Macro: Create Directory Based On Active Workbook And Save To It

Sep 8, 2006

Read “My Documents” Path And Use Result



Typical user OS will be Windows XP Pro / Win 2K
Excel version : 97 / 2002 / 2003

1. Corporate network security settings will only allow directory/subdirectory creation in the “My Documents” section of customers individual computers.

2. Per customer request, VBA application needs to save extracted files for future use.

3. I can specify an initial “My Documents” subdirectory be made and the VBA application file be loaded/copied into that location – i.e. – “My DocumentsCat”.

4. When VBA application is opened from that specified directory, (first time), the application needs to make an additional subdirectory tree to save future files. I can read the opened from location via VBA with the following:

Dim filepath As String
filepath = ThisWorkbook.Path
As an example – this code would produce a string definition of “filepath” – such as the following:............................

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Create Directory From Cell & Save Workbook With Cell Value

Dec 3, 2006

what code can be used to be place in a Command Button on a worksheet that will use the value in a cell, change it to the directory where it have to be saved and save it to the value of another cell. Example:

On a worksheet called "Customer", at cel A1 will be the customer's name and at cell A2 will be the asset number. Now let's say a directory does not yet exist on the root for this customer, a new directory must be created in the root directory by using the name in A1, and the workbook must then be copied and saved under the value of A2.

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Defining Workbook Save Directory

Nov 5, 2008

I have managed to get my workbook to save with a filename based on two textboxes. I am not sure, however, how to define the directory. I have tried adding a ("mydirectory") on the saveas line but it does not work.

This is my
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim strText As String
strText = txtLMSRef.Text & "," & txtPartial.Text
wb.SaveAs Filename:=strText
Set wb = Nothing

End Sub

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Save Workbook As Copy To Another Directory

May 20, 2009

I need save my workbook as copy to another directory, ( C: ) with VBA code

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Create & Save Workbook To Same Path As Macro File

Aug 21, 2008

I have code to create a new workbook, and when I try to rename it I get "Compile error: Can't assign to read-only property."

Dim objXlApp As Object
Dim wkb As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set objXlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Create a workbook
Set wkb = objXlApp.Workbooks.Add
' Delete all worksheets bar the first one.
For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets
If Not wks.Index = 1 Then

End If
Next wks
'Create some worksheets and names
With wkb
.Worksheets(1).Name = "myWorksheet1"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet2"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet3"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet4"
End With...................................

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Macro - Query Active Directory With Multiple Usernames

Apr 13, 2014

I am trying to query Active Directory for a list of user attributes by using a list of usernames and output the results into column B,C,D.....

All the usernames are listed in column A and it ranges from 100 to 1000 usernames.

The macro GetAdsProp works but it is very slow because it's a function and every time it gets called to return a value, it takes a long time to query. It will take forever to get 1000 users.

I've also tried the code below, however one of the AD attribute that I am querying for has a dash (i.e. test-address) and I can't put a dash in the vba code because it automatically puts spaces in between the dash and the text (see red text below) which will fail to find the attribute. Also, I need it to loop the whole column A and not just one account.

Sub LoadUserInfo()
Dim x, objConnection, objCommand, objRecordSet, oUser, skip, disa
Dim sht As Worksheet

' get domain
Dim oRoot
Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")

[Code] .....

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Save To Directory Based On Username?

May 20, 2013

I have a button that saves my excel workbook to a network drive, but what I'd like to do is have it save the file to a directory named after the user, instead of all the users in the department saving to one folder. For instance, R:customerserviceweight reconstructionusername, where username a directory named after the user.

Private Sub Save_Click()Dim Path As String
Dim FileName1 As String
Dim FileName2 As String
FileName1 = Range("A2")
FileName2 = Range("A3")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="R:CustomerServiceWeight Reconstruction" & FileName1 & " - " & FileName2 & " - " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=52
End Sub

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How To Create Copy Of Excel Workbook In Same Directory

Mar 20, 2014

I have Workbook named"Test_Template" in below specified path this is not the active workbook.

It is saved in strFName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "Backup" & "Test_Template.xlsx"

I need to create a copy of the same workbook named as "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx" in the same folder(Backup), same specified path on button click.

[Code] .....

But this creates a "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx outside the Backup folder, i want it in the back up folder.

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VBA Save One Worksheet To Directory Based On Cell Value?

Jan 21, 2012

how, via VBA, to save a worksheet ("ForExport") from my workbook into a new file (type CSV). To provide additional difficulty (not by my choice), the users will all have their own directories on the network to save their files into. These directories will NOT be mapped drives (e.g., "C:") but rather will be UNC paths (\parentusername)

So, obviously the filename and location are both rather dynamic, depending who is using the excel template.

The workbook has three sheets:Base Form (sheet 1)ValidationResources (sheet 2, provides data for menus/validation)ForExport (sheet 3, contains data written to it from the Base Form)

The workbook has fields to capture UserName, FileName (without an extension), and FilePath.UserName = captured by VBA code from the users login informationFileName = concatenated field based on some other fieldsFilePath = concatenated field of a set parent path (\parent) plus the UserName (so, \parentusername)What I want to do is have a macro that takes the ForExport sheet, saves it as a CSV file (with the file name from the field holding that info) into the directory I've specified in the FilePath field.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I have a sample workbook I can provide if you need something to work with. Not sure if I can attach it here.

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Macro To Save Duplicate File And Create Folder Name Based On Cell Value

Nov 25, 2009

I currently use the following code to create a duplicate file based on two cells within a directory and folder i specify. These cells consist of the team and week commencing date (mondays date of week which is cell 'Main Menu'!K8)

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Macro (VBA) To Save File To Web Directory (SharePoint)

Jun 17, 2014

I have recorded the below code that functions fine from my computer. My issue is that I need to export/import this macro to other workstations who may have the save to location mapped to a different drive letter. Is there a way to replace the drive letter with the URL (SharePoint)?

ChDir "E:3. CRQsRemedy Dumps"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="E:3. CRQsRemedy DumpsToday_CRQ_8Dump.xls" _
, FileFormat:=xlExcel8, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
Save To Directory: \server_1Dir_1Dir_2FolderToday_CRQ_8Dump.xls
Permissions are in place.

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Save Active Sheet To Another Workbook

Nov 3, 2008

Copy the active sheet that is open in a work book and save it to another file with the date in the name? For example Report_11-03-08.xls

The only problem I see with this. How could I also make it append a letter to report if the file already exits Example saved as
Report1_11-03-08.xls. Then just continue incrementing.

Sub CopySave()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveSheet.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "/" & "Report_" & Format(Date, "mm_dd_yy") & ".xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Save Active Sheet Of A Workbook In VBA?

May 17, 2005

How can I save only the active sheet of a workbook in VBA?

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Save As And Close Active Workbook

May 13, 2009

I am trying to create a form button that will save as and close the active workbook. I have the Save As code working but I can't find any code to close the workbook that will work. A couple of issues: I don't have control of what the workbook is called - the user will name it - so I can't do a simple Workbooks (" ").Close. Also, I don't want to quit the application. I don't know if the user will have other worksheets open. I also tried ActiveWorkbook.Close and that didn't seem to work either. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

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Save Sheet Then Continue From Active Workbook?

May 5, 2014

I got a workbook with a database in sheet1. I filter that database and copy - paste values the results to a new sheet. Next, I save that new sheet to somewhere on my drive. The thing is that I want to go back to my original database, and continue filtering. But that workbook is no longer the "active workbook". This is how it works:

sub DifferentClients()
For Each FieldWorkBy In Array("Client1, Client2,...")
MyDatabase.AutoFilter Field:=CountryCode, Criteria1:=Array( _


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Workbook Save, Make Sure Active Cell Is A1

Jun 10, 2006

When saving a file that has 5 sheets that extend to the right of the users screen, sometimes the left part of the report is left somewhat hidden because the last person to save it was using the part to the far right. Is there a way to move all the active cell to A1 and make sure rows A:D or so are showing?

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Save Active Sheet As New Workbook, Formats & Values Only

Mar 26, 2008

I would like to link a macro to a button on the active sheet, that saves the active sheet In a New Workbook, with Format And Values Only. Preferably saved in the same location as the origonal workbook. This is my main goal.

If possible I would like the new workbook to be named from a chosen cell (E19) on the active sheet with date added.

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Macro To Create Sheets In New Workbook Based On Template And Evaluator?

Feb 10, 2013

I had created a base data with evaluator and performance appraisals templates which should be sent to each evaluator for filling up the forms based on templates


Macro that would i require will be

Where in my base data if i select filter of "Arun", i will performance appraisal templates in column I. Next, i have sheets individually created templates which refer column I

So, based on arun filter if i select, it should create a new workbook for arun and six individual sheets of employees reporting to him with a base data and appraisal templates similarly if i select anita in filter , it should create a new workbook for anita and six individual sheets of employees reporting to her with a base data and appraisal templates

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Search For Workbook In Specific Directory, Based On Keyword

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to find code that locates a workbook (file) in a specific directory, based on a keyword and stores the workbook location in a string to be opened later.

For example, find a workbook containing the word "ancaster" in it's file name (actual file name is "ancaster_summary_2009") in file path:

"C:My Documents" and store the filename and path in a string called "ancasterBook"

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Excel Macro To Create New Workbook Based On Category In List With Respective Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.

Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice

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Open File Macro: Same Directory As Macro Workbook

Nov 17, 2006

I created folder on my desktop to hold various documents. I have master excel document which contains forms and command buttons that open documents from same folder. Is there a way to change code instead of having full file path to specify current directory. I'm worried that if I move this folder to another location then my open file button will not work since location is changed.

Also when I open with command button word document, I have a button on word document to close. I can close document but word application is still active. Can I close word application with the document at the sam time. This is the code I'm using: "ActiveWindow.Close"

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Prompt User For Directory And Filename; Then Save File In Directory With File Name

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.

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File Copy Macro - With Directory Specified In Workbook Cell

Feb 23, 2010

I am continuing to struggle with my first attempt at a macro, and wonder if someone would mind taking a look to see where I have gone wrong? All I am trying to do is create file copying tool where the user can define the source and destination directory in workbook cells, and assign the macro to a button to complete the copy of all files from source to destination.

The macros do this:

Source and Location directory defined in Sub Archive1.
These are passed to file copy macro Sub ArchiveScript.
This macro checks for presence of destination directory, ensures that the directory backslash is in place, specfies the variables fn and fn2 to make sure the filecopy command copies all files in the directory, and then carries out the filecopy function itself.

However, I am getting two errors from the code that I can't figure out (I am still very much a beginner!)

- Invalid procedure call or element on fn = dir() at the bottom

- The copy still works, but only seems to copy one file from the source to the destination, and not all of them.

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Macro That Saves Current Open Workbook To Directory Specified?

Jan 10, 2012

I would like a macro that saves the current open workbook to a directory specified in a cell on the open work sheet.

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Create And Save Workbook In Folder

Apr 27, 2013

I want to write a piece of code where each day i run this code

I want add a workbook

Copy range ("A1:C5") to this new workbook

Save new workbook in a particular folder with the name customer data and todays date and save as CSV file

I run this this code every day so it should only add todays date at the end for filename

If for some reason I run this code again in the same day..

I want to have a msgbox stTing you have already ran this code today and exit sub

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Create New Workbook And Save Filename From Cell Value

Nov 1, 2009

Im trying to create a macro that when i click the button a new workbook is created and saved as the value from C5 cell.

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VBA To Create Individual Sheets From Workbook And Save

Feb 12, 2010

I have a workbook with roughly 28 tabs(sheets) and i need to be able to run a macro that will create a new sheet for each tab and name it based on the tab name.

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Create & Save Workbook From Filtered List

Nov 11, 2006

I have a workbook (see attach) That has 2 worksheets. (LOAD DATA AND SKIP) What I would like to do is have VBA that automatically filters for each of the names in column A, creates a new workbook naming the workbook as the filtered name (ex D Fowler) and current date and then copy in all info based off filtered data from columns A thru Y Then save and close for each of the names in column A.

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Create Active Cell Formula Based Of Variables From Given Cells?

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to create an active cell formula based of variables from given cells.

With ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CONCATENATE(""RU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])-CONCATENATE(""MU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])"
ActiveCell.Formula = ActiveCell.Value

But This does nothing.

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Create / Edit And Save Workbook From List Of Data?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a workbook which contains a list of data on the first worksheet. I need for a macro to copy the name in each row,along with its data in that row and paste it into the corresponding locations on a template located on another worksheet. It would then save the file using the date (col. a) , then the words " Scorecard for" and then the name (col. b), then loop for each row until it reaches the end of the list.

I located this code here here.However I dont know how to modify it to fit my needs. I dont have 2 separate categories for two score cards in column b. It would all run off one scorecard and each row of data.

[Code] .....

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