Add VLOOKUP To Cell (Macro Code) & Offset From Range For Lookup Value

May 27, 2008

I'm trying to use an offset from a Named Range as my source cell in a vlookup but get a -1004 Object not defined error. When Debugged the Range.Formula appears to be blank when queried. Using Record a Macro the Reference to a named range worked fine but I could not test for an offset or the use of the range reference. What can I do to use to make this work


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Vlookup In Macro With Variable Offset Range

Jun 13, 2008

The message shows me "Can not get the vlookup property of worksheetfunction class" and don't know the reason. The 'plancomm' and 'bonus' is the range name in different worksheets of the same workbook as the rngcell.

Case Else:
.Offset(0, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(rngCell.Offset(0, -3), Range("plancomm"), 2, 0)
.Offset(0, 2).Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(rngCell.Offset(0, -4) & rngCell.Offset(0, 1), Range("bonus"), 6, 0)

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Lookup Value In Range Then Average Offset From That Cell

Mar 10, 2014

I have 2 columns of data (col A is time, col B is a value), in a range A4:B1000 (can be less, but the biggest the range will get is to B1000). Example:

A / B
4 10:37:55 / 91
5 10:37:56 / 92
6 10:37:57 / 93
7 10:37:58 / 100
8 10:37:59 / 105
9 10:38:00 / 110
10 10:38:01 / 111
11 10:38:02 / 115
12 10:38:03 / 120

Im looking for a way in VBA to look for a time entered in cell C1 (example 10:38:00), find that in column A, then return the average of values in column B that are offset 271 - 300 rows. This is entered in D1. So in my example, 10:38:00 is in cell A9, return the average of B280:B310.

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Vlookup And Offset In VBA Code

Jan 7, 2014

I have a worksheet where I want to have one column of state abbreviations (entered by the user), and a second column of state-specific information that will be entered from a lookup table--named "StatePrefixes". Here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSelectState_Click()
Dim St As String
St = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(St, StatesPrefixes, 2, False)
End Sub

As is the code is generating a run-time error "Unable to get the Vlookup property of the WorksheetFunction class. If I remove the reference to the WorksheetFunction class I then receive a value of "#N/A" in my worksheet.

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Lookup & Offset In Macro

Feb 5, 2008

The Vlookup portion is already working but I need the value located one row below that one.

here is what I have, which return the value itself, I cant seem to incorporate the offset function ion VBA:

Cells(x + 1, y) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TempName, Worksheets("Data").Range("F1:F100"), 1, False)

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VBA Code To Lookup Value In Range & Update Cell In Row

Jul 16, 2009

I have a function that is called upon saving a UserForm. One of the Text Labels contains the ID field that I need to use to do a lookup into the first column of a Named Range and then I need to update the cell in the 4th column of that row.

From my research, I'm assuming it will go something like this:

Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(valve, Worksheets("TestWorksheet").Range("TestRange".Cells), 10, False).Value = "TestValue"

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Macro To Find A Cell Containing Text /select Range Offset / Cut And Paste To Lower Rows?

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.

I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:

Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate


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Lookup Via Macro Code: Find The Match And Then Select That Cell In VBA

May 24, 2008

I have a large database of equipment on one sheet and an input form on another. For inventory control, when a user scans a number into the input form, the main inventory sheet is updated with the current location. I have it working using functions, but I need to do this in VBA. I am looking to do the following;

User enters 2222 on the input form. The code matches 2222 on the inventory sheet, moves the activecell 10 columns and updates a value in that cell. Cell A2343 is "2222" then Cell K2343 is changed to "WAREHOUSE 4". What is the best way to find the match and then select that cell in VBA?

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Add Vlookup, With Variables, To Cell To Reference Another Workbook Via Macro Code

May 21, 2008

I am trying to use VB to vlookup between to workbooks
1. Make active workbook WBK1
2. Make workbook being open WBK2
3. Copy and Paste between WBK1 and WBK2
4. Have a vlookup in WBK1 and bring in the values from WBK2
5. Close WKB2
6. Copy, Paste, and transpose values in wkb1 within wkb1

The script works fine until it reaches the vlookup step. I have used the vlookup by itself without the copy and paste code successfully but when I combine the two it provides me with the error 9. Subscript out of range.

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Lookup & Return Offset Data By Cell Value

Jan 30, 2008

The main worksheet in my workbook contains lists of suppliers with unique Vendor Numbers, of which there are approximately 4,500 rows. There is another worksheet which holds approximately 6,500 entries I need to bring data from that sheet to the main sheet using the Vendor Number and the information that is held on 4 columns unique to that number.

The information is a classification system that comprises of 4 columns holding a mixture of numbers and text.

Worksheet 1 has the Vendor Number in Column A and the Classification destination starting in Columns Q, R, S & T.

Worksheet 2 once again has the Vender Number in Column A, and the Classification information in Columns C, D, E & F.

What I need guidance on is how to build the formula to copy the information across, or direction into what other method I should be looking at instead.

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Offset With Automatically Find Active Cell With VLookup

Jul 30, 2012

I have 2 columns of data

column A = weeks (A2:A50) i.e. P1W1, P1W2, P1W3....P12W4 etc
column B = headcount (B2:B50) i.e. 5, 7, 5...10 etc

Essentially my criteria is "looking for last week and give me headcount" i.e. my lookup criteria is P7W5 ....however if P7W5 has no data, i want the lookup to go up or offset to the row above (it may be one to 4 rows above)....

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How To Specify More Than 1 Lookup Range With VLOOKUP

Sep 4, 2012

Is there a way that I can do a vlookup in 1 file and specify more than 1 data range to lookup the data in?

In this case I have one file to put the vlookup in and a second file with more than 1 tab and I want to have it search each of those tabs and return the result. The format of these sepatate tabs are to each other and for that matter, identicle to the main file.

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VLOOKUP In VBA Where Lookup Range Is From The Sheet To Right

May 16, 2014

I am writing the code for a VLOOKUP in VBA..I was using the .Formula = "=VLOOKUP(LookupValue, LookupRange , Column No, 0 )"

But, the problem is that the LookupRange is to be done from different sheets everyday as the name of this sheet is going to be like 16th May,17th May etc.

The common thing is that this sheet is the adjacent sheet next to the one in which we are trying to get the VLOOKUP what solution can i use.

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VLOOKUP Where LOOKUP Range Is Two Columns?

Oct 27, 2011

I need to make a VLOOKUP in a sheet which I do not own or control the layout of. Therefore I cannot add any columns in the source to assist me in my lookup.

My VLOOKUP needs to look at two values/columns since the value in one column is not a unique identifier. This is easy in the value I want to lookup but not so easy in the lookup range in the source sheet. Ideally I would like to write my formula something like this:


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Vlookup Where The Lookup Value Isn't In The First Column Of A Range/table

Jan 8, 2009

I would like to do a vlookup where the lookup value isn't in the first column of a range/table. Would I use index/match? For example, I have fields for vendor, part # and location in that order. I'd like to pull up location with a formula based on part #.

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Vlookup Formula Changing Lookup Range Automatically

Apr 9, 2009

As I copy and past my lookup formula down the page it is changing the lookup range which I think is what is giving me so many #N/A results. My first Formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Coors2!A2:D3765,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'AB2'!A2:C13944,3,FALSE),(VLOOKUP(A2 ,'WM2'!A2:C4843,3,FALSE))))

Then for instance at line 59 the formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,Coors2!A59:D3822,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,'AB2'!A59:C14001,3,FALSE),(VLOOKU P(A59,'WM2'!A59:C4900,3,FALSE))))

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Use VLOOKUP Function In Macro With Variable Name For Lookup Value

Feb 7, 2014

I used VLookup function in macro. Lookup value is a variable name. I don't know how to use variable name inside of VLOOKUP function.

Use VLOOKUP function in macro with Variable Name for Lookup value

Function CC(CName As String)

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(cname,'[Structure File.xlsx]Sheet1'!C1:C3,2,FALSE)"

End Function

How to use CName variable inside of Vlookup function.

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Macro To Add VLOOKUP Formula To Lookup Another Workbook

Jun 26, 2008

I'm running against this problem: a file should be run whenever people want.
however, the last part to complete the file is that the file from yesterday should be opened.

From this file data will be extracted via the VLookup formula...that's the plan.

However, with dim statements it won't work.
for now the code is:

Dim mynum, mysearch, this1, that1, other1

'Open the file from yesterday. Define the date string of this week and last week
mysearch = Left(mynum, 8) & Right(mynum, 2) - 1 'mynum is a date string like 2008-06-26
this1 = "Outstanding invoices " & mynum & ".xls"
that1 = "Outstanding invoices " & mysearch & ".xls"
Set other1 = Workbooks(that1). Sheets("Raw"). Range("comments")
ChDir "Z: FINANCEF&AAPInvoices overdue"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"Z:FINANCEF&AAPInvoices overdue" & that1

the "this1, that1" etc appear when you point with your mouse in the code as correct but
the VLookup function won't work: it takes a long time and when interupted the macro the cells show the VLookup formula with "[that1]" instead of the workbook's name.
I also tried to dim that1 as workbook but that did not help.

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Code To Copy Data From Another Workbook Where Offset Cell Equals None

Mar 17, 2014

My workbook stores data related to items that are all tracked by barcodes. Im using the following code (as part of a larger set of code) to copy data from rows 6 on in column D, E & G to K from one workbook to another. The data in F (Item Names) is found using a formula, by matching the barcode data in the corresponding G cell (on the same row) to another sheet (where the barcodes and Item names are stored). When the data has finished copying over and EnableEvents gets turned back on the F column mostly automatically fills itself in from the formula.

The issue I have however is in certain circumstances there are some items that either dont have a barcode, or the barcode is missing. In this case the user types "none" (not case sensitive), which opens a userform allowing the user to type in an Item name that gets entered into the F cell, overwriting the formula. I need to copy this data over separately to the new workbook. Im looking for code to find these records from row 6 on (either by searching for rows where G equals "none", or rows where F has no formula, and then copy the data in F over to the other workbook to the corresponding row number but offset by the number of records already present in the active workbook (currently being calculated by wbReturnDataLastRow).

[Code] .....

wb is the ActiveWorkbook that the data is being copied to
mybook is the workbook that the data is being copied from

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Pass Each Cell Value In Range To Cell & Run Macro Code

Apr 28, 2008

I have workbook template that I use to generate reports from a list of depts. This list is contained in a drop down cell that is a named range in a different worksheet. My current process is as follows:

-Select Dept Name from the list
-Click a command button which is assigned to code that calculates and saves to a file
-Repeat for next report until all reports are generated

I would like to automate this process by producing all reports with a single command with the following functionality:

-The Dept Name needs to be populated in the specified cell containing the current drop down because it drive various vlookups and other formulas
-If possible, I would like to retain the drop down functionality as I would like to have the option of running an individual report or running the “batch”.

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Offset For Specific Cell Range(s)

Dec 18, 2008

I am designing a form that tracks call times. I have a control "cmdStart" that when clicked will enter the "Start" time in cell A4 and each time clicked will skip a column and enter the next time in cell C4. The same for a control "cmdEnd" that will enter the "End" time in cell B4 when clicked. Then the next end time clicked will go in cell D4. However, when the Start time enters the time in AE4 I need the next start time to start in A6 and do the same in this row until AE6 and then drop down again. The same with the "End" time when it reaches AF6. I think I could write the If and Else for each individual cell, but there must be a more efficient way to do this.

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Find Last Cell In Range, And Changing Another Cell Based On Offset Text

May 4, 2009

If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"

and also t = time()

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Offset Cell From Found Maximum In Range

Feb 20, 2008

I recently asked how to locate a max value within a variable range using a macro and got the following responses: Get Maximum Value From Graph / Chart, all of which worked great.

Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("D2", Range("D50"))
Range("K1").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(r)

Range("Max1") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values)
Start = "D24"
Finish = "D163"

Range(Start, Finish).Select
myrange = Selection.Address
Range("Max2") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Selection)

Now I would like for a different cell to return the time value located one column to the left of the max value found above. I've tried to adapt other offset formulas that I've found to my purposes and haven't been able to make it work. how to do that using the max value as it is found in any of the above three ways

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Color Code Cells Based On Value In A Cell And Range In A Table

Dec 2, 2013

I am using Windows 7 and Excel 2010.

Is there a way to create a macro to color code a cell based on the value in a cell, and then look up a value in a table, then color code it based on where it fits into the table?

I have a table of values for about 30 projects. In column g - there is a CPI value (see bold column)

Example: Project ID
TCP Level
[Code] ......

Here is the table:

I have to color code a cell, base on the CPI and how it fits into the table below. So if the current Milestone is M2 or M3 and the CPI calculated is .14 the cell would be colored RED, if the CPI number is 2.01 for M2-M3 I would want cell to be colored Turquiose. If we were at Milestone M6 and the CPI was 2.01, it would be colored blue. If the CPI was .75 at Milestone M5, it would be colored Green

Earned Value Limits





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Vlookup In Macro Code

May 7, 2008

convert this formula to VBA.

The are four formulas in there:

1. lookup formula.

2. remove the 1st number (exmaple: remove 0 in 0123 to become 123)

3. add a number (example: add 0 to 123 to become 0123)

4. convert a number into text format.

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Cell Offset Within Macro

Aug 14, 2009

Cell offset within macro
I have a very basic macro controlled by a button as follows

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Check Each Cell In Range For Value & Put Text In Offset Cell

Jun 7, 2008

I'm trying to look at a value in one column (Column A) and if it matches a set of criteria, I'm trying to change the value of another cell 6 columns to the right.(Column G) I've been trying for a couple of days now to get this working, but to no avail. I've tried to modify the code below that I've found on this site but can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Sub RatingsFix1SP()
Dim FindWhat, rngCell As Range, i As Integer
FindWhat = Array("BB", "B", "CCC", "CC", "C", "CCC+")
For i = 0 To 3
For Each rngCell In Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
If InStr(rngCell, FindWhat(i)) <> 0 Then
rngCell.Offset(0, 6) = 0.15
End If
Next rngCell
Next i
End Sub

To try to clarify a bit: If column A in the attached spreadsheet has a rating code of BB, B, CCC, CC, C, or CCC+, I want the Haircut % rate in column G to be 15%. It seems the code that I'm using changes the % rate to 15% if any "B" or "C" shows up in any part of the string in column A.

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Vlookup:keep Cell Reference As Lookup Criteria

Jan 7, 2010

See attached a sample from a larger workbook I am working on. What i would like to do is in the Rec tab column G, keep the references from columns L & M as the Table Array and Column Index Number. I have =VLOOKUP(F:F,L:L,M:M,0), I would like to have =VLOOKUP(F:F,whatever tab reference is in column L as table array,whatever number is in column M as index number,0). I have included what I would like the data to look like in coulmn H.

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Prevent VLOOKUP Until Lookup Cell Has Data

Jan 18, 2010

On the uploaded workbook, Daily Nutrition Worksheet. How do I clear all the data to start fresh without deleting all the formula?

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VLookup - VBA Macro Code For More Than One Column?

Oct 10, 2013

I have 2 sheets, sheet2 have data consist of 5 columns I want to vlook up by vba code so the data from sheet2 with reference here is (ID) search in sheet1 and update the data from sheet 2 to sheet 1 like below. i have found a similar code but it updates only one column that is B cloumn i want to update C, D, E columns and rows by the below code. see the below code.

Sheet 2
Id, beginning, principal, interest, endbalance
123, 10000, 1000, 50 , 9000
789, 8000 , 400 , 150, 7600
245, 5000 , 1000, 200 , 4000
456, 4000 , 1000, 1000 , 3000
789, 2500 , 500 , 100 , 2000

id beginning principal interest endbalance
123 10000
789 8000
245 5000
456 4000
786 2500

Ifound below code suitable for the above query but this is only execute column b , I want to execute c, d, e columns how can I do this.

On Error Resume Next
Dim Dept_Row As Long


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