Macro To Add VLOOKUP Formula To Lookup Another Workbook

Jun 26, 2008

I'm running against this problem: a file should be run whenever people want.
however, the last part to complete the file is that the file from yesterday should be opened.

From this file data will be extracted via the VLookup formula...that's the plan.

However, with dim statements it won't work.
for now the code is:

Dim mynum, mysearch, this1, that1, other1

'Open the file from yesterday. Define the date string of this week and last week
mysearch = Left(mynum, 8) & Right(mynum, 2) - 1 'mynum is a date string like 2008-06-26
this1 = "Outstanding invoices " & mynum & ".xls"
that1 = "Outstanding invoices " & mysearch & ".xls"
Set other1 = Workbooks(that1). Sheets("Raw"). Range("comments")
ChDir "Z: FINANCEF&AAPInvoices overdue"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"Z:FINANCEF&AAPInvoices overdue" & that1

the "this1, that1" etc appear when you point with your mouse in the code as correct but
the VLookup function won't work: it takes a long time and when interupted the macro the cells show the VLookup formula with "[that1]" instead of the workbook's name.
I also tried to dim that1 as workbook but that did not help.

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VLOOKUP Using Results Of Formula As LOOKUP VALUE?

Oct 25, 2013

I have a cell that I must remove the first 2 characters "RO" for each value in a column on a sheet called RAW DATA and put into a cell on a sheet called ROSS DATA. Some of the values in that cell have 3 digits after the RO and some have 5 digits. To do that I used

=REPLACE('RAW DATA'!A3,1,2,"")

Then I need to use this new resultant string as the lookup value in a VLOOKUP. The VLOOKUP will be looking at a named range called DAP on a sheet called DAP, in column 5 for an exact match and I need it to return that value to the cell.

I have tried using the indirect to no avail in different ways, and not sure that I fully understand the usage.

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Vlookup Formula Changing Lookup Range Automatically

Apr 9, 2009

As I copy and past my lookup formula down the page it is changing the lookup range which I think is what is giving me so many #N/A results. My first Formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Coors2!A2:D3765,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'AB2'!A2:C13944,3,FALSE),(VLOOKUP(A2 ,'WM2'!A2:C4843,3,FALSE))))

Then for instance at line 59 the formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,Coors2!A59:D3822,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,'AB2'!A59:C14001,3,FALSE),(VLOOKU P(A59,'WM2'!A59:C4900,3,FALSE))))

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Using List Of Data With Wildcards In VLookup Formula As Lookup Value?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a list of rules on how to group account numbers. An example is below. I have a very long list of full account numbers (no wildcards). There are roughly 75 rules on how to group the over 40,000 accounts. I want to use the vlookup to determine what group each full account number (always 11 characters) would belong to? It seems that the vlookup isn't treating the ?'s as wildcards. I can use the full account number rules with the wildcards in the cell in the sumif function though.

So ultimately I would like to have my list of account numbers like 40000000000 and 40000000001 know that they belong in group 1 based on the rule table below.

Full Account Number


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Use VLOOKUP Function In Macro With Variable Name For Lookup Value

Feb 7, 2014

I used VLookup function in macro. Lookup value is a variable name. I don't know how to use variable name inside of VLOOKUP function.

Use VLOOKUP function in macro with Variable Name for Lookup value

Function CC(CName As String)

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(cname,'[Structure File.xlsx]Sheet1'!C1:C3,2,FALSE)"

End Function

How to use CName variable inside of Vlookup function.

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Formula To Lookup Value In Another Workbook?

Feb 23, 2014

I need a formula to look up the value in another workbook. I have a number of workbooks that have a list o competitor's names and their scores The competitor names are not in the same order in each workbook. I have created a master workbook to extract the score from each workbook. I need the formula to match the name in another workbook and then pick up the score cells to the right.

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Add VLOOKUP To Cell (Macro Code) & Offset From Range For Lookup Value

May 27, 2008

I'm trying to use an offset from a Named Range as my source cell in a vlookup but get a -1004 Object not defined error. When Debugged the Range.Formula appears to be blank when queried. Using Record a Macro the Reference to a named range worked fine but I could not test for an offset or the use of the range reference. What can I do to use to make this work


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Lookup Formula- Workbook With 5 Or More Tabs

Jan 31, 2007

I have a workbook with 5 or more tabs. One of the tabs is a CONSOLIDATION of all the tabs put together. I have columns on the consolidation tab with the names of the individual tabs. To the left of these columns is a list of general ledger numbers with their respective names. For example:

East West NE South
6103256 –sales
6540000 -salary

I want a excel to look at the individual tabs, for this specific gl number and name and, if applicable, return a value. What formula would do this?

My columns are not showing up correctly. East,West etc are the columns. 6103256 - are the rows

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Create IF / LOOKUP Formula To Look At Multiple Sheets Within Workbook?

May 5, 2014

New to using Excel formula's and am trying to create an IF/LOOKUP formula to look at multiple sheets within a workbook and display the information within the 'compare' sheet.The yellow cells are where data will be entered.

What I am trying to achieve:

Type the store numbers on the compare sheet (B2 and D2). For the sheet attached I have put 190 (in B2) and 2012 (in D2)

B2 store shows the predicted and actual values of 190 in columns B & C

D2 store shows the predicted and actual values of 2012 in columns E & F
(No need to worry about variance and difference columns)

So, if I change the store numbers in B2 and D2 to any of the sheet numbers, I want it to display the correct info for that particular store within the compare sheet.

I have attempted a formula, which you can see... I have basically looked at some previous sheets that had IF and LOOKUP on it and tried to replicate that for my sheet, but with no luck.

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VLookup From Other Workbook / Save Value Only Not Formula

Jul 8, 2013

How to get a macro that can do a VLookup on a different workbook, and then paste only the value (not the formula) in a cell.


Sub CopyData()
Worksheets("Week 1").Range("G23").Value = _
"=VLOOKUP(""Total A"",'[Cycle.xlsx]Week 2'!R1C1:R90C15,5,FALSE)"
End Sub

but that only puts the formula in that cell. Any way to get it to paste only the value?

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VLOOKUP Closed Workbook Macro

Nov 14, 2006

I'm trying to Access data from an XL file without actually opening the file. In an XL spreadsheet I type in a cell: =VLOOKUP("A", 'C:[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$10,1) and get an answer without a problem. In VBA, I try the line of

Current = Application.VLookup("A", Range("'C:[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$10"), 1)

and get an error that says Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed

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Macro With VLookup Pointing To A Closed Workbook

Feb 4, 2010

The following code shows the result/formula that is generated in a particular cell when I run Macro2:

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Vlookup Macro: Highlight The Cells In The In The Workbook

Jan 12, 2009

I have created a macro to open a workbook from another workbook and do a vlookup against the data in the source workbook. I then wanted to highlight the cells in the in the workbook that I'm doing the vlookup from, and to unhighlight any empty cells. I did this all without code using the macro recorder so that I could then study the code and learn something.

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Fastest Lookup Method: Use A Key To Lookup A Value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, And The Rest)

Mar 26, 2008

Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?

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Add Vlookup, With Variables, To Cell To Reference Another Workbook Via Macro Code

May 21, 2008

I am trying to use VB to vlookup between to workbooks
1. Make active workbook WBK1
2. Make workbook being open WBK2
3. Copy and Paste between WBK1 and WBK2
4. Have a vlookup in WBK1 and bring in the values from WBK2
5. Close WKB2
6. Copy, Paste, and transpose values in wkb1 within wkb1

The script works fine until it reaches the vlookup step. I have used the vlookup by itself without the copy and paste code successfully but when I combine the two it provides me with the error 9. Subscript out of range.

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Lookup Formula In Macro

Dec 26, 2008

I need to know how can I code a Lookup formula in a VBA.

In Sheet1 of excel, I have several records of data in column A to E.
I have designed a userform, in which user enters data of column A in a textbox and on click of a button, it writes the textbox value in Sheet2.

I need to code a formula in VBA, so that column B and E of Sheet1 data is written in column B and C respectively of Sheet2 (corresponding data of textbox value).

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Macro Or A Formula Which Picks Up The Workbook Name

Jul 10, 2009

I have two workbooks kept open - ABC and 123.

I need a macro or a formula which picks up the workbook name - ABC

Simply I will always run a macro in the workbook 123. So i should get the workbook ABC automatically

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Userform VBA - VLookup Data Range From One Workbook And Populate Into Another Workbook

Feb 9, 2013

what VBA is required to have a combo box in a userform look up data in a different workbook, then populate that data into the drop down list of that combo box for a user to select.

I have managed to successfully create a vlookup for a combo box in a userform that looks up data in a named range in another worksheet within the same workbook and then populate that data into a field in a worksheet within the same workbook. However, I want to change this so the combo box on a userform (in one workbook) will look up data from a named range in a second workbook without opening the second workbook. At the moment, the code I have that will 'submit' the user selected data from the combo box drop down list works.

The code that has worked so far to vlookup data for the combo box from a worksheet within the same workbook is:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim pName As Range
Dim ws As WorksheetSet ws = Worksheets("vlookupsheet")
For Each pName In ws.Range("ProjectName")
With Me.cboProjectName
.AddItem pName.Value
End WithNext pName
End Sub

Do I need specify the file path of the second workbook that will contain the data for the combo box as well as the name of the worksheet and named range in that second workbook?

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Macro Formula For Copy Cell Value From Files To One Workbook

Feb 4, 2014

Actually I do want to copy cell N589 from all files excel (sheet1) in c:database2014 to my workbook click run into the row C.

is there any of you can solve it?

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Lookup Vs Vlookup

May 30, 2009

i am using Vlookup in all My files and the 4Th argument i put it 0 to give exazct result

My Question
Lookup Function give the Exact or approximate match and as i know Vlookup give the first result but Lookup give the last result

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Macro To Push Results Of All Formula On Multiple Worksheets To Another Workbook

Mar 28, 2014

I inherited a price list workbook made up of multiple worksheets (some 30 pages). Each year the new prices (including % increase) are calculated by a formula in the row below each price (100's of rows and formulae).

C1 might say £10
D1 says =C1+(C1*2.5%) £10.25 (it actually does some rounding too)

It may seem odd having both rows but MD can see the before and after. The new price 10.25 must however be manually copied to C1 to avoid circular referencing and then D1 row hidden. Very laborious to repeat 100's of times.

Is there a way of first copying the entire workbook for the new year (easy) then by means of a macro looping through each formula cell of all sheets in workbook 1 and pushing the result to the new workbook and to the correct sheet and then to the same location but to the cell above. e.g. pushing £10.25 from D1 of sheet 1 workbook 1 to C1 of sheet 1 workbook 2 to become the new price for the coming year?

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Two Lookup Values, Vlookup

Apr 5, 2007

I want to match two different values in the same row and then have it return another value in that row.

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Vlookup: Lookup The Title

Jan 29, 2009

I have a tab with the following on:


I then have another tab which is similiar to this:

Australia Danny 23
Australia David 25
Canada Ben 35

Basically what I want is....where ive put some formula I want to lookup the title, in this case australia which is the cell above, search within the table then enter the name to the right of that. I have done this, however it only ever uses the first name on the list..... Example i always get danny on a role, i have managed then to get it to say david underneath but then if i copy the forumla down again it continues with danny, david etc.

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Vlookup Using Two Lookup Values

Nov 21, 2005

Is there a way to perform a vlookup with two lookup values?

I'd like to look up the value of A1 and B1 in a table with A1 and B1 values
included to return cell C2 from the table. I've had limited
succcess using concatenate and then using vlookup on that cell but i'd like
to not have to do the concatenate step.

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VLOOKUP() Style But 3 Value Lookup

Mar 4, 2009

I have a table that has, amongst many columns, a year, month and a name column.

I want to do a formula that takes in 3 values (name, year, month) and returns a sum of values found in a variety of other columnswhere these 3 values are matched.

I would know how to do this in SQL but wonder if Excel can do this type of thing on one large data table?

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How To Specify More Than 1 Lookup Range With VLOOKUP

Sep 4, 2012

Is there a way that I can do a vlookup in 1 file and specify more than 1 data range to lookup the data in?

In this case I have one file to put the vlookup in and a second file with more than 1 tab and I want to have it search each of those tabs and return the result. The format of these sepatate tabs are to each other and for that matter, identicle to the main file.

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VLOOKUP With The Lookup Value On A Different Sheet

Apr 7, 2009

Formula is on Sheet1 and table array is on Sheet1
but the lookup value is on Sheet2 in Cell B15

Below does not work, either does anything I have tried.


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Lookup Second Occurrence With Vlookup

Dec 29, 2006

I am using vlookup to find the ORIGIN data and DESTINATION data but the subheading is the same for both- see below(site name, city...). How do I find the second occurrence for the same heading?

Is there another command that would be better?

col A col B
Line#1 CITY

Line#1 CITY

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Vlookup With Two Lookup Values

Apr 11, 2007

=VLOOKUP(C29,'Zero Days YTD'!B:Q,16,FALSE) is my current formula where C29 = Jack Bates.
As of this month Jack Bates is now in two places on worksheet Zero Days YTD. One is named "Jack Bates (from AMU 3/1/07)" and the other named "Jack Bates (to APU 3/1/07)"

I tried =VLOOKUP("Jack Bates (from AMU 3/1/07)"&"Jack Bates (to APU 3/1/07)",'Zero Days YTD'!B:Q,16,FALSE), but that didn't work.

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VLOOKUP Multiple Occurrence For Same Lookup Value?

Feb 14, 2014

accomplish VLOOKUP for multiple instances of a same Lookup value

First let me explain about my file:-


1.B2:B19 I have list of items which required to build a product

2.D2:D19 I have list of shortages against each item

3.C2:C19 I have list of dates when each item shortage will get fulfilled


1.C22:C31 I have picked the largest 10 different dates from Table1 by using LARGE formula.

Against each date which is update C22:C31, respective shortage qty has to get VLOOKUPED.

When there is a same lookup value, it has to keep pick next value (Shortage Qty) for same date.

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