How To Delete Entire Column If It Is Empty

Feb 21, 2013

I have columns

Row 1 is heading..

IF Column C doesn't have data in entire column then delete C D E F
IF Column D doesn't have data in entire column then delete D E F
IF Column E doesn't have data in entire column then delete E F
IF Column F doesn't have data in entire column then delete F

Same way for heading NN's

IF Column G doesn't have data in entire column then delete G H I J K L M N
IF Column H doesn't have data in entire column then delete H I J K L M N
IF Column I doesn't have data in entire column then delete I J K L M N
IF Column J doesn't have data in entire column then delete J K L M N
IF Column K doesn't have data in entire column then delete K L M N
IF Column L doesn't have data in entire column then delete L M N
IF Column M doesn't have data in entire column then delete M N
IF Column N doesn't have data in entire column then delete N

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Delete Entire Row If Row Contains Cells That Are Empty

May 24, 2006

I've been looking for a couple of hours to try and find VBA to delete entire row if that row contains cells that are empty.

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Macro To Delete Entire Rows If Certain Cells Are Empty

Mar 5, 2009

I'd like help in creating a macro that deletes an entire row that has emtpy cells in col B, C & D in the same row.

So for example if I have empty cells in b3,c3 & d3 I'd like the row deleted.

I've used the code below for just column B but I need to include column C & D as well. I tried putting Columns("B:D") but it deletes everything.

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For Loop And Delete Entire Column

Oct 1, 2012

I have two worksheet. One worksheet (ws1) contains a list of item I want. The other sheet (ws2) contains multiple columns where the header (row 6) is named by item name.

I have the following code which deletes the entire column if the header name is not in the list contained in ws1 :

Sub delete_col()
Dim wanted As Boolean
Set ws1 = Workbooks("test1").Sheets("aaa")


First of all, this loop does not work properly since deleting the entire column shift them on the left, so when I first analyze column 11, if I delete it and then analyze column 12, the real column 12 now became column 11 and so on...

Secondly, this code is pretty slow. I am pretty sure I don't have to loop through my initial item list everytime I do Instr on a new column.

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Delete Entire Row If Column D Has A Numeric Value?

Apr 15, 2014

i want to delete entire row if D2:D10000 has a numeric value e.g .111 to 100000.1114

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Delete Entire Row If Column C Is Blank?

Apr 16, 2014

i want to delete entire row if Column C2:C1000 are blank

e.g if range c2:c100 have data then delete the rows C101:C1000

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Delete Entire Column If Row Has Certain String?

May 5, 2014

I have fixed headers on row 16, from columns A-AC.

I want to be able to delete the entire column, if the row has a certain string, such as "Chart ID" .

I also want to expand it to include other strings such as "Month" and "Source" . So if it contains any of these words, the columns should be deleted. It should be an exact match (as other headers contain the word "month").

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If Column B Is Blank Delete Entire Row

Jul 23, 2007

I am using the following macro to delete "completely empty" rows. I also need to delete some rows if a cell in column B has no value. How would I change this macro?
' DeleteBlankRows

Dim r As Long
Dim C As Range
Dim Rng As Range

On Error GoTo EndMacro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 Then
Set Rng = Selection
Set Rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows
End If
For r = Rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rng.Rows(r).EntireRow) = 0 Then
End If
Next r


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How To Delete Entire Row Based On Criteria On A Column

Oct 19, 2011

Simple code that can delete entire row if certain criteria is met in a single cell


I have a bank statement where under a first column (DATA TYPE), the cell could contain either "DATA" or "TOTAL"

How can I delete the rows contain the word "TOTAL" assuming the column is already sorted.

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If Cells In Column L Is Less Than Or Equal To 2:00 (H:MM) Than Delete Entire Row

Dec 3, 2012

I need automatically deleting of whole row based on cell value, if value of cell which is in h:mm format, is less than or equal to 2:00 (h:mm)

So far I got.

Sub FillDownFormula()

Range("L2").Formula = "=RC[-3]-RC[-2]"
Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm"
Dim rng As Range

[Code] .........

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If Column A Is Blank Delete Data From Entire Row?

Mar 20, 2014

Is there a way to delete any text or formula from an entire row, based on column A? In my spread sheet I have multiple rows where column A is blank, but column's F, G, and H have formulas in them. I would like to use VB or any other method that would be best to clear the contents of all the rows where column A is blank.

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Delete Entire Row If Cell In Column Contains Certain Text

Mar 26, 2007

Delete entire Row if cell in column contains "Dog" in it.?



so after it would look like this


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Delete Entire Row If Column A Matches Column D

Aug 18, 2009

Does anyone have a macro that will delete entire row if column a matches column d

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Delete Entire Column If Word False Exists?

Apr 9, 2014

I have the following code, but it takes longer than expected to run. Is there anyway to speed this up? I am not sure if autofilter is a option. I just want to search through range A16:Z16 and if the word "FALSE" exists delete the entire column. The word "TRUE" is the only other word that would exist in range A16:Z16


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Search Column A For Blank Cells And Delete Entire Row

May 20, 2009

I have tried several methods to delete the entire row if the cell in column 'A' is blank ...

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Macro To Delete Entire Row If First 2 Letters In Column B Equals To P4

Mar 29, 2013

I've seen a few examples of macros to delete the row if the first letter is something, but not if the first 2 is equal to something.

I'm looking to go thru every row that contains data and look in Column B to see if it starts with P4 or P5. If that's true, then delete the entire row.

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If Cell In Column Is Blank / Unpopulated Delete Entire Row?

Oct 16, 2013

If cells in column A3:A10000 are blank / unpopulated I would like to delete the blank rows.

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Delete Entire Row If Cell In Column Starts With Asterisk

May 9, 2008

I'm using the following code to delete rows that I don't want to include and I've ran into some more things that need to be deleted...

For lLoop = RngCol.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
Select Case RngCol(lLoop, 1)
Case " Date:", "Skill:", "Agent Name", "~*", "*Train*"
RngCol(lLoop, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End Select
Next lLoop

An example of "~*" would be: ***SICARII***
An example of "*Train*" would be: Ozgrid Train1

It's not recognizing these new cases. Do I have to utilize FIND? (since CTRL+F does work with the given cases)

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VBA Macro To Delete Entire Column When Background Cell Color Is Red

May 17, 2013

with performing the following tasks with VBA:

1). For each cell that in the range that has a Red background delete the entire column
I have attached a sample spreadsheet where I have tried to do this. It's not quite working. It does not seem to work when there are RED cells next to each other.

I know that I can do a simple thing like column("A:A"), but I'd rather have it in a loop as in the sample code, in case the columns change in the future.

2). The second task is to delete the rows in the spreadsheet where the first cell in the row is a blank.

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Macro Code To Delete Entire Row If Cell In Column Is Equal To Value

May 7, 2014

I need an easy code that searches all of column A and deletes the entire row if the cell has the value "-". It needs to find the last row of data using something like LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

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Macro To Delete An Entire Row If A Duplicate Entry Appears Only In A Certain Column.

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a macro to delete an entire row if a duplicate entry appears only in a certain column.

1. Look for the column header with the name "File Number"
2. Anytime the same number under the "File Number" column appears more than once in that column, keep the row that contains first occurrence of that number buy delete the entire row anytime that number is repeated in another row in that same column.

This is regardless of what is contained in the other columns. For example..let's say these cells contained this data...

B1 - UTE00225
B2 - UTE00546
B3 - UTE65513
B4 - UTE00225
B5 - UTE00225

In this case, I would want to keep rows 1, 2, and 3. But, I would want to delete rows 4 & 5 because the number "UTE00225" has already appeared first in B1. I'm using Excel 2003.

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Delete Entire Rows Where 1 Column Meets Multiple Criteria

Sep 17, 2007

I need create a macro to perform the following - I don't know if it needs to be an Excel macro or via VB. This is to speed a process up and eliminate any spreadsheet messing around for our "admin" staff - they are not good with excel at all!

So, I have a daily/weekly down load of a spreadsheet (exported from access).

* I want to copy the values of column AK to A
* Then delete all entries in column D that equal 19, 20 and 6
* Then delete all entries in column AL that equal "A","B","C" or "D" but not "E","F" or "G"
* Then delete entire rows where the value in column A is a duplicate within the list

I will call this spreadsheet, for the purpose of this exercise, the "Master". I now have another spreadsheet with values in that should relate to values in either (or both) columns A and B in the "Master". I need Spreadsheet 2 values to be highlighted as cross checked in the "Master" and then all those in the "Master" that do not appear in the 2nd S/S will be normal white cells thus showing that they need to be chased by our Admin staff.

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Select Column C And Delete Blank Entire Rows Till C300

May 4, 2014

i want to delete entire blank row from column C2:C300 i mean if i have data c2:c100 then c101:c300 delete entire blank rows

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Delete Empty Column With Heading VBA?

Nov 29, 2011

I am am wanting to delete the entire column if there are no entires below the heading in Row 1.

So in image below, Col C, E & G are to be delete including the heading.

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Delete Empty Cells In Column

Sep 12, 2007

I am using the code below in an effort to copy two columns from Worksheet1 ("S:S","T:T") to Worksheet3 ("A:A","B:B"), delete the empty cells and then find the difference between the two values for each row("C:C"). I do not want to create a new column in Worksheet1. The code worked great before adding the SpecialCells code but was slow since it had to also process the blank cells. I am trying to speed it up. The code has an error on line five and I cannot seem to figure out why.

Sub TempDiffok()
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Set wsNew = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("S:S").Copy Destination:=wsNew.Range("A:A")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A:A").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T:T").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]-RC[-1]"
Columns("C:C").Select.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
True, Transpose:=False
End Sub

The last two lines are from the previous version before adding the ability to delete rows prior to the calculation.

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How To Delete Rows Based On Whether Or Not A Cell In Column B Is Empty Or Null

Jun 23, 2014

I am building a template ("Table") that will import data from 4 other spreadsheets and then format the data once its all in the template. I need to delete all rows where a name didn't import. The names are landing in column B (starting with B22), so I set up my code using an active cell loop macro to examine each cell to see if it was empty, and then to delete the row if it were. I've tried 4-5 iterations of code but nothing is working correctly.

Apparently when the fields are copied over from the other spreadsheets, some empty cells actually have something in them such that they are not completely blank. What syntax I can use so that I capture every instance of a blank/empty cell and delete that corresponding row? Some of the code I've tried is below.

[Code] .....

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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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Delete Empty Rows And Empty Columns From Word Table

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to populate the 2 tables from excel to word. I will be getting the excel file with tables in various sheets. One sheet consist of 2 tables that will be inserted to one word document. So if there are 2 sheets then I will have the tables inserted in the 2 word document. In the excel sheet I have attached, there are 2 sheets with tables in each of them. I have written the code to copy and paste the table to word doc from (general) range A1:G4 (Table 1) and A9:H18 (Table 2) that has empty rows and columns selected. But there are empty rows and columns inserted since the table range is not same sheetwise. I would like get the empty rows and columns deleted in the word table.

Find the attached sample excel sheet and the word documents.


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Entire Row Empty

Jan 14, 2008

Looking for a formula to establish whether a whole row is empty or not

I try this:
(XL 2007)
But, this works, except when one cell contains NA()

how to make a general expression?

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Delete Entire Rows Where Column IV Contains "x"

Aug 19, 2008

I have the following code to delete entire rows where column IV contains "x".

With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3")
With .Range("IT1", .Range("IV" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="x"
End With
End With

End Sub
[/Code ]

For a reason that I can't see, it is deleting not only the row that contains the "x" (there is never more than one row with an "x" in column IV), but also the row immediately below it.

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