Macro Code To Create Line Graph

May 2, 2014

I have a macro code that will create line graph referring the data given in defined column A1-C4,

Code with Static column range:-

ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Sheet2'!$A$1:$C$4")
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineStacked

I tried to modify the above code, so it will refer undefined/dynamic data column, but getting an error during execution "Run Time Error - 424:" "Object required"

Code with Dynamic column range:-

ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("a1", _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineStacked

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How To Create Mixed Line / Bar Graph With One Data Point

Jan 6, 2012

Ok, so here's the trick:

I know how to create combo or mixed graphs with line/bars on single axis, and secondary axis. I even know how to do mixed stacked and unstacked columnar charts...

But how do you depict in single view graph

a single bar (1 datapoint) with a single line (upper control limit e.g. target).?

And I don't want to to use shapes to draw the target line.

I want the target line to be automatically plotted by Excel...

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VBA Code For A Correction To Basic Line Graph

Jul 22, 2014

I need a hand with a worksheet that we use.

We do a penetration test on soil, write down the values from the machine, then enter into excel and it plots a line graph.

Depending on the values, sometimes a correction is required. This is manually done at the moment.

I would like to have excel do it for us.

I have attached an example of a manual correction I have done as well as the excel calculation worksheet.

There are 2 results given (one at 2.5mm penetration & one at 5.0mm penetration), we calculate both, then use the highest result for the report.

the x value is a constant and the y is a variable.

Attached Files :
Copy of Master WA CBR Worksheet Soaked.xls‎

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Line Graph: (line Graph To Display An Amount Over Time)

Dec 30, 2008

I want to use a line graph to display an amount over time - that's the easy part. On the other hand, I would like to have to group the lines based on a value.

A short example:
Imagine you own 3 different stores and you're selling oranges. So your table looks like this:

Now I'd like to have one graph (3 different graphs won't work as the rows increase -I need to select the whole column as data source):

Date on the x axis,
Oranges sold on the y axis,
and one line per store (e.g. a green one for store A, a red one for B and a blue one of C, doesn't matter).

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Create Dynamic Line Graph Using Week And Year Numbers Stated In Another Sheet?

Apr 7, 2014

I want to create a dynamic line graph using week and year numbers stated in another sheet.


Start Year - 2012
End Year - 2014

Start Week - 3
End Week - 12

The top 2 rows above my graph data are as below:

Year - 2012 2012 2012
Week - 5 6 7 etc.

This works fine if the start and end year are the same but if it's greater than one year, it doesn't recognise that.

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Create Line Graph That Will Incorporate Multiple Columns Of Data In One Series Of Data

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.

I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.

Example Below:

Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812

Now in the example all of the values are x values.

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Convert Macro In 1 Line To Multiple Line Code

Dec 8, 2007

i hv following code

(i use generate macro)

my question is how to arrange the code from one line to multiple like :-

following code show in excel macro environment is one striaght line.

' Create new var on yr , and replace 2006 to CY06.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

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Macro To Generate A Line Graph With Coloured Pointers And Lables Based On Table

Sep 30, 2009

column A = Date : 01/02, 07/02, 14/02, 21/02, 28/02 (x-axis : shows when the table is updated)
column B = project: x, x, x, x, ,x (name of the project and trend line)
column C = Delivery Date : 01/05/2009, 08/05/2009, 20/05/2009, 30/05/2009, 28/02/2009 (plotted on the graph)
column D = Status : Green, Amber, Red, Green, Blue (status of the project. the points should be the same colour as is described in the table)
column E = Comments: original, delay, supply, out of money, on track, delivered-wow! (these comments will pop up if the user holds the cursor over a point)

NB Y-axis scale : 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2009 with increments of 14 days. this will be the same scale used for all projects.

Date Project Delivery Date Status Comments
01/02 x 01/05/2009 Green original date
07/02 x 08/05/2009 Amber delay supply
14/02 x 20/05/2009 Red out of money
21/02 x 30/05/2009 Green on track
28/02 x 28/02/2009 Blue delivered-wow

So id like the macro to draw the line for project x based on the 'delivery date'. The points should be coloured according to the 'status' column and when you hover the mouse over the point the data lable will show up taking info from the 'comments' column.

Would it be possible to create a macro that will be able to generate this graph automatically. I have a few projects id like to do the same thing for.

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Line Graph Not To Continue The Line If There Is Nothing In Row 10 Of The Table

Nov 6, 2009

With the attached spreadsheet i cannot workout how with the line graph not to continue the line if there is nothing in row 10 of the table.

for eaxmple if there is no value in cell M10, i would like the actual addtion line to stop at the last value on the graph that was in L10.

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How To Change Line Thickness In Line Graph

May 21, 2010

I have a chart sheet with a line graph that contains two series: I want to change their thickness, but I am not able to format it with VBA.

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Macro To Create A Graph When Button Pressed?

Apr 16, 2014

I have a table of data which contains company names, the number of high risk policies, number of low risk policies, and the percentage of high risk policies (compared to total policies).

What I want to do is for people to be able to select up to six of these companies and press a button that says 'create graph' and it creates a graph which shows the number of high risk and low risk in a stacked bar, and the percentage on a separate axis as a line. I know how to manually create this graph no problem, but to be able to dynamically create one from selected companies would be awesome.

To start with I have created six drop downs where you can select the company name as I image the macro will need to know which companies' data to look for in the source table.

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Macro Button To Create New Line?

Oct 7, 2009

I have 2 tabs on my spreadsheet. The first has some text at the top in cells A1 and A2, and that's it. The second tab I need a script for. Basically, I need some sort of macro button and a text box. I want people to be able to type some text in a cell or box on the 2nd tab, hit a button, and the text that has just been typed will be copied and pasted in to the next available cell down on the first tab.

For example, say the 1st tab had 'title' written in cell A1, and 'hello' written in cell A2. If I were to go to the 2nd tab, type 'bonjour' in to a cell or text box, and hit a button, the text 'bonjour' would be copied, the script would read the 1st tab and see that cells A1 and A2 already had text in them, and so paste 'bonjour' in to cell A3.

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Macro To Create New Line In Inventory Pointing To Specific File

Jul 9, 2014

I created the following macro by recording the macro and going through the steps manually, however I need to make some changes and can't seem to accomplish what I'm trying to do.

The Macro opens a master inventory file, creates a new line, and then links certain column cells in the inventory to corresponding places within the original form (the macro is executed from the original form once it's completed).

Problem is, the macro is written using the form "template" so whenever I save the template as the name of the unique item, it won't update the macro language as well.

What I'm trying to accomplish is when someone opens the template, the save immediately with a different file name, and once the form is completed and the macro is run, it's creating the new line in the inventory pointing to that specific file.

I thought somehow utilizing ThisWorkbook within the macro instead of explicitly using something like

"='[Control Sheets (JOHN TEST).xls]FUND SET_UP PG_1'!R2C3" would accomplish what I'm trying to do.

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Line Numbers In VBA Macro Code

Nov 20, 2008

If I number my lines of code and an error occurs, the use of Erl in the VBA will then return the exact VBA line number that the error occurred on. Is it possible to automatically capture or record that same effect when the macro process leaves its current sub and goes to another?

Reason: I'm trying to create a Call Stack that can be reported through an Error Handler that will include the exact location and process that the error occurred to better troubleshoot and understand where and why the error occurred.

The best I can come up with so far is manually putting in bookmarks along way so I know how far along the macro went before the error. From all of my searching I believe retrieving the Excel Call Stack is not possible and so one must be manually created.

Enclosed is an example of what I have so far. It goes through several macros and logs the Call Stack. It’s a work in progress so it is a little sloppy looking but it is functional. If a Sub finishes it is then taken out of the Call stack.

Several "BookMarks" are placed to give an idea of how far along the Macro has gone within that Sub. The Code for the Erl example is:

Sub SampleErrorWithLineNumbers()
Dim dblNum As Double
10 On Error Goto PROC_ERR

' Errors if table doesn't exist
20 Select Case Rnd()
Case Is < 0.2
30 dblNum = 5 / 0
40 Case Is < 0.4
50 dblNum = 5 / 0
60 Case Is < 0.6
70 dblNum = 5 / 0
80 Case Is < 0.8
90 dblNum = 5 / 0
100 Case Else
End Select
110 Exit Sub

120 MsgBox "Error Line: " & Erl & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

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Macro Stops At 1st Line Of Userform Code

May 10, 2006

I have built a small userform with 3 fields. The macro ran OK first few times. Now, when user enters data in the form and clicks OK nothing happens. I found that repeated clicking on OK or Cancel button on form had no effect. I then observed that VBA editor was open and the yellow cursor was displayed on the first code line under cmdOK_click procedure. The code line was also highlighted in yellow. There are no errors to debug and no break points etc. When I clicked the Run (or Continue) icon from the VBA toolbar, the macro completed OK. Question: Why is the macro pausing on the first line and how can I make it run without pausing for no apparent reason.

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Display Current Code Line Number While Macro Running

Sep 19, 2007

Is it possible to display both the current code line number and the total line count of a macro while it's running?

I was thinking it would be handy for a progress indicator if the ProgressBar max value could be set to the LineCount total of the procedure and each line of code would increment the progressbar as the macro ran.

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How To Add Series Without The Graph Line

Apr 14, 2014

Is there any possible to add a series to a graph table without having the line in the Graph. i just want to show the difference for information and not in the graph?

i have tried some different things (like having the difference in white so it is not visible, formatting the Axis etc)

See attached picture. Excel 2.JPG

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Adding Line To Bar Graph?

Jan 20, 2014

I am trying to recreate the screen grab that I have copied and pasted in (purple bar chart). I am to create the bar chart, but I am unsure how to create the dotted line which is the national average.

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How Do I Not Graph A 0 Value On A Line Chart

Oct 26, 2009

I have created some charts for my work and one of them is a line chart that spreads across one year with values for each month. Well they want the graph to always show one month ahead of where we are out. So there is actuals in for Sep. but then the line graph drops all the way to 0 for Oct. I don't want to have the graph bottom out when there is a zero. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Stacked Bar & Line Graph

Sep 20, 2006

how to create a stacked bar & line graph together.

I know by default, I can choose to have a stacked bar, OR a line graph, OR a basic bar & line graph.

But I need to take a step further and have a stacked bar WITH a line graph.

options in which I could combine the above graphs?

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Formatting Line Graph

Feb 15, 2007

how to have different format on a line grapgh. I have a series of data points for sales figures. The first 10 are actual data and the next 5 are projections. I want to have a line graph with solid color format for the actuals and a dashed format for the projections.

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VBA Code Line That Allows To Disregard Dates That Have Passed In Current Emailing Macro?

Apr 11, 2014

The code as it stands allows me to push a button and it immediately picks up on a meeting category and date of meeting, then sends emails to those that are supposed to attend based on a date that is within 7 days from the current date of pressing that button. HOWEVER; it seems to still send the email when the date has there a line I can put in this code to make it so that every date that has already passed will be discounted from future emails?

The code is as follows:


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Line Graph With 2 Lines Per Person?

Sep 15, 2013

I need to create a line graph that has 2 lines for each person, one with the amount, one with the points. The X-Axis is by Weeks going up. How can I do this without making a separate series for each? I've attached an example.


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Stacked Bar Graph With Average Line

Mar 24, 2009

We are trying to create a stacked bar graph with an average line. Each time we try to add in the average data to the graph it adds it to the stacked bar. The stacked bar should represent the inpatient & outpatient cases at a hospital for the current year (months showing across the as columns). The line should represent the previous 2-yr average total. Anyone have an idea how to add a line to the stacked bar graph? It has us stumped.

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Line Graph In Descending Order

Dec 8, 2009

How do i achieve the graph that is on the pdf with the data in the workbook i've attached. i cant work it out?

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Shade In Area Under Line Graph?

Dec 1, 2011

What's the best way to shade in the area under a line graph?

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Combination Line / Area Graph

Feb 28, 2012

I have two line graphs I plot on a 12-month graph. In addition to these lines, I have a range, high, mid, low, for target percentages. Currently, I have plotted the high, mid, low lines and made them dashed. What I would like to do instead of just having these ranges shown as lines (w/ the graph background showing), is use the area graph function to color shade just the area between the high, mid, and low. Is this possible?

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Line Graph Based On Date Possible?

Oct 26, 2012

I have a question about creating a line graph, here's the scenario:

Once per week I update our inventory quantity in cells B1, B2, B3. I'd like to show these quantities on a graph which compares the quantity with the date. When the quantity gets updated it would automatically add week 2, when the quantity gets updated again it would again expand the graph and add week 3. Is this even possible?

Week 1
Widget 2
Hammer 1
Saw 6

Week 2
Widget 4
Hammer 1
Saw 6

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Static Comparison Line On Graph

Sep 22, 2013

I have a bar graph (horizontal) for the values say Jan 1.25 Feb 2.63 Mar -1.5. This works fine; now I would like to insert static comparison lines for the values 2 and -2, i.e. a straight valued at 2 that goes Jan to Mar and another straight line at -2 from Jan to Mar..

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Line Graph Show No Value When No Value Is Inputed

Dec 29, 2008

X-Axis = Week1:Week13
Y-Axis =Revenue for each week.

I have a line graph. If "Week9:Week13" have no value, my graphs line drops to 0. How do I make my line graph show no value when no value is inputed for "Week9:Week13"? I think I need to incorporate the =NA() in the original formula but I'm not sure how to do this.

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