Macro - Automatically List All Worksheets Within Workbook?

Feb 7, 2014

How do you automatically list all the worksheets within a workbook? I did some searching and decided to use the following code:

Sub ListWorksheets()

'Lists all the sheet names in the workbook onto the _
first sheet (starting at cell a4)

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 1) = Worksheets(i).Name
Next i

End Sub

It would be very useful if I could control the row in which the data is returned. "starting at cell [U]a4[U] seems to be that part of the command, but it still returns in the 1st row.

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Macro To Create Worksheet 'xxxx' And List All Worksheets In Workbook

Feb 2, 2009

I am after some code to create a new worksheet called 'xxxx' in my workbook, and then list all the sheets within the workbook (excluding the newly created 'xxxx' sheet.)

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Automatically Create New Worksheets Based Upon List Of Names

Aug 10, 2014

I have a list of names in column A, and want to automatically create worksheets within this same workbook based on the list.

List of values:
Dairy NI
Dairy SI
Sheep and Beef
Sports Turf
Water Industry
Horticulture Services
Production Horticulture
Other Agriculture

Therefore, a macro or coding to automatically create 9 spreadsheets named as per this list.... My list is approximately 50+ hence inquiring if there is an easier way!

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Automatically Copying Data From Master Worksheet To Other Worksheets In Same Workbook

Mar 14, 2014

I have to input information into a master worksheet which contains data (employee names, location, start date and client) that then needs to be repeated in several other sheets. I want to input the data into a master worksheet and then automatically populate the other sheets with the data. If the data could then be filterable on each sheet that would be good.

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List The Worksheets In A Workbook

Feb 28, 2007

I have around 40 to 50 worksheets in a workbook. Is there a quick way of listing the names of all the worksheets in a single worksheet instead of typing the sheet names one by one?

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Macro To Automatically Transfer Text Between Worksheets

Dec 4, 2006

I'm looking to build a macro which will automatically transfer a line of text from one worksheet to another within the same workbook. Once the macro has been run, the text in the original sheet should disappear and re-appear in the other worksheet. It should appear in the same column, but different line from the original.

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Automatically Run Macro On Opening Workbook

May 19, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet with a simple macro. How do i make the macro automatically run when the file is opened.

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VBA / Macro Automatically Opening Different Workbook

Dec 1, 2011

I wrote code for a few macros in a "save as" or practice version of a spreadsheet. Once I got the bugs worked out on the practice book I pasted the code into the actual spreadsheet I want to use. The problem is that whenever I run one of the macros it opens the practice book that I was using when I wrote the code. There should be no need for this and I can't figure out why that's happening. The code doesn't mention any workbook by name so I don't know why it would want to open the practice book.

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Automatically Run Macro From Validation List

Aug 4, 2006

I want to do now is link the code below to a drop-down menu I have created on one of the sheets in the workbook. I created this list using data validation and declared this drop-down menu as MIndex and the values to choice from are 0,1,2.

Does anyone know how I can link this drop-down menu to the macro. So basically once the drop-down menu is activated run this macro.

Sub SumMonthlyVol()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
Select Case UCase(Left(wSheet. Name, 2))
Case "AJ", "CJ", "PJ"

If (MIndex = 0) Then
wSheet.Range("L52") = "= SUM(R33C4:R50C12)"
If (MIndex = 1) Then
wSheet.Range("L52") = "=SUM(R34C4:R50C12)" ......................

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Run Macro From Closed Workbook Automatically For Every 24 Hours?

Nov 24, 2012

I have a file which is having name as "Team data-11/23/2012" actually i have to create a file on daily basis except Saturday and Sunday. I need a macro which automatically runs from one file and saves the excel file on daily basis. and the file name should "team data - (today's date)". this file also should be created automatically. it means that macro should run automatically for every 24 hours.

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Set Macro For All Worksheets (active Workbook)

Nov 14, 2006

Sub display_all_false()
With Application
.DisplayGridlines = False
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayOutline = False
.DisplayZeros = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
.DisplayFormulaBar = False
.DisplayStatusBar = False
.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
.CommandBars("Standard").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Formatting").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Control Toolbox").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
End With
End Sub

But, when I run the code, seems there're run-time errors detected at these codes:
.DisplayGridlines = False
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayOutline = False
.DisplayZeros = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False

1. Is there any way to correct these codes?
2. Does the bolded codes applied to ActiveWindow (Worksheet) only (eg. With ActiveWindow ...)? Can I change it to ActiveWorkbook (perhaps)?
3. Can the command menus (File Edit View Insert Format ...) be hidden also?
4. Does looping method for each worksheet

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Macro To Set Automatically Select Value From Dropdown List?

Mar 22, 2014

I am in need of a Macro that does the following:

In cell B4 I have data validation drop down list which refers to the range of values named Tarifalist. Tarifalist list has the following range of values: 01,1A-1F / DAC / 02 / OM / HM / 5A (Baja) / 5 (Baja) / 03

In cell B5 I have a data validation drop down list with =IF(OR($B$4="03",$B$4="OM",$B$4="HM"),Thirty,ThirtySixty) Where range Thirty has the value 30, and ThirtySixty has values 30 and 60

I would like in addition, a Macro which when either 03, HM, or OM is selected in cell B4, that it automatically sets the value to 30 in cell B5. The purpose is so that the input is foolproof, and no user can accidentally leave the value at 60. As of now, if the value has been left at 60, and 03, HM, or OM is selected in B4, B5 can stay at 60, which is not a valid input and must be manually changed.

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Running A Macro On A List Of Worksheets

Apr 8, 2007

I have a workbook that contains a worksheet called CALC , in column A of this worksheet I have a list of other worksheets that I would like to run a macro on.

Would it be possible to set up some code that would select the worksheet at the top of the list, perform a macro then select the next worksheet in the list and carry out the macro on that sheet until all worksheets that appear in the list have been updated.

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Apply Macro To Specific Worksheets In Workbook

Apr 17, 2014

I have the following macro:

[Code] .....

So right now the macro is run in every single worksheet in the workbook. Unfortunately, it appears the TRIM function erases formulas in cells. I want this macro to apply only to certain worksheets. Say the worksheets i want the macro to run on are named A1-A100.

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Macro To Freeze Panes To All Worksheets In Workbook

May 27, 2010

I am trying to include code into the end of my macro that will look in all worksheets and freeze pane row $1:$1

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Macro To Perform Operations On All Worksheets In A Workbook

Mar 30, 2007

I need a macro that will perform a set of oprations on all worksheets in a workbook. The names and number of worksheets will not always be the same. I have found several macros that look like they will do this, but when I try to add my code they don't seem to work.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Specific Worksheets Into New Workbook

Dec 23, 2011

My problem is as such; each month I receive an application for payment. This will contain around 20-30 worksheets. However I only need to interrogate around 3-4 specific ones. The worksheets I require contain data describing the plant/equipment a company has purchased, or materials purchased over a period of time. Each month the worksheets are updated with the previous months data appended to the bottom. I am required to established if the equipments have been purchased at the correct rate.

The worksheets are all protected thus in order to interrogate them I am required to copy an paste their contents into a new work book in order to format them and insert my new "assessment" columns. I need to keep the work sheets separate in the new work book as they have different layouts however they have the same layout and work sheet names each month.

I needs a macro which would allow me to open up a new book them copy the specific worksheets from a specific file into the new work book. I then have a separate macro which re-formats them into the layout I require.

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Macro To Find Named Worksheets In Workbook And Delete?

Nov 27, 2012

I need macro to find worksheets (tabs) starting with word 'sample' in name and delete all instances of worksheets starting with that word.

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Creating Macro To Print Specific Worksheets In Workbook

May 15, 2014

I have an excel workbook with about 40 worksheets. I have a formula in A1 of each sheet that returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not the name of the worksheet is in a list.

What I am trying to do is create a macro that will print all worksheets that have a 1 in A1.

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Macro - Opening, Copying And Saving Workbook To Worksheets

Jul 25, 2008

I have been trying to create a Macro that can do the following.

Open a Excel Workbook, Copy the Worksheets that I need (ignoring ones that are not needed.), Save them in the correct location with a new folder of date and time and saving them as csv files.

I have all the elements but can't seem to get them to gel correctly.

Just wondering if anyone has anything like this that I could adapt or edit.

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Macro To Push Results Of All Formula On Multiple Worksheets To Another Workbook

Mar 28, 2014

I inherited a price list workbook made up of multiple worksheets (some 30 pages). Each year the new prices (including % increase) are calculated by a formula in the row below each price (100's of rows and formulae).

C1 might say £10
D1 says =C1+(C1*2.5%) £10.25 (it actually does some rounding too)

It may seem odd having both rows but MD can see the before and after. The new price 10.25 must however be manually copied to C1 to avoid circular referencing and then D1 row hidden. Very laborious to repeat 100's of times.

Is there a way of first copying the entire workbook for the new year (easy) then by means of a macro looping through each formula cell of all sheets in workbook 1 and pushing the result to the new workbook and to the correct sheet and then to the same location but to the cell above. e.g. pushing £10.25 from D1 of sheet 1 workbook 1 to C1 of sheet 1 workbook 2 to become the new price for the coming year?

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Excel 2010 :: MACRO - Copy All Worksheets Into Workbook Output

Aug 26, 2013

I need to copy all sheets from a workbook to a another workbook (create a copy of the one I am using) and this is the cod I have:

Sub NewReport()
Dim Workbook1 As Workbook
Dim Workbook2 As Workbook
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With


The problem I have is that the output only have the sheet1!

I am using Excel 2010

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Error Handling Within Errors (macro To Create New Worksheets In The Workbook)

Aug 12, 2009

I am currently creating a database which involves using a macro to create new worksheets in the workbook. When the macro is run and a work sheet is being inserted, an input box asks the user for a worksheet name.

As you can imagine, the worksheet does not like it when the worksheet name input by the user, is the same as one already existing and so throws up a 1004 error.

In order to resolve this error I have included an error handling code to request the user to input a differnet worksheet name, as the one previously inserted exists.

My problem: It all works fine until the user types in an existing worksheet name twice, so once initially and again when the error handler has prompted a second attempt. On the second incorrect input a 1004 error warning is displayed.

I would like the error handler to keep repeating until a worksheet name that doesn't exist is inserted by the user. Is this possible?

My code so far:

Sub NewTrancheSheet()
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Visible = True
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Select

Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)

Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Select
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Select.................

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Macro To Automatically Add Totals To The Bottom Of A List Created With Advanced Filter

Mar 5, 2008

if it is possible to write/record a macro that will automatically add a summary/total row immediately below the data that is created from an advanced filter. (XL00)

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Loop Across Worksheets: Perform The Same Process To All The Worksheets In My Workbook

Aug 10, 2009

I'm trying to perform the same process to all the worksheets in my workbook. This is the code I have now, but it will only apply to the single active worksheet:

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How To Create Search Macro Button That Allows To Search In Multiple Worksheets In One Workbook

Oct 11, 2011

Im am trying to create a search marco button that allows me to search in multiple worksheets in one work book. I came across this CODE the first part of it works. It pops open user input box and ask for the word that i would like to search but the this error message pops up Runtime error1004 Method 'range" of object'_Global'failed and i dont know what to do

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
SearchString = InputBox("Enter Search String", "Search")
If SearchString = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Range(myRange)
If InStr(LCase(CStr(c)), LCase(SearchString)) Then


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Excel Macro To Create New Workbook Based On Category In List With Respective Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.

Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice

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Data Validation List Automatically Show The First Item In The List Rather Than Showing Blank

Jun 20, 2008

I can't seem to find a way to make a data validation list automatically show the first item in the list rather than showing blank.

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Programme To Automatically Select A Value From A List Or Range Once A User Has Selected Corresponding Value From A List Within A Combobox

Jan 28, 2007

i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.

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Delete Value Of Dependent List Automatically When Mother-list Gets Manually Deleted?

Feb 8, 2013

I'm currently working with 3 dropdown lists depending on each other using data validation and =indirect(). I arranged them like in a top-down approach where you have a mother-list and child-lists (categories-->subCategories-->subCategoryCriteria). The user should easily chose first a category then a subCategory etc... This part works perfectly

My question is: when a user chose in the dropdown list e.g. a category, a subCategory and a subCategoryCriteria and he now maually deletes the value in the highest level, which is the Category (mother-list), all sub level values like subCategory and subCategoryCriteria will stay. It shouldn't be that way, because it's not logical. If you turn a tree upside-down (top-down approach) and cut one of the higher positioned trunks, all lower positioned trunks will fall off as well, right? So, my question is: can I use a conditional formatting or a formula to delete or fade out the value in the lower lists when the higher list value is being deleted?

I tried to use If-formula in combination with indirect in data validation, like =IF(A1="";("");INDIRECT(B1))...just and example.

The value doesnt need to be deleted, it could also be automatically face out like white on white or something. It's just confusing for the user if he deletes the highest choice and the lower choices still stay.

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