Macro To Copy And Paste Specific Worksheets Into New Workbook
Dec 23, 2011
My problem is as such; each month I receive an application for payment. This will contain around 20-30 worksheets. However I only need to interrogate around 3-4 specific ones. The worksheets I require contain data describing the plant/equipment a company has purchased, or materials purchased over a period of time. Each month the worksheets are updated with the previous months data appended to the bottom. I am required to established if the equipments have been purchased at the correct rate.
The worksheets are all protected thus in order to interrogate them I am required to copy an paste their contents into a new work book in order to format them and insert my new "assessment" columns. I need to keep the work sheets separate in the new work book as they have different layouts however they have the same layout and work sheet names each month.
I needs a macro which would allow me to open up a new book them copy the specific worksheets from a specific file into the new work book. I then have a separate macro which re-formats them into the layout I require.
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Feb 28, 2013
I want to write a macro that will copy data from all worksheets of a specified workbook and copy them into a new workbook.
To give some detail, I receive a report each morning containing failed deliveries. I also export a list of failed deliveries from a system (SAP). These reports rarely match so I must compare the two daily. I do this using INDEX and MATCH functions but now my boss wants all the data in a single report so I would like to harness the might of vba to consolodate all the data in one workbook.
The lists of failed deliveries are contained in worksheets marked mon, tue, wed... so I need to search all worksheets for all delivery numbers and copy all of the data into a new book. This becomes complicated because on Monday there is only one tab marked mon, on tuesday there are two (mon & tue), one wednesday there are three and so on.
I have started on some code but I am getting nowhere fast. I have managed to muster an input box which asks for a date (this will be used to search the file path for a file named "failed deliveries & "mm/mm/yyy")
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Apr 29, 2014
I get 'x' number of workbooks(with one sheet only) everyweek from which I need to copy data and paste to a master worksheet. (SCREEN CAPTURE BELOW)
I am unable to write the code myself as I have never worked on VBA and am only a beginner.
Part I:
The data I need to copy starts from the 19th row (A19:H19). The end point is determined by the row just before the row that has the words "Calibration Request" in it.
Part II:
Just below the data that was pasted from Part I, the data from 2 rows below the words "Calibration Request" needs to be pasted. The end point for this would be a blank row encounter.
Also some of the rows and columns are merged.
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May 25, 2014
I have around 200 excel spreadsheets/workbooks with identical ranges but each with different data. There is a total of 5 columns and 225 rows in each spreadsheet/workbook. Looks something like this:
Workbook 1:
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5
[Code] ....
The Cells I need to copy are in BOLD. I am trying to paste them onto another workbook as follows
Main Workbook:
Workbook #
File 2
File 3
File 4
Title 5
Title 5
[Code] ....
As you can see, each workbook has identical A2 and Title 5 columns, so they only need to be copied once onto the Main workbook where data from the B and E columns are different for each Workbook. So not only I need to copy and paste from a Workbook onto the Main Workbook, but the code has be able to paste it onto a new row in the Main Workbook (where each row in the Main Workbook will correspond to the data copied from Workbooks 1-200.
I am new to VBA but I tried a code where I would copy and paste one cell at a time onto the same workbook and not onto the Main Workbook, and then how to copy and paste from one workbook to another, but as you can imagine that would take a long time:
Sub dAmacro()
Range("G1") = "Workbook #"
Range("H1") = "File 2"
Range("I1") = "File 3"
[Code] .....
It seems like I need some kind of loop, where it would copy and paste a set of cells and repeat the entire process until it reaches the end of the Workbook 1 while making sure when doing same thing for workbook 2, that the data pastes onto a new row onto the Main Workbook. I feel I have the logic down, but its in the syntax where I am failing.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have the following macro:
[Code] .....
So right now the macro is run in every single worksheet in the workbook. Unfortunately, it appears the TRIM function erases formulas in cells. I want this macro to apply only to certain worksheets. Say the worksheets i want the macro to run on are named A1-A100.
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Apr 28, 2007
I'm trying to perform a copy & paste operation by hand which to me should be easy in theory. I have a worksheet whose formulas have been corrupted. I have a backup of this sheet- I'd like to copy the backup sheet into the workbook. The problem is that the formulas, which reference other worksheets within the workbook, are copied over as links to the backup workbook instead of the new workbook they are being copied too. This seems simple, but how do I copy the worksheet and the references without having to go through all of the references by hand to only apply to the local book.
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May 15, 2014
I have an excel workbook with about 40 worksheets. I have a formula in A1 of each sheet that returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not the name of the worksheet is in a list.
What I am trying to do is create a macro that will print all worksheets that have a 1 in A1.
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May 20, 2009
I'd like to copy/paste from different spreadsheets. The place it will be pasted is specific.
Sub Family1()
Sheets("Black Market").Select
Sheets("Real Estate").Select
End Sub
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Jul 13, 2006
I'm writing some macros in excel in an effort to transfer over from Lotus 1-2-3 but have hit a major roadbump. The macro is fairly complex and takes a while to run and I'm trying to cut down on the Run Time. As of right now lotus does it about 6x faster. I think a big roadblock here is that in the macro I built in excel when copying and pasting values into another worksheet, the coding has to
1)select the cell to copy
2)switch worksheets
3)select the cell to copy to
4)paste or paste special into that cell
5)switch back to first worksheet
for every single value I want to copy over. With lotus it was possible to just copy values to an defined name in another worksheet without leaving the current one. This would greatly decrease runtimes and I was wondering if anyone knew how to code for this.
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Oct 28, 2009
This Macro is supposed to get certain totals for me from diffrent pages. Instead of selecting an entire row I want to select specific cells, so when it finds the word total on the sheet, whose location can change often it will return the value two cells away.
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May 26, 2014
I want to run macro for copying specific cell values from worksheets according to their headers in one final worksheet of the same workbook. worksheets can go upto 30-31 ws as per the dates in the month. This would really save time and energy of copy paste.
Attached is the workbook : Datewise.xlsx‎
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Aug 15, 2012
i need a macro which copy and paste from multiple worksheets (except for 3 worksheets which is named after Jan, Feb and Mar) into one worksheets (named as OVERALL). The data to copy will cover from cell A1:D1 and below where there is data available.
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Mar 26, 2014
I have recorded the below macro and I am not very happy with it. enhance the macro and add the following:
I need to copy the range "ROW" and past it below the range "MENU". Also the range "ROW" (ROW = copy of 3 line with some cells merged) is hidden.
I need to unhide and hide back the rang ROW. Right know I have to leave the range appearing otherwise my macro doesn't work.
Sub ADD()
' ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=2
Application.CutCopyMode = False
' ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=-2
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub
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Mar 24, 2009
There's one sheet that has a list of customers (this is updated very frequently). These customers are either ‘New’ or ‘Existing (as listed in a corresponding column) - would it be possible to have a macro that, when run, will place a copy of existing customers into a second worksheet (“view list – new”), and a copy of new customers into a third worksheet (“view list – existing”), with the main worksheet still listing both existing and new customers.
As the main sheet that lists all customers is updated very frequently (with customers being added and removed throughout the day), would it be possible to clear all contents of the other two sheets that each list of 'existing' and 'new' customers will be copied into, before the two lists are copied into each of the two sheets (just to ensure there isn’t any data in there from the previous time each list was copied in).
I’ve given this a go via the ‘record macro’ function - some users of this WB use excel 2000, and others use excel 2007, but it only seems to work on excel 2007 (which is what it was recorded on)…
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Mar 25, 2013
I have a current macro that saves each sheet as their own file. The first 10-15 sheets are not really necessary, so I typically delete them once the macro has run. I am looking to add two things to my current code:
1. Add a tab called Start. Make the macro look for 'Start' tab and then just save each sheet to the right of that as its own file.
2. Save each sheet in the macro as just a copy/paste value. They current have a lot of links and it makes each file close to 3MB. That makes it incredibily difficult to paste all in one email.
Here is the current code:
Sub CreateWorkbooks()
'Creates an individual workbook for each worksheet in the active workbook.
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim sht As Object
Dim strSavePath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
[Code] ..........
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Jul 13, 2014
Copy paste specific column with specific heading using macros. Roll No
I Want the Macro to find the column with heading "Name"
Copy the list from Name till the last Cell that is B1048576
Paste in Sheet2 Cell A1(Please see result in Sheet2)
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Sep 8, 2009
I have about 10 rows of data that have columns of information describing computer hardware and pricing. There are 10 rows, because each row represents a different country and different tax rates and pricing changes per country. So each column of a row has a specific formula to calculate information for that row's country information. All these 10 rows of formulas are kept as a reference at the bottom of the sheet.
At the top of the sheet I need to have a drop down menu to choose a country and then it will automatically copy and paste the row of that country to the current row at the top.
Is there any easy copy/paste macro for such a thing?
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Jun 23, 2014
I am coping form "SAC May'14 workfile" sheets "Top 20 FM" & "FM Major Inc&Dec" to "SAC Register Analysi Template" sheet "Top 20 FM" work perfectly but if i copy from e.g "SAC Feb'14 workfile, March'14 workfile" etc..
I have attached the file for ease of reference.
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Jun 26, 2006
I have a master workbook and a template workbook. The template workbook when run generates a new workbook with the current date as the file name. Within the newly generated workbook, the template, had created 5 worksheets. On each worksheet, there is a single cell that contains the total from that particular worksheet.
What I need is a macro that will grab these totals, one from each of the 5 worksheets from the newly generated workbook done by the template, and pasted it in the master workbook under the 5 columns in a worksheet: 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-80,81-100. However, the next time the macro is run, it will not over write the previous data but move to the next blank row and paste the totals there.
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Nov 4, 2009
I want to copy some data from internet and paste it in to worksheet location Range A1:A30. the data look like following information.
LocationKuwaitP.O.Box:4819 SafatAddress:ShuwaikhTel:-22253580Fax:-24343645Category:CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES
the above information have following header ie. Location, P.O.Box, Address, Tel, Fax and Category.
every time one of the header inforamtion is missing ie. Address or P.O.Box, Or Fax, due to this problem every time cell address of information aganist header is change. supose in first copy/paste Tel inforamtion is in A15, but second time it may be on A13, and 3rd time it may be on A17 and so on.
I want to make a macro which search header ("Location", "P.O.Box", "Address", "Tel", "Fax", "Category" ) from a Range A1:A30. than down two steps to copy header information (75325412) and paste in fixed cell location C1:C5 (C1=Name, C2=Location, C3: P.O.Box, C4=Address, C5=Tel, C6=Fax, C7=Category) in same sheet. and repeat the steps to copy information aganist header from all header in Range A1:A30.
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Jan 8, 2013
I'm trying to use a macro that will copy & paste values from one workbook to another. Everything works fine until I try to get it to Paste to next available row.
It worked the first time, but after that it jumps, several hundred rows at a time.
This is what I have so far:
Sub CopyData()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="S:Production OfficeMonthly KPI Reports.xlsm", ReadOnly:=False
Windows("Weekly KPI Plan.xlsm").Activate
Worksheets("Data Input").Select
Worksheets("Data Input").[A4:AT650].Select
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Apr 24, 2013
What the Macro has to do is this.
It takes an specific word from a certain number of files that you can choose from an add file window.
Then when you choose those files the macro starts to run every file and look for an specific word, in this case is "ROFO March 2013".
When it finds it, The macro creates a new workbook( You create the name of that workbook y the first place of the macro, when you choose the files that you want to look for that word).
So, When the macro finds the word ROFO March 2013, it copys all the columns that has that name, and keeps looking until the file ends.
And paste all that info in the new file, A consolidate File.
I have change all the names of variables of the macro so you can understand it.
Sub copy_data(ByVal Origin_File_route As String, ByVal destiny file As String)
Dim Origin_File As String, RsBusq As Range, ROFO As String
Dim Rango As Range, Fila As Long, lastrow as Long
origin_file = Dir(origin_file_route)
[Code] .......
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May 24, 2007
Is it possible to write vba code to copy the range A1:A20 from my workbook to a new workbook?
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Aug 28, 2009
I have two workbook having 8 worksheet each. Every day I need to copy data from previous day worksheet and paste it on new workbook with same sheet name.
For example :-
Workbook1 is having sheet named aa, gg, tk .....
Workbook2 is having sheet named as same as Workbook 1
Now, I want macro to copy data from Workbook1, sheetname 'aa' and paste the same in workbook2 in sheet name 'aa' and likewise
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Apr 27, 2009
I have rather large Excel file that spans around 245 columns & has multiple users responsible for certain columns. Columns are chunked to provide data about a specific group. Every 72 hours, I need to provide to managers what’s currently on this file in a specific summary format.
I’ve recorded a macro that gets me half way there. Here’s where I’m clueless. After my macro deletes unnecessary columns, what remains are the columns for “Main Data” group + each of the 5 “Business” groups (Investors, Lawyers, Credit, Finance, and Support) which would have identical column headings.
(1) Name (2) Address (3) ID# (4) Control#
Furthermore, for each of the 5 “Business” groups, there are 9 slots (ie- a user can enter up to 9 unique entries for a particular group.)
Example- The Investor group contains 9 slots. Each slot will contain the 4 columns mentioned above. So there are 46 slots in total – 1 for Main Data, 45 (5 groups x 9 slots) for Business groups.
MAIN DATA (columns A-D)
Investor1 (columns E-H)… Investor2 (columns I-L)… Investor9 (columns AK-AN)
Lawyer1… Lawyer9
Compliance1… Compliance9
Finance1… Finance9
Support1… Support9
MY PROBLEM: I need a macro to now cut & paste all data from each of the 45 Business groups slots & then paste at the bottom of the MAIN DATA slot.
The final file would be 4 columns (as listed above) wide. Data from each of the 45 business group slots would be one below the other- all of it underneath the data in the Main Data group.
I attempted to record a macro where I’m copying a section’s data range starting from row2 to row4000 (I know there will never be 4000 entries. I did this just to ensure that all future data would be captured) then pasting that after the last entry in the Main Data.
Example- I’d copy data from Investor1 slot(starting at column E2-H2) & go about 4000 rows down. Then I’d press CTRL+Down Arrow key in column A & then click the down arrow one time to take me into 1st empty cell where I would paste my copied data. I was going to repeat this process for the remaining 44 slots.
I’ve added some extra entries to test the macro & the problem is that the recorded macro is pasting data in specific cell location in column A instead for looking for the 1st empty cell in column A & then pasting the copied data.
So far I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work. Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A. I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work.
Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A.
Sub transposedata()
End Sub
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Aug 26, 2013
I need to copy all sheets from a workbook to a another workbook (create a copy of the one I am using) and this is the cod I have:
Sub NewReport()
Dim Workbook1 As Workbook
Dim Workbook2 As Workbook
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
The problem I have is that the output only have the sheet1!
I am using Excel 2010
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Aug 18, 2014
Any way to bypass the unprotect sheet in a shared work book, this is what i came up with so far
[Code] .....
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May 8, 2007
I'm looking for information on building a macro that will automate making copies of a spreadsheet into another workbook that contains very particular information. My master sheet has lists of my customers and the rep's that service them. What I need to do is have macro buttons for each rep. that will pull all the shops that they service and all information for these shops into another spreadsheet.
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Jan 30, 2013
I have spreadsheet of data, I need to extract any rows that have blanks cells in columns F or P or T.
If possible I would like a macro I could run that would cut all of the rows that meet the above criteria and paste them in to a separate sheet.
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a macro that takes info/data from multiple sheets in the Basin workbook and summarizes it into the Median Database workbook. I need to copy the values in range B5:EM5 in every sheet (each sheet name is site #) in the Basin workbook and paste that range into the median database workbook row with the corresponding site.
Here is what I have so far
Sub Median_Database()
'This Macro takes the median from each station tab in the current Basin workbook
'And inserts it into the Median Database workbook
how to grab the sheet name and insert it in the median database. The problem is the copy/paste of the range in each sheet. The macro locks up every time.
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