Creating Macro To Transpose Column Data To Rows

May 22, 2012

How to create a macro to transpose rainfall data (in a column) into rows.

I have over 7200 years of data so using paste special will be very slow.

I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet below.


[Code] ..........

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Transpose Macro Varying Rows From 1 Column

Aug 22, 2009

I've trawled a few forums for a while now trying to find a macro that matches my specifications, or one I can adapt but so far have been unsuccessful, so here goes:

I have one column of data (col. A) of customer names and addresses each with an empty row in between them. The lines of data relating to each customer vary from 6 rows to 14 rows, then an empty row, then the next customer and so on - for several thousand rows.

I am wanting to create a macro that will transpose each customer to either their own row in sheet2, or to column B and then delete column A at the end.

All I can find is macros for a specific number of rows rather than varying. One way would be to have a code that 'pads' out those customers with fewer than 14 lines by inserting rows to make them 14, and then a code to transpose 15 rows at a time.

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Transpose Rows Keeping Heading In Column A And Data In Column B

Mar 2, 2011

I have an excel spread sheet with several rows of 265 (9A-IV) columns each with a heading. I would like to transpose the worksheet columns so that the heading is placed in Column A against the corresponding that is placed in column B. For example

ABCD14692571038Transpose to A1A2A3B4B5C6C7C8D9D10

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Excel 2007 :: Transpose Data From Column A1 To Multiple Rows

Feb 26, 2014

I need to transpose data from Column A to Row 2 and down.

The data in column A is in sections of 19 rows and then a blank cell and another 19 rows of data contimuously, It is a dynamic range and can contain many thousands of Rows.

The data needs to be transposed from Column A to row 2 (row 1 has the head line for each column) so the 19 lines of data is now spread accross 19 columns in row 2 and the next section from column A is spread accross the 19 columns in row 3 and so on.

My data looks similar to the below. (Test Number 0001 starts in A1)

Test Number 0001






I use Excel 2007

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Transpose Data With Macro And Add One Column

Feb 18, 2014

I got to transpose the data from sheet "Data" into new sheet "Actual". Now One row has been added on the top (R1) to categorize the whole data in terms of Major and minor.

modify the macro which add one column (K) with header as "Error type" in sheet "Actual" and then display the above two parameters.

I want exact type of data in sheet "Actual" from raw data sheet "Data"

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Vb Code Macro Needed To Transpose Data From Columns To Rows

Oct 14, 2008

i have the following spreadsheet with dummy data however, there is a before and after scenario i have posted is this possible with a macro ...

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MACRO To Copy And Transpose Data In A Column

Oct 5, 2011

Im trying to create a Macro which can do the following: Go to the selected cell when Macro is run, keep going down cell by cell until it finds a blank cell, select the values, copy them and paste them by transposing into the cell next to where it started from in a row, carry on doing this procedure and pasting the transposed values next to the first non blank value until it gets to the end of this column.

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Macro To Transpose Multiple Data In Cell Separated By Commas To Each Data In Column

Jul 15, 2014

I have a table in the format below with about 3500 rows

Column A
Column B

All vehicles, Retirements

All vehicles, Retirements, Addition

All vehicles, Retirements, Addition, Deletion from Y

I would like to change it to the following format:

Column A
Column B

All vehicles


All vehicles



All vehicles



Deletion from Y

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Macro To Transpose Data From One Column To Several Columns In Steps?

Jan 25, 2013

I am looking for a macro that works like the ASAP Utility (Transpose data from one column to several columns in steps). To elaborate the work done by the macro it should transpose the values in a column to the number of steps that is user defined (Using InputBox) that is if there are 103 values in the column and the user enters the number of steps as 24 then the macro should transpose the data up to 24 columns and the rest in the next row up to 24 columns and so on unless the complete data is transposed.

For more clarity refer the attached excel sheet or the "Transpose data from one column to several columns in steps" utility of ASAP Utility.

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Transpose Rows To Single Column

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to do something which I can't manage with traditional formulas and a macro might be required.

I have the following table:


1.00 6.00 11.0016.0021.00
2.00 7.00 12.0017.0022.00
3.00 8.00 13.0018.0023.00
4.00 9.00 14.0019.0024.00
5.00 10.0015.0020.0025.00

What I would need to do is take all column values and transpose is to rows, copying the header for every set, like:

ColumnA ColumnB
Header1 1.00
Header2 6.00
Header3 11.00
Header4 16.00
Header5 21.00

[Code] ...

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Transpose Each Row Every 5 Rows (of 15 Cells) Into One Column

Oct 19, 2013

I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Windows 7. I have a lot of data (1-4 thousands of rows) where each column represents a year for 15 years. Every set of 5 rows are different data for a company and the values for every year of each data are under the representative column.

I want to transpose the values for every year, of one data at a time, into one column. Then do the same for the next data.

For Example I have something like this:



If there is a way to do this for one data (i.e. data1) it will be easy to do it for the other 4. I also know how to create a macro from the Developer Tab if it is easier to create a vba code. A formula of course is ok too. I tried for hours to find a way to do this but I couldn't...

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Convert Or Transpose One Column Into Many Rows

Nov 15, 2006

I have a huge list, all in one column:

A1 1. Aarvark Inn
A2 Region: 3
A3 Unit: B
A4 2. Avalon Home
A5 Region: 6
A6 Unit: A

I want to make it so that every three items becomes a row. So that my data is like this, with the number and name being column A, the Region being column B, and the Unit being column C in the worksheet.

1. Aarvark Inn Region: 3 Unit: B
2. Avalon Home Region: 6 Unit: A

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Transpose Rows At Every Occurence Of A Value In Column

Apr 8, 2008

Transpose rows at every occurence of a value in column ...

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Transpose / Match / Array Column To Rows

Feb 27, 2014

I've tried using a Pivot Table, a Match Array V-Look Up formula I found on here (and can't seem to find anymore) that I altered to fit my cell needs, and even implemented RP-Excel.

This is an example of what I have:



This is an example of what I'm trying to do:



Additional challenges:

The actual workbook is over 4,000 rows long with a lot of various other information in neighboring columns.

The dates represent each time a specific box was filled. Some boxes only filled once, some up to 14 times. I only want up to the first five fills.

Able to try any of the following, or combinations of: Formulas, Pivot Tables, VBA, RP Excel

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Transpose Column To Rows - Referencing Columns By Number

Jun 19, 2012

I'm trying to create a macro that transposes data from columns to rows.

My source data is laid out so Column A and B contain item identifiers, and then the header for Column C to Column S contain dates (March, April, May, etc) and the row data below contains quantities for each month. This is on Sheet1.

I need my end data (on Sheet2) to have the item detail in Column A and B, the quantity in Column C and the Date in Column D. If there is a date that has no quantity then it should be skipped.

Sample Source Data (Pipes added for clarity, they aren't in the actual data)

Part |Description |June 4 |June 11 |June 18
A | PartA | 5 | | 12
(Please note June 11 has no quantity)

Sample Destination Data:

A | Part A | 5 | June 4
A | Part A | 12| June 18

Below is the start of the code, obviously I have a ways to go before it's fully functional but hopefully you get the idea how I'm trying to attempt this. Where I'm having issues right now is referencing columns by number. Is there a way to do this so I can do Column = Column + 1 to advance columns to the right? Or any better way to address this all together?

HTML Code:
Sub ConvertToRows()
Dim ReviewRow, ReviewRowEnd, PasteRow, ColumnNumber As Integer
ReviewRow = 2


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Transpose Column Into Unique Rows With Comma Delimited Values

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to execute a script I copied from this site to transpose a column of values into unique rows. There was a very similar thread to my question, but the code does not work for my situation as I am a newbie to VBA. The referenced thread was Need to transpose multiple comma separated values

I would like to comma delimit column "D" into unique rows per value while maintaining the relationship with the data in the other columns. Here is the example of my data:

Apache Hunting Club




Tiger Branch Hunt Club


71, 72


Big "O" Hunting Club


59, 64, 65, 75, 79, 84

I want to make each value in Column D a unique row and still be associated with Column A-C. When I run this code I get a Runtime script error 9.

Sub SplitKeywords()
Dim MyArr, v As Long, i As Long, LR As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

How to correct this? My actual data spans from column A-Q and can place the "split values" in column Q.

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Macro To Copy / Transpose And Paste Columns To Rows

May 1, 2013

I'm trying to get a macro together that will take a set of workbooks that I've merged (using Ron de Bruin's RDBMerge add-in) and transpose all columns from B to HB into rows. Now, I know that each spreadsheet is 210 columns and 244 rows large and they are concatenated on one another. Attached is a brief example of what I am trying to go from and what I am trying to get to.

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Changing Existing Macro To Transpose Rows To Columns

Feb 22, 2008

I have the following macro which I use to transpose a number of columns in one sheet to rows in another sheet.

Sub task1()Dim i As Integer, n As LongFor i = 5 To Columns.Count Step 2    n = n + 1    With Sheets("Working_Checklist_1").Cells(10, i).Resize(16)        Sheets("Summary_Intermediate").Cells(n + 2, "c").Resize(.Columns.Count, .Rows.Count) _        .FormulaArray = "=if(transpose(Working_Checklist_1!" & .Address & ")=0,"""",transpose(Working_Checklist_1!" & .Address & "))"    End WithNextEnd Sub 

I'd like to change this macro so to transpose from rows to columns. I've tried a couple of things, but can't quite get it to work.

I'd like to transpose every second cell starting from E7 to IV7 in Working_Checklist into column BU in Summary_Intermediate, starting from BU3.

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Data In Columns To Rows (not Transpose)

Nov 19, 2008

I am trying to clean up some data, which is organized horizantally AND in rows, as per the attached screenshot.

The fact that there is data horizontally across seven week days and in rows for the weeks of the year makes it impossible for me to use the simple TRANSPOSE feature, of which I am aware...

I have quite a couple of worksheets I need to apply this operation on, so manual work is the worst solution...

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Getting Data From Columns To Rows Without Using Transpose

Mar 26, 2009

I have an excel spreadsheet which contains data for customers and the last date they were seen at an appointment (along with various other bits of info).

The way the data is exported from my database package means that each customer has one row per appointment, i.e. row 1 contains john smith, 01/01/2009, row 2 contains john smith, 03/03/2009, row 3 contains john smith 01/04/2009, row 4 contains joe bloggs 12/02/2009, row 5 contains joe bloggs 27/03/2009. Some customers may have 4 or 5 appointments listed whereas another customer may only have one. I need to get the appointments all onto one row per customer so that I can calculate the number of days between appointments. I have tried to use transpose, but with 8000 rows it takes forever.

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Transpose Data From Rows To Cells?

Jun 26, 2014

Macro that transpose data from row to column.

Original Data:
Original Data.jpg

Requested output:

The number of cells that include data in each row as well as number of rows is variable.

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Macro: Transpose 1 Column Into 3 Columns

Aug 24, 2006

I am trying to transpose 1 column into 3 columns:




Here is the code I have:...................

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Extract Data In Rows And Transpose To Columns?

Feb 13, 2014

I am struggling with an Excel Database, to make it "cleaner". Here is my problem. My database looks something like that:

Column A Column B Column C ... Column H
ID Age Date of Birth ... Language
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... French
00002 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... French
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... German
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... Spanish

Basically, Columns B & C will never change for the same ID, but columns G, H and others contain data that is different from one row to the other. What i wwould like to do is having unique values in Rows, with Languages displayed in Columns. The database would look like this:

Column A Column B Column C ... Column H Column I Column J
ID Age Date of Birth ... Language 1 Language 2 Language 3
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... English French Spanish
00002 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... French German

The challenge is that I would need this to be done with formulas only, not using any kind of code. Deleting duplicates manually after "cleaning" the database should'nt be a problem. I tried a formula found on this forum, but i couldn't manage to make it work. The formula looked like this:


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How To Transpose / Move Data From Columns To Rows

May 18, 2013

So, I have a column with data on rows as follows below. I need to arrange the data below in such a way that I have on first column the company name, second column the contact person and so on depending on what data is found (tel, e-mail, website).

The data is on rows and I have separated each company/group of data with a row between them. There are in total aprox 200 companies/groups of data that I need to arrange as explained above.

I have tried with transpose but I have to manually do it 200 times. I have tried with an indirect formula but the companies/groups of data do no have same amount of info/rows e.g. some lack the phone number or other data.

if there is a method to save the time and not arrange them manually.

Contact: Toine Kets
Managing Director
Str. Tache Ionescu 3, Et. 5, Apt. 10


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Transpose Multiple Rows Of Data To Single Row?

Jul 24, 2014

I have a set of data that I need to change the "layout" of. I've had similar situations before, but this one is just killing me. Basically, my data is for item pricing. It is represented as

Item, QTY, Price
Item D,Qty1,P1
Item D,Q2,P2
Item D,Q3,P3
Item D,Q4,P4

However, I need it in the following format:

Item DQ1Q2Q3Q4P1P2P3P4

As a note: there is a maximum of 4 Price/QTY breaks, so the script can be hard coded for that. When I tried this, I had it looking at the Item column, finding out how many breaks there are for a specific item and then doing a loop to extract the qty and price to a single row in the format shown above. It worked for the first 2 items, but then the loop got throw off. I will see if I can reproduce the code for that.

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Layout/Transpose Data Rows Into Columns

Jun 17, 2008

I have a following table:

1 City Name List
2 NY Peter 11; 23; 12; 11; 14
3 Toronto John 24; 25; 87

How can I, in a separate worksheet, create a following table?

1 City Name List
2 NY Peter 11
3 NY Peter 23
4 NY Peter 12
5 NY Peter 11
6 NY Peter 14
7 Toronto John 24
8 Toronto John 25
9 Toronto John 87

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Transpose Or Convert Rows Of Data Into Columns Of Data:

Feb 12, 2009

When I was using Excel 2000, there was an Excel add-in where I could highlight rows of information and then transpose these into columns of information. Since we have upgraded to Excel 2003, the same Excel add-in does not work and I have not been able to find a simple solution to transpose my information from a horizontal view to a vertical view or the reverse.

Or do I just have to move 53 columns (weeks) of 4 rows one cell at a time to 4 columns of 53 rows (weeks)?

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Transpose Multiple Columns To Rows Based On Match Via Macro Or Formula

Jul 10, 2008

I have two columns of data as follows:

10:57:42 273
10:57:42 263
10:57:42 253
10:57:42 241
10:57:37 273
10:57:37 243
10:57:37 249
10:57:37 261
10:57:37 253
11:04:47 241
11:04:47 253
11:04:47 263
10:54:31 254
10:54:31 240
10:54:31 265.......

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Transpose Data From Column To Row

Dec 8, 2013

I need to transpose column data (Sheet called "Recpt") into rows (sheet called "Formula")

Please refer to attached excel file,sheet "Formula". I have manually entered formula for 12/1/2013. Need to add formula for the rest of the sheet. Since the data is on every 4th column, I am sure it is feasible to copy the formula by adding 4th columns.

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Transpose Column Data To A Row?

Aug 19, 2014

I've got a workbook called MyBook1 which has 12 groups of 5 columns representing each calendar month. I am looking to create a macro (one for each month) which will be executed from another workbook. This macro will pull a column of data from a workbook called Data1 and paste into a row in the MyBook1 workbook.

Using the macro recorder, I've got the following code that works great but was trying to shorten the code and get it to work from another workbook but haven't been successful. I believe all that needs to be done is create a variable for the source/destination workbooks then set the selections and do the copy/paste but I'm having a hard time finding example macros which I can learn from.

Working code below for January, for Febuary the Data1 range is D2:D6, and the destination is 5 columns over making it M3. Then just follow the code below as a template.


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