Ignore Errors "#VALUE!" Adding Cells

Aug 10, 2007

I had trouble today adding up series of cells that would sometimes contain text (during data entry, a 'n/a' value would be entered if such data was unavailable, causing standard addition to break), but thanks to another thread (Ignore Text Adding Cells is that it ignores non-numeric values.

However, after doing some more work I realized that some other summations were still breaking, and I believe it is because some of the cells being added are flagged with the "#VALUE!" error. The SUM function does not seem to ignore this, and produces a "#VALUE!" error of its own. My question is, how can I perform calculations (a summation of an array of cells, in my case) while ignoring not just non-numeric data, but errors as well?

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Average Column Of Cells But Ignore Errors And Return Average Of Numbers That Are There

Jun 14, 2013

E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).

E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.

I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.

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Ignore Text Adding Cells

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to do is add together numbers in the same cell though in different sheets. However some of the sheets will not have numbers in them and it comes up with an error value. How can I ignore this and still have a value be returned if there is no values entered in some cells?

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VBA - Can I Bypass/ignore Automation Errors

Jul 4, 2009

I have an ongoing project under constant upgrade. Essentially its a timesheet (used by about 40 secretaries) that gets sent to two administrators who import it into a report.

I have written a script to import these timesheets into a report which works fine and currently resides in a module which the administrators access via a command button on there report.

To make there life even easier I have constructed a script that triggers in event Sub Workbook_open (), embedded in the timesheets themselves, based on

If Application.UserName = "Admin1" Or Application.UserName = "Admin2" Then .....

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Ignore Duplicates When Adding Items To ComboBox -VBA

Dec 3, 2011

I need to add items to a combobox without adding duplicates or empty data. I am able to add without empty data but how to ignore the duplicates.

Here is what I have...

Dim GL As Range
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Main")
For Each GL In ws1.Range("MainGL")
If IsEmpty(GL) Then
'do nothing
ComboBox2.AddItem GL.Value
End If
Next GL

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Conditional Format Cells Containing Numbers And Letters - Ignore Cells With Number Only

Jul 11, 2014

I have a column of numbers and want to make sure everything has been entered correctly from our scanning software. Basically, I want to automatically highlight any cell that has any letter in it (e.g. z12o2 instead of 21202 or R705 instead of 5705), ignoring any cells that contain only numbers. I haven't had any luck using conditions based on formulas like =ISTEXT.

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Count Number Of Cells In Column Per Month Ignore Blank Cells?

Jan 13, 2014

I have this formula which is counting the number of cells in a column that fall within each calender month.

However, if there is a formula at the bottom of column B and C that yield a "", the formula breaks.

In my workbook, B/C:133 have a formula =""

I will need the formula in column E to work if there is a formula that yields a "" in column B and C.

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Formula Errors In Some Cells

Feb 17, 2014

The following formulas is showing error in some cells?


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Ignore Blank Cells Zeros And Error Cells From MIN Function?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet for which I have to set up a formula to get the minimum value from a range of cells, but that range can include blank cells, errors (#DIV/0) and zeros, all of which I want to be ignored. I can work out how to ignore EITHER the zeros


or the error cells


How to exclude both. If I try to combine both of these exclusion criteria it doesn't work and I end up with the answer #DIV/0, which is one of the values I want it to ignore.

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Avoiding #VALUE Errors On Blank Cells

Jun 23, 2008

Is it possible to inset a bank into a cell, and use that cell in a subsequent addition formula?

For example;

A1 contains 1
B1 contains 2
C1 contains =IF(A1=1,"",3)
D1 contains =A1+B1+C1

In the above case the cell D1 contains #VALUE and not 3, whereas if C1 were actually blank D1 would contain 3.

The reason I ask is that a blank is not the same value mathematically as 0. The latter is the number zero, whereas the former is the lack of any number.

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Sorting Errors - Cells Size

Sep 12, 2008

I have a worksheet with a data base type list (16 cols, 10000 rows deep) which contains only 30 records, for testing purposes. Each cell is bordered in all 4 sides.

There will be a bunch or reports associated with this, requiring filtering and/or sorting. The macro instructions I applied so far are:

1) Locate last row.
2) Select the range from first to last row and apply a common row height (say, 24).
3) Sort as required
4) Filter as required.
5) Print

The sorting step has invariably failed.
The funny thing is that the code I used is the one produced by recording the steps. I am able to sort that segment manually, but the macro instructions fail.

here is the code...

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("F5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("H5") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:= _
False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2 _

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Macro To Delete Cells With #N/A Errors

Aug 4, 2009

i have a column C with thousands of data. in that column, i had done a vlookup formula based on the lookup_value on its right, that is column B. some of the values arent available in the mapping table, causing the #N/A error.

i want to be able to delete those #N/A errors so that my dataset looks 'cleaner'. its tiring for me to go through each row one by one and delete them manually. i wnat to create a macro but im not so sure how to start.

in pseudo-code, it shud be something like this:

delete cell if cell_value = #N/A error.

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How To Avoid Errors And Average Cells Correctly

Feb 21, 2014

I need to Average the cells I7, I9, F12:F18, M12:M18 in Cell G2

Cell F12 is an Average of its respective cells bellow. (and so forth)

NRT will = 1
N/O will = 0

I have cells F12:F18, M12:M18 indicate NRT in the cells when selected I would like N/O to also be displayed however it comes across as 0.

How do I avoid the #DVI/0! Errors and get the averages to calculate appropriately.

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Excluding Cells With Errors Or Zeroes Before Doing STDEV

Mar 15, 2013

I'd like to calculate the standard deviation and mean of a whole load of data. Unfortunately it has some errors, FALSE values, blank cells and zeroes I'd like to exclude. Calculating the average is no problem as the AVERAGEIF function works fine, but there is no equivalent for STDEV. The (array) formula


ignores the cells with errors and calculates the SD, and the (array) formula


ignores the cells with a value of 0 in them and calculates SD.

How can I combine the two into one formula?

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Adding Time: Adding Individual Cells Works, But SUM Doesn't

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column of times: e.g. 10:03:00 and I would like to add them all up.

=A1+A2 works fine.

=sum(A1:A10) does not.

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How To Ignore Blank Cells

Mar 1, 2014

I have a row of cells, say, A1 to G1. I wish to sum the values in cells, say, A1, C1, F1 and G1 only. The chosen cells can have values 0, >0 or Blank. How do I sum the values and ignore the blank cell(s) without getting #VALUE!? Filling the blank cells with "0" is not an option.

(Any blank cells may have a value added at a later date).

Edit: I could use multiple 'IF' statements, but this is cumbersome. There must be a simpler way.

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Ignore Blank Cells But Keep The 0?

May 27, 2014

I am working on 2 tabs in a workbook.

The first tab has raw data - The second is my summary.
TAB1 -includes
column A = name range column B = Evaluation Result 1 %
column C = Evaluation Result 2 %
column D = Evaluation Result 3 %
column E = Evaluation Result 4 %
TAB 2 on...The remainder of the tabs are summary for each name in column A of Tab1.
each summary tab includes
A3 = name
A7 = Evaluation Results 1
A8 = Evaluation Results 2
A9 = Evaluation Results 3
A10 = Evaluation Results 4

The evaluation results can include any % from 0-100 and can also be blank. I need to count the 0 but ignore the blanks so for example on Evaluation Result 1, Im using


So I can find the name in the list of names and the % score for the evaluation - however I don't know how to ignore the blank cells. If the cells are blank I would like to see "-". if they are 0% I would like to see the 0%.

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How Do I Have A Graph Ignore Zero Value Cells

Nov 29, 2006

I have a graph that references a column which contains a formula. In the instances where this formula produces a zero value or a DIV/0 error, I would like the graph to contain a blank space.

As it is now, the zero or DIV/0 cell graphs as a zero value. I have tried using an IF statement which takes any zero or error and replaces the cell value with "": IF(A5/A6=0,"",A5/A6)

Even though the cell comes up as blank... a zero value still appears on the graph. The only way for me to have the graph ignore that cell is to go into the cell and delete the formula. This is unnacceptable b/c the data is updated daily... I do not want to have to go through my data every day and delete cells.

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Sum Cells And Ignore Text

Jun 24, 2007

I have cells A1 through A10 which can contain numbers or text. I want to be able to sum this range while always ignoring the ones with text so as to eliminate the error when summing.

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Ignore Empty Cells In UserForm

May 3, 2013

In the attached I have a problem with my code,it involves empty / blank cells in my userform (control panel in sheet "overview"). How do I ignore these cells?


Dropbox link: [URL] ....

Is it possible to make the userform list to not include blanks?

The code is:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

Dim objDic As Object
Dim var, var1, lng As Long
Set objDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With Worksheets("ServiceDriftMaaling")

[Code] .....

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Function Ignore Invisible Cells

Jun 26, 2006

Does this function ignore invisible cells (autofilter) ?

If not, what could be an alternative?

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Trying To Ignore Empty Cells In 2007

Apr 14, 2009

I want to create an excel sheet so that I can price out computer hardware so that I can see what it will cost compared to what we would sell it for I have the basic idea laid out but I'm running into a problem with cells that don't have any information in for pricing. I get a "#DIV/0!" for the formula that i have worked out.

I don't want to change the information in the cells that I have for pricing I just want it to show 0 and call it good. The other isssuse that i'm have at the bottom of the page I'm trying to show the totals for everything.

I did a simple (=F4:F34) to Show the total of all the information in the column but it's showing up "#VALUE!" I know that this is from the earlier error so if I could be shown how to make these errors go away that'd be great the final product that I would like to have is I want to use a macro to transport some of the information to a word document so that I can print it off and show our customers a quote without them being able to see the cost on everything.

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How To Ignore Blank Cells With Formula

Nov 10, 2011

In cell C1 I hace A1-B1 and in cell DI want to display the status of the cell C1 like this : =IF(C10 ; "NOT OK" ; "OK") This means that when the value of the cell C1 is different then 0 cell D1 will display "NOT OK" and if the value of cell c1 is 0 then D1 will display "OK".

The PROBLEM: Because the cell C1 contains a formula (A1-B1) the D1 cell will display "NOT OK" even if the cell C1 doesn't show any number.

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Ignore One Of The Cells (P29) If Cell Value Is Zero Or Blank?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a spreadsheet and need to ignore one of the cells (P29) if cell value is Zero or Blank and display a blank cell which in this case is (Q2

My current formula is


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Count And Ignore Blank Cells

Dec 20, 2012

I want to use this count function =COUNTIF(A$1:A1,A1) , but don't count blank cells, if cell is blank answer is 0 zero .

Sheet1  AB10.6127.813 041.215 06 071183190.621020.91114112 0137.82143.91150.63Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaB1=COUNTIF(A$1:A1,A1)B2=COUNTIF(A$1:A2,A2)B4=COUNTIF(A$1:A4,A4)B7

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Ignore Blank Cells In A Average

Mar 3, 2004

I am doing an average of a column of cells. How do I tell excel to ignore the blank cells in the column and not calculate them in the average?

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SUM Formula: Ignore Error #n/A Cells

Dec 19, 2006

i m trying to add values in different sheets though some of the values have a #n/A in them and i want to ignore this = SUM(Set1!D9,Set3!D9,Set2!D9). However Set1!D9 is an error and I would like to ignore this value!!

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Ignore Duplicate, Ignore Then Paste

Jun 26, 2007

I have in column D starting D9, I have numbers starting at 1, and may finish at 100. But there could be duplicates, 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,.........

I would like to only copy the range D9 to H (End of column D), ignoring all the duplicate numbers, to another sheet.

So on the second sheet, it would be 1,2,3,4,5,6...... with the data copied from E,F,G and H.

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Count Unique Values / Text Within Range Of Cells That Contain Duplicates / Blanks And Errors

Jun 25, 2014

How I can create a simple formula to count unique values/text within a range of cells that contain duplicates, blanks and errors?

For e.g., in Column A (row 1 - 10):



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Ignore Empty Cells In A Sum / Countif Formula?

Jan 18, 2014

I have a list of assessment scores for students with a matching grade in text form. I want to show the percentage of students that receive "Adv" and "Pro" grades out of the total number of students (cells with data). But I have extra cells in case students are added during the year. I need to have the formula ignore any empty cells and count all of the "Adv" + "Pro" grades divided by number of students with data. I would like to do this by including the extra cells in the formula so I don't need to amend the formula should students be added. This is the formula so far. Maybe there is a totally better way to write this formula.


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