How To Hyperlink Sheet In First Worksheet From Several Other Worksheets

Aug 24, 2013

I have workbook that contain several sheets. I want to generate a code that will do "first sheet as Index sheet (no mater what is the name of sheet)". Now in this sheet (Index), I want to put sheet names in sheet's order. OR I want to find the sheet name by just one click in Index sheet (eg. Ctr + F, sheet name, it will go to that sheet) can find all the names of sheet. I won't interested to hyperlink the sheet manually many times on Index sheet.

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How To Map And Hyperlink 100 Worksheets

Dec 4, 2012

Suppose I have and excel workbook with 100 sheets and I want to click from one sheet to another. I created a table of all the sheets and hyperlinked the sheets then copy/pasted the table into each worksheet but that seems primitive. What if I have to revise the table? I will have to do it hundred times !

Is there a smart way to accomplish this using one smart master table that I can copy and paste into each sheet or somehting similar?

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Hyperlink Worksheets

Sep 6, 2009

i want to compile a list of volunteers with various interests in our organization and add a code letter to their contact information. with this code, i'd like to see the contact information copied into another worksheet this possible? if so, how do you write the formula?

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Hyperlink To All Worksheets

Dec 11, 2007

I am wanting to create a macros that will for a given column of cells hyperlink to a Worksheet that has the same name of the cell. I.E. For the set of:

Ohio State

I want to run a macros which will assign each of those to a worksheet within the same workbook that has the same name. So when "ohio state" is clicked on, it will go to the worksheet "ohio state." When "Nebraska" is clicked on it it will go to the worksheet "nebraska" ect.

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Hyperlink List Of All Worksheets

Apr 15, 2008

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets that will be added or removed. I want a list of all worksheets (which I plan on making hyperlinks) on the first worksheet. (entitled "Home"). This page is automatically selected on worksheet open. In pseudocode, I want a:

<for each worksheet in the workbook>
<list name of worksheet>
<advance one row>

OK - so that was even less than pseudocode, it's a quickie outline...
But the idea is present.

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Modify Macro To Add Hyperlink To Worksheets

Oct 4, 2012

I have this macro that I use for taking information based column B grouping it together and putting in a separate worksheet.

What I would like to do is in the master sheet (sheet1) to create a hyperlink for those listed in column B so I can click on it and it takes me right to that worksheet.

Sub exporttoWS()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Range, LR As Long, ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook, C As Range
'looking at the full length of the file
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'sheet needs to be named sheet1, all data should begin on row 3


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Hyperlink - Allow You To Quickly Navigate Through 60 Worksheets

Apr 10, 2009

I am using Excel 2003 to run a workbook that contains 60 separate worksheets. To make it easier for the techs to navigate the workbook I created a block of 60 autoshapes, (5 blocks high x 12 blocks long) each block hyperlinked to each worksheet and labeled with the worksheet name. I then placed one of these blocks at the top of every worksheet. A tech can click on the block and it takes him right to the page he is looking for, pretty straight forward. It works very well, but as you can guess this is a lot of autoshapes to be stuck in one workbook (3600) and whenever you make major changes to the workbook than the blocks become a factor, and if you resize the columns or add one, or change a worksheet name... I thought about just creating 60 custom buttons and sticking them on a custom tool bar - but I found trying to create a button with a number on it like "34" (for "worksheet 34") was pretty tough in the button editor.

way to create a set of hyperlink buttons that will allow you to quickly navigate through 60 worksheets?

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Hyperlink To VLookup Result In Multiple Worksheets

Jan 31, 2014

I have a vlookup worksheet like described in this thread: [URL] .... This works perfect. I would like to be able to jump to the vlookup result using a hyperlink.

In the thread worksheet the formula in C2 is like

In cell D2 I placed the formula (font: webdings )

(Due to the Dutch Excel I use I replaced ";" to ",")

The link works because I hardcoded "Sheet2" into the formula where the result can be found. But it would be much nicer if I didn't had to put the sheetname into this formula.

Is it possible to use range G2:G8 like in the first formula to achieve this? I guess you have to use INDEX and/or INDIRECT but I barely understand the first formula ...

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Automatically Hyperlink Worksheets When Values Entered

Mar 6, 2014

I have an excel file that is used to record information about particular projects. We need to record dates related to these events and these are stored on separate worksheets. These use a key of sorts, where the unique references are replicated on all worksheets.

I have set up the data sheet to generate the unique identifier and the hyperlinks to the Received! and Sent! worksheets automatically as new unique references are added to the Data! worksheet.

What I would like is a VBA code to populate hyperlinks in the Received! and Sent! worksheets in column B, to link back to the Data! worksheet unique reference.

I had used formulas in the past, but the Data! worksheet is massive. I've needed to write hundreds of hyperlink formulas referencing blank spaces in the Data! sheet in anticipation of new projects. It would be better if they were populated as the sheet expanded.

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Hyperlink From A Shape To A Cell On Seperate Worksheets

Feb 10, 2010

I had getting a hyperlink from a Shape to a Cell on seperate worksheets and the macro works fine:

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Create Macro To Hyperlink Cells To Certain Worksheets?

Apr 4, 2014

I want the macro to:

1. Create a new worksheet when data is entered into a cell (ie. entered text "ACC2013" into cell A5)

2. Rename that worksheet to correspond to the data in the cell (ie. change worksheet name from sheet2 to "ACC2013")

3. Create a hyperlink between cell A5 and sheet2

I'd like for this macro to loop through a range of cells so I don't have to have a long code. Let's say my data range is from A5:A23. If this requires multiple macros that is fine.

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Hyperlink To Worksheet

Aug 3, 2009

how to create a Hyperlink to a specific worksheet in a workbook instead of just the workbook?

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Hyperlink Function: Links To A1 Of Sheet 1 To A1 Of Sheet 2

Nov 15, 2009

I created this hyperlink function. It links to a1 of sheet 1 to a1 of sheet 2. However, when I click on the a1 cell in sheet 1. an error message appears. I have attached the spreadsheet...

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Hyperlink Button To Another Worksheet

Dec 27, 2008

I have an existing button which has either a macro or hyperlink assigned to it which links to another worksheet within the workbook. I would like to change the worksheet it is linked to. I have tried right click - edit hyperlink and picked a different sheet, and also assign macro - record new macro. I have even removed hyperlink, then inserted new but no matter what it still goes back to the same sheet.

I am in this position after copying and pasting an existing button. I'm not sure how they designed it from scratch so I would really prefer to just change the link.

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Worksheet Change Hyperlink

Nov 23, 2007

I have a question regarding what i wish to do is force a hyperlink in what i thoguht would be esily dne in a worksheet change event...hw wrong was i.

Lets say i type 'test' in A1 and press because i ave pressed enter A1 is no longer the active cell so the code in the sheet change event inserts the code into A2 but because A is blank the 'Text to display' becomes the hyperlinks address.

I wrote a simple with/ end with thinking it would work but it doesnt because of the issue above (Hope i am making sense here)

I got round it by copying the activecell (which would be the cell underneath) and pasting it back to the original target cell, which because it contains text does what i wantbut i am hoping for a much cleaner solution.....

My target column is '1' and only one i will just need to exit the sub anywhere else on the sheet

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Vba Hyperlink To Local Worksheet

Mar 7, 2007

I would like to, using VBA, assign a hyperlink to an excel cell that links to another worksheet within the same workbook. I've tried the forums, and combined with a previous post and MS Excel Help File, I've come up with the following attempt:

With Worksheets("Test Destination")
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(counter + 4, 5), Address:=strHyper2, _
TextToDisplay:=(#1/1/2007# + counter)

End With

strHyper2 is previously defined: strHyper2 = "[WeatherTester.xls]1!A1"

My spreadsheet file is "WeatherTester.xls", my worksheet is "1", and "A1" is the desired link location for the cursor. Counter is an integer. I get the error "Invalid procedure call or argument". I also tried to enter a hyperlink directly through the formula property, but Excel didn't like the single quotations I had to use within the HYPERLINK function. The hyperlink formula works in the following form: =HYPERLINK("[WeatherTester.xls]1!A1","1 Jan")

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VLookup To Hyperlink To Cell On Same Worksheet

Jun 27, 2014

I simply want to perform a vlookup which can hyperlink to an adjacent cell.

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Hyperlink To Show Up On A Different Worksheet In The Same Workbook

Mar 24, 2009

Im trying to get a hyperlink to show up on a different worksheet in the same workbook.

in the orginal cell (in this example L11) i have placed a hyperlink to an external file.

in the cell on the other sheet i have placed


this shows the text up (in this example : test ) but the link has disappeared.

how i can get the link to show up aswel as the text?

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Hyperlink To Flow To Detailed Worksheet

Jul 6, 2009

Is it at all possible to have a hyperlink that when clicked will take the user to detailed information on another page? I have a summary information with account numbers on one page and would like to click on a hyerlink related to the account number and take the user to the detailed information on another page.

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Hyperlink To Cells On Another Worksheet In Same Workbook

Jun 19, 2013

I've been trying to create a hyperlink to another worksheet in the same workbook using cell("filename") to extract the filepath because the filename could change or the file could be moved. I use

=LEFT(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("[",CELL("filename",A1),1)-1)&MID(CELL("filename"),SEARCH("[",CELL("filename"))+1, SEARCH("]",CELL("filename"))-SEARCH("[",CELL("filename"))-1)

to extract the file path, and then try to throw it into the hyperlink formula like:

=HYPERLINK("[&G1&]'Sheet2'!A2","Go to link")

where G1 is the cell where the filepath is stored.

I'm not sure if my syntax or something is wrong but it's not working out.

I am also looking to use vlookup or somethign in the hyperlink formula to match the cells in column A of sheet1 to column B of sheet2 so I can hyperlink it to the same number on sheet2. Right now in the example below it is all linked to go to A2 on sheet2, and dragging the formula down doesnt change it to A3,A4 etc.

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HYPERLINK Function To A Second Worksheet In One Workbook

Dec 11, 2008

I'm having a problem with the HYPERLINK function. I am trying to make jumps from an index sheet to the large worksheet with all the actual info in it. The name of the file is SKU and the large info sheet is also called SKU. First I took the SKU sheet and numbered the rows (="A"&CELL("row",A1)), then in the index worksheet I created a VLOOKUP that finds the corresponding chapter title and returns that value.

Worksheet 1

2 100 =VLOOKUP(A2,SKU!$A$1:$B$3,2,FALSE) ="[SKU]SKU!"&VLOOKUP(A2,SKU!$A$1:$B$3,2,FALSE)
3 150 =VLOOKUP(A3,SKU!$A$1:$B$3,2,FALSE) ="[SKU]SKU!"&VLOOKUP(A3,SKU!$A$1:$B$3,2,FALSE)

I used the HYPERLINK formula in column D: "=HYPERLINK(C2,A2)" and it returns something that looks like the right thing but the link won't open.

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Hyperlink To Specific Data In Another Worksheet

Feb 20, 2007

I would like to link from worksheet A to worksheet B using the following scenario:

Worksheet A has the following cells, each of which is linked:


Worksheet B has the following cells which worksheet A is trying to link to:


The problem arises when I sort or add rows to worksheet B:


I want "a" in worksheet A to always find "a" in worksheet B, no matter where it is. The columns will not change but it will move to different rows.

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Create Hyperlink From Excel Cell To Worksheet Tab?

Jun 28, 2013

I want to create a hyperlink from an Excel cell to a worksheet tab. Problem is, the tab name changes frequently. The good news is I have a cell that displays all my tab names and automatically refreshes. How can I create a hyperlink that will like to the tab based on the value in that cell?

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Add Dynamic Hyperlink To Separate Worksheet In Same Workbook

Oct 24, 2013

I have read a number of posts and other sites and can create the hyperlink in the desired cell but get an error message to the effect, "Cannot open the workbook."

The current macro follows. I believe its description is made in the comment statements below the date-author comment.

Sub DecomposeCTQ()
'Decompose CTQ Macro
'14Oct13 Charles T. Carroll'
'This macro copies the template to a new worksheet and takes data from the'
' active cell CTQ and makes it the parent CTQ on the new worksheet. Then'
' it renames the new worksheet with the active cell CTQ ID.'
If ActiveCell.Column 2 Then
MsgBox "You must be in the CTQ ID Column to run this program"
GoTo Leave


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Import Folder Structure Into Worksheet & Hyperlink

Sep 7, 2006

I have found the code shown below that imports Folder Contents into a Worksheet in Excel, however i need to import a folder tree structure for a set of folders into a worksheet not the folder contents. Is it possible to do this?

Could the code i found below be altered to list the folders not the folder contents?

The code is:

Sub Print_Dir_Contents()
Dim Input_Dir, Print_File As String
Input_Dir = InputBox("Input the path containing the files you " & _
"want to list on your worksheet" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"for example:C:My Documents*.*")
If Input_Dir = "" Then Exit Sub
' If you want only to print a specific file type, you can
' substitute the "*.*" with "*.xl*"
' (for Excel files only) for the directory specified in the
' InputBox above.
If Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Win*" Then
Print_File = Dir(Input_Dir) & "*.*"
End If

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Hyperlink To Sheet

Jul 27, 2008

on sheet 1, i have 6 combo boxes ... one for each semester of Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grade 10.

Each is completely independent of all the others and each shows the subject codes for that grade in that semester.

what I would like to do is ..

if I click on (let's say ) box 3, and choose the 4th subject code down the box, I would like to be 'teleported' to sheet that bears that same subject code.

Is this possible, and is it a problem that the other 5 combo boxes will still have a subject code in their display window from previous viewings ?

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Hyperlink Same Sheet

Mar 27, 2009

This HAS to be a simple fix. Could not find a string with this solution in it yet.

Trying to set up a hyperlink to reference another location in the same sheet.
Used the example in Excel as a model to set this up so placed this formula in cell B1:
this defaults to =hyperlink(Sheet1!a1,"LINK") since Book1 is the current wb.
clicking on "link" in cell B1 produces "Cannot open specified file" error.
I need the hyperlink to be dynamic, so I can't use the CTRL+K hyperlink function.

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Reference Different Sheet For Hyperlink

Oct 30, 2008

I'm working on a formula to get the the path of a picture on a different sheet in a workbook. I am trying to get use the hyperlink function to reference that cell on the the other sheet. It looks right but I get an error saying that it cannot open the specified file.

This is what my formula looks like:

=HYPERLINK(ADDRESS(4,12,2,,"Sheet 1"),2)

I need it to actually get the actual text value of the cell I am trying to reference. How would I do that?

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Hyperlink With Hidden Sheet

Oct 21, 2011

In a sheet I have a two hyperlinks with Sheet4 and Sheet5. when I am clicking on first hyperlink then the sheet4 is opening and when I am clicking on the other hyperlink then sheet5 is opening. But if I hide these two sheets it is not opening,

Is there any way so that hide sheets should be opened? will I have to write code for that?

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Hyperlink On Sheet Associated With Some Other Data

May 3, 2012

I have hyperlink on my sheet which is associated with some other data so when i use =hyperlink(reference cell) then it shown hyperlink but when i tried to open it, Its not opening. Click Here to see error message example.

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