Logic Function To Retrieve Filled Cells

Mar 5, 2009

how to apply this function to my sheet given below. In this budget sheet, I want to create a graph which would show all the items percentage (item by item) with the values given in columns C & H only, leaving out the lines which are empty or bear 0 values.

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Logical IF Functions To Retrieve Filled Cells

Feb 28, 2009

I am working on a sheet to retrieve some cells which are not empty or equal to 0. Like..

Item A
Item B 5
Item C 10
Item D
Item E 5
Item F

I want to retrieve only the cells which have got some values in column B. Like I want to get the list as follows

Item B 5
Item C 10
Item E 5

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Large Function - Logic To Handle A Tie

Apr 5, 2012

I use a large function when ranking numbers in an array each month. I'm only interested in the top 5 numbers. However, there are occasions when the top 5 numbers contain a tie. How do you build into a large function, logic to handle a tie. Here's my function, which is very simple:



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IF Logic Function - Greater Than Or Less Than With 3 Results

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to have three different possible results from one formula based on one cell.

If A1 is greater than 10 I want B1 show 5, AND if A1 is less than -10 I want B1 to show -5, AND if A1 is between 9 and -9 I want B1 to show the value of A1/2.

I've never used logic functions in excel before.

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If Found Function/logic To Paste

Apr 12, 2007

I am creating a macro that will be copying values from one worksheet and pasting them in one of two possible locations into another worksheet - depending on a title for my data. The title I will search on is located in worksheet "Sheet1". If I find the title "WESTERN PERSPECTIVE" in Sheet1, I want to copy a range of values into one place on the other worksheet "Sheet2", otherwise if I find the title "EASTERN PERSPECTIVE" I want to copy a range of values into the 2nd place on my other worksheet "Sheet2".

My logic should follow:
If found "WESTERN PERSPECTIVE" in Sheet1, paste values into area 1 of Sheet2, else do nothing.
If found "EASTERN PERSPECTIVE" in Sheet1, paste values into area 2 of Sheet2, else do nothing.

I do not require coding for the copying and pasting, just the IF logic based on Found fields. I do have the coding which selects the field if the 'Find' is successful:

Cells.Find(What:="WESTERN PERSPECTIVE", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas _
, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _

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Convert Logic Function To Data Cell Validation

Jul 2, 2007


how can i use the data cell validation using the above function logic?

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Function To Retrieve Only Alphanumeric Values

Oct 22, 2007

I have Column A sample below:

Column A

Row 1 WG32127

Row 2 WFH3040 / 3920

Row 3 WFBF3709/3919

Row 4 WG32156/3915, 3911, 3920

Row 5 WG32148129/3915, 2922

I'm trying to use the Left Function to get only the Alpha-Numeric codes only. I'm having the following problems.

1) The alpha-numeric codes are not a standard number of characters (they can vary anywhere from 4 to 10).

2) In some cases the alpha-numeric codes are alone in the column

3) In other cases they are with other numbers with back slashes separating them

4) In the cases where there are back slashes there are spaces, commas and other numbers as well.

Is there a way to use the Left Function to retrieve only Alpha-numeric codes only.

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IF Function To Retrieve Value From Set Of Data Based On Condition

Mar 28, 2012

I have huge set of data listing almost 20 columns and 400 rows..i am trying to apply a formula for one of them..

Condition: Onshore or Offshore

Data to be retrieved: list of locations at onshore and offshore

Result expected: If a particular cell is selected as onshore then allow user to select only Onsite locations same for offshore

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Logic With Multiple Cells, Selecting Between The Two

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working with Excel 2003 on a peice for work that requires users to enter their current grade and, if they have one, a temporary grade. Another sheet in the workbook needs to add together all those in a certain grade and who answered a certain way to a drop-down table, so that I can use it to figure out what percentage of staff are of each grade. At the moment it looks like this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Work_Data!F2:F9827="Grade 1"),--(RIGHT(Work_Data!K2:K9827,3)="Top 25%"))

Which only draws information from the current grade (column F) and the answer they give (Column K). What I can't come up with is a formula that will only take column F as long as column G hasn't got a temporary grade, but if it does have a temporary grade will take column G instead.

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Use COUNTIF Function To Retrieve Data To A Report Tab On Workbook?

Jul 13, 2014

I am trying to use COUNTIF function to retrieve data to a "Report" tab on my workbook.I need it to be count if as I have 2 criteria whether or not the value in the cell should be counted toward the sum (one is text basically saying "Y" and other the date). Now the formula worked fine when use hard data such as this:

=COUNTIFS('Inspection Report'!$B$3:$B$1048576,"*" & "06/05/2014" & "*",'Inspection Report'!E3:E1048576,"Y")

OUTCOME: 47 (which is correct)

See how I used the date there, I typed it myself. However the end user should not be able to have access to the formula, so I used a cell with drop down list and the date is stored there. So following the logic, my new formula should be this:

=COUNTIFS('Inspection Report'!$B$3:$B$1048576,"*" & C2 & "*",'Inspection Report'!E3:E1048576,"Y")

OUTCOME: 0 (which is incorrect)

how the date is stored. By following my logic this should work as the cell only holds a string value and should be used like this in to calculate the result. if I need to use only the value of the cell in a formula like this should there be any conversion so excel understands what I am trying to do?

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Conditional Formatting: Cells Filled By Red Until The User Enters Text In Those Cells

Jul 18, 2006

Is there a way to set up a conditional format for several cells so that the cells are filled in with red until the user enters text in those cells??

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Take Logic (IF) Statement And Implement It As Format For Array Of Cells

Jul 17, 2013

I have a list of data for each year dating back 10 years and some of lists had entries that weren't available so the cell showed up #N/A. I searched and replaced them with 0 but when I graph the data it skews my graph. I was wondering if it was possible to take a logic (IF) statement that says if the cell = 0 then take the average of the next and previous data points so the graph looks smooth. i.e. =IF(G444=0,(G443+G445)/2,G444) This gives me the correct number i want, but i want to apply it to all my lists like a format if possible.

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If Then Statements: Construct A Logic Test Using The Range Of Cells

Aug 2, 2006

How do you write an If then statement using a range of cells? I want to construct a logic test using the range of cells A7:A19. I want the logic test to see if the any of the values =1. If the test is true then I want it to display the value in B7:19 (which ever cell corrulates to the cell in column A that has the value of 1) and display the number in the B column.

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INDEX/MATCH Function To Retrieve Vlaues From A Table And AVERAGE Them (arrays)

Mar 26, 2009

I have 2 sheets recording feedback and summarising the overall percentages for each trainer.

My boss wants me to do this by month!?!?!

I have created a third sheet but I am not sure how to do the following:
Look up the trainer name
Look up the month
identify the percentages for each category
create an overall average of these percentages

So for example if Jon smith trained twice in JAN getting 100% and 50% in cat1, it would display 75% in the cat 1 cell and so on.

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IF Function Formula Logic: For Every Increase Of Of Mhz, Give 25.00 Per 100 Increase

Nov 2, 2006

I have a test due in the morning, and I really need this question answered ASAP, if anyone could. I need to create an IF formula for this situation: the standard Mhz is 500. Give 55.00 for that standard. But for every increase of of Mhz, give 25.00 per 100 increase.

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Prevent Save Unless All Cells Or Certain Cells Are Filled In

Dec 2, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that is emailed to someone to fill in. They then fill in some information and send it on to someone else.

Sometimes they don't fill in all the information so is it possible to have excel check that cells are filled in and to prevent someone from saving unless this is so? Or maybe a message stating that the cells need to be completed if Excel is being closed or saved?

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Clear Cells In Column Where 2 Cells In Same Row Are Filled

Mar 30, 2008

how do i create a formula or macro that will: Clear the contents of Cell C1 If Both Cell A1 And B1 Are Filled. I will need to check all the cells in column A,B and C.

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Duplicates With Cells That Are Filled?

Jun 5, 2014

Coding that it does the cells that have a color attached to it only and not the cells that are clear. Right now it is doing the clear cells only.

[Code] .....

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Sum Cells Filled With Colour?

Dec 31, 2013

How to sum cells filled with colour?

When I use the colorfunction it works, but I have changed the cells to have different color based on conditional formatting, and now the colorfunction isn't reading the fill color.

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Count Filled Cells

Mar 6, 2008

I have a little problem counting filled(numbers,chars, etc) cells i used |:

subtotal with filters , nothing

i used COUNTA, nothing
i used COUNTIF(range,"*"), nothing
is still counting the blanks

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How Do I Sum Up Values Only In Cells That Are Color Filled

May 1, 2008

This thing drives me crazy for the past few days. Please helpI can go to sleep.

I have several columns with numerical data. When certain criteria are met, a person manually makes some of the column fields a green fill color via the color fill button.

Let's say I have data in cells E4 to E14

Below, I have a total field (auto Sum function used to total all),

And, another row with The Colored Green totals.

How do I enter the appropriate code to total only the fields that are green?

I have found some info on verious sites but I have been unsuccesful to implement.

I attach a sample sheet, I was playing around a bit, you can ignore the fill color red, just deal with the green fields.

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Print Range When All Cells Are Filled

Feb 27, 2009

write this in VBA on the Workbook Level, "ThisWorkbook" : IF range (B20:B53, E20:E53, H20:H51) are all filled through user keypunched values--checks and coupon amounts.AND range (C20:C52, F20:F52, I20:I50) are equal to = " "

-- these ranges contain formula that spits out values only when there are discrepancies with the manually keypunched values above' otherwise it's equal to " ".THEN call batch02. batch02 is a macro that prints the specified batch.I have attached the filed I am working with. There are 25 batches, hopefully I can replicate the codes by just changing the ranges and the print macro.

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Calculate How Many Cells Are Filled With Color

Apr 16, 2009

I want to calculate how many cells are filled with color, how can

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Ensure All Required Cells Have Been Filled In

Feb 20, 2012

I'm looking for a way to ensure that users of a spreadsheet have filled in all required cells. VBA code which will prompt if a cell is blank which will activate on a button click

All cells are 'Named ranges' so hoping there's a way in which I can point to all named ranges and if they're blank display the below error message.

"Please ensure you have filled in all required fields"

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Macro To Copy Only Filled Cells

Mar 25, 2014

I want to copy only the filled cells of a column from Range N20 to N1000 and have the following code but this code copy even the blank cells. All the cells Range N20 to N1010 have formula and dependent on the value of another cell and if another cell is blank than cell in Column N is also blank.

Please suggest the changes in the following code so that only filled cells are copied.

Dim LstRw As Long, sSaveAsFilePath As String, ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Sheet1")
LstRw = .Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
.Range("N20:N" & LstRw).Copy
End With

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Multiple Cells Filled From One List Box

Jul 2, 2005

Here's what I want to do:

I want either a combo or list box in cell "A2" to list one of several selections full names, i.e., "Compact Disc, Cassette, etc." When you select the full name it returns it's abbreviation, i.e. "CD, CAS, etc." in the same cell "A2," and also returns it's catalog number in B2 and the label in C2.

In this example CD and CAS are obviously short for Compact Disc and Cassette, but not all the codes are that obvious, which is why I require the translation.

I have a second worksheet titled "data" with an array of data that's particular to a given selection. The list of selections run down a column while the selections data runs across the rows.

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Can Sumif Add Only Cells Whose Neighbor Is Filled

May 16, 2007

That is, if I have a range A1:B1 where some cells contain numbers and others are blank, and I want to add just the cells directly to the right of the filled ones, can SUMIF

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Detrmine Mandatory Cells Not Filled

Jan 4, 2008

I want the macro to check the rows 17 to 1000 if there is a value in column E on respective row. I have this, it works fine but I have to cupy it approx 1000times, that is for every row and then change the row 17 to 18 and 19 ...1000, There must be an easier way?

Sub Knapp174_Klicka()
On Error Resume Next
With Blad1 ' CodeName
If Not IsEmpty(. Range("E17")) Then
If WorksheetFunction. CountA(.Range("E17,J17,P17")) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Du har inte fyllt alla celler p&aring; rad 17"
Application.Goto .Range("E17:P17")
Exit Sub
End If
End If...........................

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Populate Combobox In VBA With Only Filled Cells From A Range

Nov 2, 2013

I have a combobox on a spreadsheet it is populated on a sheet called teams :

The Format control has an input range of: Teams!$B:$B

Now this has a few thousand empty cells in the range but I would need it to only populate with the cells that are not empty.

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Macro For Exclusive Cells To Be Filled-in Before Print Out

Jun 16, 2008

Need correction in below macro as this still prints out the workbook if only Cell K13 is filled. I want this macro so that it prints only if all the cells are filled-in.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("K13,G13,F13,C13,C10").Value = "" Then MsgBox ("Please fill-in complete details") Else ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut
End Sub

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