Formula To Multiply Total Number Per Category With The % Of Total?
Dec 13, 2013
number for item detail level from category standpoint. For example, in the category sheet has total number per category and per month and in the item detail sheet has a list of item number with category. I want a formula to recognize which item belongs to which category then use the total number of category by month to multiply with % of total in column D from Item Detail Spreadsheet.
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Mar 14, 2009
I want to multiply a number say, 1551 by 5%, 6%, 7%, 8% and 9% and round each result to 0 decimal places. Then the sum of these results (544)should be equal to 35% of 1551 rounded to 0 decimal places (543). How do I create an if function for rounding so that the sum equals 543.
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Apr 22, 2009
This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.
I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:
Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.
Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?
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Dec 21, 2008
I'm sure this can be done but I don't think I have the formula correct. What I am trying to do is add each day's total while displaying a positive number if the total exceeds 6000.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a report which has a list of customers, each customer has 24 columns which represent the payment history over 24 months. If a payment has been made for that month the date and time (formatted correctly) will be populated in this cell.
Each customer has a product name attached to it so a product can appear several times. I need is a formula that shows the total payments recieved for a particular month for a particular product. For example.
I have managed to create the following flag which works a treat, it picks up a date an account was set up but looks at 1 column.
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm working on making a monthly expense report with 2 sheets; the first sheet would include each individual expense and the expense would placed in a certain category. The second worksheet would be a summary of the total expenses for each category.
I would like column A to be a drop down menu:
Column A: Expense type (Stationery, Kitchen, Maintenance, etc..)
Column B: Amount
This would continue for as many rows as i need
Then on a different worksheet it would add each item based on its category and give a total for each category.
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Apr 17, 2014
Using Excel 2013.
Trying to create a Calculated Column in a table to put Expense in 1 of 4 categories
I came up with =CALCULATE(sum([TotalExpense]),FILTER(factExpense,factExpense[ExpnseType]="Sundries"))
But that is returning total instead of a total for each record What did I miss?
This works for the first Calculated column: =CALCULATE(sum([TotalExpense]),FILTER(dimExpense,dimExpense[Type]="Sundries"))
But as soon as I copy the formula to the next column and update the type to "Wines_Spirits" I get
A circular dependency was detected
Found the answer on SQLBI website I added a unique id to each row and in Table Behavior in the Data Model set the Unique_ID as the Row_Identifier
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Jun 9, 2014
I have a column with Cells that will sat True or False, the amount of rows will be different every time, I need to work out what the total percentage of True cells compared to the total number of cells. How would this be achieved.
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May 24, 2006
I have cells C22:C27 with a number that could change each week. How can I get a total of the number of cells that = 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12?
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Apr 6, 2009
I am copying various rows from one spreadsheet to another (sheet3) and would like to total one of the columns. The trouble is that since I don't know how many rows there will be I am having trouble inserting a formula that will work. I am sure that there must be a simple solution but I can't seem to find it.
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Mar 5, 2014
I need to set up an easy to use spread sheet for my office. It needs to be able to calculate the running total spent of fuel, as well as include any discounts we get and then calculate our total savings.So basically, total spent and total saved.
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Aug 6, 2009
Please see the attached sheet. I have columns B through a lot (B through O in my oversimplified example). In every 7th row in each of these columns there is either a 1 or a blank/zero. I need to multiply that 7th number by the Quantity in column A, to achieve a total (ie the sum of each result of 7th cell*quantity) for each column in the bottom row, labeled "Totals".
In the actual version of my sheet, there are far too many rows to select everything manually. I've been fiddling with combinations of COUNTIF/COUNTA and OFFSET, but I haven't come up with a way to check for the 1 in every 7th row, THEN multiply that 1 by the quantity in column A, THEN add up the results for each column. As you can see, there are 1's elsewhere in the columns that are irrelevant to this particular calculation, so something like LOOKUP would also have to look in every 7th cell and couldn't just look at the column as a whole.
If you can't provide an immediate solution, but can at least point me to a resource that would allow me to devise a way to isolate every 7th row (THAT part is the sticking point), I'll surely post the solution to my own thread with updated keywords if I need it.
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Jun 13, 2014
I am trying to create a very basic workbook that has 2 worksheets. one is a daily input for tonnes, that then just gets cut and pasted to a different program, and the other worksheet is the running total. i.e., it adds up every time you update it.
been trying to figure out a macro so when you press the update button it then just updates the monthly total.
Colac Production.xls
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Oct 10, 2009
In an excel work shift schedule, I am trying to total the total number of days someone is scheduled for different shifts. I can get a total for the current schedule but I want to be able to have a year to date total as each new schedule is added in. These totals are in the AF through BC columns in the xray shift totals in the attached worksheet.
I don't know if it is possible or not and am working on a pre-existing worksheet.
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Sep 13, 2009
Sub sumbotton()
Dim ar As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection.CurrentRegion
Set rng = rng.Resize(rng.Rows.Count + 1)
For Each ar In rng.Areas
ar.Resize(1).Offset(ar.Rows.Count) = "=SUM(" & ar.Address & ")"
Next ar
End Sub
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May 30, 2008
I'm trying to use IF with other variable but is not working.
What I have:
Colum G12 - NET Sallary
Colum I12 - 3 possibilities (MRM, ME, AB)
Colum J12 where I will have my formula.
I have another table with 3 datas:
MRM = 1,709 (P3)
ME = 1,544 (P4)
AB = 1,630 (P5)
What I need to do is the following:
J12 = IF I12 = "MRM" THAN G12*P3; IF I12 = "ME" THAN G12*P4; IF I12 = "AB" THAN G12*P5
I need to multiply the sallary to one of the 3 variable depending on the category: MRM, ME and AB.
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a sheet in my workbook with at least 180 small tables, there may be more.
I woulds like to be able to change total formulas for all tables at once to show either year-to- date or total year.
For example:
If we have only progressed through the second period of the year, I would like to choose something to indicate period 2. At other time I may want to know the total year whether the periods are completed or not.
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Oct 28, 2009
Which formula can be used to get the "total number" of the following
-2 + 1 = 3
Normally the answer would be -1, however I need to know the total "effective" difference figure, so the answer should be 3.
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Jul 9, 2009
I need a formula where by i can get just number with total in front from e.g cell D2 =148513 Total and E2 should result just 148513 and leave the rest blank which does not have total.
148513 Total
1578972 Total
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Apr 23, 2009
Col A Col B Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
1000 Susan Y Y Y Y Y CountA(B6:B12)
899 Ted Y
1560 John Y Y
1000 Susan Y Y
I need to be able to total the number of Y for a given person
in a week as well as a total for the person over 4 weeks.
CountA works for the week But what formula would I need to count
for a specific person over 4 weeks. Col A is in random order. If the person
has no Y the answer needs to be blank and not N/A.
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Apr 3, 2014
Here it is i needed to get the total of all negative and positive value.
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Aug 7, 2009
I have a table with 5 columns and approx. 85-90 rows.
Column A has the Branch name in it e.g. Beavers or Bedfont (11 Branches in total)
Column B has User Type - Adult, Child, Guest (Adult), Guest (Child), Catalogue
Column C has Session Type - Booking, Drop-In
Column D has Total Session Time (mins) - which gives a number in minutes of the total session time used
Column E is not needed
I currently get a calculator and add up e.g all of the adult Bookings for Beavers and enter them onto a Report Sheet, then all of the Adult Drop-Ins for Beavers etc. I want an Excel Spreadsheet that will give me a total number for each so I can do away with the calculator.
I am thinking of creating a new sheet with a number of cells that have a formula similar to this
But I want it to see Adult, Guest (Adult) and Catalogue as the same thing / and I want it to pick up Child and Guest (Child) as the same thing.
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Apr 10, 2014
I am creating a spreadsheet for inventory use. I want to have a running total in (1) cell based upon a new/different number being entered into a different cell.
Column B, Row 1 (This will be a new/different number entered every day - inventory in or out, so positive or negative number)
Column D, Row 1 (This will be a running total based on numbers inserted in previous 2 columns)
Basically what I have is a key inventory. So there is column A with key number, B should be keys IN, C should be keys OUT, or ideally B would be IN and OUT meaning, for inventory IN input a positive number and for inventory OUT input a negative number, and D Should be total.
Column E represents number of keys currently in the inventory. I was going to hide the current inventory column so all you see is IN/OUT and total. So what I need is to be able to just come in and type in a number in the IN and/or OUT column, without having to add/subtract it with the number already in that column.
Bottom line, I'd like to be able to use IN and/or OUT columns to just type in numbers as they come and not have to worry about what's already in those columns and get correct total number.
Ok here it is. Attached worksheet shows
Column A - Key Numbers...No data value
Column B - Inventory IN
Column C - Inventory OUT
Column D - Total
Column E - Current Inventory(Starting point)
So the formula I used to get what i currently have is (=B2-C2+E2). This way whatever i input in columns C and C. totals out in D. But this way every time I want to add/subtract a number in B and C, i have to add to the number already in the column. I'd like to be able to type in a number in B and C as i go and still have a correct total. I wouldn't mind having just one column for in/out and use positive and negative numbers to differentiate inventory in or out.
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Nov 30, 2009
Have column A with date, column B with subtotal, column C with Total. The Total (C) is made up of one to five subtotals (B). Subtotals to be included in the Total are those that come after the previous Total up to the row with a date. Only a row with a date has a Total. Is there a formula that can do this?
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Jan 2, 2007
I am working on this for two days , but I got stuck on the last step. I have a roster for about 35 employees. Calculating the daily hrs was not a problem. But I am doing the roster for one week. And I want employee wise total of hrs worked. I am quite confused as the "sum" formula works for some totals and for others it does not, although all the cells are in the right format. I tried to change the "result" cell to "number" and multiply by 24 to get the hr total as a number, but it does not work.
for example "SUMIF(E1:E57,"rafik",H1:H57)" ( this is the formula for calculating hrs for "rafik" on monday. the result cell is in "hh:mm" format and gives me the right total.
Likewise upto sunday the totals are right. What I want to do is calculate the total number of hrs from mon to sun. This seems to be impossible. the formula =SUM(H60:AL60) in a dd:mm format does not work, even =SUM(H60:AL60)*24 in a "number format" does not work.
I have tried "excel help" , tried to change the format but nothing works. The result should be 52 hrs and I cant get it no matter what I do.
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Jun 17, 2008
I am looking for a formula with the following conditions:The fiscal year of the business runs from December 30, 2007 to January 03, 2009
There are 13 periods in the fiscal year ending with different date ranges. For example, period 01 runs between December 30, 2007 to January 26, 2008
There may be 3 capital projects completed in Period 01, 5 in period 02, 6 in period 03 and so on
count the total number of projects from period 01 to Period 13 with the period end date restrictions for the fiscal year. The formula should be able to count the no of projects for each period individually.
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Sep 23, 2008
I'm trying to create a userform which calculates and records the total number of hours a user puts in, however it can not exceed 40 hrs.
Dim intProject1 As Integer
Dim intProject2 As Integer
Dim intProject3 As Integer
Dim intTotal As Integer
intProject1 = txtProject1.Text
intProject2 = txtProject2.Text
intProject3 = txtProject3.Text
intTotal = txtTotal.Text
If txtTotal > 40 Then
txtTotal = txtProject1.Text + _
txtProject2.Text txtProject3.Text
txtTotal.Text = Format(txtTotal, "currency")
MsgBox ["Total exceeds 40 hours."]
End If
If you guys could help me out I appreciate it
End Sub
Private Sub lblProject1_Click()
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Aug 6, 2009
I need to calculate the total cost of outbound calls based on the total duration of outbound calls multiplied by cost per minute. For example, in a given month, the total duration of outbound calls is 261:16:34 being 216 hours, 16 minutes and 34 seconds. I have this figure in cell A1 with the format [h]:mm:ss. I then convert this to minutes in cell B1 by saying B1=A1, but having the format [m], which gives me 15676. In cell C1, I have the cost per minte value of £0.026. But when I apply the formula D1=B1*C1, I get £0.283, when 15676*£0.026 should in fact be £407.58.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have created a spreadsheet as follows:
Date revenue total tickets sold total tickets sold per day
10-1 166,453 15374
10-2 166,915 15414
How do I formulate so that the numbers automatically update per day
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Nov 11, 2008
Column A = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Column B = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Need: 1 cell that compares all of the A range to all of the B range and returns a a percentage of repeats. So, if there are 50 entries in A, and only 40 are unique, and B includes 10 repeats (unique, not multiple), then the returned value would be 25%.
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