Formula That Allows Me To Type In Their Hour Work If It's Greater Than 40 Hours
Dec 28, 2006
I am building a spreadsheet to manage 15 folks wages to be able to know how much money has been spent.
We routinely work 40 hour weeks and have a sheet that automatically multiplies hour work by person (Say A1) times their hourly rate (say A2)
My question is how could I right it a formula that allows me to type in their hour work (A1) if it's greater than 40 hours?
Say A1 is 40, A2 =$20.00, A3 =(A1*A2) $800.00
If the A1 is 43 what would I put into A3 that would automatically multiply the additional hours over 40 times 1.5 A2
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a program that outputs a total amount of time that a service was provided. This time is reported in hours minutes [Example: 01.08 (]. I need a formula that will "round" to the closest .25 based on a 7 minute window on either side. Here how it would need to work....
0 - 7 Minutes = .00 or 1.00 - 1.07 = 1.00
8 - 22 Minutes = .25 or 1.08 - 1.22 = 1.25
23 - 37 Minutes = .50 or 1.23 - 1.37 = 1.50
28 - 52 Minutes = .75 or 1.28 - 1.52 = 1.75
53 - 7 Minutes = .00 or 1.53 - 2.07 = 2.00
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a time table which some hours are 3 hours time period. I want to distribute to new table hour by hour this kind of hours, or hour to same hour period.
Attached file, defined example and detail.
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Dec 27, 2009
Want to work out formula for working hours If Mr Smith is booked to work I must pay him a min of 8 hours pay at rate A then upto 10 hours still on rate A but after that he gets rate B I need to enter his data on a daily spreadsheet
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Jan 29, 2010
Format Time Cell For Greater Than 24 Hours: Hours & Minutes Only .....
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Oct 22, 2008
I need to enter a formula that calculates the time a report is received from the time it was recorded in our database. therefore, it needs to exclude non working hours. here are the fields:
A1 2008/10/10 16:30
B1 2008/10/11 09:30
C1 8:00
D1 17:00
A1 = report received
B1 = reported recorded in db
C1 = work day start time
D1 work day end time
Where the answer should = 2 hours.
I am not an experienced excel user and so far the only formula I have now is: =TEXT(B1-A1, "d:hh:mm")
And how do I account for weekends?
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Nov 4, 2008
In column A I have a date AND time entered. By the way, this is not via cell format, I have manually entered, say today's date and the current time. In column B I have a future date and time.
Basically, column A is the date and time a problem was given to me. Column B would be the date and time I resolved the problem. Now for the formula....Column C needs to spit out whether the problem was solved between 24 and 48 hours OR less than 24 hours OR greater than 48 hours.
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Mar 20, 2008
I have to change a time sheet that was previously in HH:mm to display in decimals, but to the nearest 1/4 hour ( 0.25 (=15 mins), 0.50 (= 30 mins), 0.75 (=45 mins), and 1.00 (1 hour))
This is not a formula question, but a format/display question as the cells have to be typed in by different people who up until now have beeb used to typing in the HH:mm format.
This means;
8:15hrs would become 8.25
8:30hrs would become 8.5
8:45hrs would become 8.75
The reason behind the change is a head office wallah that needs to have time in decimals and not true minutes.
Is there a way to;
prevent user from entering any decimal other than .00; .25;.50;.75
or change formatting to turn red if any other than above is entered.
Alternatively, is there a way of me (the collator for 50 people) being able to take data from their sheets (which I have to do monthly) which could be a formula...
I have tried to get head office to change, but they say that they collate data for 13 other sites and all the others are OK (thats cos all the others receive their data on PAPER and one person tabluates them)...
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to set up a time sheet for staff where it calculates hours worked in and outside of core hours. I can do a calculation to work out what they have worked in and out of core hours providing that part of their time starts of finishes in core times. The problem I am having is when some one works only outside core hours. Our core hours are 6am to 6pm. The problem is when they work from say 7pm to 1am. This is irregular work paid as overtime not shift work.
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Nov 12, 2013
Is it possible to take data in format dd:hh:mm and convert to working days - ie. 8 hour days?
For example:
02:12:15 (60 hours and 15 minutes .. or 3615 minutes)
to be converted to:
07:04:15 (7 working days: 4 hours: 15 minutes)
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Jul 20, 2014
2 sample with different 'sum' issue.
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Aug 28, 2007
We have a system called Datamart that outputs in excel formatted file.
The output of a duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day hour minutes )
I want to be able to add, subtract, average, calculate the 10 fastest/slowests durations from a list of durations in this same format. I have googled and tried custom formatting but excel does not like this format. when I try to sum a range and divide by the number excel gives me 0.
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Mar 23, 2013
I need creating a formula that will tell me the total number of employee hours worked during a certain hour (6:00 AM) for a particular department. Some employees clock in at 6:00 AM, some clock in at 6:30. Here is the current formula I'm using which only tells me the amount of employees in the department not how many hours worked . I have three employees that clock in at 6:00AM and one at 6:30AM, the total I'm looking for is 3.5 but my formula gives me the result of 4.
C5:C1446 is a list of departments
T1503 is the 6:00 AM
D5:D1446 are the Clock In times
K5:K1446 are the Clock Out Times
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Aug 21, 2008
I am trying to figure out a way to count the minutes used from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. I have this years worth of data. I would like to do it by month and by week and by day. I use office 08 for the mac and its my understanding that it doesn't have VBA. I would also like to be able to figure out if on a certain date a employee made over x amount of phone calls in a day. But have several employees. I have columns that are labeled date, employee, minutes used.
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Aug 20, 2008
I have problem to calculate the time which is more than 23:00:00hrs in a file. I need to compare the benchmark time and the difference of time(start time and end time) and show pass/fail depending on benchmark set time. For few of the times which is more than 23:00:00 hrs the format is taking different(example: for 49:15:48, it is showing 02/01/1900 01:15:48 in formaula bar) for which i am not able to use formula and know pass/fail.
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Mar 11, 2008
how to roundup and total time using formula? specifically with the format mm:ss:0? i have 3 columns with these formats and would like to add them up but can't seem to get the right formula.
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Aug 7, 2008
I have an excel spreadsheet where you enter the start time and end time for job function. Since some of the times cross midnight, I use the formula J3=IF(I3>H3,I3-H3,1+I3-H3) where I is the end time and H is the start time (format hh:mm). This part works fine, however when I sum column J and change my format to Time 37:38:00 (since it is over 24 hrs), it returns a large number of 2234:48:39 which should be closer to 223:00:00.
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Sep 14, 2009
I’m using excel 2003 and I need help with the MODE function. I have a spreadsheet with 142 work types’ rows of work with each one showing the last 13 months of work received. I have set up a mode function for each work type, but for the ones when excel cannot work out the mode it puts n/a in and I have to do them manually, by looking at the last 13 months data and basically guessing a mode figure – which is a pain (e.g. if there was 13 different numbers from say 120 – 135 excel would give n/a but I would put the mode at around 128. As this spreadsheet gets updated monthly is there a way I can trick excel into giving a mode figure, or a figure close to what the mode should be. I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet.
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Oct 23, 2006
I have made a userform where I calculate how long time an operation takes. If the time fe.g. is 25 hours and 24 minutes then I get the result 1:24. I have attached my userform as it looks now. If you write 540 in the bar and 550 in volume and press "Beregn" then "Norm tid + 10%" will write 1:24 and not 25:24. Is it possible to have the Userform to write 25:24 or 1day and 1 hour and 24minutes?
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Sep 10, 2007
I am looking for a funtion that will help me add the hours someone is scheduled to work. The problem I am having is the format. Here's the format: The days of the week are Mon - Sun (D3-J3). L3 is a total of the hours they are scheduled to work for the week. Cell D3 is 8-2. Cell E3 is 9-3, etc. for the rest of the week. What I am looking to see if possible is in L3 take the row, Take D3 at 6 hours, E3 at 6 hours, etc for the rest of the row, and add them together for the total hours in L3. I have attached a small example file of what I'm trying to do. The format I am looking to use for the hours is as described above.
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Apr 11, 2013
Just like if I put the employee's number and work time for each day,
The excel will accumulate the hours automatically somewhere in the sheet. (I don't want the total hour cover each day's work time)
Is there anyway I can do it?
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Aug 29, 2009
I am working on a monthly employee work schedule that has 2 stores. All employees work at both stores and the boss wants 2 separate schedules.
I have attached what I have started, which at the moment I am stuck.
I would like to have the Row 5 total hours to always reflect (subtract) a 30 minute lunch. I know it would be easier to have another column, but the boss wants it this way,
I also need the total hours in column H to reflect the total of each day (with the subtracted lunch break). In this column I am having the figures turn red if over 40 hours and green if it under 40 hours.
With having 2 stores with the employees working at both, I need to somehow have the hours of the employees add up from one store to the other (a running total, if you will).
Lastly, if I have an employee not scheduled for a day or need to put other data such as, VAC, HOL or blank cell etc in a cell, how can I get this to work and not have the formula go nuts when it is not in a time format.
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Mar 9, 2006
I am trying to work out the minutes elapsed for a call monitoring
system. The hours monitored are between 05:30 and 19:00 - so if a call
gets logged outside of these hours then the minutes calculated will be
calculated from 05:30 the same day if logged on or after midnight or
05:30 the next day if logged before midnight (ie the next 05:30).
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Jan 31, 2009
I charge £45 per hour with a couple of conditions - minimum 8hr day and then 1.5T after 12hrs.
Is it possible to have a table where I put in my hours and then Excel tells me how much I should charge?
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Jul 24, 2009
I can't figure out how to do a proper formula for calculating time. For instance I have one column that says "Time In", the next is "Time Out" and the other is "Lunch Time". My calculation needs to be this:
Find the total hours between the Time In and Time Out and then Minus the lunch time to get total hours worked for the day. The only way I can get this to work is using 24 Hour time format. Is there another way?
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Apr 15, 2014
I have to calculate employees work hours for overtime.
in the timesheets:
1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 13:00 <----- total for cell D2,D3, and D4 is more than 40
1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 5:00 Regular <----- to make 40
5 A123 4/14/14 TRT 8:00 Overtime <----- 13-5=8, so i have to write down 8 here for overtime
How can I do this?
I want to make a command button for macro to perform this.
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Aug 11, 2004
I am currently trying to create a rota / rosta for work which will show people what hours they are required to work, in a format similar to below:
NAME | SAT | SUN | MON | TUE |etc >
Person A| 8:00 - 17:00 | 13:00 - 22:00 | OFF | 8:00 - 13:00|
Person B| OFF | 17:00 - 22:00 | 8:00 - 17:00| OFF |
This is simple enough to create but I also need Excel to calculate how many hours each person is working in a week and the total number of hours used per day and per week. I found out that I can do this using a formula to work out hours and minutes between two times. However what I would also like Excel to do is deduct the unpaid breaks which the person is entitled to, however this depends on the times that they work, i.e. in the example above Person A would be entitled to a 1 hour unpaid lunch on Saturday, a half hour unpaid tea on Sunday and no unpaid break on Tuesday. Therefore 1 hour would be deducted off the Saturday total hours, 30 minutes would be deducted from the Sunday total hours and nothing taken off the Tuesday.
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Apr 7, 2008
I am creating a 'HelpDesk Issue Logger' and I am trying to calculate the Network Days and Network Hours between two dates with times. I want to know how many business days and hours are between the two days to give me a TURE 'Response Time.'
I have been to several sites and forums looking for the answer, but I have not been able to find a solutions that works for me. Please find attached a 'stripped' down version of my project.
- 'Date Received' (H11)
- 'Date Actioned.' (I11)
-'Response Time' (K11)
Work Days = Monday to Friday
Work Hrs = 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (no lunch break)
Public Holidays = (AC13:AC30)
Date Received: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM
Date Actioned: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM
Response Time: d - hh:mm
If there is someone out there wiling to put me out of my missery with this one, you will have a friend for life.
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Feb 3, 2014
I would like to find out a way to work out the number of minutes worked during particular shifts for weekdays. Basically I have two columns, one for start time, and one for end time. They are formatted like dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. So they have the date in there as well.
I would like a formula that would look at a range say A1-A11 and work out what shift it is and then output number of hours worked per shift. Day shift would start at 8am and finish 5pm, Twilight shift would start at 5pm and finish at 9:30pm, night shift would start at 9:30pm and finish at 8am the next day. So I would need it to check for example the start and end times (and dates) and then output 3 rows that show the total minutes worked.
There will be multiple days so it would need to say for example Monday Day, Twi, Night, Tuesday Day, Twi, Nights etc. Up to Friday Day shift because we don't work Friday Twilight or Nights, and we don't work Weekends.
Basically there is a list of jobs completed with Start Time and End Time for each and I also have a column that works out the number of minutes worked on that job. So the formula would need to look at many rows.
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Mar 6, 2014
It is data for a time study to compute labor hours. I have managed to group everything together per "work order" and "Employee ID". I am trying to sum up the labor hours by work order. I know it sounds simple but I do have another question. Once the total hours are set. Are they still available in the same format when put in a Pivot Table?
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