Lock Button Placement

Jan 16, 2007

I've got an Excel worksheet that has 3 buttons on it. The worksheet may have some rows removed based on a parameter the user selects from a form. I've got the buttons placed where I would like them on the sheet, but if rows are deleted the buttons will move up depending on the number of rows deleted. I was wondering if there was any way to lock the placement of the button on the worksheet?

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Command Button Placement

May 26, 2009

I have few problems with the below script. First I dont know exactly where I want the button to be placed since the data changes from week to week. Is there a way for me to place the button with in some merged cells? If so How can I merge some cells when I dont know where the data will end. I'm using this to find the last empty cell in Column "B" plus 2 cells down.

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Disable Or Lock The Button In The Attached File By Using Vba

Apr 23, 2009

How can i disable or lock the button in the attached file by using vba?

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Protect Or Lock Specific Cells Independently Through Button

Apr 20, 2008

I have the following question: I attached my file. In sheet "boekhouding" I want every cell in column H to contain a button that locks that specific row. So I can't accidently change the dropdownmenu for that row.

I also have some sort of strange problem in worksheet "Rekeningen", Range D1-D5 is named "Grootboek" were it should be named uitgaven. I can't change the name, but it doesn't seem to matter in worksheet rekeningen (the drop down menu for uitgaven works normally), what is wrong here?

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Cell Placement

Sep 27, 2007

I have a worksheet with 13 Tabs: Each Month + a Consolidated tab.

The Consolidated tab has all of the transactions beginning from January 1.
-The Consolidated tab has 1,000's of transactions.

How would I get March's transactions to begin on A5 of my March tab? Right now, with a simple IF function my transactions for March start appearing on Row 400. Anyway to get it on A5 without VBA?

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Placement Of Column

Apr 10, 2014

What would have to be done when a macro finishes to have a specific column show on the left side of the screen eg. spreadsheet has columns A:BC and I would like to have column A:K just off the screen with L:BC showing?

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Placement Of Forms Listbox

Apr 23, 2007

I have a list of People on one sheet and a list of Shifts on another. Some people have Qualifications (CPR, electirician, Non-Violence trained, etc.) and some shifts have Requirements. I would like to provide a (non-required) validation list for these entering these values. If the user enters a new requirement or qualification.

An explicit Validation list is too long. I don't want to use cells to hold a list that Validation can read from. So, my current plan is to a Selection_Change event to create/destroy a form ListBox, which will be populated by my VB code. How to place that is presenting some challanges. How to turn the user's multiply selected input into a comma delimited string is the easier of my two main challanges.

So, my concice question is when the user selects a single cell, how do I create a listbox that is possitioned over that selected cell? My non-concice question is: Is there a better way to go about this?

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Word Text +1 Tally With Cell Placement

May 28, 2014

I am looking for a formula or multiple formulas to perform an If/Then statement, adding and dividing. Example listed below.

If O8 = 'Y' then perform XXXX, otherwise, do nothing.

XXXX= in Y8 search for word 'apple' and add tally to AA46, in Y8 search for word 'orange' and add tally to AA47, in Y8 search for word 'banana' and add tally to AA48.

Take AA46/Y46 and put results in AB46.

If this could be put into on cell and perform all the needed actions, otherwise, multiple cell formulas is ok.

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Change Placement Of Conditional Formatting Icons

Feb 17, 2014

Is there any method to change the placement of conditional formatting icons. By default, the icons appear at leftmost part of the cell. Is there any way the icons appear at the centre with percentages (see attachment).

File: Sales Comparison - New Outlets 2012.xlsx

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Indirect Function Placement In Array Formula

Feb 27, 2014

The following formula is all on one line. I want to do indirect for file name and tab in all instances it shows up. (I want to have the filename in one cell and sheet/tab name in another cell to reference the indirect to.)

How would I use indirect in the formula to reference the cells?

=INDEX('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$Q$131,
SMALL(IF(('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$A$131=$H$8)*('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$G$75:$G$131=$I$8),
ROW('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$Q$131)),ROW('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!2:2))-74,1)

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Nesting IF Statements: Use Of Isblank Or Lack/placement Of Parentheses

Jun 2, 2009

I'm trying to nest if statements that also include "and" and "isblank" factors. The following formula isn't working, and I'm not sure if it's because of my use of isblank or lack/placement of parentheses.

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Adjust Worksheet Placement Based On Dropdown Selected

Feb 8, 2012

I have created validated dropdown, which in turn I have used for conditional formatting to highlight specific consecutive rows based on the dropdown.

Is it possible for the worksheet to be positioned based on the dropdown chosen, so that the highlighted rows are visible without having to manually scroll down, looking for the highlighted rows?

If dropdown chosen highlights rows 50-60, I would like the page to automatically show rows 50-60 (not necessarily hide the others, but at least scroll to rows 50-60).

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Lock Sheets With Formulas And Lock Sheets With Values

Jul 2, 2009

do you know if there is vba code to lock formulas so someone sees but does not touch and the same for values see but cant change??

my sheets with formulas are SUMMARY and Sheet2

sheet with value is TABLE

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Toggle Button Pressed - Change Color / Highlight Button?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a togglebutton for an excel sheet in use for scoring psychological tests. When pressed, the button higlights the cells where a raw score is inserted.

What I need is a code to higlight the togglebutton when pressed, eg. green (colorindex 4). The button is white. How to do this?

Below is the code, It has more lines than needed, but it works.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

ActiveSheet.Unprotect "manisk"
If ToggleButton1 Then

[Code] ........

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Reference Cell Based On Button Location & Determine Button Used

Mar 7, 2008

I received this code from an example I found once upon a time that was originally submitted by someone else. Right now the code enters the current date in a cell of the same row as the checkbox when it's checked. I need to revise it, or come up with something similar, that will reference the value of a cell when it is in the same row as the button (from the Forms toolbar) that is clicked to activate the macro. First of all, I don't know how to reference a Forms button in VBA.

Sub Process_CheckBox()
Dim cBox As CheckBox
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LRange As String
LName = Application.Caller
Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)
' Find row that checkbox resides in
LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row
LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)
'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked
If cBox.Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date
'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null
End If
End Sub

Here is some other code I already created. Unfortunately, because I don't know how to do the row reference, I had to create 25 different macros, which just bulks up the size of my file and slows it down. But here is what I'm trying to accomplish in my macro:.............

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Command Button Click Creates New Rows Above Button?

Nov 8, 2012

I currently am using a form button to create new rows.

I need two different kind of buttons. I have a button that does this-

Sub InsertRow()
'this inserts a row where the button is clicked.
Dim r As Range


However, when I try and create these codes using a Command button (I need it for the color), I get the error

"unable to get the buttons property of the Worksheet class"

P.S one other thing, say the button is in row 3, and Cells A1 and A2 are merged, when you click the button in row 3, it should extend the merge to A3.

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Command Button - Create A Save Button In Sheet 1?

Mar 9, 2013

i want to create a save button in sheet 1, on clicking the same the data entered in the particluar cells of sheet 1 should get saved in sheet 2 in given format

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Assigning Macro To Each Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name?

Jan 28, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.

[Code] .....

Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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Macro Works With Form Button But Not Command Button

Oct 5, 2006

This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"


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Macro To Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name

Jan 29, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.


[COLOR=#333333]Dim Btn As Button[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim rng As Range[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]For I = 2 To RowCount + 1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]With Worksheets("Sheet1")[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set rng = .Range("B" & I)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set Btn = .Buttons.Add(rng.Left, rng.Top, rng.Width, rng.Height)[/COLOR]


The following code is my Zip macro:


[COLOR=#333333]Sub Zip()[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim strDate As String, SavePath As String, sFName As String[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim oApp As Object, iCtr As Long, I As Integer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim vArr, FileNameZip[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim FName() As Variant[/COLOR]


Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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Form Button On Spreadsheet - Identifying Which Row The Button Is On

Jul 23, 2014

I am imagining a spreadsheet with the equivalent of an info button in each cell of column A. The idea is the user clicks the button to open a User Form containing additional info about the entitity represented by values on that row.

E.g., Row 1 is labels, row 2 is all about Bob, 3 is about Jane, 4 is about Freddy. If the user clicks the info button on row 3 then a user form opens up and displays additonal info about Jane.

I am wondering if there is a way for VB to identify which row the clicked button was on without having to write individual code for each button telling VB which row the button was on.

I am hoping there is some form button property I can reference or interrogate which will give me a cell address; a button.position property or similar. This will obviously save me a lot of coding if VB can dynamically determine which row is being interrogated as there will be a couple of hundred of these to start with, potentially thousands. (I realise Access is a better solution for database interrogation, but I have to work with excel at present).

Ultimately, the user form that the button calls up will have a list box on it and I want the list box to default to the entity on that row, and allow the user to browse the other entities if they want to.

If there isn't a solution for this I will just have a single info button for the users to click that opens the user form and then they can select the entity from a list box. But I would like to offer the "intelligent display" option but don't relish coding the equivalent of several hundred "You clicked button four hundred and seventy six, default to info card for bert".

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Running The VBA That Is Assigned To Multiple Cmd Button On One Cmd Button

May 19, 2009

I have a workbook that contains 18 sheets, on 14 of the work sheets I have a comand button that runs the following
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Range("B3:B53").Select
' Selection.ClearContents

Dim nloop As Long



For nloop = 3 To 53

If nloop 3 And nloop 12 And nloop 15 And nloop 16 And nloop 23 And nloop 28 And nloop 41 And nloop 47 Then Range("K" & nloop).Value = 0

Next nloop

Range("B2").Value = DateAdd("d", 7, Range("B2").Value)
End Sub
I want to put a comand button on sheet18 that will run the code so it does the same thing as pressing each command button on each sheet.

the sheets that I have the cmd on are:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheets3, Sheet4, Sheet5, Sheet6, Sheet9, Sheet10, Sheet11, Sheet12, Sheet13, Sheet15, Sheet16, Sheet17

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Toolbar Command Button As Toggle Button

Aug 13, 2008

I have read several articles saying using a command button as a toggle button can't be done but some articles have said it is possible using the state properties.

.State = msobuttondown
.State = msobuttonup

Is there any way to combine this with the onaction property so that when you press the button, it stays down and activates a macro then when you press it again it pops back up and activates another macro.

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CAP Lock Via VBA

Dec 18, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that requires the user to use ALL CAPS when they fill it out. Is there a way to have VBA turn on the CAP Lock regardless of the persons keyboard setting? I have asked that the users use ALL CAPS but of course that leave a lot of room for error.

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Possible To Lock Workbook Name?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm looking at creating some templates that people will submit to me on a monthly basis but i'd like to 'lock' the workbook name, is this possible?

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Lock A Cell Value

Jul 25, 2007

=IF(A4='Exported Data'!B2,'Exported Data'!C2,"")

How can I lock A so when I copy over to the right the formula doesn't change that reference to B4?

Is there a way to have the True value (Exported Data'!C2) reference one cell over instead of selecting the cell to reference from?

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Lock Workbook Name

Nov 20, 2008

Is there a way to lock the title of the workbook so if someone else has it, they can't rename it even if they move it to their personal computer?

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Validation Lock

Apr 4, 2009

Having a problem locking the sheet and still have it work. Not sure if their is a easy work around for this. Just lock sheet and see what I get.

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Set CAPS-LOCK On And Off

Nov 21, 2009

Would like to set CAPS-LOCK On and Off using VBA. Can someone help please?

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How To Lock Each Tab With Different Password

Oct 25, 2011

I have a excel document with 5 tabs (sheets) and, because different people work with a different tab (sheet), I want to lock each tab (sheet). I want the tab to be visible on the tab bar but when you click on it you will not be able to see the content of that tab (sheet) until you provide the right password (each tab with a different pasword).

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