Match On Numbers With Diminishing Accuracy

Feb 23, 2014

I am interested in matching numbers. How to develop this:


[Code] .....

It looks at what is in cell B2

It starts with the first 16 numbers and tries to match it with data in Col A of the sheet All!. If it finds a match it reports the data in the corresponding row of col E in sheet All.

If it cant match that it looks for the first 15 numbers and tries to match, then 14 then 13 etc etc.

Its often the case that the data in Col A of All is much shorter than the data in B2, so this works well.

The value in B2 is a telephone number. The values in Col A are Dial prefixes on a carriers rate card so the number is matched to the carriers rate card in the best way possible.

But I need to apply a different method for a different project.

The statement above gradually diminishes the accuracy of the number in cell B2

What I want to do is simultaneously diminish the accuracy of the two numbers to be matched.

For a successful match, the length of the number must be the same. So len(B2) must match len(matched cell).

But, the last number might not be the same. If there is no match, look at the numbers and see if there is a match if all the numbers are the same excluding the last 2 numbers in both, if no match, exclude the last 3 numbers in both, if no match exclude that last 4 numbers in both. Etc etc.

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Calculation Accuracy Error

May 3, 2007

I have an issue with a very simple feature of excel.

When I enter a simple formula like: =1.2222-1.2211 , the answer is not 0.0011 but 0.0011000000000001 (if you increase decimals).

This error annoys me because if I use conditionnal formating (for example change color to red if value is 0.0011) then it will not work !!!

What is the reason of this error? Do you know where this comes from and how to avoid it? My figures usually go after 5 decimals.

If I use "Precision as displayed", the result of the calculation will be the same as before, but the Conditional formatting will work until I display too much decimal figures.

I think it is an issue that is well known and might be already raised somewhere in the forum but I do not know exactly how to search for it (I do not know the exact terms in English...).

I am using Excel 97.

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Millisecond Accuracy In An Excel Timer

Nov 9, 2009

Take a look at this sample sheet.


In it I've developed some lap timers for tracking runners. However to be truly useful, each time I press a LAP button on any one row it really needs to record time with millisecond accuracy, which it currently does not.

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How To Make A Functional Venn Diagram Bulls Eye Chart For Accuracy

Dec 30, 2013

we all have a team, and we are scored on calls, appointments, demos, proposals, and revenue. Rather than asking us to do one or all of these metrics, I would like to have a bulls eye chart that could show people their bonus eligability, so if for example 50% of the circles are touching the bulls eye circle, you would be able to adjust what you need to work on for bonus.

Here is a sample graph.

sample structure.jpg

Here is sample data I am trying to work withsampledata2.xlsx

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Match (text) Numbers To Numbers From One Cell To Another

Oct 12, 2006

I need the " solutions cells " to match to the " source cells " and return a " yes " or " no ". in cells d4:d10. Ex: #1 cell C4=01234598, it will conduct a search & match of cell A5 which contains the number 123, since cell C4 contains all 3 numbers from cell A5, then the formula would result in a " Yes ". The match has to contain all 3 numbers from the solution cells to the source cells.

Ex: #2 cell C7=67891234, it will conduct a search & match of cell A8 =901. Since cell C7 only contains the 9&1 from cell A8, it would return a " No " because cell C7 did not contain all 3 numbers from cell A8. I'm not sure if the IF, Match, Index or Count formula is the right one to use, they all seem to partially work, but still don't complete this problem.

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How To Match Right Numbers?

Mar 22, 2014

I have to pull all correct numbers from second sheet into first sheet at right column. I've tried to write a formula to solve the problem, the answer is not correct. The main purpose of the formula is compare the value from TASK sheet into first column in DB sheet and if find matches to continue matching with next cells on the row. The advanced level is to write all correct matches into 1 cell, delimited by comma.

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Match The UPC Numbers

Dec 26, 2006

I have 4 columns A,B,C, and D im trying to make an inventory list of items that I have on my website...
A has a list of lets say 20 numbers well just say 1-20
B is the quantity my website shows available
C is the list of items my supplier has which is what I want to have lets say 1-30
D is the quantity available of C

Basically I run a website and sell **'s so column A, and C are UPC # and I have 1000's of them...what I want is a formula to make the UPC numbers (C) to match what is in (A) so I know what I need to add...but also I want to keep D in the same row with C so I can add and decrease B

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Add Numbers On Match?

Nov 20, 2013

Is it possible to Add the number based on the first 3 elements of the string.



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Index Match Between 2 Numbers?

May 16, 2014

I am attaching an example of what I am trying to do.

sheet 1 is how the jobs are assigned - Each job is assigned based on the part type and the last 2 digits of the order number. For example, Jon works any order that needs wheels and the last 2 digits of the order number are between 00 and 49.

sheet 2 is current jobs - this sheet shows the current job by order number and part, the employee column (C) is empty and is where I would like the formula and result

sheet 3 is the result I am looking for - formula results are in yellow.

So what I am trying to do is make it so that as employees come and go and assignment of jobs change on sheet 1, sheet 2 will automatically update the employee name to match.

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Match Up Numbers In Excel?

Jan 16, 2014

I have a list of 10 item in column B1:B10 ,

say if in B1 there is number 9 I want to place in either ( D1: D10:D15:D20)

Let say in it goes on D10 then on C1:C10 I Want have a formula than say C1=D10

if there is a number on B3 and if the number goes to D15 THEN C3 =D15

if there is a number on B5 and if the number goes to D20 THEN C5 =D20

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How To Match Partial Numbers

Feb 14, 2012

I have one list of waybill numbers which are 12 digits long and I have another file of waybill numbers which are 15-16 digits long. I have tried a VLookup but I do not get matches on these since the digits are not the same length. Is there any other formula I can use to match a 12 digit waybill against a 15-16 digit waybill number? I am assuming that if 12 digits match in both lists that it is an exact match.

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How To Have Excel Match Numbers And Net/add Them Together

Apr 4, 2007

how to match two exact amounts (one positive and one negative) and add them together. i've been doing this process manually but i bet there's a macro code out there that can help me automate this process.

fyi here are the things that i've tried:
- created an absolute value column and sorted by absolute value then netted numbers against each other...this is only good if you're working with a few lines but if you try to match 2,000 lines/rows in excel it will take you forever [like what i'm doing now sigh!]

if you do have a solution, please do step by step instructions. i.e. pls tell me what to click etc. i'm an excel dodo so i need very specific and elementary instructions so i won't screw it up.

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Highlight If Numbers Match

Nov 12, 2009


In the table above in cells A3:F4 is the draw result.

Option1: in the column H played numbers are separated by semicolon
Option2: in the column I played numbers are separated by coma
Option3: in the column J played numbers are separated by space

Is there any formula or conditional formatting method to highlight match numbers out of any one of three options?

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Sum In VBA: Sum The Numbers If The Match Occurs In A & K

Jun 28, 2006

With Range("H2:H5000")
.FormulaR1C1 = "= SUMPRODUCT(('Data Sheet'!R2C11:R5000C11=RC1)*('Data Sheet'!R2C81:R5000C81=""G - Prior policy incident handling errors""))"
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With

Right now its simply counting, but what I need it to do is to sum col L if col A matches col K. Col L contains numbers, and I need a sum of those numbers if the match occurs in A & K.

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Match Text To Numbers And Sum

Aug 20, 2007

In column 1 are 220,000 words (that's a lot ), every words corresponds to a number between 1 and 13 in column 2. Now i want to recode texts (column 2) using the codes in columns 1 and 2. I could insert all text in one cell, or i could insert each word in one cell. Then I want to calculate the sum of the corresponding values (column 2) of all the words (column 1) for each time they occur in the text (column 3). In other words, i want to recode text to numbers and i want to calculate their sum.

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Match Two Unique Numbers In A Table

Feb 7, 2010

I am looking for a formula that matches two unique numbers in a table based on two numbers that are entered in two other cells. This will be clearer by looking at the example below and the attached.

The goal is to find the number entered for the home field (cell c2) in the "home" row (B5:K5) with the number entered for the away field (cell c3) in the "away" column (A6:A15) and result in the data element where the row and columns come together. The expected result for this example in the attached would be "JPD".

Another example would be if a 6 was in cell c2 and an 8 was in c3, the expected result would be "RBK". I think this can be done by indexing and matching but my memory has gone blank with how this works.

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Averaging Numbers If They Match A Criteria

Feb 16, 2010

I am running Excel 2003. I have two columns of numbers (column A and column B)
column A has 1s and 0s. column B has latencies (ie. 100-500ms). When column A has a 0, i would like to know the latency of the following row in column B. from this i would like to average all of these latencies that are found. for example.

column A has 1,1,0,1,1.
column B has 100, 200, 300, 400, 500.
so since A3 is 0, then i want the latency of the following row in column B which is B4 or 400. and then average these findings.

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Trim And Match Numbers To Get Color?

May 10, 2014

I get color item from comma delimited numbers..Here's a sample of what i'm looking for.

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Delete Rows Where The Numbers Don't Match?

Mar 3, 2014

column "b" in the attached file has numbers that match some numbers in column "c" I need to delete all the rows that done match the numbers in column "c" that are used in column "b"

for example no " 53" is in column "c" but not column "b" so they need deleting

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Clear All The Rows Where The Numbers Match

Dec 6, 2007

I am working with a file where I have to clear all the rows where the numbers match. Lets say if there is a row in which /in the amount column/ there is a number: 53 and have another row where /in the amount column/ the number is -53 I can match these two rows and put them to a new sheet. So what I would like to have is something which sorts out all the rows in which the amounts can be matched out. Like 53 and -53, 23587 and -23587, 98 and -98. Is it possible to have something like this? Sorry for the language..

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Comparison For Exact Numbers Match

Mar 22, 2008

I'm looking for help in tweaking existing code contributed by acw on ozgrid. The code he supplied compares 2 worksheets, it goes through the first sheet than highlights cells as it finds matches on sheet 2. However I also need it to find exact matches. For example if the numer it is searching for is 15 it must only find 15 not 01500, 015, 150 etc. Here is the post which contains the code and a sample workbook

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Formula To Include A Match To Any 8 Numbers

Aug 5, 2009

I have a formula to pick up certain bits of information depending on the contents of a cell.

The data in column F has a mixture of 8 digit numbers including numbers starting with multiple zero's, the numbers 138-1 and 151-26, then some text.

Orginally the 8 digit numbers only started 00 so it was easy to pull out the relevent information, then they started 40 and then 8. I'm just worried that I'm going to end up with too many nested 'if' statements (and reach the max limit), so I was wondering if I could do 'any 8 numeric digits' instead of this current 'dead end' solution.

I'm not sure if I could use a wildcard of some sort with the MID formula

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Search String Of Numbers Until Match

Feb 5, 2007

how do i count through a string of numbers until a specified number is found?

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Find Multiple ID Numbers Which Match Particular Name From List?

Apr 9, 2014

I have 2 spreadsheets with many rows (in the tens of thousands) and columns (about 20 or so) of data.

I am trying to take the ID# from one spreadsheet and append it to the other, based on a name match. Typically I would use a vlookup, but, in this instance, most companies appear more than once and they often have many different ID#s associated with them. I am looking to return each unique ID# that is associated with each company, and display them horizontally next to that company's name.

Since this is including a lot of private data, I have included a small, generic example of what I am looking to search off of and output. Sample Spreadsheet.xlsx

I have seen examples of how to return multiple values using index functions, but, they all seem to only be able to handle one name at a time, and it displays the values vertically from that. Since I am trying to do this for thousands of rows of data, this won't work for me. I need to be able to have a function/formula of some sort that I can apply to each and every of the thousands of rows of data simultaneously. And, on top of that, I'd like to be able to display the 2nd, 3rd, etc ID#s for each company in additional columns of data.

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Random Pairs Of Numbers For Team Match-ups?

Jun 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 14, or maybe 16, or maybe 40 names in column B.

A17 = 3 B17 = JACK DOE

and so on...

I want to randomly assign these names to pairs using a macro button, and basing it on the number of players (C1)

So if C1 is 12, I'd like the function behind the macro button to come up with 6 * 2 numbers (2 and 11, or 4 and 7,

all completely random, but within the 12 specified in C1) and write these random values in Range D1:E6
(if C1 is 18, then the range to write in would expand to D1:E9).

I don't know enough about writing code to be able to pull this off .

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Checking Range Of Numbers With Index Match?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a standard table with quite a few rows. Columns I have are :

Text | Lower number | Higher number

What I would like to do is, in another worksheet, enter a number and I'd like to go through the table and if the entered number is in the range of the Lower and Higher number columns, have the Text displayed.

Using Index Match I can do this if the number matches Lower or Higher number but not if it's between them.

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Match Function - Database To Record Drawing Numbers

Jan 9, 2012

I have made a database to record drawing numbers.

In column A is the drawing number and in Column B is the revision number.

I am trying to write a macro that will alert the user when they are trying to enter a drawing that contains BOTH the same drawing number AND the same revision number as one already in the database.

Since drawing numbers will be reused and only revision numbers changed when a revision is entered, I need the function to check both column A and Column B then display a msgbox if there is a match.

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Match And Align Data Based On Unique ID Numbers

Nov 20, 2008

I have list of unique numbers on Column A and names on Column B. I have another set of unique numbers on Column C and counters on Column D. I have 100 numbers on Column A and I have 10 numbers on Column C. Every numbers on Column C exists on Column A. How do I match and align the unique numbers and have Column B and D in same row? (E.g. 100000 Jones 30). This question is very similar to the one discussed at Aligning Columns With Same Data?

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Generating Average From Group Of Numbers In List That Match Two Criteria?

Jan 29, 2013

So we had a month long, company paid (woohoo!) "weight watchers" challenge. On 1 worksheet ("Stats"), I have the Name of every Employee (A Column), then their Start Weight (B Column), End Weight (C Column), Department (D Column) and finally Location (E Column).

I know how sensative some people can be about their weight, so I locked the page and created another worksheet named "UI", which will display the "Average End Weight" for each department. So Human Resources would be the department in cell A2 on the UI sheet, with City 1 being the Column Header in cell B1. There are 8 cities (offices) and 23 departments.

So, for cell B2, I want to scan through the "Stats" worksheet and locate all of the cells in the department and location columns that read "Human Resources" and "City 1" respectively. Then grab the "End Weight" for every row that meets these 2 criteria, add them up, and divide by the number of "End Weights" that were grabbed.

My solution would be to make a separate column for each department (and then each city, so essentially 8 columns to represent all the cities for each department), use a nested (maybe 4) IF statements to then list only the end weight if that particular row meets the criteria, then at the bottom of each separate column, add all the shown numbers up and divide, then draw the information from THAT number into the "Average" cell on the UI worksheet. But it isn't very dynamic and if i want to use this sheet next year, there will be more employee info to be added and it would be a mess..further more, it would be...what...23 Departments x 8 Cities x 155 employees = ~28,500 added cells.

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Make Excel Find Only Full Match With Array Of Numbers?

Mar 8, 2013


Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim c As String
Dim d As String


this works perfectly but I have found one problem, I want excel to find on the existing arrays "0,00" and "0", only full match and not only partial like for example:

-154.09, which triggers "0" for the second array and 120,00, that triggers "0,00" how to I change to only find full match with the existing arrays?

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