I have got he below code in "thisworkbook" it works fine but I have a problem with it if it has been closed before the time expires. If it is closed it tries to reopen it and then close it again. So for my users who have got their security set to prompts the file will be closed and a message box appears saying "enable or disable Macros". If it is already closed than i dont really want this to happen. My security is set to low but i still see it flash up and the bottom then dissappear again. How can i get the Macro to stop if it has already beed closed??
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:15:00"), "TimeOut"
If ThisWorkbook.ReadOnly Then
MsgBox ("The file is currently being used by another user, please contact them to ensure they have not left the file open.")
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
End Sub
Sub TimeOut()
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub
my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.
Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder
I'm trying to Access data from an XL file without actually opening the file. In an XL spreadsheet I type in a cell: =VLOOKUP("A", 'C:[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$10,1) and get an answer without a problem. In VBA, I try the line of
Current = Application.VLookup("A", Range("'C:[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$10"), 1)
and get an error that says Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed
i know there is information on this ontime method, i haev read through it, but since i am working with reuters running live in the background they just dont work. Anyway, on a normal excel sheet, I have made the automated macros run on a timer, which is great. BUT If someone switches off my pc, its not going to be so great because i dont think the macro would run without excel being open.
QUESTION: How can i make my macro run every morning at 8am? Assuming the worksheet is closed, even excel is closed. i am sure the answer is starring me in the face, i am just getting boerd of looking at it! in the Thisworkbook:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.OnTime dTime, "thismodule", , False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("20:00:00"), "thismodule" End Sub
and in the Module:
Sub thismodule() dTime = Now + TimeValue("08:00:00") Application.OnTime dTime, "thismodule"
I have a file which is having name as "Team data-11/23/2012" actually i have to create a file on daily basis except Saturday and Sunday. I need a macro which automatically runs from one file and saves the excel file on daily basis. and the file name should "team data - (today's date)". this file also should be created automatically. it means that macro should run automatically for every 24 hours.
I'm having concerning pulling data from a closed workbook by using a macro. I have tried Google to resolve the issue, but am only getting very basic results which do not apply to the situation I have (or, rather, I perhaps don't know how to edit this code in order to work in the way which I would like it to).
The above image is the main workbook, which I would like to insert the macro into. In cell A1 you can see that there is a filename location - this is the location of the closed secondary workbook which I would like to pull the data from. I would like the macro to take the location which is present in cell A1, copy cells A1:J5000 in the closed workbook, and then paste these into this workbook starting in A7 (i.e. A7:J5007). The reason that the filename location is present in A1 is due to the fact that this will be changing; however I would like the macro always to take the location which is shown in A1 (e.g. if A1 were to change from '... est00218_data.csv' to '... est00001_data.csv' then I would like the macro to take the data from the new location, test00001).
I'm trying to create a macro that will allow me to extract data from another workbook (whose name and location is listed in a defined cell) and populate a range in my new sheet with this data.
Ideally, I want to be able to do this without actualy opening the source file, but any means to this end would be great!
I know this was possible in Lotus 123, but have not yet found a way to do it in Excel.
What I want to do is pull data from columns A,B,C,D in 3 other closed workbooks (export.csv, export1.csv, & export2.csv) to my main workbook (Thunder.xlsm)and append that data in columns A-D on my main workbook. In addition I created a list of 10 names (but need to expand or delete from this list as personnel change) in Column O that I would like to filter the data in A-D. The names in the list must find the data I want to keep in column D, the rest I want to delete (not the entire row, just A-D for that particular row that does not match the criteria in column O, and shift those cells up).
I've attached a sample spreadsheet that will clarify what I am asking. I'm preferably asking for 2 macro's, one for the pull of data, and the other for the filtering.
Is there a way to run a macro automaticly on a closed work book every Friday ? I've found ways of doing this using on-open event but It made me wonder if this was possible.
Following syntax is incorrect, what is wrong? This should happen: Select op a specific worksheet (named DATA) in the workbook Report.xls and I empty the contents
Then I try with a 'With' statement to read the contents of a file named "sourcedata.xls' with helds a worksheet named "source". The values in this sheet should be tranfered to the sheet DATA in the workbook "Report.xls"
Sub FetchDataFromClosedWorkbook() Dim FileName As String Dim SheetName As String Dim cellRange As String Const ReportPath = "C:ExcelReports" Windows("Report.xls").Activate Sheets("DATA").Select Cells.Select....................
i need to make a button that Immidiately stops all macro's, Or (and This will maby be little more difficult) Stop all macros on a specific time inserted in 1 cell
the macro's that i want to stop running, are all single macro's which i activate with only 1 button i created.
i like something like this:
if "A1"(this is the cell where i have my updated clock) == A2 (the time i insert here stops the macro's at this time) do stop Macro's
If you run it now, ctrl t, it produces letters and changes alphabets as it hits a yellow box. If i change or add a yellow box, the letters change fine. The macro works perfectly, but instead of inputting the range or K3 to what ever, i would like to to run this macro and stop once it sees the row with the sort number of 4. ( this changes row postion depending on which sheet im working on, this is the problem).
I have a macro code which gets the file list from a folder i specify and puts it in to an excel sheet as a column. I have then made a drop down list from this so the user can select the file they want.
From this file i wish to copy the data on a sheet that i specify. For example the sheet "dump" from file FR7_19.11.2009.xls (which will be a closed workbook) and paste its content in to the sheet "dump" in Summary.xls
I have a macro which opens up the closed workbook FR7_19.11.2009.xls and copies the sheet "dump" and then creates a new sheet of the same name and content in my current workbook (Summary.xls). However when i wish to select a different file to load in to Summary.xls "dump" the formulas i have been calculating information from this sheet all come up with #!Ref errors. I know this is because the macro i use deletes the old dump sheet before re adding a new one containing new data.
I am therefore looking for a macro which will simply just copy and paste the data from any file i select in to a sheet named "dump" as the data is always set out the same in every file but the values are different. I assume this will then mean that any formulas i use relating to this "dump" sheet in Summary.xls will work because the sheet is no longer being deleted and re-added the data within it has just simply been copied over.
I have a spreadsheet containing a macro to automatically sum values from week to week and display the max/min and average. This is almost fully working. The problem I have is the macro copies the sum formula down the page and doesn't stop at the last row. It always adds one or two extra rows. The formula should stop at row 77 however this does not happen and therefore the sum keeps going. Which in turn, distorts the max/min figures.
I'm trying to create a macro to input information into a cell then repeat until the information stops.
So say I have 10 rows of information that fill up A1:D10. in E1:E10 I'd like a macro to insert some data into E1 then go to E2 and do the same until the end and then stop. So since A11:D11 would be blank the formula would just stop.
I actually work on 100's of cells a day and this is for a bigger project I'm trying to put together or I would just drag.
I am running a macro that populates the same chart with variable data. I have approximately 40 sets of data and wish to pause or stop the macro to view one of the sets of data more closely. The pause option would be better but Stop option is acceptable
I have macros that often pause for the user to take some action -- for instance, to confirm that the correct cells are selected, or to delete something. Usually I use the "Stop" command, which opens the VBA editor; when I finish doing the manual action, I just resume the macro.
When writing macros for actual users, I'd like to do the same thing without their having to deal with the VBA window. Is there a way to pause and resume action and remain in the Excel window?
I did not want to bother you again but I have a problem that I can not solve it because my knowledge in vba etc, are limited and could not become to find with Macro Recorder.Usually I solve the problems on my own by searching on Google and experimenting with ready Macros and Macro Recorder.
I have an excel file with a macro and I want before this macro launched, to run another macro that can check if the headers have the correct name and in its correct position. The headers is in first Row.
If are not in the correct position or if it doesn't exist or if not have the correct name, then the process of the next macro be stopped and of course be informed that there is a problem.But if Is everything okay, then proceed to the next macro and be informed that Is everything okay.
I have attached a Sample file with the headers i'm using.
how to stop macros running on a particular worksheet within a workbook. I have a workbook monitoring vehicle faults with a control sheet. The control sheet displays the reg no and a "traffic light" indicator highlighting faults next to the reg no. Traffic light is turned red and green by If blank control. Each vehicle has a worksheet where faults can be recorded and a menu bar at the bottom of the screen operates numerous macros to "email worksheet"-"clear and copy to history" etc etc. The menu bar though can also be viewed and operated while in the control sheet. If a macro is activated within the control sheet it destroys it as it was not designed the same as the worksheets. Can I programme the menu to be inactive when in the control sheet OR that the menu will only appear when in every other sheet.
Example: I have Sheet 2 set to autocalculate on activate using vb. So when you click on that tab "Sheet 2" it will autocalculate.
My Question is, I have another macro that is copying information between Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. And I don't want calculation to occur during the macro but since it has to select Sheet 2 it performs the autocalculate. Do I have any options to prevent the calculation from occuring when I run my copy paste macro? I only want it to autocalculate when the user selects sheet 2
I've got a series of macros in place which, essentially, download several CSV files into a temp directory, then opens each and copies the data into a single workbook (one sheet).
What happens is that the some number of the sheets don't actually open until the macro stops. I've tried using the wait (Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")) and sleep functions, but it's not quite doing what I want.
What I'd LIKE to do is have the macro actually STOP processing for 10 seconds, then proceed (or start a new macro).
I've also tried putting the wait behind a button in a userform, which is non modal... the csv files open until the user clicks the button.
Sub del() Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = Range("AK3:AL3" & Range("AL" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) For i = 1 To myRange.Rows.Count If myRange(i, 1) >= myRange(i, 2) Then myRange(i, 1) = "" myRange(i, 2) = "" End If Next i End Sub
How do I add a condition that will stop the macro if myRange = ""/is empty?
On a worksheet I have a command button that displays a ConfigureCatalog form.
Code: Public StopRequested as Boolean
'Worksheet Command Button will display the Configure Catalog Form Private Sub CmdConfigure_Click() CatalogConfigForm.Show vbModeless End Sub
The ConfigureCatalog userform has two Command Buttons: cmdRebuildCatalog, and cmdStop. RebuildDSWCatalog is a macro that reads and analyzes just over 35,000 records and updates other worksheets. As it runs, it repaints the CatalogConfigForm with a progress message every 100 records. It can run for about 3 minutes. I want to provide a "STOP" button that will allow the user to interrupt the RebuildDSWCatalog macro and return control to the user.
Code: Private Sub cmdRebuildCatalog_Click() StopRequested = False Call RebuildDSWCatalog End Sub
Private Sub cmdStop_Click() StopRequested = True End Sub
While processing the 35,000 records, I want the RebuildDSWCatalog macro to check whether StopRequested has been set to TRUE prior to processing the record. If StopRequested = TRUE, I want to drop out of the macro.
Code: Public Sub RebuildDSWCatalog() StopRequested = FALSE For DSWRecord = DSWStart To DSWCount If StopRequested = True Then
[Code] ....
Problem is that once the RebuildDSWCatalog macro starts running, the STOP command button never seems to get the focus back. All other input is inhibited until the macro ends.
It just ignores that I'm hitting that STOP button. In fact, the button doesn't visibly respond at all until RebuildDSWCatalog finishes processing all 35,000 records.