Populate Combobox In VBA With Only Filled Cells From A Range
Nov 2, 2013
I have a combobox on a spreadsheet it is populated on a sheet called teams :
The Format control has an input range of: Teams!$B:$B
Now this has a few thousand empty cells in the range but I would need it to only populate with the cells that are not empty.
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Feb 22, 2008
I have a userform (uf_PaxInput) with a Combobox (cmb_flight_dest) which I am trying to populate from a worksheet range ("Dest") using the following code:
Sub LoadForm()
With uf_PaxInput.cmb_flight_dest
For Each Item In Range("Dest")
Next Item
End With
End Sub
The code seems to run okay however whent the form loads the combobox drops down to show only blank items to select. These blank items number them same number of items that are in my named range ("Dest").
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Aug 15, 2007
All I want to do is
put a combo box on a spreadsheet,
have it populated, and sorted - ideally, alphabetically with range names already created.
I'd like to be able to click on the Range Name and GoTo the location.
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Jan 9, 2007
I use
Set rnData = ActiveSheet. Range("ProductList")
vaData = rnData.Value
With Me.model
.List = vaData
.ListIndex = -1
End With
to populate a combobox list. 'ProductList' is a Dynamic Named Range with the definition
=OFFSET(Stock_List!$L$2,0,0, COUNTA(Stock_List!$L:$L)-1,1)
The '-1' allows for a heading at the top of the column.
This works fine when the list in col. L has more than one entry under the heading. But with only one entry I get 'Runtime error 381 - Could not set the List property, Invalid property array index' and the debug highlights on
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Jul 11, 2007
I would like to populate a combobox with text from two different ranges:
I have an ID No in column A (range = ID)
and a descripton in Column B (range = Description)
I would like the following to appear in the combobox:
"J.034 Kitchen Bench"
at the moment I can only get J.034 from the following
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cBase As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Matdata")
For Each cBase In ws.Range("ID")
With Me.cboBase
.AddItem cBase.Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = cBase.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
Next cBase
HideTitleBar Me
End Sub
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Jul 28, 2012
I am looking to fill out a combobox (say combobox1) in a userform from a set of ranges located in a different workbook (that is in a different location).
For example, the cells that would need to be in the combobox are B5:B41,D5:D40 and F5:F45 and the file location is W:WCWORKCENTERS.xls
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Nov 14, 2012
I've done define name to read column C until G in 1st row, N define another name from column C until G in 2nd row.For example; NameRanges for "Year" =OFFSET(Sheet2!$C$1,0,0,1,COUNTA(Sheet2!$1:$1)-2), for
"Thickness" = OFFSET(Sheet2!$C$2,0,0,1,COUNTA(Sheet2!$2:$2)-3)
I want to display list of year in combobox and then, when the user click on the first item in combobox, the textbox will display the value that correspond to the combobox. For example; when the user click Year = 1990 in the combobox, the textbox will take value from excel and display thickness for year 1990 which is 4.
This is my code, the code in UserForm_Initialize is working. unfortunately, coding to display value in TextBox1, doesnt work.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim rngYear As Range [code].....
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Mar 12, 2009
I would like to know how to automatically populate a combobox with the data in a certain range. Attached is a simple workbook with the example. I know how to do this with the additem. But I dont know how to create the array or userform initialize to populate the combobox with the range.
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Aug 5, 2014
I am looking for a way to have 1 combo box, but be able to click on any cell in a range and yield an individual results. In this particular case I am tracking maintenance, and what my crew's corrective actions were for each location. As this varies day by day I cannot use HLookup or VLookup. Also, the lists vary, and have over 100 options.
What I would like is to be able to click in the cell, and instead of scrolling through a list of 109 options be able to start typing the action and it to auto populate. This gets tedious when there are often 50+ locations with maintenance calls per night.
Furthermore, keeping the results exact for VLookup that is being used on another sheet.
I've attached a blank sheet. Columns B, E, F, & H each would ideally have their own combo box. I could click on any cell in the column and when I begin typing the option it would autofill to the correct list item.
Their respective List are currently to the right under columns J, L, N, & P with their headers matching the exact name they've been given.
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Jun 10, 2008
I have successfully used the course booking form as a base for an input form in an accounting workbook that has several pages. (Thanks to Roy and others for the info; the course booking form on [url]is the best explained piece I have found on the net)
What I would like to do is use a range of cells to populate the combobox so that a user can make a choice from the account descriptions (from a sheet named Intro, b63:99) and have the form return the account number (Intro, a63:a99) to the relevant cell elsewhere in the workbook. The user would then have meaningful descriptions rather than numbers to choose from.
My coding for the form thus far is as follows.
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Nov 21, 2006
How I can refer to sheet...Without activating sheet. i have this
Private Sub carga_click()
Sheets("Codigos de Area").Select
Sheets("Codigos de Area"). Cells(1, 2).Select
While ActiveCell <> ""
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ComboBox1.AddItem ActiveCell
End Sub
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Jun 25, 2008
I'm looking to populate a combobox with a range that does not include hidden cells from autofilter. I will be sharing the workbook, so I cannot use Advancefilter either. Here is what I've got so far:
Set VRowSource = Sheet1.Range("A1", Sheet1.Range("A65536").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
strRowSource = VRowSource.Address
With UserForm.Combobox1
For Each cell In Sheet1.Range(strRowSource)
Thisrow = cell.Row
If Not cell.Rows.Hidden And Thisrow <> Lastrow Then
.AddItem cell.value
End If
Lastrow = Thisrow
Next cell
End With
I think it hangs on Next cell.
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Jul 26, 2012
I found this thread which deal with populating unique values in my listbox.
Here is the thread link. [URL] ........
What these line of code mean (the ones in red).
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim v, e
With Sheets("maintenance").Range("c2:c500")
v = .Value
End With
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
[Code] ......
Note : I simple tried to check the value of v by giving msgbox (v), just below the line v = .Value.
But I got run-time error 13 : Type mismatch error.
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Mar 4, 2008
I am attempting to populate a ComboBox ( named "SRnumber2") on a userform (named "UpdateSR"), but have hit a brick wall. The following testing code was working but now it is not:
Private Sub UpdateSR_Initialize() 'This section of code initializes the drop-down boxes.
'Add list entries to SR Number combo box. The value of each
'entry matches the existing SR Information spreadsheet entries in column "A"
Sheets("SR Information").Select
SRnumber.ColumnCount = 1
SRnumber.RowSource = "A2:A200"
SRnumber.BoundColumn = 0 ...........
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Jan 22, 2008
I need to populate a worksheet's rows with values from 2 comboboxes and a listbox which can have multiply selected items. After finding the row's last free cell, I have the listbox values properly populating correct column. However, I not sure how to get the corresponding combobox values assigned to the appropriate columns.
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Sep 20, 2012
I'm trying to get some vba to automatically find the range of data in a spreadsheet (So start from a specified point and loop until it's blank) and populate a combobox with this range accordingly. I have read numerous articles and posts but nothing seems to work!!
I am using Excel 2007.
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Feb 27, 2009
write this in VBA on the Workbook Level, "ThisWorkbook" : IF range (B20:B53, E20:E53, H20:H51) are all filled through user keypunched values--checks and coupon amounts.AND range (C20:C52, F20:F52, I20:I50) are equal to = " "
-- these ranges contain formula that spits out values only when there are discrepancies with the manually keypunched values above' otherwise it's equal to " ".THEN call batch02. batch02 is a macro that prints the specified batch.I have attached the filed I am working with. There are 25 batches, hopefully I can replicate the codes by just changing the ranges and the print macro.
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Feb 17, 2008
Is there a way to prevent a workbook from closing or being submitted until information has been entered into the following cells? B78, B80, B82, B84, B86, B88, B90, B92, B94, B96, B98, B100, B102, B104, and B106?
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Mar 30, 2014
I need to populate two combo boxes from excel sheet, the data will be like below:
Column A Column B
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
B 100
B 101
B 102
So from the above data, one combo box should hold unique values A & B.
On selecting a value from the 1st combo box A or B, respective values should be populated in 2nd combo box.
So the data should be like below:
If A is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 1,2,3,4 & 5.
If B is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 100,101 & 102.
Friends I need it in a macro and one important point is, this is dynamic and it is not static and the data can be more.
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Jul 9, 2012
So I have a table where column B contains a text entry, and column C returns a certain other text entry based on if certain keywords appear in the B entry. Say, if B8 contains "Fresh Apple Pie", column C8 could return "Tastes Delicious" by searching for "Apple" in B8. I've got it work just fine using a ridiculously long If(Isnumber(Search())) function, but the problem with this is that if I want to adjust the output, or add a new input rule I have to go into the formula and that just gets messy. Instead, I'd like to start an extra sheet, or a table to the side, where the user can write in column D what he's looking for, and then in E what the formula should return. Ie., if I wanted to change "Tastes Delicious" to "Getting Sick of It", I'd just have to change the E8 entry to that text, but leave D8 as "Apple". I've been playing with array formula's, but I can't get the formula to search past the first row of criteria.
Basically, I want something like this, where columns D and E are open ended for any user to add new search criteria or change the existing (for example, I could put "Gummy" in C4 and "Candy" in D4, and B3 would then return "Candy"):
Search For
Classify as
Candy Apple
[Code] .....
I've been using this formula:
(the cell references are different, but you can see the formula)
And it half works. If C3 is found in B12, it'll return D3, but if C3 isn't found I need it to look for C4, which it doesn't do. Naturally, the end formula will be a much larger range than two cells though.
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Apr 3, 2014
I'm stuck using Excel 2003 to auto-populate a cell.
I have a range of dates in five consecutive columns called:
Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5
I enter the date that 'Phase 1' starts under the first header. Once Phase 2 starts I enter a date under 'Phase 2', and so on to Phase 5.
Each phase is consecutive to the next so will always be filled in from 1 to 5.
I want to create an additional column called 'Status' that shows the Column Title of the last phase with a date in it. For example, if Phase 1 to 3 had dates but 4 & 5 were blank, "Phase 3" would be displayed in the 'Status' column.
I've tried nesting some ISBLANK functions without any luck.
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Jun 12, 2006
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
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Aug 10, 2006
I have a range of cells that I want to use as column headings. Say the range is A1:A100. I need them to be able to be transposed across the first row of the sheet. Now I know that I can use the transpose function in a cell but this array is embedded in a macro.
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Mar 29, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 6 hidden columns (B to G). Rows 1 to 14 are frozen and have data that comes from another work book and these rows will be protected. The user will enter data from H14 to U14 and then H15 to U15 for the next row and so on down the sheet. The number of rows of data over a week is variable, a minimum of 21 rows (3 per day) but no maximum.
When the user starts entering new data in the column range H to U I would like to automatically populate the 6 hidden cells on that row with information from particular cells in protected rows 1 to 14. For example B14 would populate with the value from I4, C14 would populate with the value from I5, D14 from I6, E14 from I7 and so on whenever someone enters a value anywhere from H14 through to U14.
I can understand that a worksheet change event would be useful to do this but I guess then it wouldn't want to run every time each cell is populated so I think if it had to activate on a single cell change then the cell in column L would be best. Also, as I understand it, there can be only one block of code per sheet that operates on a worksheet change event, have I got that right? If that is the case then I assume all the code to populate the hidden cells on each row will need to be in this block of code.
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Mar 22, 2013
I need to summarize some information from a different worksheet. Worksheet A(WS-A) is the summary and worksheet B (WS-B) is the source of information. On WS-B I have a range of values under the title "Materials" which I use to put together an estimate. This range has about 25 rows and not all of them are populated depending on the needs of the particular job.
If it matters, the Materials cells are populated by a drop down "list" from yet another worksheet. On the summary (WS-A) I want to show only the cells from WS-B that have a value in them so that if, within the Materials worksheet, there are only 6 rows that have data in them...only those 6 rows are shown on the summary worksheet.
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Oct 2, 2008
I want to run a macro when a cell is changed and populate Cell A12 With
the value in a named range.
The Name of that range is in cell A3
so i assumed i could do the following:
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Sep 25, 2011
I have a sheet containing 2 lists of categories for income and expenses. These lists are named inc and exp, respectively, and are contained in a sheet called "Lists." They are dynamic ranges, meaning every time a value is added, the named range adjusts itself to include the new value(s). [=OFFSET(Lists!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(Lists!$A:$A),1)]
I have 2 tables summarizing 12 months of data. The tables use sumif to find all occurrences of each category and sum them. There's 1 table for income, 1 for expenses. Each is a 2 column table, with all the categories for income in column A and their total for 12 months in column B. Same for Expenses in D & E.
To populate the categories in column A & D, I am currently using the simple =Lists!A1 =Lists!A2 (inc range), =Lists!B1 =Lists!B2 (exp range) and so on... the problem is when a value is added to either list, while the named range adjusts, I have to manually drag the formulas in Column A & B down 1 more cell to include the new value.
How can I use VBA to look for the inc and exp ranges (which will change in size), then populate each table with the most recent categories?
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Dec 19, 2006
How can I get a combobox to list the values in a range of cells eg.
A1:A5 = 1,2,3,4,5 etc
I've tried...
ComboBox1.List = Range("A1:A5")
But that dont work (it was more of a guess)
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Jul 25, 2014
I have a column of values (E4:E87). I'm adding 1 value to this column manually each day...so tomorrow (July 24th) I will have E4:E88...and so forth. Each day is a new row.
In column Z (i.e. cell Z87) I have the formula =(SUM(O53:O87))/(SUM(E53:E87)). Z88 will have
=(SUM(somevalue:O88))/(SUM(somevalue:E88)). This gives me a resulting percentage for a rolling period of time.
I need an automated way to populate "O53" and "E53" ("somevalue") in the formula so that the SUM of the current row's cell (i.e. E88) through [whatever] is 50 or greater. (The sum of the values should be as small as possible, but at least 50, and should not include any older values than absolutely necessary for it to equal at least 50.)
An image of my spreadsheet can be viewed here: [URL]
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