How To Combine Pool Of Excel Files Into One Workbook
Mar 17, 2014
I need to use VBA read all historical data files, then, copy all the data from those files to Sheet[FX Historical Data] and Sheet[Position Data] respectively.
First, I copy a code from the text book, which allows me to copy one data files every time. Now, I have only 6 files need to copy, but if there are thousands of files? I try lots of codes but I still cannot find a way to solve my problem.
Second, can I use the function of "folder dialog open" to select the data files I want, and then copy the data inside to Sheet[FX Historical Data] and Sheet[Position Data]?
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Apr 12, 2007
I've pieced together code from a number of solutions on the forum and figured out how to find the files I need to process, but can't seem to figure out the code to actually combine/append each worksheet into a single one. I've searched the "sea of options" on this forum and managed to do one thing well. Pardon all my notes embedded in the code below, but if I don't do it that way, I'll only confuse myself further (which is easily accomplished) ... or lose my notes!
I’m going to run this code from an add-in menu, which is already created and working (yeaah!) … so (I think) I need to have the code either create a file named "Master (Combined).xls" in the target folder ... or ... have a file already created in MYFOLDER and have this code delete all but the header row when the file is opened(???) The "Master (Combined).xls" workbook needs to consist of one worksheet named "Master". I want it to open the current workbook (.foundfiles(i)), select all the data, and append it to the master workbook on the "Master" worksheet (sheet 1). The Master Worksheet in the Master Workbook needs to start out as a blank sheet ... except for the header row. I can add code to put the headers in at the start, if necessary
Sub g_CombineMultWB_AllXLSFiles()
' This Will combine all XLS files located in the
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
' into a single worksheet in a newly created (or previously existing) workbook
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
Dim i As Integer
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Application.CutCopyMode = False ' DO I HAVE THIS HERE FOR A REASON???
On Error Resume Next
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
Const MYFOLDER = "S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder"
With Application.FileSearch
' Change path To suit.............................
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Mar 17, 2007
I have about 60 excel files with same columns in each file. Is there a way to combine them together into one file (on the same sheet) besides copy and paste file by file manually?
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Jan 9, 2014
I have three workbooks. Every workbook has 50 persons IT information. Those are CPU list, Monitor list, UPS list. I would like to create another workbook. Where all user's IT information will be available. Like X user's information required, under x information his CPU, monitor and UPS information link will be available. How to create link of the CPU, UPS monitor sheets with new workbook?
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Jul 17, 2013
I have five excel separate excel files containing values covering more than 500,000 rows each. I want to put then in a single excel workbook without tedious work of copy/paste to sheets of this workbook.
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Sep 3, 2012
I am using 2007. This may be something simple but I can't seem to find a solution to this, I have an excel macro enabled workbook which produces a daily report the final task is to save and send an email but I need the file to save as an xls rather than xlsx as some of the recipients are unable to open the file here is the code used for the tasks in the
workbook:Sub Step1_Refresh()
' Step1_Refresh Macro
End Sub
Sub step2_save_close()
[Code] ........
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Sep 3, 2012
I am using 2007, I have an excel macro enabled workbook which produces a daily report the final task is to save and send an email but I need the file to save as an xls rather than xlsx as some of the recipients are unable to open the file.
Here is the code used for the tasks in the:
workbook:Sub Step1_Refresh()
' Step1_Refresh Macro
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Sep 10, 2012
I'm new to this forum and to VBA
First-off, I'm using Excel 2003 SP3.
The setup: A software application I regularly use produces csv data files (in this case approx 300 files). These I have converted to xls format using a separate macro. The files are in one folder and named as follows eg
G1 18800.xls
G1 18802.xls
G2 18975.xls
G3 19881.xls
G3 19990.xls
G5 19990.xls
The files contain the following data:
01-Oct-03 08:00 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:01 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:02 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:03 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:04 757 20 FALSE 0.18
01-Oct-03 08:05 1714 32 FALSE 0.44
01-Oct-03 08:06 1524 32 FALSE 0.39
01-Oct-03 08:07 1665 45 FALSE 0.47
01-Oct-03 08:08 1644 42 FALSE 0.46
01-Oct-03 08:09 263 8 FALSE 0.06
I then created a macro using code I sourced from the internet, and included some addtional commands (filename, copy/paste). See below. This macro opens the all the xls data files in the folder and copies the relevant data to an analysis workbook [Analysis sheet, Results sheet, Master sheet] ie the data is copied from the data file and pasted into the Analysis worksheet. Then the results are copied from the Results sheet to the Master sheet. So far so everything works.
My problem is this: I'm stumped at how to delete rows from the xls data files before running the analysis workbook and macro. In other words, after converting the csv files to xls format I need to clean the xls data files.
I have a separate xls file with criteria data in two columns:
FileName Date
G1 18800 06-Oct-03
G1 18801 02-Oct-03
G1 18801 03-Oct-03
G1 18801 05-Oct-03
G2 18795 14-Oct-03
G2 18795 15-Oct-03
G2 18795 16-Oct-03
G2 18795 17-Oct-03
The rows in a particular data file, with dates that are not present in the Criteria workbook must be deleted. This to be done for every data file in the folder. Also, I need to exclude rows for specific time periods eg 12H00AM - 04H00AM from all the files irrespective of date.
the code needed [should a separate macro be run or can code be placed within the present macro?]. I've tried looking for something similar on the internet, but my requirements seem too customized to be able to adapt the code that I found. And of course this is waaaay above my present skill level!
Option Explicit
Sub CopyPaste()
'This code opens up data files (xls) in a specified folder and copies data A1:G17281 to an Analysis workbook (Analysis sheet).
'The data from the Results sheet is then copied to the Master sheet.
Dim wkbDest As Workbook
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wkbSource As Workbook
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a scenario here and i really dont even know where to start. If anyone can help me with some code for this project that would be great.
I have a folder that contains several subfolders (10-20). Within each subfolder is a number of excel files (the number of files varies) that contain 2 worksheets each.
What i am trying to arrive at is one file for each subfolder that has the first tab of each of the files. The original files contain links, so the values and formats must be pasted. It woul dbe great if all of the new files could be saved in the main folder among all of the subfolders.
It would be especially great if each tab could be named for its respective file and each new file for its respective folder.
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May 17, 2003
My question is do u know any sort of program that can combine 100 xls Files (all has only one sheet ) to only one huge file in just one sheet !
and yes all the sheets having same no of columns and rows of data !!
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Mar 31, 2014
I have a hard time creating a macro from scratch I have 7 different excel files which im trying to create a macro that will combine all of this files (reports) into one, and then put the CT information (an excel file i have) on a separate tab within the 1 common report.
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Jun 28, 2014
I have multiple files in a folder.
The files are named:
....and so on; the number of files varies. I am trying to write a macro, to combine all *.xls files in one workbook having each file as a separate worksheet.
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Feb 26, 2014
adapt the code write by TURBO at [URL]....
I'm trying to add more sheets to consolidate the data from different worksheets
What I want it to do is to consolidate each worksheet in every excel file into one workbook that will have the same worksheet structures as the child files
If every excel file has {Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3} structure The Master Consolidated workbook should have the same structure but with all the date copied from the child excel files.
Attache it's also an example
Test xls
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Jun 27, 2013
I work for schools use data to guide teachers practices in the classroom. My main function is to mine down through data for kids that teachers focus on specific skills with specific children.
I start with a big conference each summer. By hand I combine, by student name, the data collected over the past school year. We then tear down to student levels setting goals based on statistical analysis. I need to combine across all of these csv files in a way that appends the data from each into one line per kid. I thought that 'vlookup' or 'index, match' might do it. I don't know.
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Apr 24, 2013
I receive 24,000 text files once a month that need to be combined into one csv/txt file and/or spreadsheet(tab).
About a year ago I posted a thread on the same topic which received a fantastic response from jindon that worked great
Unfortunately, the format in which the text files are ouput has changed, as has the filename layout. The files are now output with filenames such as:
(lic#, company name, displaying # records found, date, type.txt)
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 1 through 10 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 11 through 20 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
(files with EANF in the filename have no records inside them and can be skipped)
While the contents of each file look like this: (see attached text file reference)
I would like to combine the contents of the text files while appending the lic#, company name and date from the filenames to each record so the resulting file looks like this:
40305196 Audette , Anthony Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
40313800 Burritt , Kimberly Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
As far as I can tell jindon's code is fine except the regex expression needs to be modified to handle the new layout, however that is far beyond me.
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Nov 7, 2009
I have 8 different files all have a set of data in them
each one has a long list of (column a-n) however the number of rows change by date. I need each file copied into the finalfile.xls one after another. in the files that will be merged into the final file the final row i need copied is blank.
I have all the copy formulas and everything set, I just need a range to copy that automaticaly takes cell a10 to the first blank a cell from each file and pastes it in the finalfile.xls under the last paste so they dont over write each other.
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Apr 3, 2007
I'm running a pool and I would like to sort all the players by the total of points.
It is hard to explain with out showing the spread sheet
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Apr 21, 2006
This might be a little long/difficult to explain so I have attached the excel sheet for viewing.
I am trying to adapt cell I11, which now equals cell B10 or B12 (depending on where you type in the "x"). I am trying to formulate it to be either cell B10, B12, B18 or B22, I want it to read the highest seed number (5, 6 or & 7) again depending on where you place the "x". Let me know if I have left anything out.
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May 1, 2009
I have Excel file A with a full list of IDs that were selected to take part in a study - about 5000 IDs with only one field "ID". I also have Excel file B with about 1500 ID of people from file A BUT who already took part in the study. Now what I need to do is filter out from file A all the people in file B so in file A I am only left with those who didn't take part.
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Jul 5, 2014
How to set a formula to calculate distances (by using a function I provided) among all the observations (each one with a latitude and longitude value expressed in decimals) in an excel sheet. Here it is the previous thread.
I slightly modified the solution MarvinP suggested to me by using my own function to calculate distances among coordinates.
Attached you can find the excel with this. You will see that on the right side of the sheet, in yellow background, there is a matrix whose non-blank cells each one reporting a case of close coordinates (e.g.: 4-5 means that observations 4 and 5 are less than 15 Km apart one from another). Cells of the left-side matrix contains the function used to calculate distances among each observation with any other. Matrices are 116X116.
However, I am now jammed because I don't find an easy way to pool the observations found to be close each other (I have used a distance threshold of 15 Km - you can see it in the formula inside each cell of the "yellow" matrix").
The ideal way to establish new coordinates values for observations close one another would be by using coordinates which are at an intermediate position, however, this is not my priority, it would be OK also using one arbitrary value for all of them, i.e. picking up one pair of coordinates of one of the close observations and attribute this to the other. I have seen that, by excluding nonsensical similarities (e.g. 1-1, 2-2, etc.), there are groups of close observations of size 2 (e.g. 4-5) up to 10 (nine observations very close to a given one).
Attached File : CoordinatesPooling.xlsx‎
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Dec 6, 2009
I have a football pool I am doing with my family. I would like a macro that displays a message box that tells me the leaders of the pool using the grand total number. So in my attachment, the message box would say something like:
Sue is in first place with 12 points,
Bob and Dave are in second place with 9 points,
Larry is in third place with 3 points
It doesn't need to be exactly like that, but you get the gist of what I am looking for. The catch here is that the grand total row changes each week as I add games in, so the row moves down every week. I need the macro to stay with the grand total row from week to week.
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Oct 18, 2006
I run a small town pool league and use excell to track player handicaps, ect. we use a simple system for handicapping. Players can be from 2- to 7+ (2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+) and so on. if a player is a 2+ and wins they go to a 3- and so on. I want to be able to just type a W or an L and have it look up the players previous handicap and return a new handicap in the next field. I've allready figured out how to count the W's and L's and return the total for a teams weekly wins on another page, and give stats on a players wins and losses. I then print each sheet out weekly. Teams have 8 players but only play 5 each week so some players might not play for 2,3 or more weeks. I also use access to keep track of all the people that have played in the league. some players play a few sessions then quit for a few. this way i can keep track of their handicaps when not playing and havew a list of all the people that have played in the league. Can i get excel to transfer a players handicap to access each time it changes?
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Feb 5, 2010
I have 3 workbooks with multiple spreadsheets (tabs) in each workbook. I want to open a blank workbook and copy various sheet tabs from the other workbooks into my new workbook. I need to keep the formatting etc when these are copied over. There are text boxes in some of the existing workbooks and macro's.
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Apr 8, 2014
I is it possible to convert all comma separated text files in a single folder in to excel files. But the requirement is to have 2 sheets in each new file. first to be the full file - with all columns, and in the second sheet to keep only colum A B D G H K L M O P R S T V W from the first sheet. The second sheet name must be the same as the first one but without the first "wlist_" in the name.
One more thing. The third column in the second is called "COUL". there are short letters for colors in french
can they be converted with the sort in English like it goes:
NO = B
BA = W
RG = R
SO = P
JA = Y
BE = L
GR = G
VI = V
OR = O
Here is a link to the both CSV and an example excel file with the end result. In this example i haven`t change the shorts for the colors. It takes me too much time with the find and replace function. And at the moment i`m really pushed from time.
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May 31, 2013
I have this master file with a list of workbook names in column A on a tab called, conveniently, List. I have saved the master file in the same folder as a number of workbooks where their names match the names on the List.
What I want to do is open the files on the List and copy and move the worksheets to a new workboook. The catch for this is the following (I will use an example):
1. I have 2 workbooks called DS-100 Medicine Admin and DS-101 Medicine Wards
2. I want to take the worksheets from DS-100 and add them in a new workbook
3. Then I want to take the worksheets from DS-101 and add them to the same workbook but AFTER the DS-100 worksheets that were added in step 2
4. Then save this workbook to a folder within the original folder where the files are saved
I have the below code thus far, which opens the DS-100 workbook and copies and moves the worksheets to a new workbook. It doesn't open the DS-101 workbook though. It also saves the new workbook in My Documents rather then the SavePath.
Sub CombineMedicine()
Dim Path As String 'string variable to hold path to look through
Dim FileName As String 'temporary file name variable
Dim Master As Workbook 'this workbook
Dim rng As Range
[Code] ...........
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Jun 16, 2006
I have 3 commission workbooks all with about 20-30 worksheets in them with each one listing the sales rep and a history of commissions owed/paid. I want to create a single workbook/worksheet where I have listed all the sales rep and the amount of commission they are currently owed without have to copy/paste or type it all in one at a time. How would I go about this??
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Jul 28, 2014
I have about 30 Excel files, each with multiple tabs. Each file has a tab called "Invoice." I would like to create one workbook with all 30 Invoice tabs. As of not I am manually copying and pasting, which takes a while. There has to be an easier way, and I found this VB script to combine entire workbooks.
Is there any way I can run this and get just that Invoice tab and not all tabs on all files?
Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:UsersdtDesktopdt kte"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
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Feb 21, 2010
I am trying to combine ~300 workbooks into one single workbook. All 300 workbooks have the exact same header. I tried using the code from thread but nothing is being copied over. The only difference between my example and the other is I only need to take data from the first sheet in each data workbook. All the workbooks are located in following directory .....
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Jun 14, 2014
I have groups of folders that I need to extract "Sheet2" from each workbook and assemble them into one workbook. Along the way I want to rename the sheets to the file name (-xls). I have assembled this code so far but it is broken
Sub CombineSheets()
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFname As String
Dim wBk As Workbook
Dim wSht As Variant
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Oct 3, 2008
how can you combine all data from different workbooks in to one workbook. i have 544 workbooks to combine. here is a sample screenshot of the table i need to combine.
it consists of 9 columns. rows are not consistent in number and sheets are named with numbers starting from 001 to 999 ....
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