Looking For A Solution On How To Convert A Returned Cell Address To A Cell Reference

Dec 2, 2009

I have a formula (AL15) to determine the address of the last column with a value greater than 1. =COUNTIF(C16:AC16,">=1")+2. I then use this column value to aquire the Absolute row "15" and the determined column=(ADDRESS(15,AL15,4)). This returns to me a Column value and row value that I need to use as a refference. How can I convert this returned value to a reference.

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Convert Cell Number Reference To String Address

May 18, 2007

I have something like the following:

If Worksheets("RawData"). Cells(1, nColumn).Value = Worksheets("RawData").Cells(12, 16).Value Then
..do code (I know the cell location of interest at this point)
End If

Then I End up needing To Do something Like the following
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = _

“L1:N1” above is a sample. Given the code above it I have the cell location in question but it is in the format such as .Cells(12,16). That doesn’t do me much good when range wants something like “L1”. I don’t know how to convert that (12,16) to a L16 for example.

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Having A Solution Returned As A Value

Dec 9, 2009

Is it possible to have a formula that will return the answer as the value.

For example if I have 15.75 in A1 and I use the formula =ROUND(A1,0), the solution is 16, but when you click on the cell it shows the formula and not the value.

I know about Paste Special, but was wondering if anything could be added to the formula to provide the solution.

Would this require a macro?

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Obtain Cell Reference/address Base On Cell Value

Mar 10, 2008

I have this certain value "Y" in all the sheets. In the summary sheet, I would like to get the cell address for this value in a given sheet. I know that you can get cell address using CELL worksheet function. However, for that you need to know the reference to the cell, which is what I am interested in.

I tried Hlookup to get column #. But couldn't figure out how to convert the number to letter so that I can use MATCH to get row # and then finally, index or address function to what I am looking for.

If someone knows how to convert column # to column letter OR knows a better/easier way to obtain cell reference/address based on cell value,

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Formula/Function Reference To Cell Address In Another Cell

May 22, 2008

how can I use the cell function inside a NPV fuction as one argument of the start for the NPV string to calculate?

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Convert Cells Reference To Range Address Code

Sep 7, 2006

I have to convert a range reference in the form of


to a reference in the form of


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Formula Reference Cell Address In Cell

Jan 15, 2008

I have 2 sheets. In the first sheet, I have 3 columns. The first column contains transaction codes. The 2nd column contains the destination code (like a mapping cell where the value of the 3rd column would go but in a different sheet/2nd sheet) and the 3rd column contains the values for it. Would it be possible to reference a destination in a cell itself? Or should I just code it individually? I wouldnt want to reference each data one by one because the total would be 480 reference cells. Is there an easier way?

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Can't Convert Text To A Cell Address

Mar 12, 2010

Assume cell A1 contains a name and A2 contains the text "D7".

How would the code look like that
1. reads the contense in cell A2 (which is D7),
2. converts it (D7) to a cell address and finally
3. copies the content in cell A1 to the cell address found in A2 (in this case D7)

To illustrate I attached an Excel file.

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Convert Text Address To Cell

Apr 6, 2007

I have a textbox with an address (ie "$C$3"), how do it then activate the correct cell (ie C3). Flash ActionScript has a function that would do this, eval(). I know VBA has a val() function, but I think thats different all together.

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Convert Email Address In Cell Into Link?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a simlple macro to add a new customer to a list using a form. One of the columns of the datra beig added is an email address. When entering the data the email address just appears as text, but i want it to be the email address link you could click on and it opens up an outlook email. Just clicking into the cell and tabbing out changes this into the format i want, but wondering how to i get the macro to do this?

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Cell Address In VBA :: Reference A Range In VBA

Jan 12, 2009

I have a variable which contains the column number. How do I then reference a range in VBA using that column number, as opposed to the letter? I know how to convert the number into the letter, but I also know there has to be something more simpler. For instance, a form of the ADDRESS function, but in VBA?

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Convert Cell Address To Corresponding Cell..

Dec 17, 2008

I have two columns in my worksheet that represent a graph: the A column has x values and the B column has y values. I want to be able to find the x value that corresponds to the max y value.

I am currently using:

This function gives me the cell location of the y max, but is there a way to convert this to the corresponding x location? For example, if the above function outputs $B$1569, I want to know what the value of $A$1569 is.

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Convert Cell Reference To Worksheet Reference

Jul 20, 2014

I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:

What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say


And have a formula in column B that converts this to


I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?

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Send Email Using Cell Reference For Address

Sep 12, 2012

Here is a code line that works
.To = "giordano.bruno@gmail.com"

The following is passed over by the code, but does not send an email
.To = Recip

Recip is a variable taken from a cell value and, when I hover the cursor over it, shows "giordano.bruno@gmail.com" complete with inverted commas.

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Convert Cell Reference Text To Cell Formula

Aug 18, 2009

I am wanting to convert a cell reference text
to an actual cell reference

Manually I can go through each cell and click F2 + Enter and Excel automatically changes it.

I have tried recording a macro whereby I click through each cell with F2 + Enter but the VBA writes the actual formula "=$A$1" rather than the process. This does not work as the cell reference is variable.

I'm NOT wanting an external cell to convert it for me
because I am wanting to copy the answer to another independent spreadsheet

I'm NOT wanting to paste values
i.e. return the answer from cell $A$1
because I want the cell reference to remain within the cell.

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Convert Named Range To Cell Reference?

Sep 18, 2012

I'm working with a very complex financial workbook with over 3,000 named ranges and would like code to replace the named ranges with the cell references and display it in a message box so the user can easily trace the references without removing the named ranges from the formula. There is a lot of code with the named ranges, so actually converting them to cell references is out of the question.

I found this code, but obviously it physically replaces the range names in the cell. Hopefully it can be converted to display it in a text box.

Sub FixReferencesToCellNames()
Dim c As Range, n As Name
For Each c In Range("A1:IV65536").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)


What I am looking for is that a user select a cell that they want to see the references, run the code to see the cell references for that particular cell in a message box.

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Macro: Convert Cell Value Without Being A Circular Reference

Jan 11, 2007

if this is possible without becoming a circular reference.

Aim: to have a Macro that takes user selected cell and converts it the result and place it back in the same cell.

Example: could have a typed value in A10 say 500, and when the cell i selected and the Macro is run is converts the value by B10 (.5) and places the value back into A10. ie A10= A10*B10 (250)

I know this is a circular reference but could the macro say take the Value A10 and hold it in a temporary string of some sort before calculating and then returning the new value in there?

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Copy Range Of Cells - Returned Address To Some Offset

Oct 16, 2006

Sub TestSearch()
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim SearchString As Variant
'Specify Value to Search
SearchString = " Excel"
'Perform the Search and Return a Cell Value
Set FoundCell = Worksheets("Source").Range("A1:A10000").Find(" Excel", lookat:=xlPart)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Found at " & FoundCell.Address
End If
End Sub

I'd like to take the code above, which returns a cell address which contains the text " Excel" and modify or add to it the capability to copy a range starting from the address returned and ending 102 cells further down in Column A on the Source sheet to A1 of the Sheet1 sheet. The crux of the problem seems to be converting the address to a row number then adding the value of the number of cells in the range to find the end row number then converting that back to an address??

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Countif: Value Of One Returned To A Cell In A Row If One Cell In That Row Contains A Value Between 10 And 5 (less Than 11, More Than 4) And Another Cell Is Blank

May 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with details of letters that should be responded to within 20 days, and i want to have a cell showing the amount that that need a response within 10 - 5 days. Basically I want to have a value of one returned to a cell in a row if one cell in that row contains a value between 10 and 5 (less than 11, more than 4) and another cell is blank. For example, AD27 contains 6, k27 is blank. I want AE27 to show 1. I also need the same if the value is less than 5, but i'm sure i could figure out how to alter it.

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Returning A Solution, Of A Formula, To A Different Cell

Mar 3, 2010

I would like to have the answer to a formula, say in cell G6, to show up in say G5. I notice in my college coarses, doing our homework through excel, the solutions are always in a cell around the entry cell.

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Reference In Adjacent Column Returned

Mar 4, 2006

I have two columns with multiple sets of data, based on the entered value I
need the corresponding header returned.

For example:
Column A Column B
Apples Green
Granny Smith
Red Delicious

Oranges Naval

Now based on a response in another sheet I need to return either "Apple" or

=INDEX('Fruit'!A1:A65535,MATCH(K50,'Fruit'!B:B65535,0)) will work if I copy

Apple next to each apple type, but for other items the list of options can
grow dramatically.

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Add The Hyperlink To The Value Returned In The Cell

Jun 14, 2009

I'm trying to add a hyperlink to the final outcome of: =SUBSTITUTE(Info!$G$28,"village=99999","village=" & Z8). I need to add the hyperlink to the value returned in the cell. The value ends up being something like:

http://en28.tribalwars.net/game.php?...5&screen=place but it isn't a hyperlink.

The hyperlink can either be like this:

http://en28.tribalwars.net/game.php?...5&screen=place or like this

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Blank Cell Returned Instead Of 0?

Oct 10, 2013

This formula works great but in my example if A1 cell is blank how can i get it to return a blank instead of a 0?

=SUMPRODUCT((RANKING SALES[Master.xlsx]Tyre!$A$2:$A$156
=A1)*(RANKING SALES[Master.xlsx]Tyre!$B$1:$N$1
=$I$4)*'RANKING SALES[Master.xlsx]Tyre!$B$2:$N$156)

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Need To Pull Street Address Out Of Full Address In A Cell

May 20, 2014

Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.





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Multiple If Statement: Value Returned In Cell C3 If Two Conditions Are Met

Aug 27, 2009

I am trying to have a value returned in cell C3 if two conditions are met. In Cell C3 (Sheet 1), if the value in Cell A3 (Sheet 1) is listed in column A on sheet 2, and the 12031 is listed in column B on sheet 2, I need the value of Open to be returned.

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Iserror: Make The Cell Go Blank With N/A Is Returned

Feb 12, 2010

How do I put in iserror in to this to make the cell go blank with N/A is returned. Only ever done this on vlookups. =IF(I15<E8,"TOOLING REQUIRES CALIBRATION","")

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If Statement In Cell Doubling Quantity That Is Being Returned?

Sep 10, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that I am working on for an estimating tool for engineers in my office. I created an in cell pulldown that contains all of our pipe specs. The theory is that on another worksheet I have all the information for the labor costs, and by changing the spec in the pulldown will automatically change the numbers in the estimation table. Below is the if statement that I created. the only cell that I have the completed "if" statement in is C9, because it is adding almost double to the actual quantity that is supposed to be returned.


[Code] ......

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Change Formula Cell Reference Based On Another Cell Reference

Jan 8, 2012

How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.

1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date
2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan
3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3)
4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)

If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?

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Excel 2007 :: Convert Absolute Reference Into Relative Reference

Feb 4, 2014

I have encountered some difficulty in modifying a macro I wrote into what I need. I created a macro that searches a column (Column C) for a cell value of, "stop", and then it copies everything above that cell and pastes it onto another sheet. In the sample data set that I was using, "stop" first occurred in cell C541, so the macro copies C1:C540 and pastes it onto another sheet. The problem is that the macro created an absolute reference to C540. What I desire is for the macro to use the 'Find' function to locate the first occurrence of, "stop", offset one cell above that cell, and then reference the active cell (which was positioned by these last two steps) in the range that should be copied. Basically, I'm hoping to have cells C1 through the active cell copied and then pasted onto another sheet.

Code below.

Sub FAIL()
' FAIL Macro
Selection.Find(What:="stop", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _

[Code] .......

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Incorporate Adjacent Cell In Formula W/o Naming Cell Address?

Oct 2, 2009

I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.

Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).

I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...

b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)

... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?

Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...

b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)

... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?

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