How To Make Conditional Formatting For Negative Numbers
Feb 19, 2014
I need the conditional formatting to make all numbers that are zero clear (i.e. no fill).
I need it to make all negative numbers to be red, however it doesn't seem to recognize "-1" as a number, and ends up highlight everything red when I say "highlight values < -1 red".
How would I do this?
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May 12, 2009
I have a large dataset (24000 rows) that requires me to multiply two different columns of integers. In some cases, the two integers are both negative and multiplying them results in a product that is positive. I actually need that product to be negative rather than positive. I can't quite seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this.
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Mar 28, 2007
I am trying to create a budget in excel and want to type my numbers (in certain cells only) without a - sign but I want them to appear, and calculate, as negative numbers. Basically, I am lazy and don't want to have to remember to use a - for all of my expenses when I am inputting the data.
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Apr 24, 2009
Excel 2000. I am having a little problem getting the list of numbers detailed below to turn red if Negative and Green if positive, (0:00 to stay blank). These numbers will changed between a maximum of 120:00hrs and -120:00hrs....
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Dec 11, 2013
I am attempting to add conditional formatting (yellow fill) to cells that are greater than 15% or less than -15%. I've tried the following formula but, it highlights all cells.
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Apr 26, 2014
I am using the following format code for the y axis of a line chart. I am shortening the axis to show 3M or 500K instead of $3,000,000 or $500,000. I can't get it to work with negative numbers, I get the full $3,000,000. Somewhere I read you can only do 3 formats in a formula. Is there a way to include negative numbers using this formatting?
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Apr 2, 2014
I am currently using the following format to display numbers in my excel.
_(* #,###,###_);_(* (#,###,###);_(* "-"_);@
The brackets and underscores are used so that the positive and negative numbers align with overhanging brackets.
I want to modify the format such that it is able to display decimals where ever applicable.
For example
1,000 display as 1,000
0 display as a dash "-"
1.265 display as 1.265
-0.51 display as (0.51)
I tried changing it to:
_(* #,###,###.###_);_(* (#,###,###.###);_(* "-"_);@
However it added a "." to all positive and negative numbers regardless of whether there were decimals after it.
10 displayed as 10.
-30 displayed as (30.)
In otherwords - I am trying to find the "general" format and modify it to include brackets for negative number, and also modify it so that the positive numbers aligning with the negative numbers with the ) over hanging.
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May 29, 2013
Can I use Conditional formatting (highlights duplicate values) but highlight the number even if the number is an Positive or Negative number.
It must highlight the number if it's -300 or 300 in both instances.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have two arrows:
- Red Arrow points down to signify negative change
- Green Arrow points up to signify positive change
These arrows look exactly like the Excel 2007 conditional formatting arrows you would apply to a cell - the only difference is that I have inserted them as shapes so I can float them over a graph.
GOAL: Corresponding with the graph, if a cell shows a (+) change, then I display green arrow and hide red arrow. Vice versa for a (-) change.
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May 9, 2014
I look everywhere to find a formula for a conditional formatting to make dues dates.
I would like to know if it's possible to do conditional formatting to make due dates turn green and yellow 90 and 180 days before their dues dates? The reason I am asking this question, it's because the column that where dates are, they are coming from a VLOOKUP formula and it's coming from another workbook.
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Mar 27, 2013
Conditional formatting format: Boarder - bottom boarder
The problem when I insert a raw in the middle of the table the condition formatting is not applied. How can I make excel carry over the conditional formatting?
The only reason I formatted the data in a table because it'll automatically control alternating row background color when insert rows.
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Jun 26, 2002
how to make thicker borders using the Conditional Formatting option? The options they give you are all thin borders.
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Apr 5, 2012
How do I make my cell shade a certain color? For example, green if >90%, yellow if >70% and red if
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Jan 19, 2010
This might be a simple answer but... if A1 had the date 1-Jan-2010, what formula would I used, within conditional formatting, to make that cell turn blue once 90 has passed? So the cell should turn blue on 1-Apr-2010.
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Nov 5, 2008
I am trying to add something to a spreadsheet. I want to do some Conditional Formatting but I am not certain on what the formula would be to accomplish it. I am putting the Cond Format in cell E5 and I need a formula to say: IF F5 AND G5 are BLANK then do the format I set up which is simply to fill the cell with RED. (.ColorIndex = 3)
The next portion of my problem is I need to revise my VBA Coding to check and make sure that there is not any cells in Column E that have the Formatting Active. This is the portion of code I need to alter. I have changed the wording of the message but am not sure on how to change the IF statement:
'Checks to see make sure there are no Actions or Resolutions WITHOUT a Topic
If Sheets("Meeting Minutes").Range("C1").Value = "" Then 'NEEDS TO CHANGE
MsgBox "Oops! You forgot to enter a Topic for Discussion in a cell(s). You MUST have a Topic in order for your Meeting Minutes to transfer to the Master sheet." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please click OK to return to the Minutes sheet so that you may fill in the Topic(s).", vbOKOnly, "CAUTION! PLEASE Note!"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = ""
Exit Sub
End If
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Aug 1, 2007
I have data that comes from a subsytem that places the negative sign at the right of the number, so it is recognized as text. I can get around this using find and replace and then a second step to multiply that by -1, but is there a formula that can do this for me?
I was trying if(right(A1,1)="-",TBD,A1)
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Jun 26, 2013
I'm designing a spreadsheet for our department which tracks a students progress throughout their time at the school. There are 4 levelsStatementSchool Action PlusSchool ActionMonitorIn year 7, they may come into our school at Monitor level, but when they get to year 8 they may have moved to Action Plus. I want to highlight that change on my spreadsheet with conditional formatting if possible so if they go up, the cell will turn red, if they move down the list the cell will turn green.
I've created two columns on an options sheet (which holds all my data validation lists) and assigned a number to each of the levels so i can conditionally format my columns using < and > but I don't know how to write the lookup formula
What I'm trying to achieve
My Options sheet
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Jan 27, 2009
I found out about conditional formatting for five different letters or letter combinations, using VBA, using the code below.
I was wondering if this is also possible with letters or letter combinations, BV, RV, SV, CV, Z and numbers, somewhere between 0 and 9,5.
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May 5, 2009
I have a sheet that has conditional formatting that looks at column D2 for a number and divides that by half. it then colors in a corresponding cell on a row in the sheet that matches that number. the problem i am having is with odd numbers like 23 it gives a result of 11.5 . all my cell numbers are all rounded to whole numbers. i need to round the 11.5 to 12 or 13 it does not matter which one... i just need it to round it up or down. I have tried everything i can think of but have had no luck. I attached my workbook so you can see how it works.
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a number in column "E" T13245v1
I have a formula in column "D" =RIGHT(E1459, 1)
Which gives me "1" in column "D" (last number in string)
In column "P" I have a number which I want to apply conditional formatting to, to highlight if the numbers in "D" and "P" do not match.
What is happening is that the conditional format is seeing the formula not the number and therefore always applies the condition. How do I correct this.
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Feb 14, 2007
suppose I have the numbers 1-25 in a column. I want to color the numbers 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25 green, color 2,5,8,11,...25 orange and color 3,6,9,12...25 red. I can not set up the conditional formatting formulas correctly.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have column A with Different status like Open, closed, available etc. Column B have numbers. i am looking for a formula in condition formatting for column B.
If the cell value in column B is 2 or more, the same cell should be highlighted in Green.
If the cell value in column B is 1, the same cell should be highlighted in Yellow.
If the cell value in column B is 0, the same cell should be highlighted in Amber.
If the cell value in column B is less than 0, the same cell should be highlighted in Red.
If the cell value in column A is "Available", cell in column B should be highlighted in Amber.
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Jan 28, 2014
I have some data referring to % that comes in the format of 1.1% for a positive number and (1.1)% for a negative number
How can i get the 1.1% to display green and the (1.1)% to display red?
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Mar 6, 2013
formula I colored only if three numbers in a list.
attach file
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May 18, 2013
I want to have Excel highlight one or two numbers/cells in one column based on the value in another cell. I am attempting to do this using Conditional Formatting.
For example, if X1 is BETWEEN A2 and A3, I want to highlight A2 AND A3. I have used various AND and IF functions to achieve this goal.
Also, if X1 is EQUAL to A2, I want A2 to be highlighted. This is easy to do with a simple formula.
But my problem is this: if X1 is equal to A2, I want ONLY A2 highlighted. If X1 is between A2 and A3, I want BOTH A2 and A3 highlighted. I cannot figure out how to achieve both. For example, when X1 = A3, A2 AND A3 are being highlighted, instead of just A3. I would prefer to do this without a macro, if possible. Can this be done?
Example formulas I have tried which easily achieve the highlighting of two cells when the value is between them:
Condition 1=IF(AND($I$35>I8,$I$35<I7),1," ")+IF($I$35<>I7,1," ")
Condition 2=IF(AND($I$35<I6,$I$35>I8),1," ")+IF($I$35<>I7,1," ")
It appears that the +IF, etc. functions are not doing anything.
This is more complicated by the fact that the value of, in the above example, I35 is based on a value from another sheet (I used a function to transfer a value from one sheet to I35 in the other sheet). As data are entered on Sheet1, the value in I35 in Sheet2 changes.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a table that has labels of departments. Then each of those departments will be tracked per week on a number. I am looking for a formula for conditional formatting that if cell C5 is less than B5 that cell C5 (with the smaller number) fills green. Then depending on the next weeks number it will have no fill or a green fill if the number has decreased in cell D5.
Is there anyway that I can do an array of cells or do I have to do it individually per column?
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Jul 13, 2014
What would be the best way to apply conditional formatting where you actually want to apply a background and foreground colour to cells that have many different item numbers, ex:
6201 = Dark blue font, light blue background
6202 = Dark Green font, light green background
6230 = Dark Purple font, light purple background
6245 = ...
6445 = ...
6447 = ...
6448 = ...
and the list goes on for about 200 different colour combinations.
I know I can do this in conditional formatting using the ribbon, but I wonder if there was a faster way to do this
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May 5, 2014
i wish to do some conditional formatting. my target for the first 6 months from date activated is 50,000 after 6 months is 100,000. and for those below target, i will need it to be highlighted in red. thus i have 2 sets of conditions.(calculate the no. of months and the revenue).
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Mar 25, 2013
How do I do "conditional formatting" to high light the numbers which bigger than average + 2 * stdev in a data group?
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May 22, 2014
I m unable to apply conditional formatting with numbers ( font and fill of same color).
if press 1 , cell and font should be of same color and if 2 with different color and so on
as of now either formula is applying on cell or font but not on both
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