Making Formula Calculate At The Top Of Hour
Apr 19, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that I use to track my stocks. I have installed a third party add-in that goes out to the internet and grabs various stock information. But, when you are pulling info on about 30 stocks and getting info like name, price, dividend, div pay date and such, it slows the spread sheet down tremendously. Is there a way to keep the value in the cell and change it only during a certain time period such as 5 minutes before the top of the hour to five minutes after the top of the hour.
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Apr 27, 2014
Formula to calculate time allotted minus time used and show the difference in hour and minute.
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Nov 12, 2013
Is it possible to take data in format dd:hh:mm and convert to working days - ie. 8 hour days?
For example:
02:12:15 (60 hours and 15 minutes .. or 3615 minutes)
to be converted to:
07:04:15 (7 working days: 4 hours: 15 minutes)
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Apr 10, 2014
Time arithmetic, I have two cells representing a time range.
The first one (say: X1) is formatted using the custom format [h]:mm and contains a certain number of hours and minutes. It gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. A typical entry could be 98:35 to represent a duration 98 hours and 35 minutes.
The second cell (say: X2) is formatted as a number with 4 decimal places after the comma, and similarily gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. It also represents a time duration as a number of hours. A typical entry could be 202.7500 to represent a duration of 202 hours and 45 minutes (because 0.75 of an hour is 45 minutes).
I would like to calculate the hour difference between these cells, and display it as hours and minutes. In the example given, the result should be negative, i.e. -104:10.
My first approach was to use the formula X1-X2 and format the result as [h]:mm, but this gives me a #VALUE! error.
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Jan 7, 2014
I am trying to calculate the the breakdown time for each hour in the factory. I have the start time and finish time of each breakdown. There are 8 hours in a shift starting at 6:45. So hour 1 would be (6:45-7:45), hour 2 (7:45-8:45). If the machine breaks down between 7:06 and 8:20 what will be the amount of time lost in each hour? In this example it would be 39 mins in hour 1 and 35 mins in hours 2. How I can achieve this result?
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Feb 15, 2008
I am trying to calculate downtime for a Service Level Agreement.
The data that I have is the start date/time and the resolved date/time for an incident.
The data are in the format - 1/1/2008 03:32 AM. The incidents may occur at any time but downtime is calculated only business hours and excludes weekends. I may be required to exclude holidays but that is not a hard requirement right now. What I must be able to specify are the working hours.
As example(s)
- if an incident is generated on 1/2/2008 4:00 PM and resolved at 1/3/2008 11:00 AM then the downtime is 4 hours.
- if an incident is generated on 1/12/2008 4:00 PM (which is a Sat) and resolved at 1/14/2008 11:00 AM (which is Monday) then the downtime is 3 hours.
The above assumes working hours are 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM.
I have tried using the NETWORKDAYS and WORKDAY functions with little success.
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Aug 21, 2008
I am trying to figure out a way to count the minutes used from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. I have this years worth of data. I would like to do it by month and by week and by day. I use office 08 for the mac and its my understanding that it doesn't have VBA. I would also like to be able to figure out if on a certain date a employee made over x amount of phone calls in a day. But have several employees. I have columns that are labeled date, employee, minutes used.
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Mar 16, 2009
I would like to find out if a job took more than 24 hour cycle time (eg. 6:00 am to 5:59:59 AM next day). data:
A1 = received date & time (format "m/d/yyyy h:mm")
B1 = completed date & time (format "m/d/yyyy h:mm")
my formula is '=if(B1-A1>"24:00"+0,"Yes","No"). The problem with the formula is that it doesnt exclude weekends nor public holidays. I couldnt formulate a solution using networkdays function......
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a daily schedule which has a number of factory variables taken into consideration which determine the date and time a particular product should, barring any mechanical problems, come off the machine. (see attached spreadsheet).
The date at the top will be editable by me only so that when I update the production quantities, the “date/time off” column automatically re-adjusts to the remaining quantities.
The formulas are a little long winded, but I have left them that way whilst I try and develop it. I should be able to figure out how to condense them later.
My problem is that the “date/time off” on the right works excellent, but over a 24 hr period.
Ordinarily, we work a 12 hour day (6am to 6pm) with overlapping shifts to cover breaks, and 20 mins warm up at the start of the day for the machine, thus maximising a 12 hour day.
Of course if demand exceeds the allotted time we put on overtime.
Is it possible to specify that normal days are only 12 hours so that if a product exceeds 6pm, it flows into the next day with the balance starting at 6:20am?
And, if the production for the week exceeds the time could I stipulate particular days which we deem are suitable for overtime? Ie, we decide Wednesday is a 14 hour day and not 12.
I had toyed with the idea of creating a 365 day table/calendar, on another worksheet which would have its individual allocated hours in an adjacent column and somehow link them to the date/time off, perhaps by way of a VLOOKUP, but I have been chasing my tail trying to figure out how to implement it.
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Oct 21, 2013
I work in a computer lab and we have to keep track of how many people sign in (using excel 2010), and how long they were here.
I'm looking for a way to count how many entries were made per hour for every hour someone was signed in.
For example someone signs in at 9:22 am and leaves at 3:34 pm.They were here from 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 etc.. and its getting very tiresome to go through and manually enter a "1" for each individual hour in each cell under the hour.
Is there a way I can feed the in and out times into a spreadsheet and have it automatically count how many people were in the lab each hour?
8 am
9 am
10 am
[Code] ...........
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a time table which some hours are 3 hours time period. I want to distribute to new table hour by hour this kind of hours, or hour to same hour period.
Attached file, defined example and detail.
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Apr 12, 2006
I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet that tracks total hours worked and total
units produced. Then I need to have a column that shows how many units per
hour were produced.
Currently, I have something like this:
Column A is in elapsed time [h]:mm
Column B is a Number with two decimal places
Column C divides Column B by Column A
However, I get strange results. For example:
Column A is 6:24:00
Column B is 13
Column C shows 120.00
13 parts in 6:24 hours should be something like 2.1666 parts per hour!
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a program that outputs a total amount of time that a service was provided. This time is reported in hours minutes [Example: 01.08 (]. I need a formula that will "round" to the closest .25 based on a 7 minute window on either side. Here how it would need to work....
0 - 7 Minutes = .00 or 1.00 - 1.07 = 1.00
8 - 22 Minutes = .25 or 1.08 - 1.22 = 1.25
23 - 37 Minutes = .50 or 1.23 - 1.37 = 1.50
28 - 52 Minutes = .75 or 1.28 - 1.52 = 1.75
53 - 7 Minutes = .00 or 1.53 - 2.07 = 2.00
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Dec 28, 2006
I am building a spreadsheet to manage 15 folks wages to be able to know how much money has been spent.
We routinely work 40 hour weeks and have a sheet that automatically multiplies hour work by person (Say A1) times their hourly rate (say A2)
My question is how could I right it a formula that allows me to type in their hour work (A1) if it's greater than 40 hours?
Say A1 is 40, A2 =$20.00, A3 =(A1*A2) $800.00
If the A1 is 43 what would I put into A3 that would automatically multiply the additional hours over 40 times 1.5 A2
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Jan 20, 2014
I need a formula to look at a cell and if it is =< 102 say "Flat Bed", or =120 "Double Drop"
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Jul 13, 2008
I have 2 sheets in a work book. In the first sheet in A27 I have a value. In the secend sheet I have a formula "=SHEET1!$A$27".
Problem is when I insert a new row in sheet 1 the formula in sheet 2 changes to "=SHEET1$A$28" and I want the formula in sheet 2 to stay the same that is, always =SHEET1!$A$27.
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May 17, 2006
I am trying to get 2 different formulas to run depending on the value of the 2 cells.
Example: if cell "A" is equal to cell "B" then one formula, if it is different than a second formula.
I hope I did this right, if not please let me know and I will ask the question in a different manner.
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Jun 20, 2014
I'm currently using an HLookup formula to create an output tab for a huge set of input data, but whenever I add new rows to the input tab, I have to adjust the formulas for each individual output cell.
For example, my output formula is currently "=HLOOKUP(B$4,'Inputs'!$B$2:$BJ$384,116,FALSE)," but if I add a new row to the input data, I have to adjust the table array and the row number for the formula. So, if I added a row before the 116th row, but wanted the output to be the same for this cell, I would have to update the formula to "=HLOOKUP(B$4,'Inputs'!$B$2:$BJ$385,117,FALSE).
Is there any way to adjust this formula so that it will automatically update to produce the same output without manually updating the formula each time I edit the number of input rows? Would an index/match formula work, and if so, what would it look like?
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Mar 16, 2009
I have a chart with blank values in some cases. I have set up the chart to show those values as gaps, which relies on the blank cell being empty. However, my blank cells have a formula along the lines of: if (condition,value,"")
So the chart does not consider them blank, presumably either because the formula is in there, or because "" is not the same as blank. How can I make this cell appear blank for the purposes of the chart?
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Dec 10, 2013
At the moment if a pupil has done foundation listening then I write their numerical result in, for example C3 or if they have done higher listening I write it in F3 (and it works out the UMS and then the grade), but I wondered if there would be any way to just put a dropdown menu in a column for each name, or change it so that I can type in H or F that will change which data is used? Because the UMS and grades are different depending on whether the pupil has done higher or foundation I am unsure how to format it
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Jun 8, 2009
As I am a fresh user of excel 2007 I do not know how hard it is to solve the problem I am facing but hopefully there is a solution that the readers here are willing to share with me.
I have a list of **-s that I have recorded as a hobby with my friends (karaoke, free concerts...) and I have them coded in a specific way, so that I can find them on a shelve easily. The list is built up in a form that is seen on the example file that I added.
So far I have used my own handwriting and a sticker to label my ** boxes. It´s not a very good looking combo to be honest. Since I already have all the data in my excel tabel it would be good to use excel to take all the things from there and just print it out.
How to do that? The front cover is easy, I used VLOOKUP function. All I have to do is enter a number into the column C1 and the front label gets filled.
The problem for me is the back cover that should take the right track nr, title and length from several rows (VLOOKUP uses only one row at a time)? How to make it work, that excel would know that on the first album there are 3 tracks and when chaging a number in C1 there would be 2 tracks on a second one.
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Aug 28, 2007
I am making a 'sports day' spreadsheet for a project and i have one problem, the spread sheet is meant to have the possiblitlity of mistakes reduced to a minimum.
I have 6 teams in the sports day and under each i put 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th.
basically i need the rows to only accept 1st 2nd 3rd..... only once. I need something like an error message to come up if a value is entered twice on a row.
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Nov 14, 2008
I have a decent working knowledge of excel, but I'm stuck... I teach and I have created an excel spread sheet to help me keep track of grades, attendance, etc.
I'm trying to figure out how to get excel to figure out the assignments a student has missing (cells with no data input), then take the assignment name (column title with missing data) and students name (first column of data) and put that information in another worksheet. Basically I would like excel to tell me what students are missing work and what assignments they are missing so I don't have to scroll through hundreds of lines of data whenever I have midterms or a student wants a list of "missing assignments". BTW---I can get it to list the number of assignments a student has missing, but not list the specific assignment titles.
I know theoretically this is possible, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated as it will save a lot of time and help out my students! If you can give me a "fake" formula, I should be able to update it for my purposes...
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Feb 11, 2014
I have set up a formula to sum data from specific columns in multiple sheets in the same file. The simple formula had worked perfectly until I needed the data from the last sheet. In all of the other sheets the data that I need to pull is all in consecutive rows but in the last sheet the data that I need pulled and added is in every 4th row. The sheet looks like this:
All of the columns I've filled in work fine. The ones blank are the ones I am running into issues with. When I drag down the formulas excel pulls the next consecutive rows, which is perfect for the first four sheets I am summing, but for the fifth sheet (I'll ref the Test1 column) I need it to pull 'Wayne 2014'!C6 and then 'Wayne 2014'!C10 in the next row and so forth.
All Test
$ Amt.
[Code] ........
The first four sheets look like this, which is why they work fine:
All Test
$ Amt.
Jan. 16
[Code] ........
The fifth sheet looks like this: I only want the formulas from the first sheet to pull the data from the dated rows in this sheet.
All Test
$ Amt.
Jan. 16
[Code] ......
Is there any way in Excel 2010 to get it do what I want? (I am not sure how that one cell became outlined and I do not know how to fix it.)
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a form to round to nearest quarter but if it is less than 1 hour I need it to round to a total of 1. Can this be combined in one formula.
I also need my time to be configured so that if the start time is a PM number then end time AM it does not figure right. is there a way to remove the AM/PM from time. I have already tried all the formats from number,time, & custom.
Attached is my form : Timesheet Form 2014.xlsx
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Mar 7, 2008
I'd like to convert from 24 hour standard time to 12 hour time using VBA code. For example: instead of 13:00 I need 1:00.
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May 8, 2008
I have a list of FLIGHT departure times that are listed in MIL TIME, however, there is no : in the format. Its just 4 or 3 digit numbers. I need to convert these to time in 12-hour clock. If I go to FORMAT/CELL/TIME and select 1:30pm it simply makes the time ZERO!
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Oct 7, 2009
i need a formula for which calculate all cell (calculating years months and days formula). FIND ATTACHED .xls file i need a answer in cell highlited in yellow color.
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May 6, 2013
Formula to calculate GST? I have a Non-capital and a Capital column, then a Claimable GST column.
I currently have '=SUM(E5/11)' in the Claimable GST column (G5).
If E5 is a zero value I need the sum of F5/11 in G5.
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Feb 22, 2014
I need to calculate a TAT formula for the below case
P1 -- 1 Hour
P2 -- 2 Hour
P3 -- 4 Hour
P4 -- 8 Hour
Shift Start time : 6:30pm
Shift End Time : 3:30am
Suppose a request comes at 9:30pm and it is Priority 1 (P1) then it should be completed at 9:30pm + 1 hour = 10:30pm. I have given the below formula to execute this
The problem here is if the request is P4 then its 8 hr TAT and the formula will calculate the time as 5:30am. Since the shift time end at 3:30am itself the actual TAT should be the next day 8:30pm.
formula to calculate the TAT which includes the start time and end time and also excludes the weekends and holidays.
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