Hide & Show Columns Macro

Dec 15, 2007

I have a simple macro that I have been using to hide columns in a very large spreadsheet. Essentially, the user has access to buttons that allow him to choose between a variety of the most commonly used views. For some reason, when I add columns and adjust the code to hide/reveal these columns, I get:

"Run-time error '1004' - Unable to set the Hidden property of the range class"

with the Debugger highlighting the code for "BO:DC". This problem occurs for several of the similar buttons, including toggle buttons, that hide/reveal columns. I am aware that custom views can be created in the drop-down menu, but I wanted to keep these buttons on the sheet as a quick means of moving from view to view and toggling columns between hidden and revealed.

Private Sub CBMonographMLA_Click() ...

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Hide / Show Columns By CheckBox

Jan 29, 2008

I have a userform labels role_selection with 5 checkboxes. Each checkbox with the caption labels as follow: Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend.

In addition, a 3 worksheets each labels as follow: Main page, General, and Final.

The General worksheet has the same name as the 5 checkboxes (Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend).

My question is how can i write a program to determine which checkbox is selected and compare the selected checkbox caption to the names that already existed in the general sheet. If the name exists show that name and hide the rest ...

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Stop Functions Running While Show / Hide Columns

Nov 28, 2011

I have a couple of functions running in my workbook, and for no reason that I can see, when one of them runs during a simple macro I use to show/hide some columns, the worksheet vanishes. Is there a way to stop all functions running while I show/hide columns?

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Show/Hide Specific Columns For Custom Views

Jun 12, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with four columns of data for every month (i.e. January has a Prior Year, Budget, Outlook, and Actual column). I have been trying to come up with a macro or form that will allow me to customize which columns I would like to see and hide the rest. For example, if I chose to see the Budget and Actual columns, it would hide the Prior Year and Outlook columns for each month.

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VBA To Hide / Show Columns Based On Filter And Multiple Criteria

Mar 8, 2014

I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:

Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns

brief example of the table : tablee.png

1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING")
2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.

There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".

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Conditionally Show/Hide Columns & Change Button Caption

Jan 22, 2009

After scouring the entire OzGrid, I have found the following two macros that partly satisfy what I want to achieve. BTW, following two macros are executed on Sheet2 and I want to achieve the following:
On Worksheet_Activate, show columns that match the criteria value in Sheet1.D4 (Sheet1.D4 contains a dropdown list with about 6 text values). In addition to that, if Sheet1.D4 value is blank then show all columns. Right now, it successfully shows columns that match the D4 value but does not work if that D4 value is left blank, instead it hides all columns in range (C:CV). So in short, to the first macro, I need to add the criteria if D4 is blank, then keep the sheet intact and don’t hide anything, just show all columns.Once on that sheet after the Worksheet_Activate event has occurred, with the second macro “ToggleColumnsVisibility” following things need to happen. BTW, currently this macro is assigned to a button (from Forms Toolbar).If cell D4 has a value, then the button’s caption should read “Show All” and when that button is pressed, it should show all columns in the range (C:CV), and the button's caption needs to change to “Show Selected”. In “Show Selected” mode, when that button is pressed, it needs to show all the columns that match the D4 value.If cell D4 is left blank, then the button's caption should read "No Action" and when the button is pressed, it should not do anything but just show all columns.

As you will notice in the header, my experience with Excel is very limited, so detailed instructions will be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping that proposed solution uses some of the efficient/effective ways of using loops such as described below (example taken from this website from this link http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/SpeedingUpVBACode.htm)

Sub TrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
bYesNo = (i = 5)
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub

Sub ToggleTrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
bYesNo = Not bYesNo
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub .........

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Excel 2010 :: Using Multiple Checkboxes To Hide And Show Specific Columns

May 12, 2014

Basically I have a big table containing several columns for the different quarters. (Each quarter has several columns which are not all next to each other)

I would like to use 4 checkboxes which the user can select the show or hide the columns for that quarter. E.g. if Q1 and Q3 are checked only those are visible)

(if quarter 1 clicked than all columns are visible if unclicked hidden).

The code I have written workes well for the first checkbox (Q1), but for the other quarters (Q2, Q3 and Q4) the columns get hidden when checked (which should be the other way round) and don't get unhidden when unchecked.

Sub CheckboxQone()
If Range("$A$1").Value = True Then
Call showQ1
Else: Range("$A$1").Value = False
Call hideQ1

[Code] ...........

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Conflict Between Auto Save&close Macro And Show/hide Sheets Macro

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to make a save&close workbook macro.

I found several examples on google, but unfortunatly it conflicts with another macro I use for forceing users to enable macros (hide all sheets except one if macros are disabled).

The attached file is an example contaning the save&close code and the show/hide sheets depending on macros enabled.

If the file is opened with macros disabled then only one sheet will be visible.
If the file is opened with macros enabled other sheets are visible.

The problem if that this code uses a custom save, witch makes the save&close not save... (in module1 and in ThisWorkbook)

The pourpose of the save&close is to make sure some users don't forget the excel open and thus block access to it. So if a certain idele time passes excel has to save and close without any confirmation messages.

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Macro Hide / Show Rows

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to create a macro that will hide all the rows where the value in column E is equal to zero.

I'm currently using rows 1:700, but I may add to it.

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Macro To Hide And Show All Tabs

Nov 19, 2009

I have looked through alot of this board and see the codes to hide all tabs old and new and code for each sheet.

My question is:
Is there a macro that can be used to do this as well. Say a button to hide all tabs and a button to show all tabs or does it only hide/show when the workbook is re-opened?

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Macro To Show & Hide Comments

Jul 24, 2007

I have a standard laid out spreadsheet, but in column C, D and E, there are comments in each cell which are filled with a lot of text. I would like to set a macro so that whenever an 'a' is in column A, the comments for that row are shown/hidden (the 'a' being a tick symbol in Webdings). So if I place an 'a' in A4 and A23, and click a show/hide button, it causes the comments in C4, D4, E4; C23, D23 and E23 to be displayed, and when it is clicked again (or it could be a separate button), they disappear. If no row has an 'a' in the A column, then the button has no action. I have recorded a Macro of me showing and hiding comments, but of course that is for a specific row.

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Hide/show Multiple Sheets By Macro?

Oct 29, 2008

I got a quite huge excel file with multiple sheets. For convenience sake I want to group and hide all the sheets not necessary for the viewer.

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Macro To Show / Hide Rows On Background Worksheet

Apr 9, 2014

Getting a macro to work. I've looked through the forums pretty extensively but ad I'm not too hot with the old vba, I haven't been able to get it working.

I have two worksheets in the same workbook. The first worksheet, let's call it Input, is one for data entry; and the second one, let's call in Output, is formatted for printing.

There are 8 drop down boxes from a data validation list, that when a particular option or three are selected, I need the Output worksheet to unhide only the rows associated with those options.

In trying to get this all to work, I'd added a function in the cell to the left of each option in the Output page that will show the text "show" when that option is selected on the Input page, or the text "hide" if not selected.

I think I could do this with some time with a clunky and long macro, but would prefer to us some kind of "for each" option to hide rows that have "hide" shown in column A, as I'm looking at a range of 100~ cells.

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Macro Button Click - Show / Hide Set Of Grouped Rows

Nov 12, 2013

I found this code for a button, so I can collapse and expand a set number of rows within that sheet. It works exactly the way i want it to, however, now I have a second sheet in my workbook, and I used the same button. Problem here is that when I activate the button, it opens the same rows in EVERY sheet in the workbook. "For each ws in Worksheets" so my question is what is the term for it to only work on a certain worksheet?

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Change()Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ToggleButton1
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each ws In Worksheets

[Code] ........

Other questions is about the ability to send an MS Outlook email from inside of excel.

I've been trying to find something that does the following:

Click button, Form pops up, has drop downs to select recipient, has field for subject, has field for message body, sends email.

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Hide Columns Via A Macro ...

Jun 11, 2009

I have created this macro (below) in a standalone spreadsheet and the expected results are that Columns A,B,C,D,G,H will be displayed after I run the macro.

But when I use the same macro in my production worksheet (columns and ranges adjusted accordingly) this macro creates the following results: Column A is displayed and all the rest are hidden (B,C,D,E,F,G,H). I am stumped as to why this occurs. Can you advice me as to how to get this macro to work and display A,B,C,D,G,H ?

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Hide Or Unhide Columns With One Macro

Nov 21, 2008

I have a single button I want to use to call a macro to:
1.Hide columns C:AZ if they arent already hidden
2.Unhide columns C:AZ if they are already hidden.

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Macro To Hide Columns In 2007

Jun 10, 2009

I have written a macro to hide any column (within a range of columns) that has an 'x' in it. By putting the 'x' in the column, it allows the allows the user to choose what columns they want to hide. I have an inverse macro as well that unhides those hidden columns.

These macros work perfectly in Excel 2003, but they do not work in Excel 2007. In Excel 2007 I get a compile error: can't find project or library. As a note, all other macros in my spreadsheet (Module 1) work.

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Set Up Macro That Will Hide And Unhide Columns?

Nov 27, 2012

I want to set up a macro that will hide and unhide columns.

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Macro To Hide Rows And Columns

Aug 1, 2008

The macro code that will populate and input box and ask you which range of columns and range of rows you wish to hide, hide the columns and advise you via a message box that it has been completed

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Macro To Hide & Unhide Certain Columns

Sep 19, 2008

I'd like a macro that can hide/unhide certain columns. At the moment, the columns I want to hide/unhide are F, I, M, P, U and Y.

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Hide/Unhide Columns With Macro

Sep 3, 2007

I need hide/show some column by using Macro Button. I have attached the excel sheet( name VBA testing.xls). I need to hide column K,L,N,O & visible column G,H by clicking button "Plan A".Similarly i need to hide the column G,H,N,O & unhide the column K,L by clicking the button "Plant 2. Similarly by clicking the Button "Plant 3", hiding the column G,H,K,L are needed whereas column N,O will be unhide.

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Using Macro So That Chart Will Not Show 0 Columns?

Dec 3, 2012

Any way using a macro so that a chart will not show the "0" columns?

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Macro To Hide The Columns That Contains Date < Today

Jan 29, 2010

My spread sheet is a church offering register that is used to record weekly contributions. Column A contains the names of the individual contributors. Columns B through BA are used to record the weekly contributions for each of the 52 weeks of the year. Row 1 of columns B through BA contains the Sunday date MM/DD/YYYY.
I would like to have a macro that would scan those cells looking for a date < today. If that condition is true, I would like to hide that column. When date = today or date > today the macro can end. The goal is to have display the current week's column immediately following Column A.

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Macro For Hide / Unhide Columns With Same Button

Nov 28, 2012

Need a macro for each button.

The sheet will be protected with a password (in the future, users will have varied access privileges).

Column A is designated as the "Button" Column.

There are 5 buttons here. Each representing the area on the sheet that needs to be viewed. Once the button is pressed, it takes you to that section of the sheet. At this time, I have designated each column area as:


I have tried this formula with opening tabs, but this won't work.

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Limit Of Time Your Can Hide Columns In A Macro

Aug 1, 2007

I often have macros that hide columns. Seems there is a limit to the number of time or columns that can be hidden before you get a debug. Message.

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Hide Rows In VBA Macro By Checking 2 Columns

Oct 8, 2009

I've tried using multiple loops in the forum but cannot seem to figure out how to actually get them to work properly using the conditional VBA codes on two separate worksheets. The first code snippet is checking cell values from row 6 to 148 as such:

Sub Check_Shifts()
'Insure all shift entries are completed
If Range("K6").Value < "1" And Range("I6").Value < "1" And Range("G6").Value < "1" Then
Range("G6").Value = Range("F6").Value
Range("I6").Value = Range("F6").Value
Range("K6").Value = Range("F6").Value
ElseIf Range("K6").Value < "1" And Range("I6").Value < "1" Then
Range("I6").Value = Range("G6").Value
Range("K6").Value = Range("G6").Value
ElseIf Range("K6").Value < "1" Then
Range("K6").Value = Range("I6").Value
End If
If Range("K7").Value < "1" And Range("I7").Value < "1" And Range("G7").Value < "1" Then........................

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Hide / Unhide Columns Macro Based On Cell Value?

Dec 7, 2011

I want to hide and unhide columns based on a cell's value.

If D6 of the ‘Summary’ Worksheet Is <> to ‘Test1’ and <> ‘Test2’
THEN Hide columns D:K of the ‘Charts – Source Data’ Worksheet
OTHERWISE Unhide columns D:K

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Record Macro To Hide And Unhide Columns (one Button)

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to record a macro which will hide and unhide columns K:P of data, but I only want one button. I know how to do this to produce one button for hiding and another for unhiding...but I want one combined button.

How to use vba, how I do this via the macro recorder?

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Find Row With Keyword And Then Use Row Number Macro To Hide Columns

Nov 4, 2013

I have a workbook with several sheets that have basically the same template but some have many more rows that others..

I am using the following code to hide columns based on cell value to "tidy it up" for printing.

Dim i As Long
For i = 170 To 2 Step -1
Cells(39, i).EntireColumn.Hidden = Cells(39, i).Value = "N"
Next i

I would like the VBA to determine what the row number is based on the row header e.g. "Prioritised Courses", rather than having to maintain the code each time new rows are added.

I would put it at the top or way down the bottom, but multiple (even less excel skilled) users will be using the "hide columns" functionality.

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VBA Macro To Filter Rows By Cell Value & Hide Blank Columns

Oct 1, 2008

i have created a spreadsheet to simplify our work flow, I am stuck on what is probably the easiest of the commands.

basically have rows dedicated to specific codes and the colums represent values relating to each code, all codes have a different set of values, the attached example only has a few variables but the actual worksheet will have several hundred.

the idea is the user will input the code they wish to get details on in A2 and then press the command button and it will then show (as per the after sheet in the attachment) just the relevant information for that code, so filter the code in column A and hide the columns which hold no value.

where i am getting stuck is I am not sure the best way to proceed, is it best to create the macro button to do the filter and hide or is there a better way using vlookup and a pop up window asking for the relevantcode to be inputted to to retrive the information, again understand there will be hundreds of colums and hundreds of rows and the values may be 20 or 30 colums apart for some of the Codes so this simplification is really saving the user a lot of time.

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