Suppress MsgBox When Calling Macro From Another Macro
Jan 9, 2012
I have a workbook with two macros that the user can run individually. They unfortunately take a fair amount of time to complete (approx 1 hour each) so I implemented some timing related code that at the end of the macro completion, it notifies them with a msgBox indicating how long it took to run. With that said, I would like to allow the user to run a macro that simply calls the other two so that they can kick it off at the end of the day and they both will be finished by morning. I created a new macro that simply makes a call to each of the other macros individually. The problem is, my msgBox that displays after the first macro completes, waits for "OK" acknowledgement which defeats the whole purpose of being able to run them both via one macro. I have tried to include Application.DisplayAlerts = False prior to calling the first macro but it is not working. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.
Sub runAllMacros()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Call compileBookData
Call compileLaborData
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "All Rollup Macros have completed execution."
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Aug 15, 2007
I have a Macro (AutomateReport) that, among other things, calls and runs a macro (ReportStep1) in another workbook.
ReportStep1 includes three prompts asking the user to press "OK" to confirm that the data included is correct. When I call ReportStep1 as part of my larger macro I would like to suppress these prompts or automatically respond "OK" so that I don't have to be bothered with them.
SendKeys works sometimes, but I am hoping for a more reliable method.
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Apr 20, 2008
I have a workbook with a 2 macros "PopulateSheetlist" and "SaveEditedversion"
Normally they are each button operated, and prompt the user with vbYesNo style options. I wanted to write a Macro, say "Macroautomatewkbk that would automatically answer the prompts.
Sub Macroautomatewkbk ()
Call PopulateSheetlist
' Always answer YES or OK to any prompts this macro may offer
Call SaveEditedversion
' Answer No for the 1st prompt and YES for the 2nd prompt
End Sub
MsgBox "Both macros "PopulateSheetlist" and "SaveEditedversion"
' Some error handler here, don't know how this should work exactly.
Could any one please explain how to fill in code in the commented sections in the above sample code?
Edit: I tried recording a macro to do the above, but it only showed the zooming and scrolling that occurred, none of the button prompts being answered.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a userform with a command button which fires a macro.
everything works fine so far.
my problem is:
I would like to add a msgbox at the end of the macro which confirmes "successfully completed".
I cannnot simply add the msgbox at the end of the macro. don't know what I'm doing wrong.
(see below)
Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click().
If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Government Securities"
ElseIf Me.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Corporate Bonds"
Unload Me
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'run macro
MyMacro1 (adds, hides and deletes various sheets)
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May 9, 2008
how to supress the continue,end,debug, message when there is a vba error. The idea being that if there is a bug in my system that I have no realised, I don't want my end user seeing that message! I would preferrable design my own error message to appear instead.
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May 29, 2009
I can't get the Displayalerts = False to work as it's supposed to when analyzing data running the correlation add-in. (ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Mcorrel)
For each loop the alert is displayed which I don't want it to.
The code below is just an example. I have several rows which I will loop through and therefore the Displayalerts=False must work.
Sub test4()
With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
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Aug 13, 2009
I created two macros. One for refreshing the data I pull from a database, and another one adding some formulas I need. On the formulas macro, I don't know how to have it automatically fill until the last row of data to the left of the column with the formula. (Just like if I double clicked it and it filled down automatically). I also tried to combine these two macros, but I get errors and they don't execute.
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Dec 29, 2011
I have written a macro to convert data from a report exported from to a format that is acceptable for upload to our website. One of the necessary conversions is to convert values from a Boolean value to a Y/N value. I wrote a macro with a series of search-replace commands such as this:
'replace 0s and 1s in "Direct Billing" column with appropriate data
Selection.Replace What:="0", Replacement:="N", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
This code generates a warning when no "0" values are found:
"Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet."
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Feb 12, 2009
I have created an XLA using a blank workbook which has a macro (called CompareMan) I have written within it.
I have written a utility (called INSTALLMAN) to install this add in.
When I run the install it creates and activates the add in OK.
The install also creates a toolbar with a button to trigger the macro.
Problem is, when I click the newly created button, no matter which workbook I am currently in I get a message ...
"The macro INSTALLMAN.xls!CompareMan cannot be found".
So my question is, how do I get my button to trigger the macro in my add in?
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Aug 4, 2006
I am trying to call another macro, but instead of using the name of the macro, I have it in a variable. I am getting an error that says "Compile Error: Expected sub, Function, or Property." Can you call a macro that is in a variable? I basically have a bunch of macros created. I also have a list of the name of those macros on a worksheet in Excel. I want excel to start at the top of the list in excel and run the macro, then move down and run the next macro, and so on. Below is my code.
Sub Commercial_2005()
Dim Macroname As String
While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
Macroname = ActiveCell.Value
Workbooks("copy of recast_Report_v2.xls").Activate
Call Macroname
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
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Nov 14, 2006
I have a set of eight files, each of which is refreshed daily through a macro. I wanted to set up a master macro in a separate file that would open up each of the eight in turn, calls its refresh macro (which saves and closes the workbook), and then open up the next one, etc. I've searched the board and Help on this subject, but I keep getting an error:
Sub UpdateCSHoldReports()
' A sub to update all the US CS Hold Reports
' First, change the directory to the one that holds the files
ChDir "s:Marketing_ReportsCustomer Service2006CS Hold ReportsUSA"
' Next, open each file in turn, and run its refresh macro
' The refresh macro saves and closes the file automatically
Workbooks.Open ("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls")
Workbooks("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls").Activate
Application.Run ("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls!V1000Refresh")
End Sub
I'm only working on one file right now; I'll add the others when I get this one going. The error message I get is "1004" "The macro VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls!V1000Refresh cannot be found." It occurs when the Application.Run statement attempts to execute.
What obvious thing am I missing here? I have checked all the spellings, etc., so it's not something like that.
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Nov 19, 2009
I'm writing some code in a "control" Excel file that will open a series of other files and successively run some processes. Each of these files has its own unique "refresh" macros, with parameters that vary from file to file.
How do I put code in my "control" file that will, when it opens each of these other files, run the "refresh" macro that is contained within them, and not the "control" file itself?
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Nov 26, 2009
I have been combining multiple macro's into one large Macro and after research, it seems that only the call function works without any hitches.
Is there a way to use the call feature in one workbook while the macro's themselves, 5 or 6 of them, are in another workbook that is closed?
All users would have access to both workbooks.
The reason I am trying this is because I do not want all the other users to have to choose between multiple macro's and some of my colleagues like to use a radio button to link to the workbook. so it needs to have one file in it...
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Jan 24, 2014
At the moment I have a macro that is assigned to a button. When clicked, it creates a newline, create and copy a column in another sheet. This code works fine :
[Code] ......
What I now want to do is make a cell called "Total Number of Sites" and allow user to input data into "D3" manualy. eg if 3 sites, user input 3 in D3 so D3 = 3.
Since total number of sites = 3, Instead of clicking that button I made 3 times, I want to call the macro 3 times using a nother button.
However it doesn't work. This is what I used:
[Code] ..........
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm hoping there is some way to call whatever text is stored in the "alt text" field of images placed in an excel sheet for use as a variable / string reference in a macro.
The "alt text" will not be changed in any way by the macro.
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Nov 21, 2007
I've assigned a single macro to numerous Form Checkboxes (not ActiveX). I'd like the macro to be able to identify the Checkbox calling it, so that if for example, if it were fired by clicking "Check Box 41", the macro should know that.
Is this possible, or must I use an ActiveX control?
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Jan 6, 2009
how I can go back to the worksheet I was in before I branched off to work in another worksheet via a macro?
I know you can tell the macro which worksheet to go to, but not sure how to get vb to remember where I was and return to the same sheet (or even cell).
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Jan 13, 2010
I had create a few macro with the macro name the same as the worksheet name.
How can i create another macro to loop through all the worksheet and if there is any data in Cell A1, it will call the corresponding macro. If there is no data, it will go onto another worksheet.
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Oct 4, 2006
Using a different script application, I would like to run my VBA macros while working in Excel. I was wondering if I could achieve that using PostMessage or SendMessage calls. Part of the problem is that Excel only seems to allow either Ctrl + letter or Ctrl + Shift + letter as an assignable macro shortcut. My script gives me flexibility in that I can assign any key or combination of keys to trigger any kind of routine, like a PostMessage call, for instance. So while working on my workbook, I might want to press, say, ScrollLock followed by a letter of my choice, followed by another letter of my choice (a sort of super shortcut), resulting in the running of a Macro of my choice in Excel.
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May 22, 2013
I have a macro running in a workbook that gathers some data (a date, a string and a few arrays). Towards the end of this macro, I need it to open another workbook and run a macro that sits in this other workbook, using the data from the first workbook. I then need it to return some results (several integers) back to the first macro to be pasted into the first workbook.
I gather that I can't use 'Call' as the second macro is in another workbook.
I've found that I can use Application.Run but I'm unsure how to carry variables back and forth using this.
How to move the variables between macros / workbooks using the Application.Run option, or maybe another way of doing things?
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Jun 9, 2014
the macro works fine until it executes the paste values. At that point, the macro jumps to the "CountThem" function which is located in another workbook. The data that I am copy/pasting is in no way connected to any cells that are using that function. Although, other values in the workbook are passed down from data that uses that function.
I am still in the dark ages using Excel 2000.
This is the code for my macro.
Sub Current_to_Raw()
' Current_to_Raw Macro
' Macro recorded 2/12/2014 by
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Oct 28, 2009
the below macro choose the row number that is entered into textbox on a userform
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Feb 4, 2010
as you probably already know, when you insert function
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Jan 12, 2007
is there a way to use the functionality of 'MsgBox' but within a function instead of a macro? I use: MsgBox "You must enter a Acquisition Date", vbCritical, "Error Message" now I would like to use it within a funtion.
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Nov 29, 2011
I have an application (in xl'97) where users enter a date in N4. =TODAY() is in C7 as the date of entry. I need some vba to show a message should C7-N4 be >10d.
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Jan 25, 2012
Code to have a button perform two macros?
I need the button to
1. Calculate (perform F9 manual calculation)
2. Display a msgbox (MsgBox "Enter a city or zip code to calculate mileage.", vbExclamation, "Travel Schedule")
Is there an operator that lets you string multiple macros or do they need to be recorded separately and recalled in one macro assigned to the button?
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May 9, 2009
How would I add a YesNo MsgBox to my existing macro that I have set up through a commancd button? I would like the user prompt to ask the following ? ---> "Would you like to move the data sheet forward 1 week?". Then if "Yes" is selected, run the following macro. If "No", end the subroutine.
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3, Link:=1, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
ActiveSheet.Range("L6").Value = Range("L6").Value + 7
End Sub
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Apr 6, 2007
I am writing a macro for people at work to use to automatically vlook-up data from another spreadsheet.
I wanted to base it along the use of a msgbox as they are not the most tech-savy people.
I want the msgbox dialogue to go something like this -
Which spreadsheet do you want to pull in data from?
The user browses to the file they want
Which columns do you want to transfer?
The user types in the columns
Which columns do you want them pasted to (in new sheet)?
The user types in the columns they want to paste to
and then macro does the vlook-up.
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Feb 20, 2014
The below code works well. However I would like to give the users an option to opt out of running the code when the message box appears.
Sub delete_sheets()
MsgBox "This will delete All Sheets but the active sheet"
*****this is where I would like to use an additional message box or include it in the above message box an option for the user to cancel this code****
Range("XA1") = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = ("Delete_Sheets")
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Not ws.Name = "Delete_Sheets" Then ws.Delete
Next ws
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Mar 21, 2007
I want to run a program from my PERSONAL.XLS workbook, however, after a piece of code
where I close all the open workbooks different from PERSONAL.XLS, the code stops running.
How can I contour this?
Down is the piece of code used to close the other workbooks and the msgbox I want to show, along with a DialogBox:
For Each W In Workbooks
If W.Name ThisWorkbook.Name Then
W.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
Next W
MsgBox "Abrir apenas a Origem a actualizar, que deverá ser obrigatoriamente do mês corrente ou do anterior", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Atenção"
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