Shows Error In Autofilter Code If Criteria Not Match
Jun 13, 2013VB:
Range("a1:n" & row_end).AutoFilter 13, "ABC"
If the value "ABC" not found in table, it shows error msg, In my file data="ABC" avail, sometimes not.
Range("a1:n" & row_end).AutoFilter 13, "ABC"
If the value "ABC" not found in table, it shows error msg, In my file data="ABC" avail, sometimes not.
I'm looking to use Autofilter and current region to select each persons data and paste to a new sheet.
The trouble is i'm not sure how to change the criteria name in the loop
e.g first name in list is Jack, next is John
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Jack"
I'm trying to program a macro that filters out codes in an autofilter list. There are about 40 codes in total, however I only want excel to display 3. The current script I am using is below. I know excel lets you filter for 2 criterias in this format, however is 3 or more too much? What would be the best way around this problem?
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=COR", Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="=REM", Operator:=x1Or, _ Criteria3:="=REA"
I am looking for an Excel macro that will Autofilter a worksheet to display all rows with a empty value in one column (e.g. column B) as well as display the entire row above the aforementioned row with a blank cell in column B. I need it to be "reversible" so that I can click the Autofilter button (or advanced filter button) to show all rows again.
View 2 Replies View Relatedbool = IsError(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ws1.Range("D" & i) & ws1.Range("G" & i) & ws1.Range("H" & i), ws2.Range("A3:A" & LR2) & ws2.Range("B3:B" & LR2) & ws2.Range("C3:C" & LR2), 0) > 0)
I am wanting to return a boolean result for if a multi-condition match is found. In pseudocode, I want to basically determine if the value in Column D, G, and H on worksheet 1 for a given row is repeated in Columns A, B, and C on worksheet 2 in any row. I have all variables properly dimmed.
If Range("a7").Value = "" Then
Range("A1:A6").Copy Destination:=Sheets("sheet1").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
'Range("C1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
End If
This command shows error?
I'm working on a function that gets its values from a Data Validation List.
My problem is that I want the function to return a value when an item in the list is selected and another if the user did not make a selection... just a basic if....then....else ... but the cell where I call this function shows the #VALUE! error while no item in the list is selected.
I call the function like this:
=myFunction(RC[-5], RC[-2])
where RC[-5] is the Data Validation List and RC[-2] is a cell where the user should enter a number
why I'm getting the #VALUE! error instead of my message
The function basically looks like this:
I am linking two worksheets together. Formulas work fine except when I close the source sheet, it turnes into #REF error. I saw in one of the posts that you can not use INDIRECT formula on closed workbooks (INDIRECT is a part of the formula in my sheet) and downloaded the changingExternal. zip file as directed. Although, after staring at it for a while, I realized that I had no idea as to what was going on in there.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am creating a summary page that shows product levels for each org. The summary page looks something like this.
ORG 863869880
Warehouse SubWHS1WHSWHS
And the data source looks like this
I've been trying to return the qty based on the ORG and SUB using an INDEX MATCH function but it keeps giving me a #NA error. Here's the logic behind what I'm trying to do. Return Value (QTY)of part # X if ORG = B and SUB = C (in this case WHS). Here's my Formula
=INDEX(Data!$D$2:$D$43,MATCH(Summary!B$1,IF(AND(Data!$B$2:$B$43=Summary!$A4,Data!$C$2:$C$43="WHS1"), Data!$A$2:$A$43),0))
This is an array formula so I have confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to designate as such.
I was given a workbook with several bugs and asked to fix it and make it functional again. I was able to fix everything except for a runtime error 1004. On the debug it highlights the following code:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
LoadSheetNames "Compare_Session_Start", "Engineer*"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadSheetNames(strRangeForValidation As String, strDesiredCodeName As String)
Anytime you select the base worksheet or a duplicate it shows the runtime error...
I am trying to make an "intelligent" auto filter that with filter with increasing restriction until a certain criteria is met.
The list runs from A5:G20. In coloumn G is the number of hours associated with each event. And in A1 I have the percentage of items showing/whole list so it I have 15 rows on the list, and I filter so that only 5 are showing, cell a1=33%
How can I make a macro that will autofilter until the the a1=5%
Like having filter criter = equal or greater then 1 hour,
if a1 > 5%
Then criteria + 1 hour
If A1=<5%, then stop.
basically a seed criteria of 1 hour, adding 1 hour until the value in a1 = 5%
I am attempting to show a User Form during the forms Initialize code. I Load the form after extracting data from a SQL Server database. The code that Loads the form is returned to after the form closes. The problem is that when I run through the Initialize code where criteria decides whether the form is actually shown to the user. If the criteria is not met there are no issue, but if the criteria is met, then the form is opened and the rest of the Initialize code is not stepped through. As there are many If Then and a Select Case and a couple With...'s I need the rest of the Initialized code to be stepped through so after the form is closed by the user and the original code which Loaded the form is returned to I do not get an error.
Oh and the big problem is that I am not getting an error message during this, the Load code is actually repeated because when the original code is actually returned to is returned on the Load UserForm code.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer, Endofdata As Integer, wsheet3 As Worksheet, wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet, c As Variant, gTotal As Long, Score As String, g3000 As Long
Dim gTotalAdd As Integer
On Error Goto ErrorHandler:
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
'cmbIDCountry.ColumnCount = 2
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set wsheet3 = wbBook.Worksheets("UpdateDetails")
Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets("Data") ....................
Does such function exist in Excel?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have code to open another workbook and run a specific macro. I plan to then take that and copy it over to my workbook.
The problem I am encountering is when I run this macro, at the end of the code, a form/msg pops up stating it is complete. This then automatically stops my code from running (from my original workbook). How do I close this form in order to keep my code running?
I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:
=SUM(VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("FAID",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("BPCM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMD",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE))
F13 = Employee number
Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based.
The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"
This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.
the if stattement works perfectly and does exactly what i want except when it comes to the else part. if there is no error the statements are run perfectly but if there is an error (in this case the error is generated when a match cannot be found in the spreadsheet) the else statement doesnt kick in and post the msgbox.
the code just crashes. and returns an error 1004 on the line i have highlighted in yellow
res = WorksheetFunction.Match(invvar, Columns(1), 0)
If Not IsError(res) Then
Me.txtClientID.Value = ws13. Cells(res, 7)
Me.txtNumber.Value = ws13.Cells(res, 7)
Me.txtDate.Value = ws13.Cells(res, 8)
'save client id as a variable
'Print to invoice------------------------------------------------------------------.....................
Say you have a long list of data, and you go to Data menu --> Filter --> AutoFilter
And then you want to use the Custom AutoFilter. Here's a screenshot:
Is there any way to do MORE than two autofilters?
Been looking at various options. Just want something to simply show the autofilter critera (1 & 2 or how every many there are) in a text box. The range being filtered is column A : M.
Basically taking this further, want to use the criteria of column C to lookup an email address e.g.
'C' is filtered by "Company 96"
Lookup "Company 96" from sheet2 range A:B, with column A containing name, and column B containing email address
I have 4 command buttons (A-D) so that the users can update after inputting new or revised Data.
My problem is that if updated in order, button D Macro below stops at the first "Selection.AutoFilter..." as if it cannot turn on the Auto Filter.
It will run if I manually set the AutoFilter on the sheet.
I think, and as I am completely new to this please feel free to correct me, the reason that it stops is that on the Button B is a "AdvancedFilter" Macro.
My problem is following: I have a list of data that are classified according to a particular character, and I want to copy (with auto filter through the macro) the relevant information to the appropriate place in the sheet where it belongs. That's no problem. The problem is that if I want to copy data, classified by a character that is not listed in the table (that is not in the filtering criteria), then all the data are copied to the appropriate place. But I do not want to copy in this case nothing. How should such a macro look like?
Find attached an example : example.xlsm
This is the following code i have a problem with:
ActiveSheet.Range("$B:$J").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Sheets("Report").Cell(0, -2).Value
I am trying to filter items on a sheet called "all the answers" and i want to look up a value on the sheet called "Report" to filter.
The cell i want to filter is two cells to the left of the active cell on that sheet.
I have some data which I want to apply multiple criteria to for a particular column. Searched around on the internet and it would appear I should use an array and pass that to my criteria. What I can't find an answer for is how to say "does not equal any of the values within the array"
Code currently is:
Dim NumberFilter_Array(0 to 2)
NumberFilter_Array(0) = 2
NumberFilter_Array(1) = 9
I've tried variations for that in red but can't get it to work, how to correct the line in red to filter for none of the values in the array NumberFilter_Array?
I am trying to use VBA to set an autofilter that hides all zeros in Column AL and then excludes all values in Column E that start with "312" or "502". For some reason I can't get this to work as expected, it still continues to display unwanted values in Column E.
HTML Code:
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$CS" & LastRow).AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=Array("312*", "502*")
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$CS" & LastRow).AutoFilter Field:=38, Criteria1:=Array("0")
Is there a way to add a dynamic number of criteria(based on user input) to an autofilter.
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= dynamicfilters
I have one master sheet of data, with a large number of fields and data.
I need to turn this master data into individual records, each record exisiting as an individual worksheet - lets call it a 'U'. The U is a template sheet which has calculations and lookups built into it to complete further information. The completed U's are then used by a number of people for different reasons. There are 3 main 'flavours' of these sheets which have slightly different uses.
I've gone from knowing nothing about macros to having learned enough about them in the last week or so to populate each individual sheet with the data, and save the new file in the location I want it to go.
What I want to do now is filter the fields displayed by the individual U sheets, as not every field is applicable to each 'flavour'. I've marked up the rows as to the appropriate flavour - e.g. Row 17 is applicable to 'P' 'F' and 'R' ( Cell which is auto filtered contains PFR), but Row 18 is only 'P' and 'F' (Cell contains PF).
I've gone through the master file and identified each entry as a the appropriate flavour - to summarise what I'd like to do now:
1) Automatically populate the template file with the relevant data. (which my macro will do)
2) Use an autofilter to filter the rows equal to the data in the reference sheet so these are the only ones displayed. Eg. Reference sheet says 'P', so I want to filter the U sheet where autofilter column contains the letter 'P'
3) Rename the file and save as my reference in the location I want it to (which the macro is doing).
Here's what I've got:
Windows("USS iss1.xls").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ActiveCell, Operator:=xlAnd
(where CF3 = the cell in the master data with the flavour in it, "USS iss1" is the template U file, G158 is a spare cell and Autofilter Field 1 contains the row reference which tells me which data applies to which flavours).
I've tried using the macro recorder, which when I paste the value in the autofilter/contains box records it as the value I've just put in rather than a copy of the reference cell. I've tried
and other variations on the same theme, but to no avail - I get "Compile error: Expected:expression".
You posted this code and it works well
could u advise how to display just the criteria ie no heading, no :, no =, and when it displays the criteria could it fill the cell with a colour. When filter is set to "all" give a blank cell
This would over come lots complaints from operators not realizing that filters are on because they can not find the silly blue button.
Are microsoft aware of is and are they changing it in the new release.
I'm actually trying to write a Macro that applies autofilters and the information just doesn't show! The autofilter is properly applied and everything, but the only visible row is the header. The code is the following.
mes = Month([M2])
filfecha = Range("M2").Text
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=filfecha
I would like to do some search function. As I know, to have "contains" in criteria, I can simply add *. But then, the asterisk(*) doesnt work with forms. I want my user to put the word they are looking for in a form then the system will select from a different worksheet. Below is my coding and bold is my biggest problem.
Sub Advanced_Find()
company = Workbooks("CONTRACT").Sheets("Advanced Find"). Cells(9, 3).Value
Range("C3"). AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=*company*, Operator:=xlAnd
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
Workbooks("CONTRACT").Sheets("Advanced Find").Activate
Workbooks("CONTRACT").Sheets("Advanced Find").Cells(15, 1).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub()
I want to write a VBA routine to compare the Autofilter criteria found on two different worksheets. If the criteria is not the same I will display an error message. The range the Autofilter is working on could be one to many columns. The criteria could be anything from selecting a value from the autofilter list to multiple columns using a custom autofilter with multiple conditions.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make the criteria in an autofilter bit of code be the value of a cell in my spreadhseet. I have named the cell and would like to reference the named range rather than the cell address if possible.
Exp = Range("ExpenseGroup")
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Exp
ExpenseGroup is my range which is located on sheet "cntrl" cell "G5"
When I run my code it referes to line 1 and says" Function call on lefthand side of assignment must return a Varient or Object".