Listing Teams That Have Sold Products - Index / Match?
Feb 28, 2012
I have a table with sales teams down the left, and products along the top.
The table shows how many sales of each product a team has made. This is populated from a sales data dump each day.
I need a second table with all the products along the top, and beneath each product, a list of which Teams have sold that product.
do I need some Index / Match style formula here to pickup up each team from the left in the first table that's got a sales value higher than 0 for a particular product?
I'm trying to write a formula to count under certain conditions. I tried the following (and some other variations), but it doesn't work, it comes back #VALUE!:
=COUNTIFS('[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$K$10:$K$100,D7,'[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$A:$A,A34)
I need to count the number of products a rep sold in one day. He can have several sales in one day, and also sell more than one product per sale. The list I am pulling from has all sales from all reps for the day.
In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column. It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.
But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?
And so on until week 52.
The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?
So I have a spreadsheet of several thousand products (spare parts) and we received a folder of image files to go with these parts, however the file names aren't all uniform; some of the image files have the Part Number, while others use the SKU number. I have cells with the part # and SKU number for each product, and I could probably copy and paste the list of all image file names from the folder into the same spreadsheet. Is there a macro that could search the image file list for either the SKU or Part Number, and whichever is listed for each row, insert that file name into a cell? So I have this:
Item name SKU # Part # Spare Part 1 123456 P0459381B Spare Part 2 340934 P2394093A etc
And then I have the list of image files in its own Sheet or whatever's easiest P0459381B.jpg 340934.jpg etc
So after the macro is complete, I'd have:
Item name SKU # Part # Image file Spare Part 1 123456 P0459381B P0459381B.jpg Spare Part 2 340934 P2394093A 340934.jpg
I cant get this one off the ground. Normally I am pretty good to find bits and pieces of advice from other posts and put something together, but this one has me stuck from the get-go. I want to create several lists based upon the row(s) containing at least one set of criteria (day and time, contained in two differnt columns). Each row allows for up to 3 sets of days and times (i.e. columns B and C, columns D and E, and columns F and G) Each row is date and time stamped as to when the data was entered in that row (column H).
I want one list for each set of the various day/time combinations allowed in columns B thru G. The list should provide the name(s) contained in column A, in chronological order based on column H, when a criteria match is made in columns B:C, D:E, or F:G. This is far easier to understand with the attached sample. The lower section of the sample represents my desired output that I cannot seem to achieve.
I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)
We know how INDEX/MATCH works, and it's very nice. I attached a COUNTIF to it to count how many times the index finds itself on another table; if it doesn't find itself, then it goes blank. However, this time I need to count how many times it finds a certain string condition in the other table.
The columns that need to be filled are shaded in dark pink.
See attached file, "Rate Sample Index-Match Formula".
I need a formula to return the value at the cross section of two (2) lookup values that match. This formula will be input into column D under, "RATE" on the 1st tab, "TEST FILE".
In the 1st tab, "TEST FILE" there are a series of columns as follows;
A = Service B = From C = To D = Rate
In the 2nd tab, "RATES" there is a series of rates with drivers From (green) & To (blue)
The formula needs to do the following;
1. Lookup the "From" value in column B on tab, "TEST FILE" and match to column B2:B59 on tab, "RATES" both highlighted in green 2. Then Lookup the "To" value in column C on tab, "TEST FILE" and match to row C1:BH1 on tab, "RATES" both highlighted in blue 3. Then return the value at the cross section of the match "From" (point 1 above) & "To" (point 2 above) in range C2:BH59
For Example;
The rate From SYD To CBR = 0.33. I have highlighted this in yellow on both tabs to show where the formula needs to lookup the data to return the answer.
Additionally, if we were to add service as an additional lookup match how would this work?
Sheet B contains a column called "Name" and for each name, and for each name there are corresponding numbers. In sheet A, I have a "list of interest" in column A. What i want to do look through the data in sheetB to find a match from the list of interest and return the corresponding letters, located in column A.
I have filled out the first two rows of results that should be returned as an example.
One idea i had was to put a vlookup formula in each column result 1 to result 6 so i can catch all 6 "Serves" columns from column B, but there may be duplicates in the serve columns and vlookup only reports the first match.
Basically where the columns say 2011 or 2012 AND 1, 2, 3. I want to be able to have it index the number below based on the GL number on the left and both the year and period on the top. I think that you can do with using the sumproduct function with the binary, but the computer is a little dated and it takes a while to run those calculations.
I couldn't resolve the formula of Index-Match for getting the values that matches the following criteria
1) Match the "Category" of Table 1 to Table 2
2) Match the "value" of Table 1 to Table 2, if value is not present in Table 2 take the upper closest value.
Once the above conditions are met, Take the Result from Table 2
Table 1 is for Input and Table 2 is for Database.
Please note that Data in Table 2 should not be sorted in any way. I tried to use the -1 option of the Match function for upper closest value but it didn't work out.
Have a look at the file attached : IndexMatchUpperClosestValue_AlongwithExactMatch.xlsx
I currently have a spreadsheet with two sheets. The first is my reporting sheet and the second is called Stores. I currently am using the following formula in the reporting sheet:
I am looking to sum the values found at the intersection of multiple values based upon a vertical and horizontal lookup. The formula I am trying is as follows (which results in #Value):
On my worksheet 1, I have two dropdown boxes: B7 (that gives the building name) and B11 which gives the Type of Commission (Renewal, Expansion, New). B 20 is supposed to automatically select the percentage based upon what B7 and B11 select. E.g. B7 = House, B11 = Expansion then B20 should be 3.
This is my formula. =HLOOKUP(B7,'Building Details'!$A$2:$R$24,MATCH(B11,'Building Details'!$A$2:$R$2,0))
This on its own works to pull the data. However the data is repeated for each 'set' of data ie each group of repeating names, as I drag down. I just want the data to appear once on the first lie of each group so I have added an if to the formula
On the attached workbook, on the "Progress Summary" page, cell C30 has a formula which should list the names of pupils who made 0 progress (as referenced by the Raw Data page, column R [progress] and column A [name].)
I can't figure out why the N/As are coming. In G2 I have =INDEX(Area_Codes!$D:$D,MATCH(F2,INDEX(Area_Codes!$B:$B,0),0)). If I replace F2 with 407, I get FL which is right. But why do I get N/A??
L26 returns incorrect information. Input parameters are F29 and F30. In its current state, it returns the value “b”, where I think it should be returning “1”, i.e the intersection point for “3Ph” & “Single-core 70°C thermoplastic non-arm Cu Table 4D1”
If the value on sheet2 columnA ,matches value sheet1, column AC then corresponding row value sheet2,column E be put in corresponding row for matched value ,sheet1,column Z.
I have the following array formula that matches against a table with 3 criteria (one specfically is a time), it works ok until the time criteria is not of the value searched for, it may be +/- 30 minutes out, is it possible for the formula to index/match to the actual value or to find the nearest match possible, its in column B.
I have the following code from my UserForm that works fine for my Summary sheet.
Private Sub TextBox2_AfterUpdate() Application.ScreenUpdating = False '//Get the Truck # to act on Dim varInput As Variant varInput = TextBox2.Value '//Exit if no input If varInput = "" Then Exit Sub End If
What I am trying to figure out is to do a Index,Match or what ever it takes to populate the Truck sheet (250+) with info from the user form.
TextBox1 is the date. TextBox2 is the truck number, 3 is the Milage, and 4 is the Cost.
All in relation to the following sheet for the truck: ...
I am having trouble finding the right formula to use to get the data I want. Let me outline it below:
Worksheet 1 contains raw data: Column B : Date/Time i.e 8/1/2006 9:31am in one row, 8/1/2006 9:32am in the next row etc.. Column C: Temp i.e 33.5 Column D: Hum etc...
Worksheet 2 is a summary worksheet and contains: Column A : Date i.e 8/1/2006 Column B: Time i.e 9:31am Column C: Max temp i.e 35.8 (calculated via array formula)
I wish to use a formula (which I can copy down the worksheet so it needs to apply to the whole column of the reference worksheet) to find the time at which the max temp occurred on each particular day. I don't want to use individual references for each day as it will take too long!
Sheets("Project").Cells(Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Val(ComboBox2.Value), Worksheets("Project").Range("A:AZ"), 5, False)).Value = CDate(TextBox4.Value) What i'm trying to do is when i make a change to a textbox (in this case textbox4), I want to write over the cell that it relates to. (combobox2 contains the value that matches within column A - so that particular row)
For eg, this particular textbox should reference column 'E', and then the row that matches the value in combobox2..... i was trying to use a vlookup, but it didn't work (kept putting ym new value into cell IE155 lol)
The user enters a part number into B7 and a size into A7 and a price is returned into C7 (from a1:d4 range).
Is it possible (after removing the formula from C7), that a user enters the price into C7 and formulas in A7 and B7 would be able to tell from the price entered into C7 what model and size it refers to?