I have a listbox on a worksheet which is linked to a named range, the named range is a results from a database query. Now the problem I have is everytime the query is refreshed the listbox expands in size. Is there anyway to stop the listbox from growing thus 'locking' the size??
Each time he clicks on a command button, the size of the command box grows larger and larger until it eventually is covering over the display area of the report. Also, the other buttons along with the one he clicks grows larger.
I have an Excel file which has a macro that sucks in data from a number of separate files (two Excel, a varying number of csv). The macro grabs all the individual files and loads them into one of three worksheets with some formatting, sorting, and structuring on the way. All good so far.
I then need to take two of the worksheets and copy them to a new Workbook which I can send out to some users. So I use the Workbooks.Add method, and use the Selection.Copy on just the data (UsedRange.Rows/Columns.Count to ensure it is only the data) and Selection.PasteSpecial with the xlPasteColumnWidths, xlPasteValues, and xlPasteFormats options to copy the data over. None of the data is filtered. Just straight data.
I would expect the newly added workbook to be smaller than the one with the macros because the one with the macros has two extra sheets that I don't transfer, and the sheets I do transfer are identical.
And that's where it gets weird. The file with the macros and more data is 18.7Mb, but the new one with only two sheets is 24.8Mb. One is .xlsm and the other is .xlsx (because it has no macros).
I've tried opening the new workbook and saving as .xlsm (no material difference to the size) and as .xls (it got even bigger). I've opened the new workbook, gone to the end of the data and deleted all the blank rows and columns, but no effect (because the rows are already empty).
Why would the file with less in it be so much bigger (or bigger at all)?
I have a sheet with four listboxes on it. All four have their source on the "Lookup" tab - Lookup is very hidden and is zoomed at 100%. Every once in a blue moon, the text in the four listboxes will shrink to be very tiny. The listboxes themselves will stay the same size, but the text inside shrinks.
Starts off looking like this:[url] Somehow ends up looking like this: [url]
I compared the two pictured files and the properties of the listboxes were totally identical for both.
Each time this has happened, it's always been on someone else's computer (fifty people each use a copy of this file), so I don't have many clues as what is going on when this happens... Does anyone have any idea how to prevent this from happening, or how to restore a file like this instead of replacing it?
I have a list of jobs being displayed using the following code. All sheet names that start with AJ, CJ and PJ within the workbook are how the list is created.
Sub ListSheets() Dim sht As Worksheet Dim lRow As Long Dim rCell As Range
With Sheet1
Set rCell = .Cells(2, 12) End With
For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Select Case UCase(Left(sht.Name, 2)) Case Is = "AJ", "CJ", "PJ" lRow = lRow + 1 rCell(lRow, 1) = sht.Name
Case Else End Select Next sht
End Sub
what i want to do is create a drop list within each job sheet within the workbook that will display the names of the jobs above. Now the thing is I cannot choose the range like normal from data - validation - list as I will not know how many job names will be displayed so I dont know how many cells to include in the range.
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
How do you increase the font size of a drop down list in excel apart from zooming in. I have 10 dropdwnbxs each with about 16 items.
Everything works fine but users can not see the contents of each drop down box(fonts are too small). Is there a solution to this? (or just keep zooming in/out). Example i have a drop down box in A2 with source from F2:F17.....etc
I have a drop-down list that displays at about a size 6 (or smaller) font when the worksheet is displayed at 75-100%. I can make it readable by changing the magnification of the sheet to 150-200%, but that takes the rest of the sheet out of view, interferes with functionality, and is just an all-around pain in the butt. How do I format the list to make it display at a readable size?
I have a folder containing about 100,000 files and subfolders. Approximately 20% of the files are duplicates. I would like to create a list of all the files with some details so that I can sort through and identify which ones are duplicates, then create a batch file to delete them. How to get a file list with additional details, like size, modified date, etc, into an excel format?
I am working on a sampling tool in Excel which is based on what a user enters into a column. The user enters observation codes (text) in column A beginning at row 2 and going down to however many they have. I already have formulas which determine the sample size needed based on the number of nonblank values in that column; the resulting sample size is in G4. I'm thinking that I will need to have a form with a button module to select the random sample from the values in col A. This way Excel isn't running the module while the user is entering the values. The resulting sample can be pasted into a separate column or sheet.
I have noticed that all the cell dropdown lists i have (created by using Data | Validation | Allow | List) are very difficult to read its as though the font is size 8 or 6 or even less, is there a way of displaying the dropdown contents in a larger format? i have tried changing the font size of the named range and of the cell holding the dropdown but to no avail.
Using excel 2007, I have a worksheet with numerous data validation drop down lists. I was making a few changes to the worksheet and then I restarted the code. The font size of all my drop down lists displayed as a smaller font (maybe 2 sizes smaller) than had been displayed before. I went back to a previously saved copy of the code and the font size in the drop downs is back at the original size. Did I do something to cause this or is it excel 2007?
I have a long list of data: a unique number identifier that needs to be grouped with text. Right now they are in two separate columns. I would like to have two large columns on a page, as if you were looking through a phone book. I have been trying to get this list to load into a finite number of rows before it breaks into another column on the same page. Then moves to the next page, so about 30 rows that are set 8 rows down on a page to account for company letter head.
I haven't paired the text and numbers together at all. But I haven't been able to find a way to have them move in a way that maintains their correspondence. I have gotten my numbers to move into the row column set I have wanted but not the text.
[LETTERHEAD] {1-7 rows} 1| Shims 31 |Shims 2 . . . . . . 30 Bearing Cover 60 |Mechanical Seals {Then it moves to the next page within a certain space. But at this point I would like it to just have this format}
I have a workbook with about 25 different sheets and each sheet has the same in cell listboxes on them and If I get another item I need to add to them I have to go to each sheet and update them, is there a way to make one list to populate each list from?
I have a list of 150 names and I am looking for the best options to select between those. I will generally type part of the name and expect for the closest match to appear.
I have tried listbox userform, it does not work, even though it's locked and formatted not to move, its size changes all the time causing Excel to crash and lost hours of work done on the sheet.
I have tried also a drop down list, but it's very hard to search for names manually.
What other options do I have? I think the best would be some kind of search box but I can't find any in the insert userform tab.
I created a nice list box where the user can select any members of a ListBox1, and put them into a ListBox2. This happens in a Form I created, UserForm1.
Now I can't figure out how to get this ListBox2.list from Userform1 into my code in Module1! Any reference to ListBox2 in Module1 results in an error like "Run-time error '424': Object required.
I know you can read a range of data into a ListBox with a single command. can you read the contents of a ListBox into an array with a single line, and if so what is the syntax?
I'm afraid I've run into some trouble with the Listbox function, which I really love, but I can't quite get past this hurdle.
I want to have a listbox which populates by checking an entire column for values, ignoring blank cells, and, if value is present, to also check to see if any value is present in the cell one column to the right and one row down from the cell that has the initial value. If both these conditions are true, to then display both values in the Listbox. In other words, the Listbox would contain two columns.
During this routine, when checking value is present in the second cell, I'm guessing that an IF statement would increment a variable signifying the cell reference by + 1 for column and + 1 for the one row down?
I have systems that spit out text log files showing machine performance. Each log file has about 5000 lines of data in it which I import into excel for processing. One of the columns has a machine voltage that changes with the machine state. There might be 10-15 discrete values (like 500V, 800V, or 1000V) within the 5000 lines. I'm trying to populate a list box with just the discrete values so the user can choose what state to process for charting. Some log files might only have 2 or 3 voltages others might have 15 or more so it isnt fixed. I've been trying to use an advanced filter with copy to location and unique records selected but I run into problems with the variable size of the list and with the fact that the header repeats periodically and I can't seem to screen that out of the list.
I have a listbox which is populated with filenames from a specific folder when the userform is acivated. The user can choose any filename in the list to open it or adversly to delete it. When delete is used (ListBox is set to MultiSelectExtended) the selected files are 'Killed'. The filename list is then refreshed and listbox repopulated and resized ready for the next action. The problem is the recalculated ListBox.Height works fine and the ListBox shrinks in height as expected, but a vertical scroll bar appears as the number of lines is still that was prior to the files being deleted. This happens despite code having run an instruction to make the ListBox.Height = New Number of entries * line height. This doesn't stop the application to perform as expected but is an annoying cosmetic thing.
The code for sorting a multi-column listbox in Retain Selection After Sorting ListBox was really good, and I've used it a lot in an application I'm building.
What I'm hoping to do is reload a listbox in such a way that the items appear in the same order they were previously in. I'll describe two scenarios: 1. User edits a record - user sorts listbox - user selects a record - user edits record - listbox reloads, unsorted
2. User adds a record - user sorts a listbox and sees a record is missing - user adds the missing record - listbox reloads, unsorted
ideally the last step for each would be "listbox reloads, sorted" and the user would go on down the list. the tricky part i think is when rows are deleted or added.
i'm starting on a solution, but if there's some existing code that will do this i'd appreciate if someone could point me to it (because, for example, the listbox sorting code i referred to above anticipated things i did not).
I have a userform That has Several client information textboxes on it including a textbox called txtClientID.
What I would like to do is add a multicolumn listbox to the form and populate it from a worksheet - "sheet3" Columns B to E. These records would be filtered by the txtClientID textbox (this would correspond to a client ID value in column E).
So I would have a listbox that contained all the records from Sheet 3 that relate to the Client ID on the userform.