My formula =MID(A1,FIND("of",A1)+2,10) works perfect if it has a "customer of...". How to revise my formula that when it gets to cell B2 and if there is no "** Customer of ..." it would leave it blank or zero rather than #Value!?
My knowledge of functions is pretty limited, or negligible to be honest. I require a function to extract numbers from each cell in a selected range.
cells contain the following data:
cell 1: xxxxxx 45,59 cell 2: x xxxxx xx 6,45,27 cell 3: x xxxx 28
were x represents text
I need to loop through each cell and extract each of the numbers and list them in a separate range. If applied to the above range of cells the function would show the below in the ouput range. Each number in its own cell.
I need a VBA function to extract number sequences from a string and separate them with hyphens In the example below cell A1 has the value 'xx2 yyy34 zz515' The code must produce the value '2-34-515' from the above example I have the following function that extracts the numbers but need a way to separate the groups with a hyphen
Code: Function parseNum(strSearch As String) As String Dim i As Integer, tempVal As String For i = 1 To Len(strSearch)
I need a formula that will extract string November, now i know i could use MID, but that would mean i would have to manually count "Start num" and "Num chars", easy there an easier approach than this?
I've found several posts about returning variable substrings that dealt with one or two spaces, but I have not been able to find anything that is for multiple spaces. The number of characters before the substring will remain constant.
For example:
Income from transmission agreement - 83 subs @ $0.44
In this case I need to extract: 83
Income from transmission agreement - 10,312 subs @ $0.50
I'm using the following UDF to extract URLs from hyperlinks on a sheet, so that people can click the hyperlinks, but the URLs for all the links also appear (in the cells with formula =GetUrl), but in a place where they're accessible but out of view:
I can't use the "" sign as delimiter to separate them into different columns because the age,city,name and height fields are in random positions on different cells.The good thing is person's name will always come after "name" string, age is alwals followed by "age" string, so it cannot be like nameheight40Michigan180
I think the following would be the easiest method(not for me tho).If on B1 I had a formula that said "find the string "name" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character".On C1 field I could have a formula "find the string "age" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character.On D1 I would have the same for "height" string,then on E1 for city string.
My question is somewhat similar to this one Extract A String Between Two Characters
Formula which outputs the data between 3rd and 4th instances of the "_" character.Can we substitute "3rd and 4th" with a specific strings like "age" or "height" ?
I have a problems here. The problems is attached in the file. I wanna extract alpha/char from a string. Example: I wanna extract the words "(M)" with the bracket from the string "Toothbrush (M)" in column A. After extracting the (M) out, I wanna do a validation to compare the (M) in column B with another data in column C, if the (M) is same as the data called "Medium" in column c, the validation will return "Match" in the column d!
I have a string that follows this format: SAMSUNG CT797F-1
From this string I need to extract 797F only. Further complicating the problem is that its not always SAMSUNG it could be ABB CT797F-1 or KOMSATISU CT797F-1
I have implemented a function that can extract all the numbers, but can't think of how to extract 797F from the various different strings.
I have a list of names in a data set like the examle below. I would like to be able to isolate the last name so I can match the data in this data set with a data set with additional information. The only common set of data I have is the first and last names.
In the following rows I want to extract the string that ends in K (ie everything after the final space). But I don't know the starting position or how long the string will be.
I have a string (as below - Call them A1:A4) which I would like to seperate into 4 columns (Call them B1:E4).
I have successfully seperated the first part using MID (It's always 5 digits) but the second part has a varing length which then impacts on the third and fourth parts of the string.... Any ideas?
To add to this I am using the POCKET PC version of Excel which does not have all functions so at the moment I am limited to which functions I can use (Can you add functions to the PPC?).
I need to be able extract a string from within a longer string. The information I want will always start 5 chracters in and be bordered by an underscore either side, but could be of any length. For example in the following string, I would want to extract WF602.
I've been looking at the RegExp functions but can envisage problems with this as later parts of the string (WR34) have the same form as the part I need.
I've this question, how do i extract a part of the text using wildcard(example "ID=") in the string in the whole columns and copy to other columns or delete the unwanted.
Below is a example which i create for better understanding.
What I want to do is extract the date only from a string of text in a cell and put it in the cell next to it. The date is not alway in the same position within the text string and although similiar, the text string can differ. There are around 6000 lines in the sheet, I've pasted 4 as an example below.
THE BIG COMPANY LTD 15312178 COLLECTION 14.12.09 The Small Company Ltd 19073864 COLLECTION DATE 17/05/10 511438 511437 511436 ORD LE The Medium Size Company 19080948 COLLECTING WEDS 26/05/10 The Very Good Company 19149554 COLL DATE:28.06.2010 175 PEA PARK ROAD Z7 9AB
I need a formula to extract the numbers from data in a cell:
Examples of data in cells:
G 622 ENTERTAINMENT ( I need to extract 622 ) D 6129 TOYS ( I need to extract 6129) C 1039 Toddler TOYS ( I need to extract 1039 ) R 05 VEHICLES (I need to extract 5 )
All the cells have spaces before an alphabetical identifier, then a space ( it could be more than one in some cases ), then a number ( between 1 and 4 digits ), then a space and a description.
I am trying to extract the ounces (OZ) data from a string: example, BOX 15OZ 1819106287, CONTAINER 12.3OZ 1818176234. I need everything from OZ prior until there is a space.
I have a file which contains one field showing all of the changes to our data. It shows the Field Name followed by a colon: then the Before value followed by a line | then the After value. If multiple fields changed then they are separated by a semicolon;.
I am interest in extracting the Before and After values for changes to the MP.COST field only. Here are examples of the data:
I wanted to return the second number in a string such as this:"0 of 0 jobs ... View all jobs"
The following worked perfectly:=MID(U3,FIND("f", U3)+1,LEN(U3)-FIND("f", U3)-23)
Until this line came up:"1 of 1 job ... View all jobs"
Obviously the "jobs" changed to "job" because of there being only 1, so the "-23" no longer worked. I need this to get the second number out of the string and it can change because the data is being refreshed from a website so it could easily change from one line to another.
I have the following string of text and need to find a way to extract the address and city (separated)
Paste!A2 = 000-0000-0000 12-Mar-13 0.00 12-Mar-13 100.00- J Doe 1111 Excel Rd Vancouver BC 000.00 W Paste!A3 = 000-0000-0000 12-Mar-13 0.00 12-Mar-13 100.00- J Doe 111-2222 Random Ave Calgary AB 000.00 W
The spaces separating the name address and City do change so i have not been successful using a simple Mid/right/left Find formula. Also the street addresses can include a unit # as shown in the text string above. I am honestly at a loss
End results would of course be:
G2 = 1111 Excel Rd G3 = 111-2222 Random Ave H2 = Vancouver BC H3 = Calgary AB