IF Statemen T- To Finds The Most Recent X Or O

Aug 17, 2009

I'm tying to finds the most recent X or O. Then takes the price on that day and compares it to the current price and based on the difference either higher or lower puts out an X if the current price is higher and an O if the current price is lower by the Half StartData - however when i get to about 6 IF statement it freeze up and it wont give me the X or O's ...

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Offset Until Finds Value

Jun 16, 2007

I'm practicing my VBA and can't get this practice code to work, the syntax looks good but all it does is set the current cell to 23. and I want it to keep going up the column until it find a cell with any value and then change it to say 23. if the value is empty it should keep going up.

Sub chngevalue()

If ActiveCell.Value Is Nothing Then

ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
ActiveCell = 23
End If

End Sub

I did check the internet and my reference books and wasn't able to find a clear reason.

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Delete E&F Row If F Row Finds Blank Vba?

Mar 13, 2014

i want delete row E&F depends upon blank cells in range of F:F column...though vba

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Deletes A Row If It Finds A Specified Value In A Specified Column

Dec 23, 2009

deletes a row if it finds a specified value in a specified column (in this instance, "NB" in column E). However, it is very slow and some end users are complaining about the amount of time it takes to run. Here's what I'm using at the moment:

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Finds Breaks In The Values

Dec 17, 2007

I have a macro that needs to walk down a list of values and when it finds breaks in the values, it will insert a formula for a calculation. The problem I'm having is getting the code to loop correctly until it finally finds the value "End" when it should stop (when I play around with the code, sometimes I can get it to continue the loop, but it blows past "End" and then it experiences an error because it can't end.

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
AssetIDStartRange = ActiveCell.Address
X = 0
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
X = X + 1
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value ""
SortCriteriaName = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUMIF($B13:$B5000," & """" & SortCriteriaName & """" & ",$H$13:$H$5000)"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select

If ActiveCell.Value "End" Then....................

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FileSearch Never Finds My Files

May 20, 2006

I'm trying to get a count of the number of workbooks in a directory and it keeps returning 0 when there are three WBs in the directory. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my code.

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and Settingsdt64864DesktopTesting"
.Filename = "*.xls"
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
MsgBox (.FoundFiles.Count)
End With

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Implementing A Row Which Finds Rows Which Match It

Feb 1, 2008

I'm looking to have a row at the top of a worksheet which I can type in, so that only the rows below which contain that information will show up. For example, say I have the following 3 rows, 2 columns each:

Cat Feet
Cat Head
Dog Feet

I'd like to have an additional row so that if I typed in "Cat" only the "Cat Feet" and "Cat Head" rows would show up. Likewise, if I typed in "Head" in the proper column only ""Cat Head" would show up.

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Finds The Matching Date In The Timesheet

Apr 30, 2009

On Error GoTo importError
For Each b In Range("names")
If b = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e3") Then
b.Row.Value = n
For Each c In Range("dates")
If c = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e5") Then
c.Column.Value = m
ActiveCell = nm
Set Targ = ActiveCell
Targ = system
Targ = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e20")

End If

It doesnt work, it gets to b.row.value and throws up an error, i realise im using the wrong code but I dont know enough vba script to resolve the issue

I have a timesheet and a data base spreadsheet, the db spreadsheet opens the timesheet (many, one after another) and I want it to look for each name in the db and if the name cell on the timesheet it has open matches then i want it to remember the row value (on the db), then look through the dates in the db until it finds the matching date to the one in the timesheet, i want it to store this column value (in the db) so I can concat the row and column to get the activecell where I will be putting the total hours (a single cell reference) from the timesheets into the db.

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Application File Search Finds Nothing

Jun 23, 2009

I'm simply trying to search a directory for .xls files and count them. I have previously used the following code successfully to do so, but for some reason it has recently stopped working. Debugging shows .FileSearch.Count() = 0 after every search. I have atleast half a dozen .xls files in the "Reports" folder relative to the active workbook.

strReportDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Reports"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = strReportDirectory
.SearchSubFolders = False
.Filename = "*.xls"

'loop through each workbook in the directory
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
msgbox("I found: " & .FoundFiles(i))
next i

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VLookup Finds No Matches When There Are Visually

Jan 25, 2010

I need to add a space in front of a string of numbers/letters, but it still doesn't seem to match what's in the lookup range. Granted, i get the lookup range from HQ, so there may be a formatting issue.

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Vba Code Finds Max Value Of Column Subset

Oct 17, 2006

I need a piece of VBA code to assign to an Excel form that determines the maximum value of a subset of one column whose cognate rows in an adjoining column satisfy a particular value.

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Macro That Finds, Copies And Pastes

Jun 14, 2007

I am trying to make a macro, but because of my inexperience, it's not working out. I have got a big list (list 1) of numbers in column E. each number has some information in the cells of columns C, D and L, all in the same row. on the same sheet, I have got another, smaller set of numbers (list 2), also in column E but at the bottom of the sheet. the numbers in list 2 are all present in list 1 (but not all numbers in list 1 are present in list 2). the columns C, D and L on the same row of the numbers in list 2 are empty...............

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Conditionally Format Column B If It Finds A Match In A

Jan 30, 2012

What is wrong with this formula? I have used it before just fine, but sometimes including now it won't work.

PRODUCT_IMAGE Images 244-447439 244-455507 244-455507 244-455508 244-455508 244-455509 244-455509 244-455512

We can clearly see that we have a match in rows 2 and 1 columns A and B, but I am getting #NA. I have sorted the columns A-Z as well. I have also tried formatting the columns different ways and I still get #NA.

I need to conditionally format column B if it finds a match in A.

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Formula That Finds Matching Last Name Then Looks To Match First 3 Letters Of First Name

May 21, 2014

In Column A I have first names, In column B I have last Names, in column C I have id letters,
Column D another list of First Names And In Column E I have another list of Last Names

So what I need to do in F2 is Look at the name Last name in E2 (Lets say its Smith) then look down the Last names In Column B when you find a match look at the First name on the same row to see if the first 3 letters are the same as the first 3 letters in D2 if they are then put the id that's in cell C into F2 if not ""

I've been trying for hours but no luck, also if you do manage to do it can you tell me how you get it to look at the first 3 letters and how I could change that to 4?

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Range- Code Stop When It Finds The First Match

Aug 22, 2008

Sub do_it()
Dim x As Range
Set x = Columns(4).F ind("*test*", lookat:=xlWhole)
If x Is Nothing Then GoTo 999
r = x.Row
Cells(r, 1) = Cells(r, 1) & " (W)"
End Sub

I need the above code to continue down column 4 and add the " (W)" to the entire column.
The code stop when it finds the first match.

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Pull The Entire Row If It Finds The Specific Word

Sep 23, 2009

The following sub will look in the file ("FY09 SOF"), in column "A", search for the strings that begin with "2109", "3009", or ends in "-1", and copy the entire row. It will then paste these in the file ("FY09 PR Log Blank").

I also need it to look in column "C" in the ("FY09 SOF") file and pull the entire row if it finds the word "Payroll".

For some reason it will pull everything needed except the "Payroll" rows. What am I doing wrong?

Sub get_data()
Dim wb As Workbook, wbDest As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lngCalc As Long
Dim FoundCells As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range

Set wb = Workbooks("FY09 SOF")
Set wbDest = Workbooks("FY09 PR Log Blank")
Set wsDest = wbDest.Worksheets("Paste all here, then sort")

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False..........................

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Find Inside Loop Finds Same Cell

Oct 26, 2006

The following bit of code has worked for me but when it goes back for the next b it still finds the address as $j$13. This address does match the criteria I want but what I want the programme to do is move to the next address matching the criteria in the range...

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Finds Duplicates In Column And Adds An Alpha Character

May 10, 2009

I have a Macro that finds in Column F duplicates and adds an Alpha Character (A-Z) to the last right position in the filed.(1-12 Alpha/Numeric) .

It's set to check all rows until a specific number of rows are reached. The current code does this until intCount and intRow equals 1500. The number of rows vary in each file.

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How To Create Formula Which Finds Out Price Depending On Two Things

Mar 12, 2013

So I have this assignments. Its about rental services. I need to create a formula where the price is automatically found from a table depending on what drop down menus are selected. One menu is the rental name and the other is the season i.e. high or low, therefore each rental has two prices.

I know i can use Vlookup if there was one drop down menu but how to do the other. I was think it will interms of if statement but i dont know...

Here is the link to the worksheet: [URL] ...........

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Macro That Finds All Duplicate Values In A Column And Copies The Corresponding Row

May 4, 2006

I need a Macro that Copies all the duplicate values in a column (and their corresponding rows) over to a new spreadsheet.

For example,

1 A B C D E F G
1 Z X Y D R M T
2 B 5 7 8 9 0 4

Because 1 is a repeated value in the first column, the macro copies the first two rows over to a new spreadsheet.

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Search For An Array Of Words, Change A Cell Based On What It Finds

Nov 7, 2008

Search Column A for a name (using an array if possible). If it finds this name, add a string of text to the AA cell on the same row that it found the name on.

For example,

If in A1 it finds the specified name. It then adds a string of text to AA1.

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Array Formula - Finds Date Then Start Adding Values Until Specified Sum Reached

Jul 23, 2014

I have an Excel workbook with two sheets "DataSheet" and "Actual Peaks", "DataSheet" contains a column with dates and a column with values. "Actual Peaks" has a bunch of dates listed in a column. For each date in 'Actual Peaks', another column goes back to the "DataSheet" finds the date, then starts adding values until a specified sum is reached, once the sum is reached, it returns the date at which the sum was reached. However, I have found that sometimes it is off by a day or two.

See the attached workbook for a much clearer example : Excel_forum help 7-23-14 DD validation.xlsx‎

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ISBLANK: Finds Out Which Entries Are Unique To Each List, And Places Them In The EXCEPTIONS Sheet

Oct 26, 2007

I'm having problem with the ISBLANK function. I have attached my workbooks if someone would care to look at them. My macro basically loads two lists from other workbooks (old & new (attached)). It then finds out which entries are unique to each list, and places them in the EXCEPTIONS sheet.

Column C in these sheets should say TRUE or FALSE as to whether the corresponding cells in Column B are blank but it does not work. Book1.xls contains my macro.
Old.xls and New.xls will need to be selected when prompted.

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Excel 2011 :: Index / Match Finds 1st Incident / How To Find Last Instance

Nov 23, 2012

I am working on a data entry sheet time and I am running into a wall. I am trying to code intelligence into sheet so that the user doesn't have to enter as much data.

I am using Excel for Mac, 2011, 14.2.3, But I would like to be able to have others use it on PC and in Excel 97 - 2004

I am developing a time sheet for work. I am trying to have excel generate the work order # for subsequent jobs.

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$B$8:$B$138 = Date

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$F$8:$F$138 = Property #

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$G$8:$G$138 = Property Location

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$H$8:$H$138 = Work Order Number

Following is what I presently have coded.

The following Works but is not completely as I need.

=IF(OR($F8=0,$F8="",ISNA(G8),$H7="Work Order #"),"",IF(ISERROR(INDEX($H7:H$8,MATCH($F8,Prop.,0))),"",INDEX($H7:H$8,MATCH($F8,Prop.,0))))

This works fine in that the match finds the first instance of the work order #. The problem is there may be a later worker order # for the same property which supersedes the old work order. I need to find that last work order number for property # 919 for example, not the first instance, as the index/match returns.

I looked for a function similar to the sumif or countif



But I don't need to add the work order numbers.

Countif can give me how many instances property # 919 is used,

But I haven't figured out how to use that to It would be ok if the function would return the largest number like the MAX function, best would be to select based upon the latest date.

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Most Recent Value

Dec 9, 2009

I have 31 cells (say in A1 thru A31), representing days of the
month, that daily number values will be entered. I want to be
able to select the value in the most recent day cell, not the
most recent updated cell...
i.e. the cell in the A1:A31 range closest to the A31 cell.

For example...
Say I have values: 2,4,7,12 in A1 thru A4, I want the value
in A4, even if I just updated Day 2's cell... because A4,
or Day 4, is closer to the end of the month.

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Display Most Recent Non-zero Value

Apr 28, 2010

Column Q is a vlookup which looks up dates contained in column P within a range called "Query_From_Price_Database" and returns data from column 3 as indicated below:


What I'd like to achieve for each time a value is returned as being "0", is for the cell to display the most recent data.

E.g.The vlookup results might be:

27/04/10 15.29
26/04/10 15.55
25/04/10 14.98
24/04/10 0
23/04/10 15.13
22/04/10 0
21/04/10 0
20/04/10 0
19/04/10 15.24

I want it to be displayed thus:

27/04/10 15.29
26/04/10 15.55
25/04/10 14.98
24/04/10 15.13
23/04/10 15.13
22/04/10 15.24
21/04/10 15.24
20/04/10 15.24
19/04/10 15.24

Where there would be zeros, data is displayed from the most recent date actually containing non-zero data. Is this possible with a "not too complicated" formula?

I've tried a few methods, but they only seem to result in "formula too long" errors.

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Count (Sum) Most Recent Value Only

Aug 15, 2007

I am familiar with SUMPRODUCT and {SUMIF}, but I am stumped on how to create a formula that can sum (or count) the only the most recent entry for each Name. The Name field is dynamic and constantly updated with a unique reference number, so I don't want totals by Name/Type, but rather only the newest Ref for each Name by Type.


Should return;
Recent_Type____NOT Total

Hopefully this explains it all. Looking forward to any input or suggestions to keep this a simple automated process.
*added _ to space out the columns

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Get Date Of Most Recent Activity

Apr 11, 2014

I have one spreadsheet with a list of materials by material number. I have another with all sales activity. How can I pull into the first spreadsheet the date of the latest activity from the second spreadsheet?

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Formula For Most Recent Date

Dec 23, 2009

I have a workbook to keep track of names and dates of a specific action. There are 10-15 names that recur on the list. The most recent action is added to the bottom of the list. The names are in column I and the date of the action is in column J.

The problem is having to scroll through the list to find the most recent action for each person. Ideally i'd like to have a list of the names in column N and then in column O the most recent date in the list for each name.

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How To Compare Most Recent Data

Jan 27, 2014

I attached an example.

I am trying to figure out how I can write formulas that look for trends in the data. I will be entering more data every day. I need to look at the 5, 10, 20 most recent results for each number.

For example, I need to see how many times yes was answered for #3 in the most recent 5,10, 20 entries.

I am sure there is some simple way to do this with a control + f formula, but I don't know how to do it.

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