Transaction #Transaction DescriptionAccountDate (XX/XX/XX)DesciptionABCDEFG10/24/2015Cash Held(3404.00)3404.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 (50.00)10/25/20152Cash not Held0.00 (9707.00)9707.00 0.00 (60.00)60.00 0.00 10/26/2015Cash Held0.00 (7402.00)0.00 7402.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10/27/20154Transfer to Bank 0.04 0.00 (50.04)0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 10/28/20155Transfer of Cash0.00 4208.00 0.00 (4208.00)0.00 0.00 0.00
I am trying to make a macro that will turn transpose the above data into the below data.
DateDescriptionAccountAmount10/24/2015Cash HeldA-340410/24/2015Cash HeldB340410/24/2015Cash HeldE5010/24/2015Cash HeldG-5010/25/2015#2 Cash not HeldB-970710/25/2015#2 Cash not HeldC970710/25/2015#2 Cash not HeldE-6010/25/2015#2 Cash not HeldF6010/26/2015Cash HeldE-740210/26/2015Cash HeldG7402
Basically each non-zero number in the accounts (A through G) need to have their own row with the account name from their appropriate column and the date and description in their appropriate row. So as you can see each account A,B,E,and G get the amount -3404, 3404, 50, and -50 in their own row and get the appropriate descipion of 'Cash Held' and Date '10/24/2015'. Then the macro would move onto the next row and do the same thing.
Also if there is a way to tack in front of the description the transaction # (if there is one) ie. #2 Cash not Held. I really don't even know where to start.
I have a sheet with products down the side, and dates across the top. Numbers will be entered at an intersection between dates and products to represent quantity. Whenever there is a non-blank value for the quantity, I need to copy the products, dates, and quantity into a traditional database format. I have attached the original data format I get from suppliers on when they will deliver, and then show a separate tab for "Desired Result"
I'm completely new with macros. I was wondering what you would need so that the information will automatically update itself onto a summary page. For example for entries on one worksheet to create a statement on another worksheet?
Example: Asset Type Description Date Amount OA
The first entry doesn't have a date, because the asset type is classified as OA. (therefore an exception) Each of this information will be linked to it's own worksheet. For example, the OA entries would create their own sheet which will summed.
I am trying to create a excel file that takes information off the website (AAPL Annual Income Statement - Apple Inc. Annual Financials) based on a stock name I enter in the first excel sheet. So when I type in the stock name, and click on the Search button (runs the VBA program) i created, it will search on the website for that stock and retrieve the 5 years financial data. How can I incorporate web query function in it?
Sub AddNewWorksheet() Dim Val As String Val = Sheets(1).Range("B4").Value Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = Val ActiveSheet.Move after:=Sheets(4) End Sub
I have data that gets dumped from a program into a nasty horizontal format that I need to get transposed into a verticle format. As it stands now, the info is reported with hourly data spread accross rows. I need the hourly data in one column. See attached sheet for an example of what I need done with the data. I'm looking for a macro to take my "original" sheet and create my "new" sheet. Note: a macro that can do this would save me days of time.
I want to transpose my data. Please see excel file. The original data is of 5 persons (in column) and working hours are recorded over the 35 days (day 1 to day 35 in rows). There are 35 entries for each persons.
I want to do a longitudinal analysis. So I want to transpose data in such a way that each person is repeated 35 time one column, with day in next column (1-35), and working hours are give in front;
Have been stuck on an interesting issue I currently have data as set out in the table below.
name ID course 1 course 2 course 3 course 4
I need the course list to be restructured such as this below. I have tried using a vlookup with extra bits and a pivot table but cannot achieve what i am after, was thinking maybe a macro that could transpose each row as it drops down but not sure where to begin on that one.
I have excel file that have the following columns: Sample ID, Analyte Name, Concentration, RSD. These columns are filled down.
I would like the analyte names should be the column headings. Then the rows with the sample ID, Concentration, and RSD - these rows are filled in with elemental concentrations, and rsds associated with those concentrations.
It is not quite a simple transpose, the rows should start over every time the sample name changes. I will be very grateful for any help with this and would gladly send a file to anyone who would help me. Sometimes the number of analytes I sample changes, so if anyone has any ideas on how to write a macro that can do this by recognizing when the analyte name repeats itself (to know when to start a new set of rows).
I got to transpose the data from sheet "Data" into new sheet "Actual". Now One row has been added on the top (R1) to categorize the whole data in terms of Major and minor.
modify the macro which add one column (K) with header as "Error type" in sheet "Actual" and then display the above two parameters.
I want exact type of data in sheet "Actual" from raw data sheet "Data"
I have a spreadsheet, with over 9000 line items. And to give you guys an idea, these items are products that we carry at our stores (convinience stores). Most of our items are sold to the customer by eaches or unit, but we do carry beverage items which can be sold several ways (single can, 6pk, 12pk, 24pk etc). Anyway, on the spreadsheet, these sell units(single, 6pk, 12pk etc) have their own line, per each sell unit. I want them to be all in one line. Heres what it looks like:
I want columns F, and G's values be transposed to the first line, after the RET column. Like this:
I have spreadsheet which consists of two columns of data.
Column A contains a gerneric heading/group and Column B details some results for each heading/group; these results cover between 16 to 40 rows.
Basically, I need to transpose each heading/group's rows of results data into the same row as the heading/group row; then delete the rows where the results data was copied from; then I want to go to the next heading/group in Column A and repeat the process - transposing the results into a row.
I have written a simple macro which seems to work intermittingly - one which doesn't repeat or loop though. Sometimes I get the Runtime Error 1004 and sometimes the macro overwrites the transposed row if the results are listed over 16 rows.
My draft macro code is as follows:
Sub Transpose() ' ' Transpose Macro ' Macro recorded 27/11/2008 by Hunter ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+p............
I am in need of perhaps a code that will allow me to offset the data which is highlighted in yellow to something that is similar to the data which is highlighted in green. The logic behind that is i do multiple loans that begin at various months of the year and must be presented into the business plan accordingly.
In this example "spreadsheet included" i chose payment 1 as January but some loans dont begin payment for 2 or more months. Hence the expense and hence the numbers located in the "Control Box" will then be able to offset the data down the number of rows that i specify in the control box at the upper left most of the screen into the section that is highligted in green respectively.
Once the data has been shifted i then need to transpose the data to every two columns in the far most payment schedule which includes the principle "prin" and the interest "int" in the respective months broken down. I need the ability to offset this data a maximum of 11 months as 12 would push the loan into a different year.
I have 15 simultaneous loans so i would need a macro that can do this for me. I am a beginner coding but very familar in excel and a formula would not work as it would be over written each time. I am thinking of if statements but that would be a pain in the rear.
I would then need to repeat this macro for the next 14 loans but in this case i would need to do it four more times and then i would need to do the same procedure for the interest side of the loan.
Im trying to create a Macro which can do the following: Go to the selected cell when Macro is run, keep going down cell by cell until it finds a blank cell, select the values, copy them and paste them by transposing into the cell next to where it started from in a row, carry on doing this procedure and pasting the transposed values next to the first non blank value until it gets to the end of this column.
I am looking for a macro that works like the ASAP Utility (Transpose data from one column to several columns in steps). To elaborate the work done by the macro it should transpose the values in a column to the number of steps that is user defined (Using InputBox) that is if there are 103 values in the column and the user enters the number of steps as 24 then the macro should transpose the data up to 24 columns and the rest in the next row up to 24 columns and so on unless the complete data is transposed.
For more clarity refer the attached excel sheet or the "Transpose data from one column to several columns in steps" utility of ASAP Utility.
I am working on a project and would like to see if there is a solution for it. i have a workbook that has data entry that is summarized at a master level but I need to automatically use a formula to update another sheet after clicking an udpate button. The data from the data entry sheet needs to be allocated to all the lines that has the same master item based on the formula. A test workbook is attached ...
I want to use a piece of VBA to copy values from cells A1, C1, E1, and G1 and paste them into the next blank cell in an existing range called "DCopy". I am trying to use the following code, but as I have never tried writing a looping macro, have no idea what I am doing:
I used a form with textboxes for data input for one of my vb macros. Currently I have the private sub from the form transfer those entries to a remote cell on the spreadsheet, (like in column "HZ"), so that the macro that will actually utilize them can retrieve them. Is there a way to pass that data directly from what is entered in the form in the textboxes to the macro that will actually use them?
I have an excel spread sheet with the page title "Main". I would like to add a macro by pushing a button and a window pops up. It will have 4 columns or 4 questions. The first question will ask what is the date? You enter date, next question asks, What is the fundamental? You enter the fundamental. Next question is what is your name? you enter name and next question is enter what you need fixed. Once you enter that and press finished, the data is then place in the spreadsheet. All rows shift down 1 spot. B2 answer is posted in B2, question 2 answer is placed in C2, question 3 answer is placed in D2 and question 4 is answered in E2.
Each time someone presses the NEW ENTRY button this window pops up asking these 4 questions. The answers are then posted in cells B2 through E2 after shifting the entire page down 1 row.
At Line 40, the program stops running. It asks for an object, but Im not sure why.
Also, I realized that there is an issue with sub twodeux copying the range selection from sheet1 of oldbook to the newly created sheet1(transfer template) of newbook. How can I cause the form to hold that selection of values until its ready to put them into the newbook? ....
I have a spreadsheet that uses a Form for Data entry. Each record has ID, Name, State, and about 20 more columns of information for each ID.
The data entry is working well.
What I need now is to add a check for a UNIQUE ID. If they are adding a new record I need my form to return a message if the ID they use is already in the database. So if they enter XXXXX and that is in the file already - they should get a message that XXXXX is already in the database and to please enter a new ID.
And once they fix XXXXX to XXXXY then the record is added.