How To Get VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Instances Of Data

Jun 23, 2009

Sheet 1 has one column

Customer Number (unique)


Sheet 2 has two columns

Customer Number
Email Address


Now, when I do a vlookup on sheet one to obtain all email addresses for customer 111, it only returns the first email address - e.g.

Ideally, I would like;

Is there a function that can achieve this?

If not, can the multiple occurrences be returned in one cell, separated by;?

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Using VLookup To Return Multiple Instances

Dec 31, 2007

I am looking for a formula that will return the cell numbers of multiple instances of the item found using VLOOKUP. For example if I am looking for
"A123", this may occur in more than one cell in the search range. I want to be able to return all the cell reference numbers of that instance.

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Return Multiple Instances Of Data Related To Number

Nov 26, 2008

The database is for a Prison, and an obvious item to search for on a userform is Prison number. I have a serach option that generates an array listing in a listbox, selecting that item then populates the userform - no problem.

The problem occurs when an individual has more than once instance that has been recorded, is it possible to have more than one row generated in a listbox that can be selected, I only want indiviudal rows selected. The coding I am using for one of the single instance listbox is etc etc etc has been used to demonstrate that the coding continues to the length of the array requied

Private Sub FindAll()
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim strFind As String 'what to find
Dim rSearch As Range 'range to search

Dim fndA, fndB, fndC, fndD, fndE, 'etc etc etc' As String

Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Set rSearch = Sheet1.Range("ChargeNo.")
strFind = Me.CbAdjFind.Value 'find Charge No
With rSearch
Set c = .Find(strFind, LookIn:=xlValues)..............

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Vlookup For Same Name, Multiple Instances...

Jan 7, 2005

I want to return the 2nd field for Jim in a single list:

Jim Dell
Jeff HP
Carl Compaq
Jim Toshiba
Carl Sony
Jim Lenovo
Jeff IBM

I want to pull Jim's accounts to another worksheet:


When I use vlookup, it just returns HP and stops. How do I tell it to
return the next instance of Jim?

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Running Multiple In VBA Instances: Controlling Spread Sheet Always Waits For The Code To Return Before It Continues

Apr 28, 2009

i have a spread sheet which has a very complex simulaton in it. excel is not the ideal place for it, but it is not possible to port it wholesale to something more sensible. i have modified the code so that it is possible to run two copies of the spread sheet (in two seperate excel processes) at one time. Due to the dual core nature of the machine this has almost no overhead.

I have created a controlling spread sheet that is cabable of launching multiple copies of the simulation and starting the code executing. the problem is the controlling spread sheet always waits for the code to return before it continues, hence it would open two seperate versions of excel, start the first simulation executing and then wait until it completes before starting the next one. is there any way of starting a function in another work book without waiting for the execution to complete?

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Vlookup Data And Return Results On Multiple Entries

Feb 16, 2009

So i have a spreadsheet that has a list of members and how many events they have attended. That is fine because i achieved this by doing a countif function on their account number. The spreadsheet has to sheets Events Attended TOTAl and List. In the list it has their name account number and what event they attended and what date. What i need is to have a function that will lookup their account number and return what event they attended but they might have been to 4 different events.

I have a total of 5 columns dedicated to Event attended so we can tell it to lookup first event and return result then have an if function in the next column to lookup event and if its returned in previous column move onto the next event attended.

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VLookup Return Multiple Hits From Same Column Of Data

Jul 14, 2009

I am running a Vlookup on a large set of ID#'s that exist accross multiple servers.

The data is structured in (2) columns how you see below , and you will notice that the same ID# can show up on multiple servers.

However, the VLOOKUP is only returning the first match it finds.

Assuming that I want to keep the data structured as is, how do I make the vlookup return all matches?



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Find Multiple Instances Of Single Criterion In Row & Return To A Single Col

May 8, 2006

Find Multiple instances of Numeric Criterion in Row & Return To a Single

I have a Dynamic Named Range "Data" spanning 10 Columns and many Rows.
Each Row may contain duplicates of the Numeric Criterion.

I would like to find ALL instances of a specific Numeric Criterion across
each single Row in the Dynamic Range "Data" and have the Results returned to
a New Sheet in a single column.

NEW Sheet:
The Numeric Criterion is housed in G5.
The matched criterion should be returned to the New Sheet starting at G7.
Duplicate instances in the same Row should ALL be returned to the same cell
in Column G on the New Sheet.

Sample Data Layout:
Columns I J K L M N O P Q R
Row No.76 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Row No.77 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 0
Row No.78 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 3 0

Looking for Numeric Criterion 1 (one).

Expected Results - New Sheet:
Row No.7 Column G (Cell G7) 1111111
Row No.8 Column G (Cell G8) 1

In Row 76 of the Sample Data ALL seven Numeric Criterion of 1 (one) should be
returned to the same cell G7.
In Row 77 of the Sample Data there is only one Numeric Criterion of 1 and it
should be returned to cell G8.

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Summarizing Data To Collect Attributes From Multiple Instances

Oct 27, 2013

My company would receive RFQs from potential customers inquiring the availability of different products, and we are trying to summarise these requests to find a trend.

Each product has several attributes, such as descriptions, keywords, manufacturer's code, etc. The RFQs are all different, with each request providing some attributes while missing others. The only reliably uniform attribute is the product number.

I am trying to build a database with the maximum amount of details on each requested product, therefore consolidating the different requests. I already put the source data on the same sheet and sorted the product numbers. I also know how many instances there are for each product number. In other words, my data look like this:

Product number (sorted)
Repeat count
Attribute 1
Attribute 2


[Code] .........

1. The product numbers and repeat count are reliable
2. All the attributes are valid, i.e. as long as one can fill a blank I would take it
3. If none of the instances provide a certain attribute, it is acceptable for it to be left blank

And I am trying to turn it into this:

Product number
Repeat count
Attribute 1
Attribute 2




I already spent a whole day trying to do it with MATCH, OFFSET, VLOOKUP etc to no avail. It seems I would need some kind of VBS with loop and array functionalities that are beyond me.

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Summing Data In A Table Using Row And Column Criteria (with Multiple Instances)

May 14, 2013

I have a table that looks like the following, only it's actually much larger:

_Red Blue Green Blue
A 2 4 2 3
B 5 2 1 1
C 3 1 2 5
D 2 3 4 2

As an example, I'm trying to sum all cells that match Blue and C. The answer should be 6, but I always end up with either zero or #VALUE.

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Return 2nd And 3rd Instances

Feb 24, 2010

I have text strings containing 3 commas at all times (see below for example). All instances of the commas are names at either end of the comma (Last, First). My request is how would I be able to retrieve *only* the 2nd and 3rd names (in separate cells) and omitting the rest of the text?

A1 - Source
2/1/2010 Random - Text - Containing 1LastName, 1FirstName 2LastName, 2FirstName 3LastName, 3FirstName Some Other Text 555555556 1234567890 1 0 0

B1 - Requested
2LastName, 2FirstName

C1 - Requested
3LastName, 3FirstName

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Multiple Return Vlookup

Jan 9, 2007

Is there a way to get a vlookup for return multiple values if there are reoccuring numbers? for example

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
A 5

If those were my two columns, could I get the value A to return both 1 and 5?

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Return All Instances Of Lookup?

May 12, 2014

I have four columns, Play Date, 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

I have a total of 364 rows of data for this table.

My output table looks like the following:

{mod note - HTML not working and removed}

What I want the output from a formula(???) to do is put every 'Play Date' for each 1st, 2nd, & 3rd column for every number from 0 to 9. So under Column A for zero and 1st I want every date that is listed in the source table in column 1st to list out. All I can get is the first instance of a date and nothing else.esn't use that would be great.

FYI the formula that I used to get the one entry in column A row 4 was this:


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Vlookup To Return One Value From Multiple Columns?

Sep 21, 2013

I have two separate worksheets, and I am trying to create a Vlookup or Index and Match formula. Here is the example:

Sheet 1
Cell A1= Employee ID: 123-D.

Vlookup A1 from Sheet 1, and match the first five characters to Column A, Column I and Column P. If a match, return name (e.g. John Doe) in Sheet 1, cell B1.

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Vlookup To Return Multiple Values

Jul 6, 2007

Is there a way where i can vlookup a column and return all matches if there are multiple values?

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VLookup Return Multiple Rows

Apr 6, 2014

I am designing a workout template i have a table with sets and reps and i would like to be able to select a heading and return all of these values to a specified box.

I have attached the file : excel help forum.xlsx

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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Values?

Jun 27, 2014

I have a list of countries in column A, there are duplicates in this list. In column B are numbers corresponding to the country.

USA 3443

Ireland could be in the list and have up to 20 different values beside it in column B

On a separate sheet i have a drop down list of all the countries. I am looking for a vlookup or something similar to return a list of all the numbers beside IRELAND when Ireland is selected in the drop down list.

I had been trying a vlookup but this looks at the list and stops at the first "IRELAND" it finds and just returns the value beside the first "IRELAND"

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Vlookup And Return Multiple Values?

Jul 22, 2014

formula to vlookup and return multiple value in a single as per the attachment.

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Vlookup From Multiple Columns With Only One Return

Dec 19, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with twenty columns. Column A has an item number (say "Clutch"), and the remainder of the columns have values. However, there only be one column in the range B:T which will have a value on the same row as "Clutch" (say "Black" in column "N").

How I can I return "Black" using a vlookup or should I be using something else?

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Use A VLookup To Return Multiple Values

Apr 7, 2009

I have a workbook with 2 sheets. The sheet called 'data' contains all purchasers names (which do get repeated), the item they bought and 3 item costs, all in range A1:E15. The 'lookup' sheet allows the user to enter a purchasers name in cell B1, then I want all the items that purchaser bought listed with the corresponding item costs. I've attached a sample spreadsheet.

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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Values

Jun 3, 2008

I'm having trouble getting my payroll data to combine. I've been using VLOOKUP to look up employees by their Personel Number (Column A) and return their name (column B), Cost Center (Column C), the Fund that they are paid from (Column D) and the Amount they are paid (Column E). The problem is that some employees are being paid out of 2 or more funds and VLOOKUP is only returning the fund that appears first, leaving out the other portion of their pay and thus making my grand total quite far off. How can I get Excel to return all the entries for a particular Personel Number? There are more than 16000 employees, so this is no small spreadsheet.

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VLookup Return Multiple Values?

Dec 19, 2011

I've been trying to research vlookup to see how I can use it or something like it to return multiple value for a dynamic chart I'm trying to build. I've found several paged to give examples but I can not seem to figure it out with my sheet b/c the examples differ from mine I have a financial spreadsheet with several categories and I want to make a chart for all my utilities. i need a array formula (i think) that will search for (example) My salary, my wife's salary and other income and extract those values in the next column (Credit (+)) to build a chart... (i will use this same concept to make other charts as well.) The Categories column is F and the values will need to be extracted for the chart are in G. doesnt matter where they are extracted to but for the sake of being speific ill say starting P50.

(first row below headings is row 5)
CATEGORYCREDIT (+)DEBIT (-)Salary - Byron$ 2,571.11 Utility - Electric$ (154.25)Salary - Felicia$ 1,120.20 Utility - Gas $ (79.47)Mortgage$ (852.01)Salary - Byron$ 2,499.53 Other Income$ 150.00

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Vlookup With Multiple Text Value Return

Apr 17, 2007

I'm trying to create a formula that returns with all the text values for all the conditions. So similar to a sumproduct where the formula returns a summed value of ALL the conditions i need the same but for text.

hello no
hello no
hello yes
goodbye no

formula would return with (no, no, yes).

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VLOOKUP Multiple Return Values

Apr 8, 2008

I am up for any way that this would be possible ....

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VLookup Reporting #n/a In Some Instances And Not In Others For Same Information

Dec 31, 2009

I have a 2 page excel book, 2003, that runs a vlookup off a list from the 2nd page of the workbook. It is a long listing of information. It returns successful info in most of the cases, but in some instances it returns #n/a in one instance where it returned the correct info in others as in:

12345 = dog
12346 = cat
12345 = #n/a

Some instances don't report the corerct info at all while others only report the correct info some of the time like above where 12345 = dog and in some cases it doesn't turn out dog as the anser to the vlookup.

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Return ALL Instances Of Non-blank Cells

Mar 21, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where cells L4 W4 have headers (no spaces in this range), e.g. Cust1, Cust2, Cust3 etc... etc...
Column C contains product names ....

Each product will have a value under each heading (but not all), e.g. Product A = Cust1:10 Cust2(blank) Cust3:4 Cust4(blank) etc... etc...

What I need is a formula that looks along the row for each product and returns the header name if there is a value. Therefore, in the example above the formula result would be Cust1Cust3 ....

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Vlookup Formula To Return Multiple Values?

Jun 23, 2014

I'm trying to use vlookup to return multiple values for the same unique identifier. I've read a couple of examples within the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything I understand. I have employee ID's and these ID's have specific access associated with their ID's and each access is listed within a different row. Within a new spreadsheet I removed all duplicates of the employee ID so now I no longer have a one to one match between spreadsheets, so I would like to create a vlookup that will list all access associated with each employee ID. I have attached a sample of the data sheet I am working with.

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Vlookup To Return Multiple Values For Graphing

Mar 7, 2014

I am attempting to graph data based on work down in specific work centers to track efficiency. I can download all items that were finished for a certain time frame (yesterday, last month, last year, etc.), but the data only shows up as the item, quantity, and the date of closure. I take that info and copy and paste it to the close out tab of the other work book, where it references another sheet to pull in the time required to complete the task, and the work center that did the work. My problem is when an item has multiple work centers on the same item and then taking that info into a pivot table to graph. This can be done manually, but I was hoping I could create a way to only have to copy and paste the data and have it return the work done.

I have included a shortened version of what I am trying to do, eventually there will be 25000+ items on the data tab, but if I can get this to work, then i assume I can extrapolate.

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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Cells Of Same Lookup Value

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to create an automated receipt for a list of artists. I have given the artist an individual reference so I am doing a VLOOKUP to return description/price value etc but I can only get it to return the initial value and I have approx 10-15 works under each reference. Maybe VLOOKUP is the wrong formula to use.. I have attached the file.

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Vlookup Multiple Cells And Return The First Cell

Dec 7, 2009

I think I am surrounded by trees and can't find the forest, I have a list of tariffs and need to get them to a generic name. The attached file may help, the gist of it is I need to output the generic name for each tariff instead of the supplier name for that tariff.

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