Macro When Copied It To Use In Another One Gives Invalid Use Of Me Keyword

May 25, 2007

I have a macro that works fine in one workbook. I copied it to use in another one, but then I get this error message: "Invalid Use of Me Keyword".

Dim wSheet As Worksheet, strMsg As String
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
strMsg = "All sheets protected."
strMsg = "All sheets unprotected."
End If
Next wSheet
MsgBox strMsg
Unload Me
End Sub

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Find Keyword In String And Replace That Cell With Keyword Found

Mar 9, 2014

I'm looking to identify a keyword in a string and then replace that string with just the keyword.

The string is a product description. The keyword is a product group. The keyword can showup in any position in the string.

I can't post the actual data do to confidentiality requirements. but here's an example.



green grapes bunch

[Code] .......

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Deleting Cells With Keyword Macro?

Jul 23, 2014

So I have data that I'm importing in rows 1,2 and 3. The first row has the product type, then rows 2 and 3 have additional info pertaining to that product. I was wondering how I would write a macro that could identify entries in the first row that equal a particular product, and remove those cells, along with its respective info in rows 2 and 3. Ideally, I could just push a button, and a particular product along with all it's info would disappear from my imported table.

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Macro To Scroll To A Row When A Keyword In The Row Is Typed In A Cell

May 10, 2014

I have a list of drugs which possibly could increase to thousands in rows. I will need a macro that can scroll down to a particular row when the text in that row has been entered.

Assuming I have LOTEMP in A5000 , I would want a macro to scroll to row 5000 when the word , " LOTEMP" is typed in cell , say B2.

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Multi Keyword Phrase Finding Macro

Jun 8, 2007

I have a large keyword list in a sheet called "AllKWs" In ColA from A3 downwards).

What I'd like to be able to do is this, which I'm sure will be complicated, but I will explain.

Say keyword phrase sheet has 25,000 rows of data (could be more/could be less).
I click an assigned macro button.
A pop up box appears.
I type in a word or words I'd like some info on, so for example I type in a word or words like "car rent"

It then returns for me on a new sheet called "Multi Keywords" a lot of data on this sheet, which would hopefully be as follows:

All Row 1 will contain Column headings
All row 2 will contain Total Counts (I'll explain in a minute this row)

So, all data to be returned from Row 3 downwards.
OK, as to the data to be returned.
All returned data In all Columns to show data in descending order by No of occurrances/appearances

Col A (From A 3 downwards) = The actual number of 2 word appearances (In this example that contain the words "car rent"

In Col B = All 2 word Phrases Containing ("In this example "Car Rent")
(As a note, In this example, ColA (CellA3) could only show the number"1" and ColB (B3)could only show the phrase "Car Rent") once. (As there isn't no other possible combination).

In Col C =The actual number of 3 word appearances listed in descending order That
contain the word "Car rent"

In Col D =All 3 word Phrases Containing "Car Rent"

In Col E =The actual number of 4 word appearances containing "Car Rent" listed in descending order

In Col F =All 4 word Phrases Containing "Car Rent"

In Col G =The actual number of 5 word appearances listed in descending order

Actually if anyone can crack this I really do take my hat of to them.
OK,A few more points,

Cells B2,D2,F2,H2,J2,L2,N2,P2,R2, All contain the word "Total:" and if the macro can fill in the number as appropriate.

So for example Cell L2 (For 7 word phrases) would say something like "Total:42" (If in Col L From L3 downwards the macro found 42 7 word phrases that contained the words "Car rent"

Ok, Cells A2,C2,E2,G2,I2,K2,M2,O2,Q2 All these cells will contain the word "Total". So these cells would list the combined total number of occurrances of all the phrases.
So for example cell K2 might say "Occur:324" as the total number of occurances of 7 word phrases that had the words "Car rent"in.

OK. as an example, I will post a code that Jindon wrote for me sometime ago. I'm posting this now, as it is very similar in what I would like this macro to be able to do, and might help as I'm sure this 1 will be complicated. This 1 looks for a phrase, returns by No of occurrances etc, but for all the combinations (Word lengths) within the Keyword phrase list, rather than what I'm asking for now, which splits them into Number of words columns.

Here it is anyway:

Sub NicheKeywordFinder()
Dim a, dic As Object, X, myTxt As String, b(), c(), n As Long, i As Long, e, s, myTotal As Long
myTxt = InputBox("HuaHinCarRental - Niche Keyword Finder") 'change to suit
If Len(myTxt) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
ReDim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1): ReDim c(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 3)
With Sheets("All KWs") 'change to suit
a = .Range("a1", .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
End With

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Find Row With Keyword And Then Use Row Number Macro To Hide Columns

Nov 4, 2013

I have a workbook with several sheets that have basically the same template but some have many more rows that others..

I am using the following code to hide columns based on cell value to "tidy it up" for printing.

Dim i As Long
For i = 170 To 2 Step -1
Cells(39, i).EntireColumn.Hidden = Cells(39, i).Value = "N"
Next i

I would like the VBA to determine what the row number is based on the row header e.g. "Prioritised Courses", rather than having to maintain the code each time new rows are added.

I would put it at the top or way down the bottom, but multiple (even less excel skilled) users will be using the "hide columns" functionality.

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How To Copy Row To Last Row And Paste Copied Rows Directly Below Copied Contents

Oct 20, 2013

with a macro. I am looking to copy row 2 to the last row and past the copied rows directly below the copied contents.

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Macro For Returning URL Of First Search Result On Google From Keyword List In Excel

Apr 3, 2013

So basically I have an Excel sheet which has keywords that need to be entered in Google search. I need the URL of the first page of the search result that appears after that keyword is entered. IS there a macro for the same?

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Macro Error: Invalid Outside Procedure

Feb 18, 2008

I'm adding a new macro and getting the error message Compile Error:Invalid outside procedure. I'm using the following code

Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim vFound
On Error Resume Next
For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wSheet
Set Tble_Array = .Range(Tble_Array.Address)
vFound = WorksheetFunction.VLookup _
(Look_Value, Tble_Array, _
Col_num, Range_look)
End With
If Not IsEmpty(vFound) Then Exit For
Next wSheet
Set Tble_Array = Nothing
VLOOKAllSheets = vFound
End Function

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Macro On Copied Sheet

Oct 16, 2008

Macro on copied sheet. I have a macro using the following to bring a shape to the front:

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Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure (execute Macro On Pivot Refresh)

Jan 27, 2009

I keep getting this error:

"Compile Error: Invalid outside procedure"

What I am doing is having a macro execute every time my Pivot table is refreshed, the macro invokes a format change.

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Disable Macro If Workbook Copied

Mar 11, 2014

I have a Workbook on a shared drive, with a button that runs a macro.

Is there a way to disable this if anyone makes a copy of this workbook, or does Save As? (If it is not the original workbook).

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How To Disable Macro When File Is Copied From Original

Mar 8, 2014

How to disable a macro when the workbook opened is a copy ** the original, the only difference between the 2 files would be the date created, could it possible to use some VBA to check for this "Date Created", and if the date is different from the original, then the copy will not able to run the macro or some sheets will be hidden in the copied file?

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VBA Macro (once Copied The Cell Value The Documents Then Close)

Oct 6, 2008

I have a large macro where it looks into 50 documents and pulls out a value from a specific cell.

I dont have any problem with the coding for this but was wondering if it is possible to add another line of coding so that once it has copied the cell value the documents then close.

Currently when I run the macro, it leaves all 50 documents open once it has taken all the cell values and pasted them into my "Master Document".

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Change Sheet Macro Name In A New Copied Workbook.

Jun 27, 2009

I have a workbook, 'MyWb.xls' and a sheet with buttons to which I attach some sheet macros. When I assign a macro to a button I pick the appropriate reference, e.g. Sheet2.MyMacro, and this gets recorded by default as MyWb.xls!Sheet2.MyMacro

When I create a new single sheet workbook with the instruction ActiveSheet.Copy, I end up with a new workbook, say 'Book2' along with the buttons as expected. However the macros attached to the buttons still refer to the MyWB.xls file and not the new 'Book2.xls'. As part of the process of creating the new book I've tried redefining the macro with the instruction

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Insert Copied Cells Modification (Macro)

Jan 26, 2014

I don't know if a macro is necessary, but the built in Insert -> Insert copied cells -> Shift cells down function can't accomplish what I require.

I've pasted in two example tables for what I'd like to do. For the first table, the data in column C is a name and the cells from columns D-Z, rows 7-10 is what I want to copy and paste from row 12, column D; row 13, column D; etc, etc. However, I want the full rows below the name in column C to move down when I paste from column D. Using the Insert function on the Insert blade only gives me the data in columns D-Z moving down.

The second pasted table gives an example of how I want it to look.



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Macro Won't Read Copied Cells Unless Retyped Into Cell

Apr 10, 2014

I have a macro that copies time cells from another sheet and puts them in cells in another sheet, I also have another macro that takes 30 mins away from that time if a certain condition is reached but it wont work unless i retype over the copied cell.

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Excel Macro To Insert Copied Row To The Cell Currently Highlighted

May 16, 2014

I have 4 rows that are on a "Resource" sheet need to be inserted into about 150 different variable locations across 20 different sheets. Here is the code I have so far the will copy it to one specific location (see below). I need making the macro insert these copied cells to which ever cell I currently have active. I'm still really new at VB programming so this probably something really simple to solve.

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Insert Copied Cells Into Multiple Locations Using Macro

Sep 14, 2009

I've been using the following macro ....

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Assigned Macro Name Does Not Change When Workbook Is Copied And Renamed

Mar 20, 2007

I've created a custom toolbar and populated it with a custom button. I have created a macro and it resides in ThisWorkbook. The macro is assigned to the custom button and the toolbar attached to the workbook. So far, so good. If I copy the workbook and rename it, when I click the button to run the macro it launches the original workbook and runs the macro. The macro effects changes on the renamed workbook copy. The macro name found in the assign macro dialogue starts with the original workbook name. The same effect if the macro resides in a module or sheet. Any known way to have the macro name change along with the renaming of the workbook such taht it refers to the currently opened workbook macros? Regards.

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Excel Macro Stops Working In Copied Spreadsheet Within Same Workbook

Jan 4, 2012

I have a simple list of data (Name, Room, etc.) in a spreadsheet. Each day I click on the spreadsheet tab and create a "copy" and (move to end). This creates a spreadsheet for the next day's data.

My problem is that the macro I use to sort this data never works in the newly created spreadsheet within the same workbook. As usual, I'm sure it is something relatively simple that I am overlooking.

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Button In Sheet1 With Macro Copied To Sheet2 And Sheet3 Not Working

Jan 28, 2013

I have this macro code in Sheet1 assigned to a button named Combination. I copied the whole sheet twice and moved to end. So they have the same data content and hopefully the macro in sheet1 will work as well in sheets2 and 3. But it's not. I just copied the code from VB codes Excel objects Sheet1 to Sheet2 and Sheet3. The cursor changed to a reading glass but it doesn't display any result. I am sure it's the worksheets(1).range part that needs to be edited but i am not sure if that is simply changing it to worksheets(2) or worksheets(3). I tried that also but no effect also.

Option Explicit

Public Sub ModelPricing_Template()

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, d As Integer
Dim e As Integer, f As Integer, g As Integer


[Code] ........

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Recorded A Function And Got The Message Box "Invalid Outside Procedure" When I Tried To Run The Macro

Jul 28, 2006

I recorded a function and got the message box "Invalid Outside Procedure" when I tried to run the macro. I don't understand what it means or how to prevent it.

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Data Copied And Pasted With Macro Leaves Residue In "blank" Cells

Jun 12, 2009

I copy and paste large amounts of data using macros. Excel leaves some kind of trace, placeholder or something in the cells that are blank on the original sheet. So all my math calculations are messed up on the destination sheet.

Using GoTo special blanks does not work to select these cells in mass. I know how to loop through all the cells one at a time and check to see if they are "" or have a length of zero and clear them, but these methods take forever.

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Speed-up Slow Macro Code: Entries In Column 73 - 85 Will Be Copied From WorkbookRust To The Other Workbook If The Numer In Column 5 Is The Same

Mar 25, 2008

my existing macro, as the run takes to much time to complete. (at least 20min) I've already tried several loops, but no one worked for me. Following situation: There are two excel files, entries in column 73 - 85 will be copied from WorkbookRust to the other workbook if the numer in column 5 is the same. Not every cell within this columns contains data, so the macro should automatically jump to the last entry in each of the above mentioned columns, instead of predefine the range as you see in the code below. After the data is copied to the other workbook, it will be filtered acc. to Sub FilterMain and then copied back to WorkbookRust. As already said, the whole thing works, just to lame.

Sub Allmacros()
Dim WorkbookRust As String
WorkbookRust = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ChDir "C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplausch"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplauschCH_Revenue_2008.xls"
Windows(WorkbookRust).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!UpdateEntries" ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!FilterMain"
'not ask to overwrite existing file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub

Sub UpdateEntries()......................

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Macro Copy Of The Active Sheet And Then Rename The New Copied Sheet

Jul 30, 2009

I'm trying to create a copy of the active sheet and then rename the new copied sheet to what's in cell O4, which is a formula (see below) and then paste value cell O4 in B3 of the copied sheet. However, when I run this macro it doesn't seem to like the second line where I am renaming the sheet (run time error '1004').

"O4" =DATE(YEAR($B$3),MONTH($B$3)+1,DAY($B$3))

Sub NewMonth()

ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("O4").Value
ActiveSheet.Range("B3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

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Keyword Filtering

Nov 14, 2008

I'm quite newbie for VBA for excel, my friend asked me a favor to filter the data on his excel, so when he enter some keyword, the table would sorted (only show the row that have that keyword), and if possible that he enter it few keyword.

keyword example VB, oracle

table example ....

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Keyword Lookup And Count?

Mar 19, 2014

I'm trying to extract the number of times specific keywords are used in Sheet1 and display that number on Sheet2.

For example:

Keywords to be used
ni = not interested
appt = appointment
na = not available

If ni is used 10 times, appt is uesd 2 times and na used 6 times.

I want to be able to see those numbers on Sheet2 next to the keywords.

ni = 10
appt = 2
na = 6

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Keyword Search And Export

Feb 8, 2014

Code / macro that would automatically search a word doc for keywords and export every instance of that keyword into column A of a spreadsheet, the first three or four words prior to that keywords into column B, and the entire sentence where the keywords is found into column C?

I often pull hundreds of pages of text from a program that exports into Word and have to look through the pages to find every instance where a point is referenced by geolocation. Then I have to filter through that data to determine which of the points I found are truly important before I save it all to a csv or xls and feed it into mapping software.

If I had a code / macro that did the search and export automatically, it would save hours of work.

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Keyword, Matching And Breaking Up?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a work sheet called 'Cross Ref data' which I want to put a keyword in column A (row 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc)

I then want to be able to run a macro that will grab the contents of A1 in WS called 'Cross Ref data' and check if it appears in column D and E in WS 'Results'

If there is a match then for the entire line within WS 'Results' be copied to a WS that already exists called "Cross Ref Results" (please see the below heading '88888***********8888' for the layout) .........

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