8, 2014

Say I have a certain range in excel from A1:C10. All of these cells contain one of three strings: Math, English, or Reading.

Given an input of ONE of these three (for example, a user can select "Reading"), the program should output ALL the row&column numbers of each occurrence of "Reading" in the range. Ideally, this would appear in a column.

Consider the following image that contains a sample range:

Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 12.26.15 PM.png

If "English" is the input, the output should be (in another column)


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Counting Occurrences In One Column Based On An Occurrence In Other

Mar 2, 2006

I have one column with names and another with date ranges (JAN06) etc. I
want to count the number of times a name occurs within a given date range.

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Counting Occurrences Based On Uniqueness Of Value In Another Column

Aug 9, 2007

I want to count the number of times a certain value is found in columnB, only for unique values in columnA.

I have made a simple example file, attached. Column B shows Status which can be Active, Current, Dormant. Column A holds Item names. I want to know how many Active Items I have, but an Item can appear more than once in ColA, so I want it only to include in the count the unique ColA values.

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Replacing All Occurrences Of Keyword In One Column With List In Another

Apr 13, 2012

I have a list in column 1 that I would like to do an auto find and replace with the list in column two.

column a

column a
"keyword" store
"keyword" stores
"keyword" stores.com
"Keyword" department store
store "keyword"
stores "Keyword"

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Counting Number Of Occurrences A Value Appears In A Column?

Apr 13, 2012

I'd like to count the number of occurrences a value appears in a column. Hard to explain what I'm after so I will draw it out:

Column A

I want to add a formula in column b that will add the number of times it appears as it appears:

ColA ColB
2512 1
2512 2
2513 1
2513 2
2513 3
2513 4
2518 1
2519 1
2519 2
2519 3

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