Highlight Minimum Cell In A Range

Dec 29, 2008

I have 4 cells and I want to highlight the lowest valued cell.

At the moment I have the conditional formatting formula of


However if C5 = 2 and C9 = 0 then C5 doesnt get highlighted as 0 is lower than 2.

However I do want it to be highlighted. How can I ignore the zeros in the range im testing?

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Highlight Range Of Row Then Cell Selected

Apr 2, 2014

i have data in range c10:h100

i want if select a cell e.g = c15 then

highlight the range c10:c100 with color

now highlight the all row only highlight defined range

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Highlight Cell If Number Is Between Certain Range

Sep 9, 2009

Ive been trying to figure this out for a couple days with no luck. I have searched all over the internet but cannot find an answer.

I have a series of columns, and at the bottom of each column I have a cell (which ill call the Total Cell) which automatically adds up the 10 or so cells above it.

What I am trying to do is create a function so that if one of the Total Cells amount drops into the -1000 range Excel will highlight that particular cell or give an error or do something to draw attention to it.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell If Exists In Any Cell In Range Of Above Row

Apr 14, 2013

This is a conditional formatting problem I have not been able to resolve:

I have a range, say A1:N30

Each cell contains a text/number combination.

I would like to highlight each cell on a specific row if the vale exists within the row above - the issue is that the cell values are not in the same columns.

I have attached a sample workbook with the desired output.

Conditional formatting.xlsx

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Conditional Format: Highlight A Cell If Any Cell In The Range To The Right Was Greater Than Zero

Mar 28, 2007

If I wanted to highlight a cell if any cell in the range to the right was greater than zero, what formula would i use. I have tried =IF(L1:AD1>0,1) with the result returning for only the cells in column L. Row 3 has no value in column L but a value in column N with no result to highlight the cell.

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Flexible Range Formula: Return The Minimum Value From A Column Range

Feb 9, 2010

I need a formula that will return the minimum value from a column range that flexs without having to manually go in an change row references. There is a blank row between each section of data in order to separate info. As an example:....

Need to formula to flex to include rows 5 thru 7 in the first section but expand to include rows 9 thru 13 in the second section. =MIN(A5.A7) works but how do I get next section to flex to =MIN(A9.A13) without manually changing the cell references? There is always a blank row in between the sections to separate.

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Highlight Cell Based On Value Falling Between Certain Range In Another Cell?

Feb 1, 2012

Let's assume Cell A2, A3, A4, etc, only contain names/text.

Then let's assume I have set up cell B2, B3, B4, etc, to contain a percentage value based on a formula and some other entries I have made.

It should be simple, but I'm having trouble - how do I set up A2, A3, A4, etc, to highlight into different colours based on Column B's data/percentage falling into a certain range?

ie: - if B2 is between 0% - 25%, then highlight A2 green
- if B2 is between 26% - 50%, then highlight A2 orange
- if B2 is between 51% - 100%, then highlight A2 red

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Minimum Function In VBA: Find The Minimum Cumulative Cost In Week 0 Out Of The First Three

Jan 4, 2010

Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.

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Minimum Value Within A % Range

Jul 31, 2009

I am looking to create a formula to determine the minimum value within the top 80% of a range, but relative to certain values in other columns.
Column A Country
Column B New Customer
Column C Revenue

I need to determine what the minimum value is for the top 80% of revenue in column C, but only including Country=UK in column A and New Customer=Yes in column B. This will tell me that the top 80% generate at least £x in revenue

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Minimum Of Range With #N/A

Jul 10, 2007

I searched and found a couple things dealing with zeroes or other errors, but not the #N/A errors.

I have a range of numbers in A1:a100. To make this range linegraph-friendly, I have all blank or zero entries defaulted to appear as #N/A. Now the problem is that I would like to find the minimum number in the range, but the #N/A entries are messing things up.

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Minimum In Range Greater Than Zero

Dec 15, 2006

I want to find the minimum time value within a range of cells, excluding 0:00. Currently,


returns 0:00 if it exists in any of the cells.

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Select Minimum Value For A Range

Oct 30, 2013

I need to highlight the minimum value amount in a range. For example I need to highlight the minimum value for the values in column A, C, and E. I want to do this for lot of rows. Is it possible to use the conditional format for all the rows at once or do I have to do it one by one.

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Minimum In Range Greater Than Zero

Dec 15, 2006

I want to find the minimum time value within a range of cells, excluding 0:00. Currently, =MIN(BL5:CP5). returns 0:00 if it exists in any of the cells.

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Maximum And Minimum Time Value In A Range

May 17, 2014

I have used max and min function to display minimum and maximum time value; however, it is not displaying the correct time value from the list. I think there is a better formula to achieve this. From the sample data displayed below, minimum time value should be 11:30PM and maximum time value should be 6:30AM

See sample data below:

4/1/2013 11:45 PM
4/1/2013 11:30 PM
4/2/2013 6:30 AM
4/2/2013 6:15 AM
4/2/2013 6:00 AM
4/2/2013 5:45 AM


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Listbox Minimum & Maximum Range

Jun 10, 2009

I have the two buttons on userform "viewer" that try to push the listbox past it min and max range. resulting in a error. Could it be that if listbox is at min it set the button to hidden.

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Return Minimum Of Date Range?

Dec 30, 2011

I am trying to return the Min of a range of dates. The issue I have is a single date is repeated many times. Here is some sample data:

Sheet 1
Column A / Column B
1/11/11 / 15
1/11/11 / 20
1/11/11 / 5
1/15/11 / 30
1/15/11 / 35

Say on Sheet 2 I have a list of dates and Cell A1 has 1/11/11. In Sheet2!B1 I want a formula that uses the value in cell Sheet2!A1 and looks at the array on Sheet 1 that would return a result of 5 for the date showing (in this case 1/11/11).

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How To Find Minimum Of A Range Omitting One Value

Apr 22, 2014

If I have a range of data say all numeric and range form cells A1:A20. How would I find the minimum value except A4 where A4>0?

I know I can use the 'MIN' function and highlight all the data bar A4 (min(A1:A3,A5:A20) but i was hoping for an actual way so I could later fix the column such that first A1 is the first to be omitted A2 is the second and so on.

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Calculate Minimum & Maximum Of Range

Apr 23, 2009

Is there a easy way to calculate the MAX or MIN of column B dates to column A items that have say many different dates in column B? see attached excel file to show what I am looking for. How to calculate the MIN value in column "B" of the items in column "A" with formula in column "C"...

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Color Maximum & Minimum Value In Range

Feb 16, 2008

I use code as below to find max or min data row, data is in not integer, but match doesn't work, I got error 1004, "Match function's properties can't be accessd".

Sub SelectMaxMin(ByVal vSheet As Worksheet)
Dim i As Integer, oRange As Range, iRowMax As Integer, iRowMin As Integer
For i = 4 To 23
Set oRange = vSheet.Range(Chr(64 + i) & 6 & ":" & Chr(64 + i) & 82)
iRowMax = WorksheetFunction.Match(WorksheetFunction.Max(oRange), oRange) + 5
iRowMin = WorksheetFunction.Match(WorksheetFunction.Min(oRange), oRange) + 5
vSheet.Cells(iRowMax, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 40
vSheet.Cells(iRowMin, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Set oRange = Nothing
End Sub

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Minimum Value From Specified Column Of Range Matrix

Mar 5, 2008

I have a 10x10 array that represents different cities that a travelling saleperson can travel to. Rows are cities designated as i values, columns are the same cities and represented by j values. I need to use a For, Next loop to determine the shortest distance (lowest value) in a given column. The i (row) that contained the lowest value is the first city to be visted and a boolean is entered for that j=i column, showing that the city has been visited. When pulling the minimum values from the column I need to ignore 0 values where the distance is between a city and itself. I'm having trouble coming up with a loop that takes identifies the i row with the lowest value that also ignores previously visited cities and takes the boolean into account. Maybe my Excel spreadhseet will clear up what I'm trying to do, The distances were generated using RANDBETWEEN(1,100).

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Conditional Count (Find The Minimum Value In The Range)

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying, without success, to create a formula that will refer to a column of data and do the following in one step:

1. Find the minimum value in the range, and then
2. From that minimum value, count back “up” the column the number of occurrences, including the minimum value, until a zero is reached. The zero should not be counted.

For example, if the values in A1:A6 are 1, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, the minimum value is -2 and the count would return 3. (i.e. 2, -1 and -2)

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Find Minimum Value In Non-successive Range Of Numbers

Nov 9, 2012

I'm looking for a formula to find the minimum value in a non successive range of numbers (excluding zero values).

My sheet contains four fields of numbers (#1, #2, #3 and #4) and than start over again with number #1, #2, #3 and #4 etc. This goes on for approx. 25 4-column blocks. A simple MIN-formula or SMALL-formula doesn't seem to do the trick as it takes all values into account, not just the #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 values.

Example (cells A1..A24):

The minimum value of #1 (excluding the zero's) would be 110, the minimum value of #2 would be 120, #3 would be 130 and #4 would be 140.

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Conditional Minimum With Non Contiguous Range & Hide If Zero

Oct 25, 2007

I have 3 columns L, N and P

I would like to return the MIN value(column R) between the columns
except where the MIN = zero then just leave the result as blank.

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Maximum And Minimum Formulas Based On Date Range

Apr 28, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with two columns - column A contains dates and column B has the corresponding data (always numbers). The data is not uniform (i.e there may be lots of entries in any given day and none over the next few). The data is always sorted in chronological order.

I want to set up a summary table to show the min, mean, median, max for each week. I have set up an array to calculate the mean, but I am having trouble working out a good way of gettting the others short of having a set of columns that manually define each cell...for instance =min(b3:b27) or =min(b28:b30).

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Minimum And Maximum Values Within Specific Date Range

Sep 30, 2009

I have a table of dates and values and would very much like to know a formula for returning the min and mean values for each column within a specified time (date) period.

Table is as follows

Date value(a) Value (b) ....
1/1/09 10 8
2/1/09 8 6
3/1/09 5 2

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Lookup Functions Find The Address Of The Minimum Value In That Range

Sep 19, 2009

I have a range of cells (say A1:D8).
I wanna find the address (say $B$2) of the minimum value in that range.

This command does it but it only works on a column. it does not accept a range spanning more than one column.
this will tell me the address of the minimum value.. but in a column... I need a range of many columns.

So I tried converting things to a Table.. but it never worked. basically the MATCH command is my problem. It only accepts single-column-ed ranges.

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VBA To Average Range Starting From Minimum Value & Ending At Maximum Value

Jul 4, 2009

I am using Excel to use stock ticker symbols such as FDX "Fedex", to return past volume and price daily performance found in Google Finance that will be manipulated with the current VBA I am working on that will result in a trading pattern. Each trading pattern will happen at a different range in the same column. I will be inputting hundreds of ticker symbols daily so using VBA and not having to enter formulas manually in each is greatly preferred as this will save me lots of time.

I am stuck trying to find the average value of a range starting from the minimum to the maximum value. For instance, Range("H10:H20") may have a maximum value at range("H12") and a minimum at Range("H18"). I would like the average of Range("H12:H18").

Sub Fnd()

Dim MaxStartPriceRange As Range
Dim MinStartPriceRange As Range

Dim MaxPriLocation As Double

Set MaxStartPriceRange = Range("h11:h21")
MaxPriLocation = Application.Max(MaxStartPriceRange)

Set MaxStartPriceRange = MaxStartPriceRange.Find(MaxPriLocation)

Dim MnPriLocation As Double

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Find Minimum SUM If No Minimum Number In Row

Dec 24, 2009

I want in A1 to find minimum SUM if no minimum number in row.

Here is example attached: ...

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Determine Maximum / Minimum Value And Additional Count From Variable Range Selection

Mar 25, 2014

I have been trying to determine the maximum/minimum value and additional count from a variable range which then I can use to subtract the first data of the range; I have been able to do that for a fixed range but not a variable one.

I have Column A with random positive numbers.

I have Column B with random negative numbers.

I have Column C with random numbers.

I have Column D with random numbers.

I have Column E with random 0’s and 1’s.

I have a set of 1600 cells of numerical data on each of the columns and there will be times when the random 0’s and 1’s from Column D will have appear repeatedly before changing to the opposite number, fx, I will get 7 nr. 1s before I get a 0 (zero).

I have been able to obtain the values in 2 cells within a fixed range:

If the last 8 cells in Column D have been “1†then I do:
G1=INDEX(C1:C8;MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307;C1:C8)) ---(Which provides the first number of the range in Column C after Column D has changed from 0 in D9 to 1 in D8)

If the next 3 cells in Column D have been “0†then I do:
G9=INDEX(C9:C11;MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307;C9:C11)) ---(Which provides the first number of this range after Column D has changed from 1 in D12 to 0 in D11)

Additional to this, the COUNT has also been challenging since I want to obtain in Column I, the COUNT of repeated 1’s from each range of 1’s in Column D; and also in Column J the same but for 0’s.

Fx:I18 (size of the range of 1’s originated from D1:D8)
J93 (size of the range of 0’s which consist to be the next range before 1’s were originated)
I12X (size of the range of 1’s which consist to be the next range before changed to 0’s)

However, that only works for a fixed range and continuous updates are made.


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Minimum Number In Cell Is 1?

Mar 20, 2014

If the result in cell i1 less than 1 to change it to 1

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