Multiply Column - Final Formula For This Spreadsheet?

Jul 30, 2014

I am having trouble with the final formula for this spreadsheet.

I want to be able to select "Holiday/Sunday" from the drop down men in column H, and have it multiply the total in column F by 2. There is already a formula in column F that sums column E-D.

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Formula To Pull The Final Value In A Column

Jun 15, 2009

If I have a columns of numbers that vary in length, and can have empty cells between the final value and the formula to pull the number (of varing lengths), what formula can I use to repeat the final value?

For example - here are two columns:

<formula to pull 46,594>



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Frequency Formula To Show Final / Total Numeric Values Appears In Adjacent Column

Apr 29, 2013


Formula to show the final/total a numeric values appears in an adjacent column.

I am currently attempting (I've researched many posts on this), to count /show the final totals a duplicate numeric value appears in one column, in an adjacent column (example below).

I am currently using an array Frequency formula below (courtesy of the board) filled down in column Q. this works well to count the frequency of duplicate numeric values appear on the list.

Formula used in Column Q below

However my aim is also to show the final entry of a numeric value in adjacent column R, by displaying text to indicate this. My example below shows “final” in column R

NB: My list is sorted by column C to ensure all numeric values are in ascending order.

Column C Column QColumn R
12567 1 final
15789 1
15789 2
15789 3 final
23456 1
23456 2 final
12678 1 final
18965 1
18965 2 final

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Formula To Have Spreadsheet 2 Pick Items From Pass / Fail Column On Spreadsheet 1

Jan 23, 2012

Workbook 1 has 2 spreadsheets. Spreadsheet 1 contains Item and Pass/Fail Columns. under the item column is the serial number of the item tested. the Pass/fail column has the serial number duplicated if it failed tested. what is the formula is to have spreadsheet 2 pick the items from the pass/fail column on spreadsheet 1?

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Move Final Word In Cell To Next Column?

Jul 2, 2014

So I have a few hundred spreadsheets with the following structure:

Persson L. S skogsarb Granberg Malung
Persson M R fru
Persson N skogv Sjog 23 Torsby

What I want to do is move/split the ultimate word in every cell in column A to a parallel cell in column B, and then delete the word from column A.

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ARRAY.JOIN Function And Eliminate Any Blank Cells From The Final Column

Jan 30, 2009

I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of values from a 10 x 10 grid that does not have values in every cell.

(I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.)

I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.

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ARRAY.JOIN Function: Eliminate Any Blank Cells From The Final Column

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of all the values from a 10 x 10 array that does not have values in every cell. (I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.) I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.

how to properly execute that function. One earlier comment was that I was not specifying criteria. I'm not sure from the description and help section of "morefunc" as to what those criteria specs are, other than specifying the whole array. I am attaching a test file with the 10x10 grid & some missing values in A1:J10. Cell L1 has the ARRAY.JOIN function with the entire grid specified, but the output is only the first cell of the grid.

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Multiply Every Nth Cell By Another Column Whith Merged Cells, THEN Find Column Total

Aug 6, 2009

Please see the attached sheet. I have columns B through a lot (B through O in my oversimplified example). In every 7th row in each of these columns there is either a 1 or a blank/zero. I need to multiply that 7th number by the Quantity in column A, to achieve a total (ie the sum of each result of 7th cell*quantity) for each column in the bottom row, labeled "Totals".

In the actual version of my sheet, there are far too many rows to select everything manually. I've been fiddling with combinations of COUNTIF/COUNTA and OFFSET, but I haven't come up with a way to check for the 1 in every 7th row, THEN multiply that 1 by the quantity in column A, THEN add up the results for each column. As you can see, there are 1's elsewhere in the columns that are irrelevant to this particular calculation, so something like LOOKUP would also have to look in every 7th cell and couldn't just look at the column as a whole.

If you can't provide an immediate solution, but can at least point me to a resource that would allow me to devise a way to isolate every 7th row (THAT part is the sticking point), I'll surely post the solution to my own thread with updated keywords if I need it.

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Excel 2000 - If A1 Equal Or Less Than 1000 Multiply By B1 Otherwise Multiply By C1

Oct 30, 2013

Excel (2000), what formula would I use to accomplish the following?

If A1 equal or less than 1000 value, multiply by B1, otherwise multiply by C1.

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Applying Formula To Entire Column Without Lengthening Spreadsheet?

Jul 29, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a formula applied to an entire column without adding unnecessary length to the spreadsheet until someone is actually scrolling down and using more rows. I want formulas to be constantly present in two columns to automatically calculate values as they are entered into other cells in the same row, but ideally without the otherwise empty spreadsheet being X amount of rows long.

I initially had the formula dragged down 15,000 rows, but it would really be much better if it could start out as a smaller size and then expand as the user requires.

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Averages Formula- Spreadsheet Which Has A Column Which Shows Square Footages

Nov 3, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet which has a column which shows square footages (Column AE) and I also have a column which shows costs (Column Y).

What I would like to do is to bracket these footages in to 6 bands (0 - 5000, 5000 - 10000, 10000 - 15000, 15000 - 20000, 20000 - 25000, 25000+) and then average the costs within a particular band.

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Multiply If Column Contains Certain Text?

Aug 8, 2014

I have column A that declares the account as asset, liability, expense, etc. Some of the accounts need to be reversed. I'm having a hard time figuring out a formula or code I can use. Column C contains the values. I prefer VBA as I want to add it to the current macro I already have.

So if Column A has a liability, offset by (0,2), and multiply that value by -1. If Column A has an asset, leave the value as is.

I wanted to use an if-then statement but I'm not sure how to highlight entire columns. The number of liabilities, and assets, etc.

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Multiply & Round Formula

Mar 21, 2008

I am having a calculating issue with a formula I'm trying to use.

What I am trying to do is to multiply the " sum of one cell" with "another cell" for a total.

The following are the cells and data involved.

A12 = 93 C12 = $44.76

A19 = 93 C19 = =sum(C12*0.05) D19 = =sum(A19*C19)

The formulas looked pretty straight forward. My problem is the total I got in D19 was not what I calculated on a calculator. C19 is $2.24 and the above formula gave D19's total as $208.13 but the calculator's total is $208.32.

I can't figure out what is causing the different totals. If there is another formula I should use for this.

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Multiply 2 Columns When Another Formula Exists To Add In?

Aug 22, 2014

So I have the first part of my equation and it works fine. The equation is in Column D.


What I want it to do is: Combine the above for Col D with: if the Unit Name Column (A) says anything EXCEPT Van, I want it to multiple Cost (Col B) by QTY (E) and put the total in Col D.

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Multiply Dependent One Cell Formula

Aug 8, 2006

All to occur in cell G2

Condition 1.
If F2 is > 0 then multiply F2 by D2.

Condition 2 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied by D2 is > E2 AND the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then add the product of D2 multiplied by the sum of
F1 and F2 to E2, otherwise input E2

Condition 3 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied D2 is < E2 BUT the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then input the product of D2 multiplied by the sum
of F1 and F2.

Condition 4 in the same cell.
If F2 < 0, and the sum of sum of F2 and F1 multiplied by D2 is < 0, then 0.

This is the best way I could think of the write out my intention. I think if
I can get the above scenario into a one cell formula that should resolve my

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Complex VBA / Formula To Multiply Values

Aug 9, 2012

I have a complex request which I think can be done either via vb or a macro, not sure which is best?, will try to explain:

The table shows a list of items that make up various BOM. there are quantities of each item required at the different BOM level

0 = Top level
1 = Level Below
2 = Level below that etc, etc

If the top level (0) has a quantity greater than 1 then all the items at the lower levels should be multiplied by that quantity

THEN move to the level 1's and whatever the quntity is in the level 1 field, multiple all lower levels by that number
if the quantity fields are blank, then always multipy below by 1

This needs to continue on down the chain of levels

So basically you end up with the correct quantites of each item at each BOM level.

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Formula To Multiply Single Value By Array Then Sum?

Mar 29, 2013

I am looking for an excel formula that will allow me to perform the following logic: if a cell value in (M3:BA3)="D" then multiply C29 by the corresponding value in (M29:BA29), then sum all of the products.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Multiply GB In Formula

Aug 11, 2013

I have Excel 2010. I am creating a spreadsheet for server backups. I have always been told to take the current size of the disk and multiply it by 10% to figure out the backup size needed for the backup. I am trying to create a formula to do this. I have a server with 25GB. The formula i tried was

=a1*10%. A1 being 25gb. Excel does not like the GB in the cell also this is only giving me the difference. I need to know what size to allow for my backup on this server.

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Multiply 2 Values Based Upon Corresponding Column Cells

Oct 15, 2009

I'm absolutely new to Excel and I've been trying to workout a formula to to test two conditions if true and derive the data from a 3rd column. In my attached excel file there's a Grade (A) , Status (B) and Mid Point (C) Tables. I'd like it to be formulated in a sense that forexample:

IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q4 RETURN =3750*0.25
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =3750*0.5
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =3750*0.75
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= whatever (I mean whatever I input in this cell then it would retrun 3750 ofcourse satisfying the condition grade= 1) RETURN =3750

IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q4 RETURN =5500*0.25
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =5500*0.5
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q2 RETURN =5500*0.75
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= whatever (I mean whatever I input in this cell then it would retrun 5500 ofcourse satisfying the condition grade= 2) RETURN =5500

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Multiply Column Of Numbers By Fixed Number

Mar 1, 2008

I did a search myself, then went through the 5 pages the "Post" function brought up. I'm sure it's been asked before, I must just not be using the right words

I need to tell every cell in one column to multiply itself by a firm number and a percentage. Ex: Column F will be the result of $77.80 times 75 percent all the way down the column. Column G will be $27.21 times 100 percent all the way down.

I could enter the formula into every cell, but I wondered if there's a way to just tell the whole column, only once, what it needs to do. PS-I work for an insurance company. The employees of a company want a spreadsheet showing exactly who pays exactly what. Ex: Their paystub shows $142.90 coming out of their paycheck. Their employer pays 100% of medical, 75% of dental. The columns would show Total, Employer Medical, Employer Dental, Employee Medical, Employee Dental.

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Multiply A Column And Result Appear In Next Column

Aug 31, 2010

How do you multiply a column and have the results reappear in the nextcolumn? E3:E3631*1.3 = F3:F3631, is the code I tried.

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Multiply Column Of Values By A Random Number Within Range?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a column of values I need to multiply by a random number (percentage) within a range of numbers (15%-22%).

How can this be done?

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Multiply Two Column Vectors Based On Reference Cells

Feb 9, 2013

How do you multiply two column vectors D2:D6 and G2:G6 based on reference cells A3 and B3 that are equal to D1 and G1?



[Code] ......

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Match/Index Formula :: Multiply Last 3 Cells In A Row And Subtract 1

Sep 23, 2009

I am having a little trouble with multiplying a few formulas. I am looking for a formula that will multiply the last three cells in a row that contain data and subtract 1. Below is an example of the type of data I am working with and the formula I am trying to use but is not working. The formula is for the cell highlighted in red. Every quarter the last three cells being referenced will change.....

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Select Data From Spreadsheet Column If Condition In 2nd Spreadsheet At Same Time Is Met

Aug 11, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one gives me the beginning and end of civil twilight as a measure of day vs. night. The spreadsheet has Date/Time in the first column, and the value 45 in the 2nd column when it is night. The second spreadsheet has also 2 columns with date/time and body temperatures of a squirrel. I want to get basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) of the squirrel's nocturnal body temperature, that is for times when it is night (value 45). The tricky part is that Date/Time of both spreadsheets are different. The procedure has to recognize that the date/time of body temperature lies between the beginning and end of the value 45 blocks of the first spreadsheet.

files: twilight sheet squirrel temperature

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Sumproduct Formula: Multiply Monthly Values With A Maximum Value In Any One Period

Jun 16, 2009

Need the formula to multiply monthly values with a maximum value in any one period? The sample file attached explains it better.

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Multi-Spreadsheet Formula Down To Populate The Other Cells In The Total Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2010

I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?

The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:

='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)

The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.

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Multiply Cell In Column A If Cell In Column B Is Equal To 5?

Mar 25, 2014

How can I multiply let's say A1 to 10 if B1 = 5

or multiply next cell like A2 to 15 if B2 = 10

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That Takes From Manual Sheet The Number In Specific Column And Multiply It By The Percentage In Sheet

May 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula that takes from "Manual" Sheet the number from colume G2 and multiply it by the percentage in sheet "AllocationRule".

My formula currently is =Manual!$G$2*AllocationRule!$B5.

What needs to happen is that the total number in "Manual" needs to be distributed evenly in 4 rows by the percentages allocated in "AllocationRule".

Right now I can't copy my formula over to the sheet because the "AllocationRule" should stop at B5 and not go further and the G2 from "Manual" should not change for the percentage allocation but should change to the next row for the next month.

And then after I've done the calculation I want the LOB in "AllocationRule" to be displayed in the LOB in "H1913_H1914" but I'm not sure what formula to use.

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Formula To Multiply Total Number Per Category With The % Of Total?

Dec 13, 2013

number for item detail level from category standpoint. For example, in the category sheet has total number per category and per month and in the item detail sheet has a list of item number with category. I want a formula to recognize which item belongs to which category then use the total number of category by month to multiply with % of total in column D from Item Detail Spreadsheet.

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