I am trying to have a macro that separates a list with unique values in column a, copy the results, open a file name in column AG, and then paste the copied stuff into the open workbook.
Currently, it runs, but when I copy to the new sheet, the thing I want goes where I want it to, but I also get an extra sheet1. how can i change this so the sheet1 doesn't get pasted in?
Sub MC()
Dim r As Long, rng As Range, ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1"
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Sheets.Add().Name = "temp"
I'm looking for information on building a macro that will automate making copies of a spreadsheet into another workbook that contains very particular information. My master sheet has lists of my customers and the rep's that service them. What I need to do is have macro buttons for each rep. that will pull all the shops that they service and all information for these shops into another spreadsheet.
I have had some problems closing down a workbook that I have. During a save and close.
A duplicate file appears and causes considerable time delay...sometimes even causes a windows crash. I can't find the source of the problem, but I have noticed that in the Windows Task Manager, the file is there as well, yet not visible on the screen.
I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.
I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.
I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need
A prompt to open workbook Copy range (c8,d69) Close work sheet Paste special .value (c8,D69)
I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.
I have a macro that copies rows from my DAILY OCCURENCE sheet that have a YES in them to my MANAGER SUMMARY SHEET and G1 is selected which has a hyperlink that opens a new email with the manager's email address and Subject pre-assigned.
I then have to manually go back to the newly generated summary sheet and select the cells and paste them into the email that was just opened.
Is there a way that the generated rows are already copied in memory and all i have to do is CTRL+V into the new email, or even better, the cells are pasted in the email automatically? So basically either the information being copied over stays in memory, or after it is copied into the summary sheet it is copied again. I just dont know how to copy unpredictable ranges generated by macros.
The code that generates my summary sheet for my manager is below.
I have a macro that takes info/data from multiple sheets in the Basin workbook and summarizes it into the Median Database workbook. I need to copy the values in range B5:EM5 in every sheet (each sheet name is site #) in the Basin workbook and paste that range into the median database workbook row with the corresponding site.
Here is what I have so far
VB: Sub Median_Database() 'This Macro takes the median from each station tab in the current Basin workbook 'And inserts it into the Median Database workbook
how to grab the sheet name and insert it in the median database. The problem is the copy/paste of the range in each sheet. The macro locks up every time.
Consider two instances of Excel - one with a workbook containing a chart and some VBA code, the other containing a blank workbook. When I paste a chart from the first instance of Excel to the other, all the VBA code from the original workbook is also pasted into a new third hidden workbook in the second instance of Excel! If that weren't weird enough ON WINDOWS XP (but not Windows 2000) if the VBA code included WorkbookOpen or AutoOpen this code is executed in the second instance of Excel, which of course fails if it references sheets that only existed in the workbook open in the first instance of Excel! This is the first time I've seen the same version of Excel do different things on different versions of Windows! Example attached - What's going on!? Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;...note: this does not happen when pasting charts between workbooks open in the SAME instance of Excel
how to go about taking data from a closed workbook with a range say A1 to A100, and place it in the work book i have open. I have 3 different sheets in the open work book but all the data is coming from the one sheet in the closed workbook.
I have a work book with many sheets and staff continue to mess this up so I would like to know how I can have a specific sheet called Instructions open when this workbook is opened preferably no macro's is this possible
I have a cell in one worksheet xxx in workbook XXX column F selected
I want to run a macro that will open (if not already open) Worksheet yyy in workbook YYY (in C:/Test/ directory)
And copy values from columns B and C of workbook XXX worksheet xxx (the row determined by the cell selected in the F column) to columns D and G respectivley of workbook YYY worksheet yyy
I'm hoping the data will be pasted to a new row at the bottom of all existing rows on worksheet yyy (xlup?)
If multiple cells in column F worksheet xxx are selected, it would be nice if the data was sent over to yyy in the same fashion, ordered top to bottom all at once...I don't want to have to select each row individually and run the macro
Am working on a procedure to open all files in a folder and copy some data from the files into another workbook (master). I have this piece of the code. However, I also need to get the filename (from which data was copied) and paste this into an adjacent cell in the master (so I know which file each data point came from).
Is it possible, in vba, to copy two sets of cell values to two clipboards (clipboard1 and clipboard2?), open another workbook and paste those two seperate clipboard values into another two cells?
What i need to do is Open a Closed workbook (which i have done in the code below)
1 . When this book opens there is a msgbox that needs to have "template" pasted in to then ok automatically clicked ( i have no clue if this can even be done)
2. Then go to Sheet("contactor info") find last row then paste certain info. Below is a peice of code i have from the open workbook but of corse it doesnt work. The red is where it hangs up.
I did a macro on my mac to transfer a sheet from one workbook to another worbook. It works very well when the destination workbook is open. Therefore I wanted to add some piece of code to check if the destination workbook is open. If not then I wanted the macro to open it before tranfering the sheet. Here is the code I´m using for tranfering the sheet
Sub Transfer_Sluttet() If ActiveSheet.Index <> Sheets.Count Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set ws = ActiveSheet Sheets(ws.Index + 1).Delete ws.Move Before:=Workbooks("Sluttet.xls").Sheets("sheet2") 'Moves active sheet to beginning of named workbook. 'Replace Test.xls with the full name of the target workbook you want. Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub
This is the type of macro I useually use on my pc to check if a workbook is open and if not then open it
If IsWorkbookOpened("Filename.xls", "C:Documents and ..................
I'd like to know if it is possible to run a macro in a workbook that will open another workbook (of the users choice) extract data from it, such as columns from its sheets then paste that data into the workbook the macro is running from. The file to be opened will change, so i've found some code that enables the user to select the file to open then open it.
Dim strFile As String strFile = Application. GetOpenFilename If strFile <> "False" Then Workbooks.Open strFile
This brings up the standard windows choose file to open box, then opens the selected file. Am I correct in thinking that the Dim here will store the file name I select in the open file box? If so, I'd like to know how to select the workbook using the dim so I can manipulate it from the workbook I'm running the macro in. Incidentally, once the the data has been copied, I'd like the workbook opened with the macro to be closed.
I have a workbook that has worksheets that serve as data input pages for the user. I have control boxes created by the forms toolbar.
I created a splash screen that is to be launched when the file is opened. Instead, often the last sheet that the user was on when they last saved the file (usually but not always the worksheet called "Main Menu") is seen first.
I understand that not all the sheets can be hidden - that one must be unhidden.
So I created a sheet called "Background" that is a solid color with no gridelines.
When the file is opened, I want the "Background" sheet to be seen first and then the splash screen to be initiated.
Now - when the user opens the file, the Main Menu worksheet is seen for a few seconds (or whatever the last sheet was on before it was last saved), then it disappears and the solid background screen is shown with the splash screen. When the splash screen ends, the "Background" sheet disappears.
Here is the code that I have in the workbook
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim wks As Worksheet On Error Resume Next For Each wks In ThisWorkbook If wks.Name "Background" Then wks.Visible = False End If Next wks End Sub
What has to be changed so that the first sheet that is seen upon opening the file is the "Background"; then the splash screen happens; then it returns to the Main Menu sheet?
The below code opens up the printpreview window. This does not allow to select the correct (or change) printer it will automatic use the default printer.
Is there a way for the code to open the print window so I can change the printer and select number of copies?
Sub Print_Button() Dim ws As Worksheet, cell As Range Set ws = Sheets("main") Set cell = Range("g2000").End(xlUp) Do Until cell.Value "" Set cell = cell.Offset(-1, 0) Loop ws.PageSetup.PrintArea = ("A2:" & cell.Address) ws.PrintPreview End Sub
I have several worksheets( Named 1, 2, 3,4,5) in a book containing data , the amount of rows for every sheet is variable depending on the job. I would like a macro that copies the data from the first of the worksheets and paste it in a blank one(lets call it Results), then copy the data from the worksheet two immediately below and do the same with data contained in worksheets 3,4,5.
I am making a spreadsheet that sorts and pastes, but I need to know if I can add a code to the Sort and Paste Macro that will open the second spread sheet needed without just already having it open and using the
Code: Sub CopyRow()' 'Copies row to new sheet, highlights it, marks column 'A' as copied. ' Dim cCell As Range Set cCell = Selection.Cells(1, 1) Selection.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Select Rows("2:2").Select
[Code] .....
Is it possible to modify it to paste into a different workbook called c:filesDestination.xlsm, instead of the existing workbook (Source.xlsm)? The destination sheet name is the same (Sheet2). It's OK if both workbooks are open at the same time.
I am successfully opening a .csv file using a variable value stored in a named range in my Main file (the variable includes the directory and path). I copy data from the .csv file to the Main file then I need to close the .csv file without saving but I want to do that by using the
command where "xxxx" is the namedrange in my Main file which stores the .csv filename (without the directory and path prefix).
I can use the
command but if I have another workbook open, this one closes instead of the .csv file I opened from the macro.
I realise this is probably very basic and I've searched the forums but can't find any identical postings.