Make Static Date Appear When Cell Has Text Entered?

Jan 19, 2014

Any way where is a list of cells (b3:b113) has text entered, or specific text entered, it will enter a static cell in the corresponding "d" column.

I know of CTRL + ; but i don't really know how to get it to work as a macro, can't find a forumla that enters the static date, and i don't want to make a macro to copy + paste special the date when it happens.

So all i should have to do is entered text in column b, then it will add a time stamp, when that text was entered, it doesn't have to update.

Like all i need is this, but instead of the "now()" function, it will have another function that doesn't automatically update?


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Static Date Stamp: Add A Date Stamp That Will Populate A Field When Text Is Entered Into Another Cell

Jun 28, 2007

How can I add a date stamp that will populate a field when text is entered into another cell but will not change every time I re-open the sheet. I have been using =if(B4="",NOW()) which changes each time though and as soon as text is entered it disappears. I want to capture the actual date that someone enters text into a cell and save that date in another cell???

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How To Make Dynamic Drop Down Based On Static Cell

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to send my field reps a spreadsheet that will allow them to pick the proper location for each building. The problem I am having is that there are ~45,000 buildings, each with anywhere from 1 - 92 locations. Here is how my spreadsheet is set up.

Sheet 1
Column B is where I want the drop down to be available for the rep to pick the location

Sheet 2
Column A has a list of the buildings
Column B has a list of the locations

I understand that normally I would need to create a named range for each building and its locations. However, there are more Buildings than columns in Excel. Is there a way I can do this using Index/Match, or Offset, or Indirect? I have a sample spreadsheet that can be found in my dropbox account using this link [URL]

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Excel 2013 :: Date Placed In Cell When Text Entered In A2

May 8, 2013

Is there a formula which places the date In A5 whenever text is entered in A2 - Excel 2013

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When A Date Entered On A Specific Cell, Automatically Enter A Text In Other Cell

Jul 10, 2006

I have 6 Headings in excel named...

"A" in cell A1, B in B1, "C" in C1, "D" in D1, "E" in E1 and "F" in F1.

There are two projects.

Project 1 has phase A, D & F and Project 2 has phase A, B, C, D & E.

My Specification follows...

1). Take Prject 1 - Which starts from cell A2 I will keyin "A". When the phase comes to an end I will key in the end date of the phase. As soon as I key in the end date in cell A2 Letter D should automatically appear in the cell D2 and when Phase D comes to an end I will key in the end date in Cell D2 which should automatically keyin F in the cell F2. and is the same case for Project 2.

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How To Make Sure That Only Positive Numbers Are Entered In A Cell

Jan 13, 2008

I am trying to restrict data input to a cell for only positive numbers. Currently, I have used data validation to accept decimals and numbers greater than zero. The cell is formatted for percentage with 2 decimal places. The "error message" alerts you that you have to have positive numbers only. The catch is that when the error message comes up and you use the 'retry' button, the entry is multiplied by 100.

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Check Cell Has Date & Insert Current Static Date

Jun 25, 2008

I have a user form that when a command button is clicked it enters the data from the from into coloums a,b,c,etc. I have code to do this but I want to add code to add a static date in coloum B based on if coloum A had data entered from the form. I need the date not to change to current date when the file is reopened. I am trying to elimate a date text box in the form. I have a link to the file

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Possible To Make Sum Formula Based Off Dates Entered In Different Cell?

Jul 28, 2014

How would you write a formula where the sum depends on what dates you enter in A1 and B1?

Date cells C1 to C365

A1 start date
B1 end date

A1 = 1/1/14
B1 = 1/31/14

So cells C1 to C31 will be added.


This formula works, except if you enter a different starting dates, it just counts from c1.

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Make Formula Cell Appear Empty Until Data Is Entered

Jun 10, 2006

I'm creating a "universal-fluctuating" vendor inventory return worksheet for a auto parts store that consist of one criteria (cores, warranties, or N/R ) and will return one or two results of core cost and/or unit cost. This part of the task I have accomplished by using a drop down list for my criteria and my results will appear in two different columns using a Vlookup table. The problem is due to inventory fluctuating from cores and waranties on a month by month basis, vendor requiremnts differ for the number of units returned, and last make the boss happy on ink and papers supplies :D I was wondering if it is possible loop my code in a given column where it will move my code to the next row untill I reach a grand total?

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Add Static Date & Time To Cell

Nov 8, 2006

I am not sure whether this can happen, I want to capture time taken for different activities, without manually entering the details.I tried the formula "=Now()", but what happens is that at the end of the day the times are all the same because the live time is changing. Is there a way where the live time is captured and freezed, so that at the end of the day i have a time log sheet.

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Possible To Make Sheets Static?

Dec 7, 2006

what im creating is a live odds program for NFL football... and in my workbook I have ALL the teams as individual sheets.

The problem im having is say im looking at the calculations for Pittsburgh on the pittsburgh sheet, and my macro decides to update.

What it does is pulls me away from the pittsburgh sheet and goes through all the updates for all the teams on all the sheets. By the time its updated all the odds for all the sheets and running and highlighting with the other macros I have to click back to Pittsburgh and view again for like 20 seconds.. and away she goes again updating the sheets.

Is there any substitute for "select" in the programming where it will not select the sheet.. but just update it "behind the scenes" ?? making the page static and remaining viewable while it runs all the processes in the background??

( yep im pretty new at all this, but i have a great method for calculating games and winners each week, but probably better without looking for 20 seconds waiting, clicking back to the sheet and looking for another 20 seconds .. etc etc .)

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Static Date & Time Corresponding To Cell Change

Aug 15, 2008


What I need is lets say I have 3 columns Name, Date & Time

Name field has a drop down menu having a list of names

Now what I need is - lets say from the dropdown menu someone selects a name - THEN at the same instance the Time & Date fields gets populated with the Date & Time of that update.

and that Date & Time shouldn’t change if someone selects the same or different name in the row below

Kindly assist in lay man terms as I am a novice to Excel


In this format what I need is like above , the start date & start time should update real time ONLY when a name is selected

and when the End date is selected the End time , Date Elapsed & Time Elapsed should Populate automatically.

However there should be NO effect if data is entered or changed in the Request Id or Issue Cells - basically the triggers should only be Name field & End date Field

Can you attach an example sheet as well please

Have enclosed an sample attachment

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Static Date Stamp Certains Cell Changes

Feb 14, 2008

I belive i have a simple date stamp problem, but i do not know the correct VBA to edit the code posted below. I would like to have a datestamp placed in an adjacent cell based upon a particular value. For instance, If Cancel is entered into cell a2, then b2 would gave the date stamp. or if Started was entered into a2, then c2 would have the date stamp.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A100")) Is Nothing Then
With Target(1, 2)
.Value = Date
End With
End If
End Sub

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Anyway To Make Auto Fill Time Value Static

Jan 24, 2009

I have 2 cell, A1 and B1. When any data is entered into A1, B1 will display the time corresponding to when the data was entered.

I was thinking about function for B1 would be "=IF(A1="","",now()) ". It worked such that it will display the time, however the value in B1 will automatically update itself if I were to randomly input any data in any other cell too.

For example, I input "testing" in A1. B1 display "11:20PM". Ten minutes later, I input "hello" in A2. B1 now display "11:30PM".

Anyone know a way to stop B1 from updating? or only update when new data is entered into A1 only?

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How To Make The Result Of A TODAY Function Static?

Mar 22, 2006

I have a problem with the today Function. It appears that it changes each day. But that isn't what I want! I'd like to have a funtion that puts the current Date in a field when Data is being added in the Row and then having this date static the next day. Here is what I had so far but I have no clue to make the date static:

=IF(C10>0;TODAY();IF(D10>0;TODAY();" "))

in this case it checks for information in field C10 and D10 and if there is information it will add a Date like 2006-03-22. But new day the field will change to 2006-03-23 and that is not what i want. I want it to stay the same when data is put in and the date is being presented.

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Auto Populate Cell With Static Date As Another Cell Is Populated

Jan 25, 2008

I have used the following =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(NOW())) & =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(Today())),
but when the excel file is closed and opened the date changes to now or today. How can I make the date stay and not change?

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Count Used Cells Formula. Make Reference Static

Nov 5, 2006

I have a problem using indirect in a counta function. Basically, I want to count the number of used cells in a range. However, there would be insertions to the rows (using the insert row) on top of the range.

my function is now =counta(indirect(" events database"!"A"&M22&":A"&M500)

However, this formula returns an error. What have I typed wrongly?

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Text Search :: Find A Match When Date Entered

Jan 29, 2006

Here is what I have:

Column J is the date opened. Column T is the date closed. Of course,
column T will have no date if still open.
Column K and O may or may not have text.
Column AF6 has a date, mm/dd/yyyy, that is entered/changed depending on the search.

What I need is a formula in AF8 that will look at the date entered in AF6 and find a match in columns J and T. Then it will look to see if there is text in K and O. If so, populate AF8 with that text.

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Calculate The Number Of Days From A Date Entered Into Cell A1 To Today's Date

May 19, 2009

I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:

5/10/2009 to today is -9

5/22/2009 to today is 3

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VBA - Validate Date Entered In Input Box Is Month Ahead Of Date In Cell

Aug 14, 2012

I have a input box that prompts a user to enter a date of a new month - it has to be the 1st of a new month. I have validation that it is a date that has been entered but then i want to validate the date entered is a month ahead of a date in a cell range on a sheet.

It is a monthly reset so it has to roll on from the previous month.

Here is what i have currently but it isn't working.


' Get user to input the first day of the new month to populate all dates with
dNewMonth = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter first Day of the new Month. Must be the 1st of the Month e.g. 01/10/2012", _
Title:="Enter Date")
' Validates the entered date is a valid date
If (IsDate(dNewMonth) = False) Then


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Add A Date Time Stamp In A Cell After Data Is Entered In A Different Cell And Date

Apr 18, 2014

I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?

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Comparing Previously Entered Date With New Date In Same Cell?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm working on the final stage of a project. I'm attempting to write code that will set off a chain of events if two dates are 91+ days apart from each other . I've attached a sample worksheet that shows the bare bones basics of what I'm attempting to do.

What will be the most efficient and effective way of accomplishing my goal: userform, functions, formatting, etc.? T

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Change Cell To CLOSED When Date Entered

Jan 19, 2010

I need a script that changes a cell to say closed (uses a drop box) when a date is entered into the date column. I have attached a workbook with the basic options, obviously there will be a lot more columns and information in the original workbook and I will adding the code to at least 2 worksheets.

However to give a basic understanding if I have a drop box in column A with the options Active, Inactive and Closed. When I enter a date in Column B (headed Closed Date) I want Column A to change the option to Closed automatically.

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Warning If Date Entered In Cell Is Weekend Day

Apr 5, 2012

I need a formula that will give a warning if the date entered in cell is a weekend day.

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Excel 2003 :: Cell Value To Change If Date Is Entered In Different Cell?

Feb 21, 2014

I am using Excel 2003 at work.

New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:

Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3
Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.

At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.

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Preventing Text Being Entered In A Cell

Oct 2, 2013

How do I prevent or allow text to be entered into a Cell or not. Ie if cell A1 contains the word "Text" I want text to be able to be entered in A2, but if A1 contains "No Text" if want to prevent text being entered A2. Is this possible, if so how?

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Combo Box With A Yes Or No Drop But How Do You Make The Y A Default Always Entered

Dec 16, 2009

How do you make a Yes No combo box always have the default answer as Yes appearing on a user form but still allow the user to change it to NO?

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Make Text Flow Into Adjacent Cell Without Merging Cells Or Wrapping Text?

Jul 19, 2014

I have some text in a cell, which is longer than the width that I am going to make that cell. When I don't wrap the text, it cuts it off at the end of the cell.

Since each column represents a day in a calendar, it would be incorrect to merge the two cells, but I don't want the text hidden, since I need to print the final product.

It is non-numeric text, and i've pasted --> values to remove formula issues.

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Stop Calendar Count Down When Date Within That Month Entered In New Cell

May 27, 2014

I have attached a copy of a spreadsheet that I am putting together, What I need to achieve is, when a date is entered into the completion date cell the daily count down in the days left cell stops but still shows the value in that cell. The Annual or Monthly cal tabs are the ones i need the formula for.

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Make Positive Entered Numbers Appear As Negative For Budget

Mar 28, 2007

I am trying to create a budget in excel and want to type my numbers (in certain cells only) without a - sign but I want them to appear, and calculate, as negative numbers. Basically, I am lazy and don't want to have to remember to use a - for all of my expenses when I am inputting the data.

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