Macro To Run If Only Folder Found

Feb 3, 2014

I would like to know how is it possible to only run a macro with IF command if a path is found in a computer. My desktop user is example, jc855, and my coworker is jc886.

I would like to start the IF command such as, if C:Usersjc855 & C:Usersjc886 found, then keep going, otherwise, message box : "You are not authorize to run this macro".

By having this path, people will be able to download this macro but the access is only granted if their user is added thru the VBA. (which only me can access to edit it).

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Run-time Error '1004':File Not Found :: Folder On Network

Dec 9, 2009

The script below scans through a specified folder on a network and scans every xls file inside that folder for a value. When it finds the spreadsheet which contains that value (a policy number) it outputs some of the data from the matching file and also provides a link to the sheet in question.

It worked perfectly until I saved, exited and re-opened the file and now I am getting a 1004 run-time error every time I try and execute the script.

I cant for the life of me work out a cause.

More baffling, the wording of the error says that the file 'R:DirCancellations.xls' could not be found.

At no point is a file called 'Cancellations.xls' specified. Why has the script decided to search for a file called 'Cancellations'?

Sub Search()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim DirLoc As String
Dim PolNum As String

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Macro To Locate Folder In A Folder And Save

Apr 13, 2009

looking for some code to save to a destination

destination address is
C:Documents and SettingsstDesktopOJF

now the problem is OJF has folders named 1 to 500

so if cell d5 = 487 it will need to look in the above desination and then open the folder and save it there.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Open Folder Then User Selects File Then Macro Continues To Run

Nov 6, 2011

I use Excel 2003 at work. I'm looking for some code that will Open a folder and then lets the user to select a file then continues to run the macro.

The file name they select will look similar to this K2271011.504 or K3011111.201

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Macro Cannot Be Found Or Is Disabled Error

Mar 7, 2013

I have a worksheet with several option buttons and until yesterday, I had no problem selecting them. But today, every time, I select a radio button, an error shows up stating "Cannot run Macro "Option Button_click. Macro is not available in this workbook or is disabled". When the user selects a radio button, text appears in Col B depending on what button was selected (using VLOOKUP). That stuff is still working fine. It's just as soon as I click a radio button, the error shows up.

Based on the radio button selected, user can add in information to the columns adjacent to it, and then click a button to store that information in some rows below. The code for that button is stored in the sheet module. I have tried enabling macros and disabling macros and no change has appeared. What I have noticed though is that yesterday, when i opened the workbook, a yellow bar appeared asking if I wanted to "Enable Content". Today, that bar didn't appear.

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Redirect A Macro If Drive Not Found

Apr 2, 2009

I need to code an option to overcome the fact that 1 workstation sees all drive letters differently.

I have many macro functions that may refer to "P:My documentsTrucks 2008filename"

However this workstation sees that drive as "T:Trucks 2008filename" and the macro will either not function or cannot find the location to save a copy of action in question.

Can I code an option that will "If filepath not found" ie "P:" go to "T:" etc

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Using Find In Macro Without Error If Nothing Found?

Feb 12, 2013

I'm trying to write some VBA which will allow me to find certain instances of data across a number of different sheets and copy this into another sheet.

However if the sheet doesn't contain the data I'm searching for an error pops up and the macro dies, is there a way to search where if the macro doesn't find anything it skips to the next line?

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Macro - Insert New Sheet If Value Found

Aug 29, 2013

I have a code that copies rows to another sheet if a value in D:D is found. BUT I need to add a "create sheet" IF the value exist.

So if VBA finds the value "TWO" in Column D, then insert a sheet at the end named "Two"

Then the code below will copy all the values of "TWO" over to sheet "TWO"

Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LR
If Range("D" & i).Value = "9" Then Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Next i

In essence, the VBA should:
Search for "ONE" in D:D, not find anything and move on.
Search for "TWO" in D:D, will find it, Create a New Sheet named TWO, then the above Code to copy all matching rows into sheet TWO.
Search for "THREE" D:D, not find anything and move on....

There will be roughly 12 sheets created on average, so if I create all sheets beforehand.

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Macro To Insert Column If Not Found?

Sep 4, 2013

I would like a macro to order the columns as per the hardcoded list. If the column is not found than add the column at the position as per the hardcoded list. Below macro does the first part of re-ordering however if the column is not found how do I add an empty column:

Sub Reorder_Columns()
Dim ColOrder As Variant, i As Integer, Found As Range
ColOrder = Array("LogicalFileName", "LogicalFilePath", "UploadedDate", "UploadedBy",


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Running A Macro When A Certain Value Is Found Anywhere In A Certain Column

Nov 26, 2008

I’m working in Excel ’03 with a large table. I’m hoping to run a macro against a cell with value ‘X’ whenever that value is found within a particular column. I’d like this to be relative and not tied to a particular column so I can tweak it as needed down the road and run it against different columns.

In the example below, lets say I’m working with column B. I’d like something that would go through every cell in the column and run a macro when it comes across a particular value. Let’s say this value is x.

__A B C D E F
1 a x a a a x
2 b a b b b a
3 c x c c c c
4 f f f x f f
5 s s s a s s
6 g x g g g x
7 a a a a a a
8 s s s s s s

So, in my example, the macro would be run on B1, B3, and B6. And, if I wanted to go back in later, I could run this on column D and the macro would run on cell D4.

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Macro 'mDOM.XlinkOn' Cannot Be Found

Apr 18, 2006

I get a strange error message when using one of my excel sheets containing code.
The workbook is quite big, but the essence of the issue is the following. I use a macro to refresh about 30 pivottables. The code is very simple and comes from the macro recorder. (Part of) The code is shown below:


for some strange reason, this code does not work anymore. It used to work fine, but when I run it now I get an error message saying "macro 'mDOM.XlinkOn' cannot be found". Does anyone know what this means?? I tried setting up a new pivot table in the same workbook and record a new macro to refresh. While the recording part works fine, running the macro afterwards gives the same error message.

Strangely enough, when I start a new workbook, add a pivottable and record the same kind of macro, it does work! Therefore, for some reason my workbook has been corrupted in some way. Does anybody know how to fix this? Rebuilding the workbook is not really my preferred option as there are about 20 worksheets and 15 pages of code in there.

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Macro To Delete Item If Not Found On A List

Jan 26, 2009

You can find attached the workbook I am working on.

In my workbook I have four sheets. Only two sheets are relevant in this case: "Sheet1" and "List". On "Sheet1" there in column A there is big range of codenumbers (highlighted with red).
On the "List" worksheet I have a smaller list (highlighted with green).

I have a code also in module1 but the code is not working.

I would like my macro to do the following. Check the code number from the "List" worksheet (green) and search for it in "Sheet1" column A (red). If this codnumber can be found in column A then leave the number on the green list. If it cannot be found in column A then, delete it from the green list. If you open the file, you can see on the "List" worksheet that there are three code numbers in the green range. The upper and the bottom code number can be found on the "Sheet1" column A (red) range, but the middle number cannot be found. So if the macro would work correctly then it would delete the middle number, and leave the other two untouched!

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If Word Not Found Then Macro Will Skip And Continue?

Apr 18, 2013

I want to a macro to start of with a Find method Eg Account..something like this


Account could be in any row or may not be in the document.

My problem is when it is not in the workbook my macro will come up error. how to recode my macro to fix this.

Dim Finder as string
Set Finder = Cells.Find(What:="Account",...............
'Problem here
If Finder is not found then skip till next part of macro.
If it is then just select the Cell and I can work of that.

Also Can I do a Find formula to Find Either 'Account' Or 'Debt' Or Asset'?? Just want to know save me copy and pasting it down to change a name.

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Code To Stop Macro And Move On If No Value Found

Jul 2, 2013

I have created a few macros and once I was happy that they worked independently I joined them to run as one macro in several steps. I have just discovered a bug ...

The macro filters on a column and copies and pastes that range into another sheet.

HOwever, sometimes (as I have just discovered) when it filters, there will be no data against the value it is looking for.

I need to say, if no value, move to next step.

I.e. here's my code. It's looking for ASIA and it will copy and paste all rows with Asia to another page. It then does the same for EMEA. Thing is, in my example just now, there was no EMEA data and some times there may be no ASIA data so I need to build in some rules that if it does not find either of these it continues to finish macro or pops up and says 'NO ASIA found, CLick to continue' or something?

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:AA" & lngLast).AutoFilter Field:=27, Criteria1:="ASIA"
Range("A13:Z" & lngLast).Select
Sheets("ASIA DETAIL ").Select


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VBA Code To Stop Macro If Specific Text Is Found

Feb 24, 2012

I have a simple macro that copies data from worksheet to another. I only want this macro to be run once per day by the user. One of the cells that gets copied is the value found in the formula "=today()". My thought is that the macro could look for the existance of the current date in the pasted data (meaning the macro has already been run once today), and if the date = today, then a message pops up warning the user that the macro has already been run once today, and ask if they're sure they want to continue.

Any easy way to accomplish what I'm attempting to do? The current date gets pasted into a worksheet name "PriorDay" in cell C5.

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Macro Runtime Error - Items (charts) Not Found

Oct 3, 2013

I've got an interactive chart on a sheet where users select a chart from a combo box control and a picture link to the chart is displayed. The actual charts are on a hidden sheet. I have to activate the charts first for it to work so I put a button the sheet and recorded a macro where I unhide the hidden sheet, select each chart as I scroll down the screen by clicking on it then hide the sheet again and return to the interactive chart.

My problem is that I'm getting an error when the macro tries to select the first chart which is called "Chart 6":

Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)':

The item with the specified name wasn't found

I recorded the macro so I'm not sure why the macro isn't working now.

Sub ResetCharts()
' ResetCharts Macro
' Reset all charts
Sheets("Budget v Actual Graphs").Select
Sheets("Graph BG").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 6").Activate
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=15
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 35").Activate

[Code] ............

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Handle Find Macro Error When Text Is Not Found

Mar 1, 2008

I have the following macro which I've pieced together which works great at clearing the cell as long as the text entered by the user is found in the specified column.

Unfortunately I'm a big rookie with this stuff and I can't figure out how to handle the process/error when an entered value is not found. When ChosenRow returns with a 0 I get a Run time error '91', Object Variable or With Block variable not set.

The code...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
oldSheet$ = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim ChosenRow As Long
Dim loc As Variant
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With UserForm4
loc = .TextBox1.Text
End With
With ActiveWorkbook
End With

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How To Suppress Macro Search-replace Warning When No Data Found

Dec 29, 2011

I have written a macro to convert data from a report exported from to a format that is acceptable for upload to our website. One of the necessary conversions is to convert values from a Boolean value to a Y/N value. I wrote a macro with a series of search-replace commands such as this:

'replace 0s and 1s in "Direct Billing" column with appropriate data
Selection.Replace What:="0", Replacement:="N", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
This code generates a warning when no "0" values are found:

"Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet."

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Via Macro, Search Item In Cell And Bold/Color Row If Found

Dec 7, 2006

Is it possible to search a worksheet that may contain different number of rows (from day to day) and for every instance of a word like "HOLD" is found in column "C" to Color that intire Row Red and also Bold the Row as well?

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Find Text/Value & Use Found Cell, Row, Column In Macro Code

May 10, 2008

I am trying to clean up and simplify my macros by compartmentalizing frequently repeated commands. I like to search for text in column headings and define the cell containing it as a range that I can later use .column or .row commands on, so my macros are a bit more flexible. The code I currently use for this is

Dim XColumn As Range ‘the cell containing the text “X”
Selection.Find(What:="X", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Set XColumn = ActiveCell

I would like to be able to create a Macro (possibly name FindSetCell()) that will accept arguments and achieve the results of the above code in other macros
I think the command might look something like FindSetCell(“text to be searched for”,”name of newly Defined Range”) But I have not figured out how to code it

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Macro To Query Column For Date If Found Place Text In Cell

Aug 30, 2012

I am trying to make a macro that will query a column J4 for a date, if the date is found say "Wednesday, July 4, 2012" (J8) get the text from Column K8 "Independence Day" and insert the text in Cell (H1).

The Macro Prints sign in sheets with the date in H2, it only prints Monday through friday. Then skips the weekend and the next date will start the following Monday.

The Federal Holiday schedule is in column range J (Date) and K (Holiday)

This is where I am stuck ....


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Folder Creation With A Macro

Nov 12, 2008

is it possible to write a macro that will create a folder labled "2009" then a subfolder for each month with four subfolders labled "Week 1" through "Week 4", and have the "March", "June", "September", and "December" folders contain subfolders labled "Week 1" through "Week 5"?

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Run This Macro In Every Workbook In A Folder

Aug 4, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to run the following macro on every workbook in a folder.

Sub SumsSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet, LR As Long, i As Integer
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

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Lookup Folder From Cell Text Then Save Excel File In This Folder

May 14, 2014

I have alot of project folders on my harddrive.

All in format: I:/12345-costumer-projectname/

The five digits are unique for each project.

I make calculations for these projects using an excel file. In this excel I also type the projectnumber (cell J2)

Now i would like to make a button. When pressed, it checks the projectnumber cell J2, looksup the corresponding folder and saves the excelfile in PDF format in this folder.

I have found macro to find files in folders, but none which do the above.

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Macro To Save As To Specific Folder

Apr 29, 2014

Looking for VBA code to automatically save an excel file as an .xlsx format, and saving to a specific folder: C:UserswolfmDesktopLoad Lists

I have been using the attached code, but it's not working. It saves to the desktop, not the folder. Also, when it creates the file name based on sFile = ActiveSheet.Range("C4").Value & ".xlsx", it adds wierd things to the file name. I want the file name to be simply the value in C4.

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Display Folder Name In Excel - VBA Macro

May 19, 2014

I need a macro which displays the folder and subfolder name from a specific path in the column A of the excel sheet in the same heirarchy. Also whenever a sub folder name is displayed in column A, I need its main folder name to be displayed in the same row Column B i.e offset(0,1). I have a macro, but it displays the folder name in the 1st cell of column B, I need it to increment to the subsequent cells based on subfolders.

Sub Step1()
Dim startRange As Range
Set startRange = Sheet1.Range("A5")
'Parent Directory - Change this to whichever directory you want to use
ListFoldersAndInfo "C:desktop", startRange
End Sub


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Using Macro - How To Rename Filenames In Folder

Sep 22, 2010

I need tht How to rename the Filenames in an Folder using macro.. Is it possible, How we can do it..

Example: In an Folder 200files are there with extension .jpg/xls/bmp/txt/doc files, I want to rename tht those files names,

Source File: TestImage.jpg
I want rename as
Destination file : image.jpg.

Not only Single file rename..if I want to rename Bulk means?...

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Macro To Create Folder In Computer

Mar 6, 2014

Can a macro create a folder in my computer and use the value in cell A1 as the folder name? This is where I want the folder to be created C:UsersUserDesktop.

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Find A Folder Extension Macro

May 23, 2008

this query has now took a peculiar twist in the fact that my boss now wants to change the goalposts

here is a thread with the code in


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Getting Macro To Save In Folder Specified On Worksheet

Oct 8, 2008

I have a macro that currently saves and prints the sheet I'm working on. At the moment, it saves everything in the same place and always calls the file the same name.

In the worksheet, a lookup does actually specify what folder it should be saved in and what name it should be given. How can I write the code so that it pulls up the name and the folder directly from the sheet it's saving?

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