Msgbox Macro For Automated Vlookup

Apr 6, 2007

I am writing a macro for people at work to use to automatically vlook-up data from another spreadsheet.

I wanted to base it along the use of a msgbox as they are not the most tech-savy people.

I want the msgbox dialogue to go something like this -

Which spreadsheet do you want to pull in data from?

The user browses to the file they want

Which columns do you want to transfer?

The user types in the columns

Which columns do you want them pasted to (in new sheet)?

The user types in the columns they want to paste to
and then macro does the vlook-up.

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Using Msgbox In VLOOKUP

Feb 21, 2009

I am currently setting up a ID/Password function on my spreadsheet. On the main page is the login boxes and an Ok button. When the Ok button is pressed, I have a formula that checks the user ID and Password and if correct, it types correct. Otherwise it types incorrect. This is using;

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If Vlookup Iserror = Msgbox

Jun 13, 2006

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(R[-1]C[-1],Sheet1!C[-1]:C[1],3,FALSE)),""Error"",(VLOOKUP(R[-1]C[-1],Sheet1!C[-1]:C[1],3,FALSE)))"

which looks like this


in the spreadsheet. Can it be done to get a msgbox on error? And. Is there better way to get only the result of the vlookup above instead of using

ActiveCell.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

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Creating Macro For Automated Import Of A .txt File

Jan 24, 2008

Create macro for automated import of a .txt file ...

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Autofill In Macro: Get A Function (sum) Of Several Cells To Be Automated In A Monthly Spreadsheet

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get a function (sum) of several cells to be automated in a monthly spreadsheet. I can get the function to work, but how do I get it to Autofil? The syntex seems to call for a range, which will be different every month. I can't figure out how to loop it, so I thought autofill would work.

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Creating A Macro To Send An Automated Email Through Lotus Notes

Oct 15, 2009

The following line of code is part of the great work that this forum did in creating a macro to send an automated email through Lotus Notes.

I have a small tweak that requires the Body of the message to exist on sheet other than the one where the macro is launched.

The originial code had:

Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Range([by9], [by18].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)

I tried:

Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Sheets("LookUp Sheet").Range([by9], [by18].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)

But the body of the email is not being copied.

Am I putting the calling the Sheets reference incorrectly?

The routine works perfectly if the body data comes from the sheet where the macro is launched?

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Run Macro From Command Button In Userform - Display Msgbox At The End Of Macro

Apr 17, 2014

I have a userform with a command button which fires a macro.

everything works fine so far.

my problem is:

I would like to add a msgbox at the end of the macro which confirmes "successfully completed".

I cannnot simply add the msgbox at the end of the macro. don't know what I'm doing wrong.

(see below)

Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click().
If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Government Securities"
ElseIf Me.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Corporate Bonds"


Unload Me

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'run macro
MyMacro1 (adds, hides and deletes various sheets)


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Suppress MsgBox When Calling Macro From Another Macro

Jan 9, 2012

I have a workbook with two macros that the user can run individually. They unfortunately take a fair amount of time to complete (approx 1 hour each) so I implemented some timing related code that at the end of the macro completion, it notifies them with a msgBox indicating how long it took to run. With that said, I would like to allow the user to run a macro that simply calls the other two so that they can kick it off at the end of the day and they both will be finished by morning. I created a new macro that simply makes a call to each of the other macros individually. The problem is, my msgBox that displays after the first macro completes, waits for "OK" acknowledgement which defeats the whole purpose of being able to run them both via one macro. I have tried to include Application.DisplayAlerts = False prior to calling the first macro but it is not working. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.

Sub runAllMacros()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Call compileBookData
Call compileLaborData
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "All Rollup Macros have completed execution."

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Use Msgbox To Control Macro

Oct 28, 2009

the below macro choose the row number that is entered into textbox on a userform


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Macro Pauses During MsgBox

Feb 4, 2010

as you probably already know, when you insert function

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Msgbox Function Outside Of A Macro

Jan 12, 2007

is there a way to use the functionality of 'MsgBox' but within a function instead of a macro? I use: MsgBox "You must enter a Acquisition Date", vbCritical, "Error Message" now I would like to use it within a funtion.

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Macro For MsgBox If Date Difference >10d

Nov 29, 2011

I have an application (in xl'97) where users enter a date in N4. =TODAY() is in C7 as the date of entry. I need some vba to show a message should C7-N4 be >10d.

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Macro To Calculate AND Display Msgbox

Jan 25, 2012

Code to have a button perform two macros?

I need the button to

1. Calculate (perform F9 manual calculation)
2. Display a msgbox (MsgBox "Enter a city or zip code to calculate mileage.", vbExclamation, "Travel Schedule")

Is there an operator that lets you string multiple macros or do they need to be recorded separately and recalled in one macro assigned to the button?

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MsgBox With Yes/No & Only Execute VBA Macro If Yes Chosen

May 9, 2009

How would I add a YesNo MsgBox to my existing macro that I have set up through a commancd button? I would like the user prompt to ask the following ? ---> "Would you like to move the data sheet forward 1 week?". Then if "Yes" is selected, run the following macro. If "No", end the subroutine.

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3, Link:=1, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
ActiveSheet.Range("L6").Value = Range("L6").Value + 7

End Sub

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Adding Option To Cancel Macro With MsgBox?

Feb 20, 2014

The below code works well. However I would like to give the users an option to opt out of running the code when the message box appears.

Sub delete_sheets()
MsgBox "This will delete All Sheets but the active sheet"

*****this is where I would like to use an additional message box or include it in the above message box an option for the user to cancel this code****

Range("XA1") = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = ("Delete_Sheets")
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Not ws.Name = "Delete_Sheets" Then ws.Delete
Next ws


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Display MsgBox With PERSONAL.XLS Macro Workbook

Mar 21, 2007

I want to run a program from my PERSONAL.XLS workbook, however, after a piece of code
where I close all the open workbooks different from PERSONAL.XLS, the code stops running.

How can I contour this?

Down is the piece of code used to close the other workbooks and the msgbox I want to show, along with a DialogBox:

For Each W In Workbooks
If W.Name ThisWorkbook.Name Then
W.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
Next W

MsgBox "Abrir apenas a Origem a actualizar, que deverá ser obrigatoriamente do mês corrente ou do anterior", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Atenção"


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Macro For Cell Deletion Relative To Msgbox

Mar 21, 2007

Im looking for code for a button that asks for a Record number, and it will delete the record. But the record number is written in cells as 'Record No.1' 'Record No.2' etc. But i want the messagebox to ask for a single number and it would delete that record. Now the position of the records is what will be the difficult bit about this code, but it has a pattern.

For Record No.1 i need deleting cells C2:J100
For Record No.2 i need deleting cells L2:S100
For Record No.3 i need deleting cells U2:AB100

If anyone could give me a bit of code that works for these 3 then i could waste a load of time filling the rest of them out.

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After Macro Saves File Msgbox To Confirm Save As Completed

Jan 18, 2014

I have a macro which works well. All it does is save a file to a specified location on my network. However, after a file is saved there is no prompt telling the user that the file was saved successfully leaving them wondering whether the macro actually worked.

Public Sub SaveAs() ThisFile = Range("X2").Value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="legdcAudits" & ThisFile & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=52
End Sub

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Automated Grouping Using VB

Oct 20, 2008

I have a large excel sheet that will take a lot of time grouping it manually, so I was wondering if there was some way somebody could help me out with creating a code in VB to automate this grouping for me. All I would need is something to read through the rows of one column and when it finds a blank row, keep scanning until the next blank row and then group the data between the two blank rows. I have attached a small portion of the excel sheet I am working with if you need to get a visual of what I am needing.

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Automated Adding

Jun 19, 2009

I have a monthly report that I get with lab tests and amounts ordered. (I will copy a section for you to see). The Director wants it to be compiled into an easy to read, 1 test with totals. The way i get the data is broken down by site (we have 5). So, i may have between 1-5 rows of the same test with a total for each. I want to set up a Macro/Script that would go through the report and automatically add the same test codes together. My long term goal is to have it pull the Test Number, Test Name and Total Count into a separate worksheet, with the Total Count being the count of all the same tests.

see attached data: ...

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Sends An Automated Email?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that deals with expiration dates. The whole sheet is conditional formatted so that when the current date is within 3days of the date showing in A2 then that cell changes colors. Ok is it possible that a script can be written so that when the cell changes colors... (Someone is going to think I am silly asking this but) excel sends an automated Email?

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Automated Ref Number Generation

Oct 7, 2009

I m trying to achieve is generating ref numbers automatically.

I have attached an example.

In Cell A if the user choose yes it gives a ref number. The trouble im having is that say in cell A5 a Yes is choosen at a later date, it will throw the numbers out of order and the ref numbers get mixed up, there any way of stopping this from happening or any function that prevents this from happening

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Automated Conditional Concatenation

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to write a formula which will consolidate notes for shipping orders

Column A Column B

Ship A 12/10 Talked to customer
Ship B 12/11 phoned cust
Ship C
Ship A 12/11 Called again
Ship D
Ship B
Ship A 12/12 Shipped

I want the notes in column B to be consolidated together so I have the history for each customer in one cell ie

Ship A 12/10 Talked to customer, 12/11 Called again, 12/12shipped
Ship B

The spreadsheet is really large so I want the formula to look up the customer name and consolidate notes automatically

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Trying To Build Automated Schedule?

Jun 23, 2014

I have been trying to create a macro that would create a schedule for me based on date and a product type. In columns K-N I have an IF statement that tells when a shipment would need to arrive in a row that corresponds with a date (column A is 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015). On the next page I would like to generate a schedule that lists the dates that all of the products are needed in chronological order. I've tried to use custom functions like finding the nth_occurence but it just gets way too messy with so many shipments.

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Formatting Automated Header

Dec 29, 2008

im having trouble formatting the left header, im not sure how to go about it, ive recorded macros to see how they do because i dont need talking marks im buggering it up somewhere

Sub OCHeader()

Dim Sheet As String

Sheet = ActiveSheet.Name

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = _
"&""Trebuchet MS,Bold""&11"
.LeftHeader = Sheet
End With

End Sub

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Automated User Logging

Oct 1, 2009

I keep a spreadsheet with the 50 or so wireless phones in our "lab". When someone checks them out, the rules are that they change the cell under Available to "NO" and add their user ID. When they return the device, they change the Available cell back to "YES". What I want is a log of who checked out the device, and when... which would be kept in "sheet 2".

I attached a small spreadsheet with the same columns and information you would see in the regular spread sheet. Sorry, I would rather have put it here, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

The spreadsheet has code which updates the "Counter" when someone checks out a device. Many thanks to the "Rocket Scientist" who helped me with that.

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Automated Web Query And Parsing

Nov 28, 2009

I am attempting to automatically (once a week) pull down the data from this site ( which is posted in a csv and parse it. While this may seem to be a simple process, the people who posted the CSV did not take into account that there are dollar values in the data in the millions and billions. As a result, a normal comma parse does not work since it splits the values.

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Automated Email Using DATE

Jul 18, 2013

Making an excel program that will automatically Email 5 people with either the whole document, a link to the doc, or just an email using the cells to inform them on what needs to be checked. And I don't even know where to start.

There will be a spreadsheet with everyone's name going down in column A, and then in the row next to the name it'll have a date of when they were put on it. It'll then have another date of the time they need to have done certain things, like see the doctor or get a class done, so when the current date reaches the date in the column the cell that is the same date will turn red, and the document will be mailed to 5 of the higher ups to inform them they need to check on this Marine to see if he has accomplished whatever task has expired.

Ive been trying to research a lot of this on my own, but ran into problem where the current outlook version does not suppose the command DATE within an excel, so I need to make a database using multiple excel sheets using Visual Basic(or so I'm told now).

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Create A Automated Trigger

Apr 5, 2007

I am having trouble trying to get an MS Access Query to run from MS Excel automatically.

I am trying to create an automated trigger in MS Excel that will automatically run my Access query by the times I specify in my statement.

For example: I need to run a query in Access at 9am, 12 pm and 10pm, that's it, but I believe I need to do it via Excel, I don't want the data returned to Excel, I just want Excel to execute the query at those specific times!

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Automated Google Search

Jan 20, 2010

Is the anyway to have a macro wchich will automaticly open the IE browser when any of this word is clicked and search for this word in Google?

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