How To Copy Row With Formula In Locked Cells And Insert Copied Cells In Protected Sheet
Mar 29, 2014Have you ever copy a row with formula in locked cells & insert it in a protected worksheet?
View 1 RepliesHave you ever copy a row with formula in locked cells & insert it in a protected worksheet?
View 1 RepliesHere is an excerpt of my code
Sheet8.Unprotect Password:="rm123abc"
Sheet8.Range("V" & rw) = "Item is not found in the Data Base. Please Contact DME for all documentation requirements for this item"
Sheet8.Protect Password:="rm123abc", AllowFiltering:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowDeletingRows:=True
End If
Unfortunately, once the code has run and has finished re-protecting my sheet, it doesn't allow the user to select locked cells. These locked cells contain hyperlinks, and they need to click on these hyperlinks to navigate through my workbook.
So I have two questions:
1. How can I enable allow user to select locked cells
2. Do I have to allow the user to select locked cells to access my hyperlinks, or is there another option?
I have this excel sheet I'm trying to create (to make my life better at work). It's to track credit card refunds. It'll be saved on sharepoint. So my department will fill in the data on the "Ops" side, and then the accounts department will fill in their side. It's very rudimentary, but anything is better than the old, tattered BOOK we are currently using.
So far, I have the user/date/time stamps autofill, when the user fills in "Entered by" or "Recieved by". I have those cells locked so no one can edit it. I have separte passwords for both sides (Ops and Accounts).
What I want now is to be able to:
1. Lock each line once it's been entered and saved. Say my department fills in one entry. We save it. After that, it CANNOT be edited. If there are any changes, I'll put in a remarks column so people can enter stuff.
2. If someone enters the first two columns (Guest name, booking number), then the "Entered by" HAS to be filled, or the workbook cannot be saved.
3. ONLY letters can be used for Guest Name and Entered by. I've tried different things for this. While I've managed to make it work if the user enters a digit first, I can still enter John56, and it'll pass. I need it to only allow letters (and spaces).
4. The "Booking Number" should only allow six digits. No less no more than six digits. It can be 000001 even. But it has to have six. And, obviously, no letters, no spaces.
In the "ThisWorkbook" module, I've got this code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
wSheet.Protect Password:="hurlEy!", _
Next wSheet
End Sub
In the sheet1 module, I've got this code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
On Error GoTo enditall
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Cells.Column = 3 Then
With Target
If .Value "" Then
.Offset(, 1).Value = Environ("username")
I have a protected sheet with merged cells. I would like the user to be able to insert a row and have the formatting (including merged cells) duplicated on the new row. I've searched and seen some different options using VB but I'm clueless as to how to use those. Is there a simple way to do this?
Copying the row and using "insert copied cells" won't work because they get an error because of the sheet protection.
i have some columns which contain the IF function and so it returns me a value in each cell. Is there any way to copy only the values AND insert shift down the copied cells onto somehwere else?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i set up my spreadsheet so that all protected cells are a different colout to the main sheeT.
I would like this colouring to appear in the sheet when in protected and unprotected mode
So i have sheet 1 with some cells locked and protected (but open to copying) as a template and sheet two will be where people paste one or more of the template formula on an ongoing basis. How do i mantain the locked and protected cells after they have been pasted? I have unlocked sheet two pasted the first template and had to choose protect cells after pasting, and further pasting of locked cells are not protected.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to paste formula throughout a range of cells in the same column. Trouble is, I protect some sub- total cells and don't want the formula to paste over those sub-total formulas.
If I protect the sheet and paste the formula throughout the column including the protected cells, I would get an error message.
How can I paste the new formulas without getting into trouble of the protected cells?
I've been trying to solve this for days. In Excel 2007 there is a 'Insert copied cells' function after copying cells and right-clicking on a cell which basically just inserts all copied cells to your desired location.
My question is, how do you call this function in VB, I've used F1 extensively and searched the net and haven't come up with an answer.
I'm using a macro to copy cells (2 columns and between 1 and 5 rows [19 - 23 on s/s]) from one workbook to another but if I use
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
then every cell in the inserted rows are populated.
this is what I currently have
Windows("agent master.xlsm").Activate
Windows("distribution master.xlsm").Activate
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = False
but that doesnt work either. It just gives me an empty cell in A2.
I don't know if a macro is necessary, but the built in Insert -> Insert copied cells -> Shift cells down function can't accomplish what I require.
I've pasted in two example tables for what I'd like to do. For the first table, the data in column C is a name and the cells from columns D-Z, rows 7-10 is what I want to copy and paste from row 12, column D; row 13, column D; etc, etc. However, I want the full rows below the name in column C to move down when I paste from column D. Using the Insert function on the Insert blade only gives me the data in columns D-Z moving down.
The second pasted table gives an example of how I want it to look.
I've been using the following macro ....
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a spreadsheet with 27 Columns and 439 rows of data. I need to copy each row of data that has a certain criteria and paste the same data 141 times below it and then manipulate the data. In the same spreadsheet I need to copy a row of data that has other criteria in it and past it 30 times below it, and then manipulate the data.
I have been using the copy and insert copied cells function, but I have to scroll down 141 or 30 rows each time to ensure I add in the correct amount of rows. Is there a more productive way to do this? I have about 10 workbooks with approximately 47 tabs/worksheets each that I will need to update in a similar fashion.
I have locked some cells on my Spreadsheet so other people can not change them. What I would like to know is how do I change the colour of the font? I also would like to Bold/unbold the font.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just realized that some of my comments on a worksheet are being cut off or not viewable. By Default the Comment is displayed to the Right of its cell. I have a Scroll Lock to prevent users from scrolling off the work area. Some of the comments are being displayed past this scroll area and the user is unable to read the comments as they are being cut off or being displayed beyond the scroll area.
Is there anyway to reposition or set the area that these comments are displayed? For Example, to the Left of the cell so that they are able to be viewed. The Workbook is Protected and the Cells with comments are locked so the user won't be able to click on the cell. I found 2 Codes that would work if the user could either click on the cell or if the comment always visible(they are not)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim cTop As Long
Dim cWidth As Long
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim sh As Shape
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator _
= xlCommentIndicatorOnly
Set rng = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
cTop = rng.Top + rng.Height / 2 ................
I am trying to finish off a form that allows a user to insert a row below the selected cell and copy the formula from the line above if one exists. The code inserts the line but does not copy the formulas if they exist.
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim cRow
Dim j As Long
cRow = ActiveCell.Row
With ActiveCell
End With
For j = 1 To Cells(1, 255).End(xlToLeft).Column
If Cells(cRow, j).HasFormula Then Cells(cRow, j).Copy Cells(cRow + 1, j)
Next j
I have users that are using a protected Excel Workbook where they sometimes have a need to copy values from Internet Explorer paste them into the protected Excel Workbook. When this happens, if the users select the cell and don't actually paste the text into the formula bar (or by double clicking the cell), they can replace the destination cell's formatting - which in this case makes the cells a locked cell instead of a unlocked cell.
Now is there a way to automatically have the pasted value keep the destination formatting? Or perhaps is there a way to set the copy and paste settings so it only pastes text from Internet Explorer into Excel and not the formats?
It is not an option for the userbase to select the option choice of matching the destination formating when pasting as it is a very large user base without much Excel experience.
I have a template that I have hidden the formulas but allowed editing. Is it possible to create a pop up box for the end user to use to edit a cell with the hidden formula? This is a budget template with already set up formulas but the end user needs to be able to make edits but the end users are beginner excel users and if they double click on the cell the formula will automatically delete leaving the cell blank. I need a way around this so they cant view the formula but only change the data if they really mean to change it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am try to get the following VBA macro to work; however, I keep getting hung up on errors regarding the formula I am trying to input. It is getting hung up on the apostrophes and dollar signs. I am fairly new to VBA so I am lost when it come to converting my sheet formulas to VBA.
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
.Value = .Value
End With
I have a workbook with multiple sheets interacting with one another. On one of them the user is prompted to make lists of expenses in multiple columns. The column labels are in row one, and row two has the sums of all the cells below. I have every sheet in the workbook protected, so that only the cells that need to be modified are unlocked. The problem is that the user can drag cells around and change the range of the functions in row two (locked cells).
For example, A2 has the function =sum(A3:A100). But if the user drags the values in A3:A5 to A6:A8, the formula in A2 changes to =sum(A6:A100). Is there anyway that I can allow the user to drag cells (this could be a useful feature), but keep the formulas in the second row fixed?
As you would normally use indirect formulas so the cell references don't change. Which that is what I want in the end, but I need to copy them to an indefinite number of cells first and would like to not do it by hand. I have found some solutions to similar questions/problems but cannot figure out how to make them work for me. So, what I am looking to do is this... (I have also attached the spreadsheet for reference)
I have gotten the information in columns A through F on the first sheet to update as rows are added, moved, deleted on the second sheet using Indirect range. Also, I could do this for Column I (Copmleted Proj. Avg. Terminations) but I would have to do it manually (as I began doing in I3, I4 & I5) but that would be time consuming. So I am hoping there is a way I can copy the formula down the cells are updated for the initial copy but then don't update if the referenced cells are moved or deleted.
Excel 2007 or 2003 Is there code to be able choose the formating of a cell when right clicked if the cell is Unprotected. But, the sheet is Protect and the Workbook is Protected. Without Unprotecting anything 1st.
The reason being is sometimes the user may need to change the type of font from Arial, or Gdt or Y14.5M.
I'm using Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac version 12.2.0 (090605) (Mac OS 10.5).
I created a sheet, selected some cells to be locked and others to be unlocked (using Format > Cells), then I used Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet (choosing Contents only, not Objects or Scenarios). This has the desired effect of protecting the locked cells from users accidentally typing changes and overwriting their current contents.
I can still enter new data in the unlocked cells as expected, but unexpectedly I cannot change the formatting of unlocked cells (e.g., shading, font - bold). These are *unlocked* cells so even if the sheet is protected, why can't I change the formatting for them? It is too tedious to Unprotect the sheet every time I need to change formatting of an unlocked cell.
I have zero experience with Visual Basic and can't even find options that others have described (e.g., right clicking the sheet name does not yield "Show code" and Tools > Macros does not yield anything comprehensible about VBA). So if your suggestions involve something complex, please do include detailed instructions!
1.I need to protect certain locked cells from editing and allow certain unlocked cells to be changed on multiple worksheets.
2.When all of the changes are made to the unlocked cells, I need to password protect the entire workbook (except one worksheet) from any changes. (i.e. Prevent even the unlocked cells from being edited)
3.I also need a password to un-protect the workbook and return it to the state described in # 1. above .
I've created a spreadsheet that I want to offer for sale.
I've protected all cells with formula and those not needed to use the program. The only cells that can be selected/changed are those that need the values for the calculations.
How do I protect the sheet from being saved/stolen when trialed by possible customers?
The text disappears when I want to correct it (protected sheet). see the discription of the problem in the attachment with figures.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Workbook that I use to log invoices and credit notes and it is password protected so that the cells that contain formulas are locked and therefore not selectable.
What I wanted to know is. Is it possible to lock other cells depending on what values are in certain cells?
Let me explain. I have Columns G & H which contain the heading 'Credit Note Number' & 'Credit Note Amount'. Now in columns I & J I have the heading 'Invoice Number' & 'Invoice Amount' respectively.
What I have done is to make a condional formatting so that If I put a value in cells in column G it will change the colour of the adjacent cells in columns I & J, likewise If I fill in cells in column I the conditional formatting will change the colour of adjacent cells in coulumn G & H. This helps me to see whether a row contains a credit note or an invoice.
What I would ideally like is for a Macro that would automatically locks cells G & H in a particular row that I am currently working on if I enter data into the cell in column I. Likewise if I am entering data in column G in the row I am currently working on for a credit note, then lock columns I & J in the row I am currently in.
Any Ideas how this can be done? Also can locking and unlocking of cells be done in VBA while the sheet is protected or would the macro need to temporarily unprotect sheet, lock the cells then protect sheet again?
PS: I have uploaded a Jpeg of what my conditional formatting does to try and illustrate what it is I need.
I have written this code to clear the contents of certain cells, lock the content of others and protect the sheet again it works on sheet1 but not on sheet 7. This is suppose to happen when the Print button on my sheet is clicked.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working on an excel table in my worksheet contains formulas and locked cells. lets say table range is from column "a" to "f" and there is formula on cell in columns "c" and "f". I just locked cells in column "c" and "f" to prevent people changing the formula accidentally. but when the sheet is protected i am not able to insert or delete rows as the rows has locked cells in columns "c" and "f".
I tried the below macro to unlock the sheet, insert row and lock the sheet again:
[Code] .....
So by running the macro it asks the password and do the job but the issue is it needs password and i do not want people to know my password. I don't want them able to unlock the workbook and make any undesired changes. I want them to be allowed insert or delete rows and input data in unlocked cell. I want the sheet to be locked all the time and only when people want to insert or delete a row it be unlocked and be locked again after inserting or deleting whit no need to insert password in this case only.
Workbook Password Protect 2 Levels. I have managed to write simple but effective code that allows only one password to be enetered to open a SS & offers 3 levels of protection, limited permission to enter data, read-only & data completely hidden. This is excellent for my needs however I want the user who has limited rw to be able to insert a pic file which is their signature but because the sheet has protected cells it won't allow user to insert picture jpg file.
I have just thought of a creative solution tho. What if the picture file is already saved in the workbook and by using code to ask to insert pic file it copies from one location in SS to the appropriate cell in the worksheets?
The scenario is that I have fortnightly timesheets in 12 calendar months in 12 separate sheets. When staff member fills in timesheet I want them to insert signature for that f/night indicating thatthey have filled it in & it is correct but because of protection it won't allow me to.