How To Auto Lock A Cell After Entry

Aug 27, 2012

I'm creating an inventory of cars for a car dealership that has about 27 or so columns and 500 rows for entries. Currently there are 50 rows used to keep track of inventory and with the additional rows for future entries. I want to set it up where the data entered into the cells gets locked automatically when saved and reopened for future use and can only be altered if a password is entered. Table is C3:AE503.

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How To Auto Lock Cell After Data Entry

Jul 31, 2012

I am attaching the example where I need to lock H2 to H1000, note that sheet is locked "anixter12 and I have also given range to user for modification I simply want to lock cells in H once date is entered.

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Auto Lock & Protect Cells After Entry

Feb 28, 2007

How would I go about lock a cell after there is an entry. Once the entry has been made the user could not change the entry. For example if a user enter in cell b2 he could not change the entry, he could change a2, c2, d2. He would also be able to put an other entry in b3, once enter the cell is lock.

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Lock Cell After Entry

Mar 14, 2007

I am using the code below to prompt the user to enter his/her name in cell B4. What I would like to do is have it so that after the user enters his/her name, that cell is locked and cannot be cleared.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$4" Then
Range("B4").Value = InputBox("Please Enter " + Range("a4"), "Company")
End If
End Sub

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VBA To Auto Lock A Cell

Apr 18, 2012

I have a range of cells I want to become locked (thus, uneditable), based upon the value of another cell.

For example, if cell A1 is "True," (based on a drop-down, not a formula) I want cells B1:B10 to become locked. I want the user to be able to edit these cells only when A1 is false. Also, the sheet is already passsword protected.

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Cell Auto-lock After Entering Time

Sep 16, 2013

I have created a time sheet and I would like to know if there is a way to auto-lock cells after time is entered so that it cannot be changed. As of right now I have employees enter the time by using Shift+Ctrl+;, so the exact time is recorded, however employees can write in whatever time they want. so I guess what I want to do is 2 things:

1- can the cell be formatted to only accept Shift+Ctrl+;, so that the exact time is entered in the cell and prevent employees from entering times they were not at work?


2- can the cell auto-lock after Shift+Ctrl+; is entered so that they can't modify the time sheet the next day if they arrived earlier than the day before?

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Cell Entry Auto Sum

Mar 1, 2009

What could be the formula if i want a particular cell to auto sum the data input. For example if i click cell a1 and entered a number and again entered a number , the previous entry will be added to recent entry.

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Auto Date Entry In Adjacent Cell

Feb 28, 2008

formula to auto input the date into a specific cell once one cell has been changed

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Lock Cells For A Certain Time After Entry

Oct 10, 2012

I've got a spreadsheet set up for a simple barcode scanning system. The user scans the barcode of the product when complete, and it logs it to a sheet along with a date & time timestamp. I'm then planning to use a v-lookup (barcode to product name) & pivot-table to count instances of 'product name' so that I can monitor what is being produced easier, nothing too tricky.

The problem I'm having comes from the products of the same spec having the same barcode, so data validation is hard to apply, as I can't 'not allow dupes' - the concern I have is that if the user unknowingly (or knowingly!) scans the same ticket twice, I think I've got 2 of a product when I've only got one. The idea I had was to lock all cells for a set time period (say 1 minute) after an entry so that it couldn't be accidentally scanned twice.

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VBA To Lock Cells After Data Entry And Save

Aug 13, 2013

I need the attached spreadsheet to lock cells after data is entered into cells E13-G74 and the page saved. It will be opened twice daily and saved. Also im not sure if it makes a difference but I would like all other cells outside this range locked except for C5, C6, C7 AND C8. I have seen several threads on the topic but am extremely new to using VBA and cannot make anything work.

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Lock A Row With An Entry In Col B On Saving Or Closing Workbook

Feb 15, 2009

I have a spreadsheet for recording and summarising particular transactions. Column B records the date and Col C details the transaction type (from a data valdation list). Using conditional formatting the cell (in the same row) to whch the transaction value is to be entered is highlighted.

Other cells in the row contain formulas and are locked and the sheet is password protected.

On saving or closing the workbook I want to lock all the cells (used or unused) in any row in which there is a date in column B. How can I do this?

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Use VBA To Unlock/lock A Worksheet For Data Entry?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a worksheet that, unless a form for data entry is activated, should be read-only for columns 'A' thru 'M' and 'O' with column 'N' left editable.

The form is activated by a button with a macro assigned to enter the data in the above columns when the form is closed. This has been compiled and works nicely with the sheet unlocked, however, as i need certain columns to be read-only unless the form is activated, i'm stuck with leaving the whole sheet unlocked for editing with or without the form being activated.

Is there any way a VBA code could be used to unlock the worksheet columns that are read-only when the form is activated, and then lock them once the form data is entered to the worksheet and the form closed?

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Lock Cells Based On Entry In Other Column

Mar 30, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where there are two columns for the user to enter data in, but they can only select one column. I want to lock the second cell if data is entered in the first. I can't find a way from validation to do this. Is there another way via VBA (stupid question, I know... VBA does everything but scratch your butt)

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Auto Copy Template On Record Entry & Link Set Cells Back New Record Entry Sheet

May 26, 2009

I am looking to create a macro that will create a new sheet when data is added on a summary sheet. Example.

1. Summary sheet called "Variations" contains columns that will contain the information needed for new sheet (Columns A to D)

2. When data is entered on "Variations" sheet: Column B, then macro automatically creates new sheet renamed to e.g. VO1 (Number used on "Variations" tab) and is a copy of "Master" tab.

3. Data entered in Column A to D on "Variations" tab is automatically entered onto new sheet created (e.g VO1). Shown is blue on attached file. Additional data is updated on "VO1" sheet and this then links back to "Variations" tab

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Lock Column Auto Sort

Jul 6, 2013

is there any way to automatically sort a column from A-Z without need to choose column, sort&filter, a->z? maybe a pivot table?

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Lock Selected Range Of Cells After Saving?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.

While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....

Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010


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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Rows 6 Days After Date Passed

Jul 30, 2014

I am new to Excel programming, haven't done any before and not familiar with creating/editing macros. Using Excel 2007.

I would like to automatically lock all the cells in a row if the date in column A in that row is >= 7 days old. Data is entered once a week (some time Sunday - Saturday) and I would like historical data (rows) to be locked so that they can't be edited inadvertently.

If possible could I also highlight the current working week somehow?

I have attached the worksheet : testworksheet.xlsx

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Cells Once Data Is Entered Not Working

Aug 14, 2014

I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.

I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).

Excel Version 2007

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Lock Selected Range Of Cells After Saving

Jul 17, 2014

I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.

While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....

Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010.

I have tried hard to find other solutions with links at the following places but not exactly what I'm desiring:Auto lock cells after data entry when file saved...

Auto lock cells after data entered and SAVED.

Auto Lock Selected Range of Cells After Saving

I should also mention that most solutions either provide for locking/unlocking of all cells but not a selected range. Or they provide for locking/unlocking of a selected range but not for a specific sheet or not after you have saved the workbook.

This is unique in that I'd like it to autolock after i press the save button for a SPECIFIC number of cells. I just wanted to clarify as to not make others think that I haven't used the search function.

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Lock Certain Cells To Allow Data Entry But Not Allow Data To Be Removed

Apr 23, 2013

is there a way to lock certain cells to allow data entry but not allow data to be removed.

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Auto Entry For Sorting / Saveing

Apr 24, 2009

I'm running a macro to auto sort data and copy it to another page. One of the sort parameters is to only look at the data that has a blank in column 13. The code is as below:

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Auto Fill Off Of Zip Code Entry

May 19, 2009

If I have 3 fields: zip code, city and state; is there a way where I can have the user of my form enter their zip code and it will populate both city and state. I have the data, I just dont know exactly how to code it.

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Getting Entry In One Cell To Cause Entry In Another Based On Entry In 3rd

Mar 20, 2014

I have a percentage in R3.

If I make an entry in D13 then I want the R3 to be duplicated into C27 otherwise C27 should be 0.

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Auto Color Change With Data Entry

Dec 6, 2008

Is there a way to make a cell change its fill color automatically whenever data is entered into that cell?

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Auto Data Entry On Different Sheet Layer

Aug 14, 2013

I'm trying to create a rental data base. The Items in question have 2 details, a Pokemon and a Gender. Each item also has a location but this changes.

So far the search formula works nicely, but there needs to be some way to know what items have been removed from their locations.

There needs to be some way to change the location on the 'database' sheet layer to "OUT" from the 'search' sheet layer.

E.g. (on the example file attached)

In a perfect world I would like to be able to search for a couple of pokemon, then to click on "pokeball GO!!!" and for this to change the location to "out" on the 'database' sheet layer.

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Auto Entry Date When Enter Data?

May 28, 2014

What I want to do is if I add data into B7 or F7 then the current date will appear in J7. I also don't want the date to change every time the project is opened.


If I enter "withdraw or any word" into B7 or F7 - The current date (4-Dec) would appear in J7.

then if I close excel and I open it tomorrow, J7 would still read as 4-Dec, while if I enter "deposit or any word" into B8 or F8, the current date (5-Dec) would appear in J8.

- would need to be able to enter multiple entries on one day as well.

- also i am not familiar regarding macros.

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Debug Assistance - Auto Date Entry

Apr 3, 2007

i try to lock cells in the area the VBA code affects. My goal is to actually have affected cells by this VBA code lock immediately after anything is entered in the affected cells. Area needing Debugging is in the If - Else portion. My worksheet will be protected.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim LLoop As Integer
Dim LTargetRange1 As String
Dim LDestRange1 As String
LLoop = 10
While LLoop <= 1000
'Link column B to A
LTargetRange1 = "B" & CStr(LLoop)
LDestRange1 = "A" & CStr(LLoop)
If Not Intersect(Range(LTargetRange1), Target) Is Nothing Then
If Len(Range(LTargetRange1).Value) > 0 Then
Range(LDestRange1).Value = Date
Range(LDestRange1).Value = Null
End If
End If
LLoop = LLoop + 1
End Sub

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Auto Data Entry Based On Dropdown Choices?

Jul 31, 2014

I need to know how i can select an option from a dropdown list and have it drew data from a table and place it in a certain cell based on my choice.

i have attached a sample form.

in the sample form i have two dropdown lists.

Countries and POD

What I need is when i select an option from the POD list the data on the Rate table will appear on the left side in order of course.

Attached File: test1.xlsx‎

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Auto-fill That Adjusts Based On Date Entry

May 13, 2014

On sheet 1, I have dates in column A, then numbers under LabA through C. On sheet 2, I would like the contents of columns B, C, D to autofill when entered. However, I would like to display only the last entry. For example, Lab A (column B) is currently showing "7" in cell B6, if I enter a number in B7, I would like for sheet 2 to autoupdate cell B3 and display that new entry instead of the "7".

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Auto Populate Current Date And Time On Making Entry

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to get excel to auto populate the current date and time each time I make an entry, however, each time i make an additional entry the current date and time populates but it changes all the prior entry's with that current date and time.I am trying to keep a log of all the times I make a new entry. Correct formula that will work?

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