Hlookup Against Multiple Array Display Closest Match

Jan 4, 2013

I used a Fuzzy lookup to match the data that was shared between my two tables. I was able to run 3 different Fuzzy attempts to increase my accuracy because the source data had a lot of spelling errors and such.

Now I am at a point where I need to analyze the 3 possible Fuzzy matches. I am kinda stumped on the best route to do this and thought that an approximate match Hlookup would be the best route but I can't seem to get it to work.

Here is a pic of my table:[URL]

I am trying to match the cell outlined in red against the 3 cells outlined in green, when the best suited match is found I need to copy the green cell and the orange adjacent cells to it's left and right (ID# and Similarity). It would be best if the match threshold was in the low 90% range.

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Array Formula To Match Closest Dates Based On Another Criteria

Jul 18, 2012

I am trying to run an array formula to match two dates on two seperate sheets as close together based on another cell. Below is what I currently have on some made up values. I am entering it as an array and ideally I would like it to run down the cells changing the reference A2 depending on which cell it is then to then enter this into a macro.

The formula I am currently using is:


Sheet 1 (Named: Main)



[Code] ....

Sheet 2 (Named: Trees)



[Code] .....

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Capturing Multiple HLOOKUP Results In An Array

Feb 26, 2009

I was provided previously with the code for a VLOOKUPS function for a project of mine by JBeaucaire. It can be found here, in the returned file he provided to me: VLOOKUPS multiple results in a drop down list.

The set up works wonderfully. But now I'm trying to accomplish something that is just a little bit different. I'm trying to to populate an array with all the results returned from an HLOOKUP formula. I was wondering if anybody had any code written that might create an HLOOKUPS function. I've tried to tweak the code provided for the VLOOKUPS function by JBeaucaire but I'm a novice, novice programmer and can only pull off simple functions and procedures.

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Lookup Value In Array - Where Found Multiple Times Return Closest Prior Date

Mar 13, 2014

I have a list of ID Numbers and Dates. Let's call this "List 1".

I also have a second list "List 2" which also contains a list of ID Numbers and Dates as well as a third column for Rating.

I am trying to extract the Rating for each ID Number from List 2 and display in List 1. The problem is that the Rating can change with time, so List 2 contains several different Date and Rating values for the same ID Number.

What I need to do is lookup the ID Number from List 1 and return from List 2, for that ID Number, the Rating at the closest date prior to the date for that ID Number in List 1. Example below:

List 1
List 2

ID Number


[Code] ..........

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Match Upper Closest Value Using Index-Match

Jan 15, 2013

I couldn't resolve the formula of Index-Match for getting the values that matches the following criteria

1) Match the "Category" of Table 1 to Table 2

2) Match the "value" of Table 1 to Table 2, if value is not present in Table 2 take the upper closest value.

Once the above conditions are met, Take the Result from Table 2

Table 1 is for Input and Table 2 is for Database.

Please note that Data in Table 2 should not be sorted in any way. I tried to use the -1 option of the Match function for upper closest value but it didn't work out.

Have a look at the file attached : IndexMatchUpperClosestValue_AlongwithExactMatch.xlsx

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Pick Closest Number To X And Display Corresponding Value

Sep 16, 2013

i have a sample of data in a column,

A1 20.5
A2 -20.1
A3 19.99
A4 -20.12
A5 20.15
A6 -20.15

In other columns of the same book i have the values;

...............C ..................D ....................E
................x ................CDF ...............1-CDF
1 .......-20.782066 ......0.000302 .......0.999698
2 .......-20.689948 ......0.000311 .......0.999689
3 .......-20.59783 ........0.000321 .......0.999679
4 .........20.505711 ......0.000331 .......0.999669
5 .........20.413593 ......0.000341 .......0.999659
6 .........20.321475 .......0.000352 .......0.999648

how to pick the closest value to any number in A from column C, and then depending on whether its positive or negative, display the corresponding value from D or E.

So if we had -20.77 in col A, it would pick the closest number from col C (In C1) and then display the value from D1. Similarly, if we had +20.4 in col A, it would pick the closest number from col C (C5), and display the corresponding value from E, E5.

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Hlookup And Match Or Index And Match?

Apr 6, 2009


On my worksheet 1, I have two dropdown boxes: B7 (that gives the building name) and B11 which gives the Type of Commission (Renewal, Expansion, New). B 20 is supposed to automatically select the percentage based upon what B7 and B11 select. E.g. B7 = House, B11 = Expansion then B20 should be 3.

This is my formula.
=HLOOKUP(B7,'Building Details'!$A$2:$R$24,MATCH(B11,'Building

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Lookup Closest Value Non-array

Feb 12, 2008

The formula you see below works great. It will lookup to the closest value that matches the criteria.


Here is the problem when I try to expand the range I get a zero.


Is there anyway we could overcome this?

I know I could use a formula array for this, but I would like to know if this could be done in a non-array formula ....

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Closest Match

Jan 29, 2010

I have about 10000 datas in column A which are items' description.

Now I have an Item description in B2 & I want the closest match in C2 with B2 from Column A.

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Can't Get Cell Value To Be Sheet Name For Array Value In HLOOKUP

Mar 28, 2012

I have: =HLOOKUP(Table4[[#This Row],[parent_product_line]],UK_GBP!$B$11:$DK$65,4,FALSE)

What I want to do is have "UK_GBP!" be a valye which comes from another cell so I tried:


=HLOOKUP(Table4[[#This Row],[parent_product_line]],CONCATENATE(BE18,"!")$B$11:$DK$65,4,FALSE)

It errored out... how I can accomplish this?

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Lookup Closest Match

Nov 3, 2006

I am looking for a fourmla to return a value in a column next to the closest value. Yes, this would normally be a vlookup example however in my application the numbers will not match exact as such in an client lookup application. I need to find the closest value to the value compared in the range and return the value to the right of it.

I have made up a small table attached with comparing what vlookup gives me and what I am looking for.


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Find Closest Match To A Given Value

May 6, 2009

In the attached sheet, I am using !Staff times columns N and O to nominate a mid point break time relevant to the start,lunch break and finish times of a shift.

What I would like to do is match the result to the closest time from !Race Times Column D (highlighted green). So if for example the mid point of the shift is 10:37 (as in !Staff Times cell N23), it actually comes back with the !Race Times result of 10:35 which is the closest actual race.

Ideally I would like it to look both sides of the midpoint time until it came to the closest match, rather than always looking at an earlier time, or always a later time (eg the cell N79 has a value of 11:36, however the 2 race times are 11:35 and 11:40. Preference is it shows 11:35). If however the N79 result was 11:38 or 11:39, I would prefer it went to 11:40).

However if this is not possible then picking the next time in either direction will do.

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VLOOKUP To Closest Match

Jun 17, 2009

I've got a vlookup function driven by the result of a simple equation.

=IF(C36="","---",VLOOKUP(C18/C39,'Engine & Configuration'!D1:G24,2,TRUE))

The issue I have is that I want the result to return the CLOSEST match, not an exact or rounded up match. For example, is my "C18/C39" equation returns a value of 1.000039, I want it to match with "1" in the array and not with 1.25. The FALSE option will not work because exact matches will be very rare.

The values in the array are not whole numbers, so I don't believe a ROUNDUP type code will help.

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Lookup Closest Match

Nov 3, 2006

I am looking for a fourmla to return a value in a column next to the closest value. Yes, this would normally be a vlookup example however in my application the numbers will not match exact as such in an client lookup application. I need to find the closest value to the value compared in the range and return the value to the right of it. I have made up a small table attached with comparing what vlookup gives me and what I am looking for.

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HLookup Plus Index Match?

Jan 16, 2012


using the table above i am trying to do a three match to return a value. I am using the following formula and keep getting a #value error. essentially the formula is returning "Green"*2354. What I am wanting to return is the value 2354.


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Hlookup & Exact Match

Aug 8, 2007

I looked for this - but no luck and the tips did not answer it either
(in fact I have used an example but it does not work - in my case ).

I am using H lookup but need to find the exact match.

I know that you can use false on a Vlookup to get an exact match but it does not appear to be working with Hlookup.

I attach an example and hope someone can enlighten me...

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Vlookup Returning The Closest Match Down

Dec 8, 2009

I'm using vlookup to get a price for a unit of measure and it passes the value of the lesser not the greater. Is there anyway to get vlookup to pick the closest match as the greater value not the lesser one?

For example:
1000 units costs $8,000
4000 units cost $23,000
12000 units cost $68,000

If someone wants to buy 2500 units, I'd like the vlookup to pass the price based on 4000 units, but it passes 8,000 the value on 1000 units.

Can I use vlookup to give me the result of the greater unit not the lesser?

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Formula To Return Closest Match

May 30, 2014

I am trying to find a closest match for a given value comparing to values in a chart. I got it to work..but it will only return a closest value that less than it. I need it to also look "up", and return a value higher than it if it is closer. I have attached the worksheet. The vlookup part is for choosing which row to use, based on the value in B1. The column index portion of the vlookup is where the trouble lies....I am comparing the value found it B2 to chose the column...and that column should be the closest value...but like I said before, it will only return a lower value. The formula is in cell B11 (Correction Factor). it SHOULD return 1.26....instead, its giving me 1.18. (200 is closer to 192 than 175 is)

temp press exp.xlsx

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VLOOKUP Closest Match Not Close Enough

Dec 13, 2005

I'm comparing one string array with another using VLOOKUP. About half
the list matches exactly if I use FALSE in the Range_Lookup. On the
items that don't match I used TRUE in the Range_Lookup but found it
doesn't get the closest match. See example:

Test Table Array

Lookup Value = AAACCCCC

VLOOKUP returns 1st item in Table (AAABBBCCC) ????????????

Of course item 2 (AAACCCCCC) is the better match but VLOOKUP doesn't
see it that way.

Does anyone know of a way around this problem? Maybe a character by
character match function that returns the item that matchs the most
number of correct characters?

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Searching On Dropdowns For Closest Match

Feb 6, 2012

Is there a way to set up drop downs so that you can type in the drop down box and it searches for the closest match?

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Closest Match: Unsorted Data

Oct 26, 2006

problem is the data I receive does not always have the same time stamps


next time maybe


What I was doing originially in my userform was allowing form the user to input the starting time (without having to know the exact time) example 22:00. This works but the problem is when they enter the approximate end time 3:00. Without sorting the data how do I get the ending time to match the approximate time if the time doesn't exist in the data. I was using the Match function and the defined data range with 1 (i.e. Match(value, range, 0)). This works for the starting time but not the stop time since the data is not in ascending order.

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Index Match Array Multiple Criteria?

Jun 22, 2014

with a multiple criteria index match array!

I have attached an example where I need to bring back a result matching 4 specific criteria, but I cannot seem to get it to work at all!

I have attached an example dataset with the formula that I was trying to get right (and failing miserably!!)

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Index Match Array For Multiple Cells

Mar 10, 2014

How to do INDEX MATCH ARRAYS. (to populate my report I need to match multiple rows and columns from source sheet to import data).

Now I am trying to replicate same in VBA. (for this example row1&2 & column1&2 on both seed(source) and result(one I am trying to populate) sheets).

I wrote the code below that works just fine for 1 CELL.

Sub Button1_Click()
Range("C4").FormulaArray = "=INDEX('SEED'!$A$1:$f$6,MATCH(A4&B4,'SEED'!$A$1:$A$6&'SEED'!$B$1:$B$6,0),3)"
End Sub

I know in excel I can simply drag the formula across rows/columns to populate them automatically and the way I would do this in VBA would be by creating loops.

Here is what I have that needs improvement

Sub Button1_Click()
Dim iRow As Integer
For iRow = 3 To 4
Range("C" & iRow).FormulaArray = "=INDEX('SEED'!$A$1:$f$6,MATCH(AiRow & iRow,'SEED'!$A$1:$A$6&'SEED'!$B$1:$B$6,0),3)"
Next iRow
End Sub

Here iRow is to identify row number, and to keep simple I am only doing 2 rows. but how do i write MATCH statement to identify rows needed to be matched from SEED sheet?

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Multiple Array Arguments In Match Formula

Jun 11, 2006

I'm tryig to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.

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Feb 14, 2010

I don't want VB code but a worksheet formula.

I have a table full of names and cars sold. The table tracks the person's progress. It is like a diary. It's a simplied version of the DB I am currently working with.

Is it possible to do the following things? I have basically 2 types of questions.

1)When was the last red car sold?

2)When was a car sold irrespective of color?

The answer to each question will be put in separate columns.
I have only included January but I will do this for the entire year of 2010 and also I will do this for all of the names in my database. I think there are about 300.

When was the last time ANDY sold a RED car?
The answer should be 1/12/2010
The answer will be put in ROW A COLUMN I

When was the last time ANDY sold a car irrespective of color?
The answer should be 1/12/2010
The answer will be put in ROW A COLUMN J

When was the last time BILL sold a RED car?
The answer should be 1/10/2010.
The answer will be put in ROW B COLUMN I

When was the last time BILL sold a car irrespective of color
The answer should be 1/11/2010
The answer will be put in ROW B COLUMN J

I have attached a thumbnail of a sample Database

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ABS Function And Named Array Formulas To Find Closest Value?

Feb 5, 2012

I am really struggling with the following formula:


I am trying to find the cell in the named row "Ann_TaylorRegularBust" that is closest to the input bust size in cell B4. This formula works when I use actual range instead of the named array.

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Find Closest Match Unsorted Data

Jun 26, 2008

I am wondering if it is possible to search a column full of assorted values which is unsorted, and then return the closest value.

I have written a previous thread which was similar, but misleading, i feel this thread is more to the point.

Currently i use this code, but it only finds the closest highest value if the data is sorted in ascending order.

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Find The Closest Match To A Reference Number

May 24, 2006

I needed to know how to find the closest match to a reference number
regardless of whether its larger or smaller. I did a search and found a post
back in March that said to use the following:


I applied it to my application and it works, I just have no idea why. Can
anyone explain this formula to me or tell me where I can find a good

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Find Closest Match To Group Of Items?

Oct 4, 2011

I have a database where I have groups defined. For example, Parent 0001 is called Bag1. It contains an apple, orange, grape, and a pear. Parent 0002 is called Bag2, containing an apple, orange, and a peach. So on and so on...

Below is an illustration of what I explained above:

Description 0001
Bag1 0001
apple 0001
orange 0001


I need a way to input items that are in the groups and find the groups have all of the items or the group with the best match. I need to know if the match is 100% or if it is only a partial match.

The bag might have 2 items or it could have 20 items and they can be in any order.

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Looping Macro On Find Closest Match

Jun 19, 2014

I have modified some code I found in these forums that once I enter a value in a cell I can have it find the closest match to that value and scroll down the list and paste that value as an offset. The code works perfectly, but my data will often contain the same values repeated and these aren't duplicates and I need to know how to loop the code to ensure it doesn't just find the first value but also the second (if the first is already populated) Code is:

Sub findclose()
Dim rng As Range, Dn As Range, Mx As Single, oAd As String
Dim num As Range

Set num = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")

[Code] .......

---- What I need to do is insert a loop of some sort that basically says IF my offset cell has a value then to find the next closest amount and continue the macro.

So if my list was:


And I wanted to find 499 then my list would look like:

500 499

BUT if I wanted to match off another amount of 501 it would keep the 499 it found and then find the 501 making the completed list look like:

500 499
500 501

Right now the amounts are being overidden as I don't know how to loop it...

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