How To Step Among Entries Of Autofilter Via VBA Code
Jan 25, 2014
While I try to create a sub - autofilter A column and select the...
- first entry (but not as a unique item, as data may changes weekly) once 1st item filtered - I'd do some function: sum weekly results, and keep only one row with the filtered item (paste special/delete rows)
- than step on next entry and do the same as before
- take these steps till the end of autofilter list, than remove autofilter.
.. with this action, I'd get the sum value of my weekly forecast on each individual items.
I've started as:
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$2:$BN$400").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
But criteria should be like .. 1st entry ... 2nd entry ... last entry .. session end .. ?!
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Dec 7, 2006
I am looking at the code in a MODULE, I can use "F8" to step through it.
But if I have no module just the main project code I cannot find a way to step through it.
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Jun 11, 2009
I don't understand the relationships that are happening and what the final value would be if for example the PT was Red. I'm confused and was curious how four lines could all equal different values(highlighted).
UpUserPaint = UCase(RegPaint.Value)
Dim icount As Integer
LenRegPaint = Len(RegPaint.Value)
For icount = 1 To LenRegPaint
ValPAint = ValPAint + Asc(Mid(UpUserPaint, icount, 1))
Next icount
If PTRed.Value Then
ColorCompare = Abs(Pallet * (ValPAint + PrdtSeed - LenRegPaint))
ColorCompare = Abs( Round(ColorCompare / PrdtSeed - 7227, 0))
ColorCompare = ColorCompare And 6215971
ColorCompare = ColorCompare Xor 6215971.............................
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Jun 5, 2008
I don't know what exactly is happening, but every step of the macro is happening every 1 second. Literally, the BPM is 60. It will execute a step in the macro every second, when in other macro's i've made, it zips right through as if it was on fast forward.
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Nov 1, 2006
I'm making a database for people to easily find their documents at work. In some cells there are multiple entries because the document could be within two catagories, eg. memo and report. Is it possible to somehow list these multiple entries within the cell so that the autofilter will recognise them as seperate entries and find that document whether you filter for memo or report? If not, can you get the filter to search more than one column for the same result and show all entries that are, say, a memo, even if it says so in different columns? I want it to be as simple as possible for the user so that they can select what they want from the drop-down menu and not
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Jun 23, 2006
I've have and autofilter in the heading of a column that allows me filter on All, NonBlanks, Blanks, Cell Entries, Etc.....But for some reason when I filter on all a number of rows are hidden or the row height is set to 0 and I can't view the cells unless I change the row height.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a piece of code (below) that autofilters a table based on a cell value (B7). I am looking to adapt this code so that the table can be filtered by an additional field in B8. This cell may be blank, in which case I want it to select all possible values (not just uncheck them all).
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Intersect(Target, Range("B7")) Is Nothing) _[code]....
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Nov 24, 2007
I am encounting problems with an AutoFilter which is run in a macro after the user has selected dates from 2 Date Pickers (DTPicker) on a user form. The filter is applied to 1 column in a spreadsheet containing dates in the formay "dd/mm/yy" and is supposed to filter dates =2 and between a range of dates as selected. The resultant filter is blank, if the macro is debugged at this point the date format for the 1st criteria is found to have swopped the "dd" & "mm" around but the 2nd criteria is fine. eg. user selected 01/07/07 and 31/07/07 the resultant filter applied is 07/01/07 and 31/07/07. I have re-formatted dates to Long as per the article on this site @ but still get the same result ???
Dim fDate, tDate As Date
Dim lfDate, ltDate As Long
fDate = frmReportMenu.dtpFromDate.Value
tDate = frmReportMenu.dtpToDate.Value
fDate = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate), Day(fDate))
tDate = DateSerial(Year(tDate), Month(tDate), Day(tDate))
lfDate = fDate
ltDate = tDate
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a macro which (see below) which will autofilter a spreadsheet to only show cases which are older than a 200 days. I'd like to add the ability for the end user to change the filter criteria as required (say from 200 to 300).
Ideally this would be done by having the macro reference cell G22 which is where I would allow the end user to change the filter criteria.
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Oct 21, 2009
The code contain using Autofilter to some columns, & then copy paste to another sheet to first blank row, & sorting it by asscending in Column A.
Both sheets are in the same workbook.
But for some reason, the Macro will giving the result expected if i run it step by step (by using F8 button under window VB editor). And if i call the Macro name it stoped in the middle of the process.
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Feb 20, 2007
What could make this line of code stop working. It has worked for weeks, and just yesterday it stopped working. :x
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Email").UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=2
The sheet is unprotected, and events are enabled. I don't know of anything different than before. What do I look for that would not allow this code to run?
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Jul 25, 2008
I found this code for hiding an autofilter arrow for column 2. I would also like to hide the arrows for columns 35 through 50. Does anybody know how to do that? Thanks.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'hides all arrows except column 2
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each c In Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, i))
If c.Column 25 Then
c.AutoFilter Field:=c.Column, _
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Aug 12, 2006
I'm looking to use Autofilter and current region to select each persons data and paste to a new sheet.
The trouble is i'm not sure how to change the criteria name in the loop
e.g first name in list is Jack, next is John
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Jack"
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Sep 5, 2006
I have some code for applying various filters, up to a maximum of five. However, not all five fields need necessarily have any filter but I can't find a way in the vaConditions line to show 'no filter' or 'All'.
vaFields = VBA. Array(1, 3, 4, 9, 10)
vaConditions = VBA.Array("", "", "", ">20", "")
Set rngData = Worksheets("CECO 2005").UsedRange
For i = 0 To 4
rngData.AutoFilter Field:=vaFields(i), Criteria1:=vaConditions(i)
Next i
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Feb 27, 2007
I'm trying to program a macro that filters out codes in an autofilter list. There are about 40 codes in total, however I only want excel to display 3. The current script I am using is below. I know excel lets you filter for 2 criterias in this format, however is 3 or more too much? What would be the best way around this problem?
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=COR", Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="=REM", Operator:=x1Or, _ Criteria3:="=REA"
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Aug 9, 2007
I have created a macro some time ago that is an integrated part of an XLA. The Xla has worked fine but now, for some reason, the macro fails to import the specified text, it doesn't fail but nothing gets imported. I have tried solving this myself, but alas I am not bright enough
The code is:
Sub GetWorksheet()
Dim filetoopen As String
Dim wb As Workbook
filetoopen = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("XL Files (*.xls), *.xls")
On Error Resume Next
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Apr 30, 2008
I have to create autofilters dynamically on x columns based on the selection I make. I created this code but is not working.
LastColumn = Cells. Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
Range(Cells(17, 1), Cells(17, LastColumn)).Select
With Selection
.AutoFilter = True
End With
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Jun 13, 2013
Range("a1:n" & row_end).AutoFilter 13, "ABC"
If the value "ABC" not found in table, it shows error msg, In my file data="ABC" avail, sometimes not.
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Nov 26, 2008
The tables given below located in different worksheets rather then doing autofilter(sheet3 hidden) is there any code or formula to sort them out.....
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Sep 3, 2007
I have a protected worksheet with some macros running on it, and I have been requested to make the workbook shared. Trying to implement this, I keep getting the standard "1004 You cannot use this command on a protected sheet" error when applying an autofilter.
Here is what is making this problem a little tricky:
- As the workbook is shared, I cannot do Protect UserInterfaceOnly because you can't change the protection settings on a shared workbook without unsharing it. Needless to say, I cannot unshare the workbook.
- When I protect the sheet, I do allow the user to use autofilter. Consequently, Sheet.Protection.AllowFiltering and Sheet.EnableAutofilter both are on. Still, I keep getting the error.
The failing line of code is:
shData. Range("_filterDataBase").AutoFilter lngField, strArg
where shData is the codename of the sheet, lngField is the number of the field and strArg is the filtering criteria.
My guess is, that the error comes from the fact that (for some silly reason) in VBA the .AutoFilter method is used to create a new filter, not only to use an existing one. The members of Sheet.AutoFilter.Filters collection are read-only, and cannot be used to modify the existing filter.
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Feb 22, 2009
I'm working on a spreadsheet to compile and print checks. All the check information except the date and first check number is contained in a Wins sheet. I also have a Checks sheet which contains a master check. I used text boxes on the master check to contain individual check information. Each text box is filled in from the Wins sheet by means of formulas. The problem I'm having is how to modify the formula entries in the following code to cycle or loop through all checks required. A sample spreadsheet is attached.
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Sep 25, 2009
Im sure this is a very common problem. I tried searching for it but I havent found anything that solves this for me. Here is the code Im using:
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May 7, 2006
I'm trying to run a loop that doesn't go through every value between the lower and upper bounds so am using Step at the end of the For line:
For j = 0 To s Step loop_step
'Does stuff in here - not relevant
Next j
The amount that is being stepped through is set as a variable previously - called loop_step, and works fine for small values (e.g. stepping through 10 at a time) but comes up with an error for 1000. I haven't checked how large the value needs to be before it creates an error, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there's a limit on the number you can step through? Otherwise I have no idea what's causing this problem!
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May 26, 2008
I get a report that I have to manually edit everyday. I've done some VBA, but not sure where to start with this one.
The attachment has two sheets, first is what I get and the second is what I want. I'll explain the process i have to go thru now and maybe I can get some help to automate it.
-Add the tech number to the first column for each job for each tech.
7988 us the first tech number.
-Then delete every row that isn't a job.
-Add a column with the install date.(report data near the top.)
-Add a column and populate it with the system, which is the sheet name.
Thats why its example.
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Apr 6, 2012
This little piece of code is where I'm having problems.
A36:A45 will always be the same.
The problem is in getting ("R2:AA2") to move to ("R3:AA3") ...
What needs to happen for the loop to work?
I've tried:
Dim rngDC as Range
then Set rngDC = Worksheets("Month").Range("R2:AA2")
So that I can later use rngDC = RngDC.Offset(1,0)
However, when I try rngDC.Select I get an error saying I can't select the variable that way.
Here's the complete code:
Sub Import()
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
With Sheets("Month")
[Code] ....
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Sep 24, 2007
I have written this code to change the colour of a row of cells to bright green and to change the cell contents of cell(Row, 15) from “L” to “F”: This is the main workbook into which are pulled values from three others. I then want it to open one of the subsidiary workbooks, that feeds the information, to change the same job row to bright green and to change the cell contents of cell(Row, 15) from “L” to “F”. Then I want to save the changes and return to the main sheet: - The ActiveCell contains the Job Number.
Option Explicit
Public rw As Integer
Public Col As Integer
Public Job As String
Public JobNo As String
Public RowNo As Integer
Public wName As String
Public times As Integer
Public Pips As String
Public Nicolas As String
Public Cindys As String
Public wb
Sub FinishedinOfficeCindy()
rw = ActiveCell.Row
JobNo = ActiveCell
Col = ActiveCell.Column
If Col 1 Then
Check that the correct
MsgBox "Please choose the Job Number first"column is selected and
Exit SubThat the workbook is
End Ifthe correct one
If Cells(rw, 14) "Cindy" Then
MsgBox "Wrong Secretary Chosen - whoops!"
Exit Sub
End If
All works perfectly when I step through it but, when it is activated (Ctrl+Shift+C) it opens the other workbook and then seems to end? I even tried putting in delays to see if they would help but they didn’t.
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Oct 31, 2007
I do have code, but this thing (which appears on the Excel window, not the VBE window) doesn't seem to be connected to any of my code.
What is this, and what caused it to suddenly pop up on me in Excel?
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Jan 12, 2010
My workbook contains several worksheets with queries to external SQL Server database. All queries use background updates. Each query uses a parameter for the SQL query string. The parameter value is obtained from E2 Reports!B4. Manually changing this cell returns results on worksheet Job Summary in range("A6:K6"). This works great!Worksheet Order Details contains a list of job numbers in column B.
I wrote a VBA sub that loops through these jobs, changing E2 Reports!B4 for each job. I then call the Application.RefreshAll function. Finally, I copy "Job Summary!A6:K6" to a row on worksheet Order Summary. If the next job is the same order, I copy with a paste special to add the results.The problem occurs when running the VBA sub. If I step through the code, waiting for the RefreshAll function to finish, the correct values are returned. If I step through fast, without waiting for the RefreshAll, the values for some jobs are copies of the previous job, but other jobs are correct. If I hold the F8 key down or hit the F5 key, all values are the same as the first job.I've tried DoEvents, turning off screen updates, and turning off background updates.
Private Sub
Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) If Target.Name = "Order Summary" Then ' rj references position on Job Summary sheet Dim rj As Integer ' ro references position on Order Summary sheet Dim ro As Integer rj = 6 ro = 6 ' clear all rows Sheets("Order Summary").Range("a6:a65536").EntireRow.Clear Application.CutCopyMode = False ' turn off screen updating to avoid flicker..........................................
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Apr 14, 2007
I have a simple calculation - Say 0-6. What i need to do is, if the value is <7 place a 10 in the cell, or if the the value is <12 place a 5 in the cell, or,
lastly if the value is <21.5 place a 0 in the cell. Is this at all possible - as i can only do it with conditional formatting using colours at present
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Mar 11, 2008
Is there a way to loop through a range of numbers, pick the first 24 columns, do some kind of caclulation for each column and row, the start again on column 25 for another 24 columns, perform the same calculation, go to the next set of 24 columns, etc?
I have tried using, for example, AVERAGE(OFFSET(range,0,0,24,24) and that correctly returns the average for the first 24 columns (range being the range of data I am using like D366:HK389). However, unless I manually change the starting column for the next set, it doesn't return the correct result. I have attached a sample data spreadsheet. There are 9 Locations in the spreadsheet where each Location contains a 24x24 matrix.
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