Macro Won't Read Copied Cells Unless Retyped Into Cell
Apr 10, 2014
I have a macro that copies time cells from another sheet and puts them in cells in another sheet, I also have another macro that takes 30 mins away from that time if a certain condition is reached but it wont work unless i retype over the copied cell.
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Jan 26, 2014
I don't know if a macro is necessary, but the built in Insert -> Insert copied cells -> Shift cells down function can't accomplish what I require.
I've pasted in two example tables for what I'd like to do. For the first table, the data in column C is a name and the cells from columns D-Z, rows 7-10 is what I want to copy and paste from row 12, column D; row 13, column D; etc, etc. However, I want the full rows below the name in column C to move down when I paste from column D. Using the Insert function on the Insert blade only gives me the data in columns D-Z moving down.
The second pasted table gives an example of how I want it to look.
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Sep 14, 2009
I've been using the following macro ....
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Oct 6, 2008
I have a large macro where it looks into 50 documents and pulls out a value from a specific cell.
I dont have any problem with the coding for this but was wondering if it is possible to add another line of coding so that once it has copied the cell value the documents then close.
Currently when I run the macro, it leaves all 50 documents open once it has taken all the cell values and pasted them into my "Master Document".
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Feb 5, 2012
I have three workbooks that contain various types of information. I have an Overtime workbook that lists employees and calculates the straight time and overtime worked for the day. This is the main log that information will be pulled from.
I need writing a macro that will copy over information to an Absent Log workbook and a Production Model workbook.
The Absent Log workbook:
This workbook contains worksheets from each month. I need excel to do a lookup of the name in the Overtime workbook and copy the information from the "OT" column but if that column is empty I need it to pull the information from the "Personal DT" column.
The Production Model workbook:
I need this workbook to automatically pull the total straight hours and overtime hours to the production model for the correct day. This will also pull from multiple sheets.
I am going to be writing this in Excel 2010 but it will be primarily used in Excel 2003.
I uploaded the workbooks to filefactory.
OT Workbook: [URL] ......
Absent "Log" workbook: [URL] .....
Production Model: [URL] .....
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May 16, 2014
I have 4 rows that are on a "Resource" sheet need to be inserted into about 150 different variable locations across 20 different sheets. Here is the code I have so far the will copy it to one specific location (see below). I need making the macro insert these copied cells to which ever cell I currently have active. I'm still really new at VB programming so this probably something really simple to solve.
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Apr 5, 2013
I want to design a macro to check if the cell has a comment in it. If so, the macro should read the comment and store it in a variable.
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Mar 14, 2009
I've written a script to read all the values in an excel worksheet in to an array. The cell types differ from General or Text to Custom - HH:MM When I look through the array the script has returned the correct value for most but for the cells that are of a custom type an "incorrect" value has been returned. For example a cell of type Custom HH:MM which is 10:23:00 in the worksheet appears as 0.432638888888889 in the array. Is there a way to get the script to return the correct value?
Below is an extract of the code I've used
If objWorksheet.Cells(i, "D") <> "" Then
If objWorksheet.Cells(i, "F") <> "" Then
arrCULDEV = Split(objWorksheet.Cells(i, "F"), ":")
Redim Preserve arrSheetInfo(x)
arrSheetInfo(x) = arrCULDEV(0) & "," & arrCULDEV(1)
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
End If
End If
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Jun 12, 2009
I copy and paste large amounts of data using macros. Excel leaves some kind of trace, placeholder or something in the cells that are blank on the original sheet. So all my math calculations are messed up on the destination sheet.
Using GoTo special blanks does not work to select these cells in mass. I know how to loop through all the cells one at a time and check to see if they are "" or have a length of zero and clear them, but these methods take forever.
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Oct 20, 2013
with a macro. I am looking to copy row 2 to the last row and past the copied rows directly below the copied contents.
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Mar 29, 2014
Have you ever copy a row with formula in locked cells & insert it in a protected worksheet?
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to get a code that will just read the text in a cell that contains text and numbers example abc123 I want it to only read the abc as the numbers can change and cant write them all into my macro all the time.
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Oct 16, 2008
Macro on copied sheet. I have a macro using the following to bring a shape to the front:
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Jul 1, 2013
I have a daily spreadsheet tracking sales. When I copy the cells to a new spreadsheet, alternate rows are filled with black. Even after selecting the black filled rows, I am unable to eliminate the black. I would simply like to "duplicate" the existing workbook. How can this be accomplished.
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Jul 23, 2009
I've been trying to solve this for days. In Excel 2007 there is a 'Insert copied cells' function after copying cells and right-clicking on a cell which basically just inserts all copied cells to your desired location.
My question is, how do you call this function in VB, I've used F1 extensively and searched the net and haven't come up with an answer.
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Sep 25, 2013
I'm using a macro to copy cells (2 columns and between 1 and 5 rows [19 - 23 on s/s]) from one workbook to another but if I use
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
then every cell in the inserted rows are populated.
this is what I currently have
Windows("agent master.xlsm").Activate
Windows("distribution master.xlsm").Activate
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = False
but that doesnt work either. It just gives me an empty cell in A2.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a Workbook on a shared drive, with a button that runs a macro.
Is there a way to disable this if anyone makes a copy of this workbook, or does Save As? (If it is not the original workbook).
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May 25, 2007
I have a macro that works fine in one workbook. I copied it to use in another one, but then I get this error message: "Invalid Use of Me Keyword".
Dim wSheet As Worksheet, strMsg As String
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
strMsg = "All sheets protected."
strMsg = "All sheets unprotected."
End If
Next wSheet
MsgBox strMsg
Unload Me
End Sub
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Jun 10, 2006
I have some code (authored by Dangler) that i want to pull not just one range but also the contents of one specific cell and then copy the range and cell to a line on another spreadsheet.
f .Cells(i, 8).Value > 0 Then
.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 200)).Copy
Sheets("all").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial (xlValues)
End If
I want to add a single cells contents to the LINE that is being copied .... something like this...
f .Cells(i, 8).Value > 0 Then
.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 200)) AND A1.Copy
Sheets("all").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial (xlValues)
End If
the output would be like this: CELL CONTENTS, RANGE CONTENTS
K21, 40012122 400 450 450 50 001 BAGS
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Aug 1, 2006
i have some columns which contain the IF function and so it returns me a value in each cell. Is there any way to copy only the values AND insert shift down the copied cells onto somehwere else?
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Mar 8, 2014
How to disable a macro when the workbook opened is a copy ** the original, the only difference between the 2 files would be the date created, could it possible to use some VBA to check for this "Date Created", and if the date is different from the original, then the copy will not able to run the macro or some sheets will be hidden in the copied file?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a workbook, 'MyWb.xls' and a sheet with buttons to which I attach some sheet macros. When I assign a macro to a button I pick the appropriate reference, e.g. Sheet2.MyMacro, and this gets recorded by default as MyWb.xls!Sheet2.MyMacro
When I create a new single sheet workbook with the instruction ActiveSheet.Copy, I end up with a new workbook, say 'Book2' along with the buttons as expected. However the macros attached to the buttons still refer to the MyWB.xls file and not the new 'Book2.xls'. As part of the process of creating the new book I've tried redefining the macro with the instruction
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Jun 18, 2014
In my current sheet, I have a button which pastes the contents of the user's clipboard into cell A20. The data that is being pasted is a simple, single-column range of data that may or my not contain blank cells. When this button is clicked, the user's clipboard should already have data.
Some of these pasted ranges may go from A20:A40, A20:A60, or even A20:A73. The point is, the length of the pasted information is variable.
I am looking for VBA code which can look at the recently pasted range in A20:AX, find blank cells, and remove them. Here is my current code (very simple), which is only the paste function:
Sub admin_btnPASTE()
' paste_align Macro
' pastes data
On Error Goto Whoa
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Mar 18, 2014
As you would normally use indirect formulas so the cell references don't change. Which that is what I want in the end, but I need to copy them to an indefinite number of cells first and would like to not do it by hand. I have found some solutions to similar questions/problems but cannot figure out how to make them work for me. So, what I am looking to do is this... (I have also attached the spreadsheet for reference)
I have gotten the information in columns A through F on the first sheet to update as rows are added, moved, deleted on the second sheet using Indirect range. Also, I could do this for Column I (Copmleted Proj. Avg. Terminations) but I would have to do it manually (as I began doing in I3, I4 & I5) but that would be time consuming. So I am hoping there is a way I can copy the formula down the cells are updated for the initial copy but then don't update if the referenced cells are moved or deleted.
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Mar 20, 2007
I've created a custom toolbar and populated it with a custom button. I have created a macro and it resides in ThisWorkbook. The macro is assigned to the custom button and the toolbar attached to the workbook. So far, so good. If I copy the workbook and rename it, when I click the button to run the macro it launches the original workbook and runs the macro. The macro effects changes on the renamed workbook copy. The macro name found in the assign macro dialogue starts with the original workbook name. The same effect if the macro resides in a module or sheet. Any known way to have the macro name change along with the renaming of the workbook such taht it refers to the currently opened workbook macros? Regards.
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Feb 26, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with 27 Columns and 439 rows of data. I need to copy each row of data that has a certain criteria and paste the same data 141 times below it and then manipulate the data. In the same spreadsheet I need to copy a row of data that has other criteria in it and past it 30 times below it, and then manipulate the data.
I have been using the copy and insert copied cells function, but I have to scroll down 141 or 30 rows each time to ensure I add in the correct amount of rows. Is there a more productive way to do this? I have about 10 workbooks with approximately 47 tabs/worksheets each that I will need to update in a similar fashion.
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Jan 27, 2014
Below is code I have attempted. I am learning VBA and have gathered this code from the internet and this forum. I have data that is in columns B to E and from row 7 down. I want this VBA code to run when data is copied/pasted in these cells. Where the last values stop will vary so I just want to be sure this code is executed after all the data is pasted in these cells. The data will be pasted at one time. When the user removes the data from these cells, I do not want the code to run.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Do nothing if less than four cells are changed or content deleted
If Target.Cells.Count < 4 Or IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
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Jan 4, 2007
I'm trying to open a file on a network drive...but I'm getting the following error message when it opens: "This file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document is stored on may not be responding." Now, the file itself has no rights restrictions and is not read only. It doesn't appear to be locked.
Now, there are other Excel files in the same directory which I could open fine; however, the Excel documents having the above problem all have a little black icon "appears to be a padlock" (image attached) at the bottom left hand side of the Excel file icon. I tried the following:
- Renaming
- Converting to a different file format (didn't work, it won't let me)
- Opening in notepad...etc doesn't work.
This file is dated back in you think it's corrupt? Is there anything i can do to open or recover this?
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Jan 4, 2012
I have a simple list of data (Name, Room, etc.) in a spreadsheet. Each day I click on the spreadsheet tab and create a "copy" and (move to end). This creates a spreadsheet for the next day's data.
My problem is that the macro I use to sort this data never works in the newly created spreadsheet within the same workbook. As usual, I'm sure it is something relatively simple that I am overlooking.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have this macro code in Sheet1 assigned to a button named Combination. I copied the whole sheet twice and moved to end. So they have the same data content and hopefully the macro in sheet1 will work as well in sheets2 and 3. But it's not. I just copied the code from VB codes Excel objects Sheet1 to Sheet2 and Sheet3. The cursor changed to a reading glass but it doesn't display any result. I am sure it's the worksheets(1).range part that needs to be edited but i am not sure if that is simply changing it to worksheets(2) or worksheets(3). I tried that also but no effect also.
Option Explicit
Public Sub ModelPricing_Template()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, d As Integer
Dim e As Integer, f As Integer, g As Integer
[Code] ........
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