Reference Cell Based On Button Location & Determine Button Used
Mar 7, 2008
I received this code from an example I found once upon a time that was originally submitted by someone else. Right now the code enters the current date in a cell of the same row as the checkbox when it's checked. I need to revise it, or come up with something similar, that will reference the value of a cell when it is in the same row as the button (from the Forms toolbar) that is clicked to activate the macro. First of all, I don't know how to reference a Forms button in VBA.
Sub Process_CheckBox()
Dim cBox As CheckBox
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LRange As String
LName = Application.Caller
Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)
' Find row that checkbox resides in
LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row
LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)
'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked
If cBox.Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date
'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null
End If
End Sub
Here is some other code I already created. Unfortunately, because I don't know how to do the row reference, I had to create 25 different macros, which just bulks up the size of my file and slows it down. But here is what I'm trying to accomplish in my macro:.............
What i am trying to do is make a command button appear when you hit any cell of the row its on. For example, If you were to hit any cell on rows 1 or 2 the command button will appear and when I am not on the visible property goes back to false. I have a ton of buttons on this sheet and I am trying to clean it up so buttons only appear as needed.
There was a similar question I found answered in the archives. However the solution given there (using ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller) does not work in my case.
A little googling and I think the reason is that I added my buttons from the toolbar and not from the forms editor. My buttons are in the OLEObjects collection, not in Buttons.
So how do I determine which of my OLEObjects was clicked? Is there something similar to "Application.Caller"?
I am running WinNT and need to find the folder containing the default icons available for use on buttons in the toolbar window. I can copy the image but it saves as a picture (device independent bitmap). I want to be able to send the icon to other people so they can put it in their directory and choose to select it.
I was wondering if i could get a hand with inserting a file. Is there a way to insert the file and have it placed a relative distance from the insert button without using cell references?
I am building a code based on a command button in a row, which will check is a worksheet exists (message), if not create a worksheet from a template (from another worksheet specific to a on a cell value in the same row), rename the worksheet based on a cell value in the same row.
I am having some success for each task with exception to relative cell values .....
As the code will be specific to the row (one button per row) Questions:
how to i determine the location of the button that is clicked? (I assume once this is established i can use to pull values in the same sheet on certain columns....?)
I want cell D28 to be text of the location to the file selected through CommandButton1.. tia
This is what I have so far:
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim browse As Long Set Application.GetOpenFilename("All PDF files (*.pdf*), *.pdf*", , _ "Choose a Filename") = browse ActiveSheet.Range("D28") = browse End Sub
I am looking for some code which will return the location of the form button which is being clicked on to activate the macro. I would like to avoid using an active.x button if at all possible.
In this way I can use the same macro on a column of buttons to trigger an action based on adjacent cell contents.
Name Button Mr a Button1 Mr b Button1 Mr c Button1
The aim is to use the button on an index tab and to capture the name next to the button as a sort string for data on a separate tab.
I am having trouble writing a macro that checks the value of an option button to change a string accordingly. The ActiveMonth variable is used to copy information across from one work sheet to another, with the worksheet depending on which of the option buttons is selected.
I have written a small piece of code that handles clicks on buttons on an excel spread sheet. When a button is pressed, i need to know the row number where the button resides in.
I have searched and read about this issue on several forums, and they all indicate that i need to use something like
to get the row number and
to get the column number.
However, when i use the row variant, it ALWAYS returns row number 1. When i use the column variant, it returns the column number it is actually in.
i have added the full code that is creating the buttons below, and also the part that displayes the rownumber that is incorrect.
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim name Dim time As Integer time = InputBox("Typ the hour you are checking" & vbCrLf & "eg: 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19", "Which Check")
I am working on creating an examination questions in Excel. I want to also build in formulas in the Excel sheet so that the answers will be calculated automatically as the candidates choose the answers. I have inputed an option button from the froms toolbox beside each answers for the candidate to click to indicate the answers. Is it possible to calculate the correct answer or wrong answer with a formula when the candidate clicks on the option button ? Is there a formula that I can use?
I'm trying to use option buttons to create a text entry in an adjacent cell. Selecting Option Button 1 puts "GPM" in cell F23. Selecting Option Button 1 puts "lbm/hr" in cell F23 (The option buttons are from the control toolbox)
I receive ""Run-time error '424': Object Required"" and first line is highlighted- here is copy of
Sub FlowUnits() If OptionButton1.Value = True Then Sheets("Main Screen").Range("F23") = "GPM" End If If OptionButton2.Value = True Then Sheets("Main Screen").Range("F23") = "lbm/hr" End If End Sub
How to hide command button based on another cell?’ [URL] .....
This works faultlessly but for only 1 Button. I tried adding in the code again for a second Button but it creates a conflict. I made a slight adjustment to your original code, to show the button when the cell is populated, which works well…
[Code] .....
Any way I can:-
1. Add additional buttons which reference their own cell?
I have created two buttons in a worksheet to navigate to two other worksheets. I would like a cell to display 'YES' automatically if one of the two buttons is clicked and or to display 'NO'. I also would like to change the colors of these cells change automatically depending on which button is pressed.
i have a user form in my spreadsheet that uses option buttons and text boxes for user entry. i need to take the values and true false entries from the option buttons and place them in cells. i am alittle lost with this.
Is there a way to set up a "watch" on a cell so that if you type in a different number on a cell, OptionButton1_Click() gets activated? Example:
A9 = 12.0104 OptionButton2 is active.
In Cell A9 you type "25.0508". OPtionButton2 becomes inactive and OptionButton1 becomes active. I already have the buttons linked, i just do not know how to make the button get triggered if A9 changes.
I have about 200 command buttons on my spreadsheet. Since there are so many of these, I would like to create a VBA routine to determine the cell name four cells over from the cell each command button sits inside, if possible (each command button is small and sits within its own cell). So the command button in cell F1, will let me pull the data or get the cell name of cell C2.
So I guess I am trying to figure out how to do relative references from a command button. Then this will be put in a public variable and passed to a subroutine which is the same for each command button. Only the data in the cells relative to the command button changes. I thought activecell might be useful for this, but you when press a command button, it doesn't make that cell the active cell.
I just thought there might be a simple solution for this, instead of having each single command button have its own subroutine just so each one can reference cells. All I really need is to run the same subroutine with variables from 200 cells, one at a time.
Is there a way in VBA to reference the activeX button which has been clicked? Like a ThisWorkbook equivalent for a button?
I have quite a few button whereby they set a parameter for a procedure 'TrendData' based on the row they sit in. Currently I just have the row number hard coded i.e. Call TrendData(5) but I want to amend this so that when I add a row it doesn't offset all my buttons.
For Example
Call TrendData(CommandButton3.TopLeftCell.Row)
However instead of typing CommandButton3, CommandButton4, etc. I would like the code to know which button had been clicked and just use that?
I need to enable and disable command buttons in my code. These command buttons are located on sheets. I assume that I can simply set the Enable property, but I am having trouble referencing the command button. I thought I could simply reference it by name but that is not working.
I have a data validation list in cell D11 on sheet "Data Entry" and a command button "btnMultipleProperties" that I only want visible if "Multiple" is selected in "D11" I have the below code in "This Workbook" in VBE but it doesn't work. What did I miss?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) With Sheets("Data Entry") If [D11].Value "Multiple" Then btnMultipleProperties.Visible = False Else: btnMultipleProperties.Visible = True End If End With End Sub
I have a togglebutton for an excel sheet in use for scoring psychological tests. When pressed, the button higlights the cells where a raw score is inserted.
What I need is a code to higlight the togglebutton when pressed, eg. green (colorindex 4). The button is white. How to do this?
Below is the code, It has more lines than needed, but it works.
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click() 'FKV TOGGLE'
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "manisk" If ToggleButton1 Then
I'm having trouble calling a subroutine from a command button. It's puzzling because I've set up buttons before and didn't have this trouble.
Here is my button Private Sub EPConversionButton1_Click(ByVal target As Range) Convert_Hrs_EP target End Sub And here is the subroutine.
Sub Convert_Hrs_EP(target As Range) End Sub There's nothing there yet, but I keep getting error messages regarding the transfer from the button code to the subroutine.
The message is: Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name. The Help file says this means that my procedure has the same name as an event, but does not have the same signature. But it's not so.
I am new to VBA programming so i might be making a obvious mistake. I am trying to create a macro that will insert rows depending on a cell value. I also need this to be executed from a command button rather then to occur immediately after the cell value is entered. So as a example
Lets say Cell A2 has a value 20 Cell A3 has a value 3 Cell A4 has a value 5
when this data is entered and then a Command button poressed there should be
i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.