Formula That Finds Matching Last Name Then Looks To Match First 3 Letters Of First Name

May 21, 2014

In Column A I have first names, In column B I have last Names, in column C I have id letters,
Column D another list of First Names And In Column E I have another list of Last Names

So what I need to do in F2 is Look at the name Last name in E2 (Lets say its Smith) then look down the Last names In Column B when you find a match look at the First name on the same row to see if the first 3 letters are the same as the first 3 letters in D2 if they are then put the id that's in cell C into F2 if not ""

I've been trying for hours but no luck, also if you do manage to do it can you tell me how you get it to look at the first 3 letters and how I could change that to 4?

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Counting Number Of Times INDEX / MATCH Finds More Than 1 Match?

May 23, 2014

We know how INDEX/MATCH works, and it's very nice. I attached a COUNTIF to it to count how many times the index finds itself on another table; if it doesn't find itself, then it goes blank. However, this time I need to count how many times it finds a certain string condition in the other table.


The columns that need to be filled are shaded in dark pink.

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Finds The Matching Date In The Timesheet

Apr 30, 2009

On Error GoTo importError
For Each b In Range("names")
If b = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e3") Then
b.Row.Value = n
For Each c In Range("dates")
If c = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e5") Then
c.Column.Value = m
ActiveCell = nm
Set Targ = ActiveCell
Targ = system
Targ = FILE.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("e20")

End If

It doesnt work, it gets to b.row.value and throws up an error, i realise im using the wrong code but I dont know enough vba script to resolve the issue

I have a timesheet and a data base spreadsheet, the db spreadsheet opens the timesheet (many, one after another) and I want it to look for each name in the db and if the name cell on the timesheet it has open matches then i want it to remember the row value (on the db), then look through the dates in the db until it finds the matching date to the one in the timesheet, i want it to store this column value (in the db) so I can concat the row and column to get the activecell where I will be putting the total hours (a single cell reference) from the timesheets into the db.

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Implementing A Row Which Finds Rows Which Match It

Feb 1, 2008

I'm looking to have a row at the top of a worksheet which I can type in, so that only the rows below which contain that information will show up. For example, say I have the following 3 rows, 2 columns each:

Cat Feet
Cat Head
Dog Feet

I'd like to have an additional row so that if I typed in "Cat" only the "Cat Feet" and "Cat Head" rows would show up. Likewise, if I typed in "Head" in the proper column only ""Cat Head" would show up.

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Conditionally Format Column B If It Finds A Match In A

Jan 30, 2012

What is wrong with this formula? I have used it before just fine, but sometimes including now it won't work.

PRODUCT_IMAGE Images 244-447439 244-455507 244-455507 244-455508 244-455508 244-455509 244-455509 244-455512

We can clearly see that we have a match in rows 2 and 1 columns A and B, but I am getting #NA. I have sorted the columns A-Z as well. I have also tried formatting the columns different ways and I still get #NA.

I need to conditionally format column B if it finds a match in A.

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Range- Code Stop When It Finds The First Match

Aug 22, 2008

Sub do_it()
Dim x As Range
Set x = Columns(4).F ind("*test*", lookat:=xlWhole)
If x Is Nothing Then GoTo 999
r = x.Row
Cells(r, 1) = Cells(r, 1) & " (W)"
End Sub

I need the above code to continue down column 4 and add the " (W)" to the entire column.
The code stop when it finds the first match.

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Match Function Not Matching Text In Formula?

Jul 11, 2014

with Match function not matching text in this formula?

Using the below formula cell $L$11 (it contains "abc") will not match the respective cell contents in array E:E even though "abc" is in a cell within column E.

=IFERROR(INDEX('Paste In Data File'!G:G,MATCH($L$11,IF('Paste In Data File'!C:C=B14,'Paste In Data File'!E:E),0)),"")

The cells within column E are populated using a formula such as =IF(MID(A6,3,1)="a",MID(A6,435,9),"")

Column A is the data source and contains a text string.

After much trial and error, it seems the cause preventing the match is; $L$11 contains typed in text "abc" and the above formula for column E is pulling in 9 characters, not just 3.

It seems that if I can modify the entry for the array E:E to just look at the left 3 characters only, it may work.Problem is I do not know how to modify E:E accordingly.

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Excel 2011 :: Index / Match Finds 1st Incident / How To Find Last Instance

Nov 23, 2012

I am working on a data entry sheet time and I am running into a wall. I am trying to code intelligence into sheet so that the user doesn't have to enter as much data.

I am using Excel for Mac, 2011, 14.2.3, But I would like to be able to have others use it on PC and in Excel 97 - 2004

I am developing a time sheet for work. I am trying to have excel generate the work order # for subsequent jobs.

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$B$8:$B$138 = Date

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$F$8:$F$138 = Property #

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$G$8:$G$138 = Property Location

'Daily Entry Sheet'!$H$8:$H$138 = Work Order Number

Following is what I presently have coded.

The following Works but is not completely as I need.

=IF(OR($F8=0,$F8="",ISNA(G8),$H7="Work Order #"),"",IF(ISERROR(INDEX($H7:H$8,MATCH($F8,Prop.,0))),"",INDEX($H7:H$8,MATCH($F8,Prop.,0))))

This works fine in that the match finds the first instance of the work order #. The problem is there may be a later worker order # for the same property which supersedes the old work order. I need to find that last work order number for property # 919 for example, not the first instance, as the index/match returns.

I looked for a function similar to the sumif or countif



But I don't need to add the work order numbers.

Countif can give me how many instances property # 919 is used,

But I haven't figured out how to use that to It would be ok if the function would return the largest number like the MAX function, best would be to select based upon the latest date.

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Formula To Find Matching Values In One Column And Return Totals For All Rows That Match

Dec 26, 2013


I am looking for a formula that will satisfy the following:

1) find all the values in column "A" that match
2) In column "G", sum up all the values in "F" that go with the matching values in column "A"
3) For example, in rows 14-16, the values in column "A" match. Cell G16 sums up F14:F16

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Index And Match Formula: Return The Correct Serial Number Based On Both The Matching

Jun 24, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula in cell f13 of my attached spreadsheet "Sample 1" that will search the 2nd attached spreadsheet "Sample 2" and return the correct serial number based on both the matching PO # (located in cell E10 on Sample Sheet 1 and in Column 5 on Sample Sheet 2) and Product # (cell A13 on my Sample Sheet 1). My current formula is not returning the correct result and I'm not sure why.

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Matching Set Pattern Of Letters And Number

Dec 12, 2013

I am new in extracting data from excel .

There is a report that contains a various amount data, in one cell it describes the outcome in a summary format of how an issue was resolved.

Is it possible to search a cell of summary text that contains a set pattern with letters & numbers i.e."CL900962" then either place a "YES" or "NO" in another cell if found?

The pattern will always begin with letters "CL" followed by 6 digit number.

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Comparing Two Column For Matching Number But The Items Compared Also Contains Letters

May 2, 2006

I am trying to compare two colums. They both contain numbers mixed with letters. I am wanting to match only the numbers in both not the letters. Example:

column a = m454 column b = fsh454-1
m543 fst998-2
m998 fsm434-1

my match is m454 and fsh454-1, m998 and fst998-2. The items can be in any order in the column. The end result I want to indicate the match by putting an X by column a item that matches column b.

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How To Create Formula Which Finds Out Price Depending On Two Things

Mar 12, 2013

So I have this assignments. Its about rental services. I need to create a formula where the price is automatically found from a table depending on what drop down menus are selected. One menu is the rental name and the other is the season i.e. high or low, therefore each rental has two prices.

I know i can use Vlookup if there was one drop down menu but how to do the other. I was think it will interms of if statement but i dont know...

Here is the link to the worksheet: [URL] ...........

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Array Formula - Finds Date Then Start Adding Values Until Specified Sum Reached

Jul 23, 2014

I have an Excel workbook with two sheets "DataSheet" and "Actual Peaks", "DataSheet" contains a column with dates and a column with values. "Actual Peaks" has a bunch of dates listed in a column. For each date in 'Actual Peaks', another column goes back to the "DataSheet" finds the date, then starts adding values until a specified sum is reached, once the sum is reached, it returns the date at which the sum was reached. However, I have found that sometimes it is off by a day or two.

See the attached workbook for a much clearer example : Excel_forum help 7-23-14 DD validation.xlsx‎

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Row Matching Macro. (match Duplicating Cells)

May 4, 2009

I m writing a macro that will match duplicating cells in an excel spreadsheet. Here is an example.


id1 | example 1 | example 2 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 |
id1 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 7 | |


id1 | example 1 | example 2 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 | example 7 | |

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Match & Change Color Of Matching Text Only

Dec 5, 2009

I’d like to be able to highlight ONLY the text as shown below based on the look up column. Conditional Formatting will highlight the whole cell, which is not what I want. Is this possible ?

Column 1 (Director)
director, Robert Rodriguez; producer, Elizabeth Avellan; producer, Robert Rodriguez; writer, Robert Rodriguez

Column 2 (Cast)
Cast: Leslie Mann, Kat Dennings, James Spader, Jon Cryer, William H. Macy, Jimmy Bennett, Leo Howard, Devon Gearhart, Rebel Rodriguez, Trevor Gagnon, Jake Short

Column 3 (Look Up)
robert rodriguez
james spader

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Match Data In 2 Cells In Different Workbooks And Then Copy Results In Matching Row?

Feb 13, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.

So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.

Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B



Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3



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Formula Used With Numbers And Letters

Jan 23, 2014

I am a school teacher trying to adjust my tracking sheet to calculate pupils levels. I am looking for 2 potential formulas that will do the following.

1 - In cell AE I would like to generate a formula that will take the data entered in cells J:5, L:5, N:5, P:5, R:5, T:5, V:5, X:5, Z:5, AB:5 and AD:5 and give an average level.

2 - In cell AH is it possible to generate a formula that will calculate how many levels of progress the pupils are making - In other words I need Cell I to be calculated against cell J to see how much progress the pupils are making - for example if in cell I:5, a pupil is was given a 3a, and then in cell J:5 is given a 4b, they will have made 2 sub levels of progress. As well as this, can that progress then be averaged out across cells I:5, K:5, L:5, M:5, O:5, Q:5, S:5, U:5, W:5, Y:5, AA:5 and AC:5 to give an overall number of of levels of progress? An then..... can I colour co-ordinate the cell so that if the pupils are making 3 or more sub levels of progress it turns green, 2 sub levels orange and 1 sub level red?

Levels work like this

5a and so on

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Validation Formula For Letters

Oct 12, 2007

I am trying to validate a Grid Location, example: 22AX21321232

How do i validate letters in the formula?

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Match Function To Return Column Number For Matching Date Errors?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to use some vba match function code to return the column number of the matching date. The date will be stored in a date variable.

Every time I run this code I normally get a match error even though the date is in the worksheet and the variable matches that date.

See below:

[Code] .....

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How To Use A SUM Array Formula That Ignores Letters

Feb 15, 2014

I have two array formula's, one to count hours, the other to count days. Both are based on: type of worker, day of week, and week number. The problem is if I use a "V" or "T" for vacation or training, then the array formula will not work. Currently I leave the field blank if they are not working, but it would be nice to see whether they are on vacation or training. Is there a way i can have my cake and eat it too?

Counting Days

Counting Hours

Here is a breakdown of what each of the ranges mean:

$E$5:$MN$50 is the area which the hours are forecasted$B$5:$B$50 is the column for which type of worker (Electrician, Pipefitter, etc)$D56 is the specific type of worker we are counting for$E$3:$MN$3 is a row with all the week days ("Fri, Sat, Sun...)F$54 is the specific day we are counting for$E$2:$MN$2 is a row with all the week numbers$E$67 is the specific week number we are counting for

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Formula To Add Letters With Numeric Values

Oct 29, 2008

formula to add letters but with a numeric value. this is for a schdule sheet. where w would equal 7.5 and x would be 0.

i am using this
reads the w and adds up ok but need to be able to put w for work and x for off days and still add the total hours

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IF Formula - Numbers And Letters And NOT Other Characters

Aug 18, 2008

Looking to create a Formula (not Code):


1. NOT Between 8 and 20 characters OR
2. NOT contain at least 2 numbers OR
3. NOT contain at least 2 letters OR
4. contain characters (e.g. punctuation) which are neither numbers or letters


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Removing Two Letters From A String Of Letters And Numbers

Jul 29, 2014

i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"

I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.

Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.

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Macro For Creating Letters To UPPER Letters

Dec 7, 2009

I have words in cell range (i.e. A1:A1000) and I want them to became upper letters.

Excel forum to EXCEL FORUM

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Remove Letters From A Column Containing Both Numbers And Letters

Jul 24, 2012

I have a column of cells, some blank, some containing just numbers, some containing just letters, some containing numbers preceded by the the letter 'p'




In the cells containing the number preceded by the 'p' - i would like to remove the 'p' leaving just the number, with all other cells remaining unchanged.

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Excel 2010 :: INDEX MATCH Only Returns First Value Instead Of All Matching Values In Selected Column

Jul 18, 2014

Excel 2010: I'm working with a sheet where I would like to get accurate results on the make and model of cars sold in a given week. The workbook contains several worksheets each representing weekly sales numbers for different vehicles.

The Make-Models tab has the lists used to create the drop-down selections.

The Sales tab allows one to create an ad hoc report on the total number of vehicles sold, by Make and Model. Cell B2 is named 'SelectedModel' and used in the formula found in column E, Total Sold.

Problem: When I select Honda, for example in B2 of the Sales worksheet then select Accord in cell B3 of the same. The results returned in E2, E3 and E4 are 2, 3 and 4, respectively, instead of 8, 3 and 7.

2 Honda Accords were sold on Monday and 6 on Tuesday of the same week. My formula is only returning the first matched value of 2 whereas I would like it to return 2+6, 8 for week 1. Same goes for other weeks.

Select any other make and model and notice the problem follows. I believe the error is due to incorrect usage of the formula or incorrect formula altogether.


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Creating Complicated Formula With Letters And Number

Apr 8, 2014

I have been trying to create a formula that will save me DAYS of messing around at work.

What I am trying to achieve is to have a sequence of numbers as follows:

BNA01A01 to BNA01A09 then have it change to BNA01B01 to BNA01B09.

This needs to be repeated for all letters to BNA01I09.

Then this sequence needs to be repeated to BNA12.

The last thing is for me to be able to change the formula in order to implement the same sequence on a separate sheet for BNB01A01 - BNB12I09 to BNL01A01 - BNL12I09

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Applying Numerical Values To Letters In Formula

Feb 28, 2007

I'm putting together an Environment Threat Assessment for work and want to automate as much of it as I can to alleviate the amount of time ppl have to spend putting values in. My main problem is I have three very important columns: Likelihood, Success Rating and Risk Rating. Likelihood and Success Rating values will be selected from the following:

VL - Very Low
L - Low
M - Medium
H - High
VH - Very High
Each of these is given a value: VL = 1, L = 2, M = 3, H = 4, VH = 5.
The Risk Rating is the result of multiplying the Likelihood and Success Rating. So a Likelihood of Medium and a Success Rating of Low will give a Risk Rating of 6. Therefore, the cells on my spreadsheet would look like this:

Likelihood Success Rating Risk Rating
M L 6
The issue is I want a couple of things to occur. Firstly I want keep the values in my Likelihood and Success Rating cells as letters (ie. VL, H, VH etc) rather than numbers, while still generating a number result in the Risk Rating cells. Secondly I'd like to be able to change the colour of the Risk Rating cell to reflect the number it gets assigned. For example Green for < 8, Amber for 9 – 14 and Red for 15 – 25. I've been trying to do this with array formulas and am basically going around in circles with no success.

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Lookup Formula Started Returning Wrong Letters

Jul 17, 2013

I am using the formula: LOOKUP(A1,{"S","M","L","XL"},{"S","M","L","XL"}) on a cell containing: EF-2147.(S) so that it will return a S [or M, L etc. if it were .(M),.(L)] but it just keeps returning #N/A. I tried putting in "(S)" etc. in the lookup formula but it then started returning the wrong letters.

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