Numbering For Coordinates

Oct 24, 2007

how to get a single cell (C2) and (D2) to make the numbering format go from (## ## ##) to (######).

The Excel spread sheet is a coordinate converter, designed to take Degree's minuets seconds and convert it to Decimal Degrees, the formula is set up and work Great, but every time I copy and paste the coordinate to the excel spread sheet, i have to manuelly erase the spaces between the numbers so the formula can work properly. How can i get the cell to automatically delete the space between the numbers to save me time.(I.e 29 35 42.34325 -to-> 293542.34325)

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Distance Between Coordinates?

Dec 8, 2013

I have created a sheet that shows distance between coordinates. Also working on something to put them in order of the closest point. I used a fixed point to find the nearest coordinate, but since i'm using a fixed point it doesnt go the order I want it to. I have attached the excel file I am working on.

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XYZ Coordinates Graph 3D

Aug 22, 2007

I have the following data:

X Axis - Years (2004, 2005 ,...)
Y Axis - Quantity (imported, exported, produaced)
Z- Axiz - Name of the products

I want to make a graph with teh X, y,z axis in excel. When i use the 3D graphs in excel, it is not taking the z vales connected to teh cell.

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Convert Lat/longs Coordinates

Jan 7, 2009

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will convert coordinates from DDMMSS.00 to DDMM.000. I found another thread that discusses this same issue, but I was unable to make it work for me. I'm attaching a sample spreadsheet that basically shows what I'm trying to do.

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Line Of Best Fit And More Using Cells As Coordinates

Aug 6, 2014

I have an image which i have reduced to a mathematical representation of light intensities. We can consider each cell in my spreadsheet as a pixel, the value within the cell corresponding to how much light that pixel it took in during an exposure. There is a trend along the pixels that i would like to isolate as exactly as possible: a diagonal line, not quite straight from the bottom left corner to the top right.

What I would like to do, if possible, is to treat each cell in my spreadsheet as a point on a coordinate plane, and to use some type of formula or macro to give me a line of best fit using the positions of the highest valued cells as the data points in my extrapolation.

The tool I'm looking for would take data organized like this:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 200 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 200 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 200 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

And give me an equation of the form y=1x + b (describing where to find the maximum values among the cells), although my actually data will need to be fit to a higher order polynomial.

Once I can do this, I will also need a way to take perpendicular sums automatically along the line of best fit at distance of two pixels in both directions and a width of one pixel. You can imagine drawing a rectangular box perpendicular to the line of maximum values and adding the proportions of each cell enclosed by that box. This means that for the example above, i would get 209 for all five points of interest: the maximum value plus the two values of one in the upper left perpendicular direction, the two values of one in the lower right perpendicular direction, half the values of the two cells neighboring the exactly perpendicular cells and a quarter of the outermost cells touched by our imaginary pixel box.

The following image may be useful in clarifying what I'm looking for. The red bar represents the imaginary box containing perpendicular pixel sums, where the green beam is the line of best fit derived from my maximum values.

Attachment 337419

Also, here is a snippet of my actual data to experiment with in solving these strange and exotic problems

Attachment 337420

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Extract AutoCAD XYZ Coordinates

Jun 26, 2009

I am trying to extract (and separate into 3 columns) the numbers only, positive or negative portion of (XYZ) Coordinates copied from AutoCAD and pasted into column A
X = 96179.9699 Y = 61973.9793 Z = 1368.0025
In column B,C and D, I have tried to use Find Mid and other means

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Calculating Distance Between Coordinates

Jan 16, 2008

i use a Trimble Total Station Survey equipment, This is used for suveying and measuring distances between points on jobs. These points can be exported onto the pc as a text file and imported onto excel, the file has a northing and easting to locate the point these are comma separated.

I would like to know if excell is capable of working out a distance betwen two of these such points by using the two pairs of northing and easting coordinates. The maximum distance between two points is no more than 50 meters. If for example when imported onto excel point 1's coordinates are locted in cells A1 and B1 and points 2's coordinates are locted in cells A2 and B2.

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Calculate Angle From X, Y Coordinates

Dec 21, 2006

I have a userform, on it is a very large command button with a picture of a map loaded on the button. The button is 500 width(X) by 500 height (Y), so the center of the button would be at the location 250 (X) by 250 (Y). The button is coded for mousemove to get the X,Y cooridates and when you _Click the button a textbox gives the distance to the point(mousemove) from the center of the button. All that is good, but now I'd like to find the degree of the point referenced to a compass, ie, if the point is at 250 (X) and (Y) is less than 250 then the point would be due north at 0/360 degrees and if the point (Y) is greater than 250, it would be south of the center of the button. I hope this make sense. It's been a long time since trig. I've been searching but can't seem to find the correct formula to figure this out.

Here's the other problem, I'm doing this in powerpoint so I'm not sure if cos or tan functions are loaded in this program. I am posting this in the xl forum because I figure that's where most of the people who could figure this out are. If this is in the incorrect forum I can try to move it,

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3D Chart / Graph With Spherical Coordinates

Mar 1, 2008

Is it possible to create a chart using spherical coordinates (radius, theta, phi) in Excel? I want to create something similar to this. I would even be willing to write add-in code to create the graph from scratch, but I don't know if that's possible. Is it possible to create a new chart type without using the other chart types as a base?

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Count Geographic Coordinates Within A Range

May 12, 2009

I have 2 columns of longitude and latitude coordinates. I want to count coordinates within certain ranges. A bit like using the Frequency function but for 2 sets of values and 2 bins arrays. This would mean I could create a table with latitute bins as the row headers and longitude bins as the column headings. Would anyone know how to do this?

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Finding The Hypotenuse Of From Two Pairs Of X,Y Coordinates

Feb 4, 2010

I have a map with several waypoints and would like to find the distance between any of these two waypoints. Sounds simple, but I have having an issue with the later parts of the excel file. Let me explain further.

There are over 100 waypoints on this map we have. Each waypoint has an, seemingly arbitrary, X-coordinate and Y-Coordinate. However, if you divide the coordinates by [X], they turn into miles. It should go without saying that finding the distance between two waypoints is rather simple mathematically, but I having an issue figuring out how to pull two random waypoints and having the distance automatically calculated.

So far, I just have column A with the waypoint name and with column B and C having the X and Y coordinates respectively. Is there anyway I can create some sort of call function that when two waypoint values are entered it would automatically calculate the distances?

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Isolate XY Coordinates In Separate Cells

Sep 17, 2013

I have a cell in F2 that looks like this...

Kansas City, MO
(39.104810141000485, -94.47983043799968)

I need to isolate the coordinates in separate cells. IE "39.10481014000485" in cell J2 & "-94.47983043999968" in cell K2. The problem is that some of the cells don't have 14 numbers behind the decimal, and my formula will sometimes grab either the comma ( "," ) or the end parenthesis ( ")" ). Is there a formula I can use to isolate the two coordinate plots?

The good thing is every cell is formatted exactly like this. I had been using a formula that looks like this.


I think it's close. I just cant figure out how to tell the formula to stop at the first comma, and to stop at the end parenthesis for the second set of coordinates.

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Add Shape & Textbox Values For Coordinates

Jan 1, 2007

i am trying to enter the EndX coordinates (The third number: 500) by entering a number in a forms textbox

ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(0, 100, 500, 100).Select

how can i break the code up to enter the coordinates via textbox's

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Calculate Relative Vector Coordinates

Oct 1, 2007

I am running a fairly complex simulation at work and have quite a few different functions in it. For the simulation to work properly, i need to have the Solver add-in and the Analysis ToolPak installed. Everytime that i try and use the simulation on a different computer (or if anyone else tries to run it) the add-ins must be enabled again. Is there a way to set up a macro to enable them when either i open the simulation (first preference) or when a button is pressed (2nd preference).

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Calculate Shortest Distance From Coordinates

Dec 5, 2007

I want to use a User Defined name look up its corresponding X/Y Coordinates , reference a list organized by categories, then go through each name in the list finding each's X/Y Coord Calculate distance.


where X and Y are Coordinates

& Return the name of the smallest Value.

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Extracting Row And Column Header Coordinates From Value Search?

Mar 6, 2014

If the could be longer I would have included "when multiple cells can contain the same value"

I have a very large dataset that I would like to apply the following searches to, but I will include a smaller sample that gets at the point.

For example; in the following sheet:
Cat Dog Lizard
Red 1 2 3
Yellow 4 5 6
Green 7 8 1

If I search for "2", I would like to get back "Red" and "Dog". I was able (by looking at other posts) come up with a series of formula that allow me to obtain the sheet coordinates and convert them into column and row headers (using SUMPRODUCT Row/Column); however, when multiple cells contain the same value, the output becomes the sum of that coordinate and is no longer a reference to a specific header, so a search for "1" would not give me "Red" and "Cat". Ideally, if I searched for "1" I would get back "Red" & "Cat" as well as "Green" & "Lizard", but I would be satisfied with a formula that even just gave me back one of the two header pairs.

JordanSample Workbook.xlsx

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Group Of Decimal Coordinates - How To Pool Those Which Are Close One Another

Jul 5, 2014

How to set a formula to calculate distances (by using a function I provided) among all the observations (each one with a latitude and longitude value expressed in decimals) in an excel sheet. Here it is the previous thread.

I slightly modified the solution MarvinP suggested to me by using my own function to calculate distances among coordinates.

Attached you can find the excel with this. You will see that on the right side of the sheet, in yellow background, there is a matrix whose non-blank cells each one reporting a case of close coordinates (e.g.: 4-5 means that observations 4 and 5 are less than 15 Km apart one from another). Cells of the left-side matrix contains the function used to calculate distances among each observation with any other. Matrices are 116X116.

However, I am now jammed because I don't find an easy way to pool the observations found to be close each other (I have used a distance threshold of 15 Km - you can see it in the formula inside each cell of the "yellow" matrix").

The ideal way to establish new coordinates values for observations close one another would be by using coordinates which are at an intermediate position, however, this is not my priority, it would be OK also using one arbitrary value for all of them, i.e. picking up one pair of coordinates of one of the close observations and attribute this to the other. I have seen that, by excluding nonsensical similarities (e.g. 1-1, 2-2, etc.), there are groups of close observations of size 2 (e.g. 4-5) up to 10 (nine observations very close to a given one).

Attached File : CoordinatesPooling.xlsx‎

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Smart Generation Of Coordinates For Excel Shapes VBA

Sep 5, 2013

I'm using Excel to create a flowchart from a configuration sheet. I'm not manually entering the coordinates. Instead, I draw the start step in a set location. The next step(s) that's connected to the first step is placed directly below the start step. if there's more than one step connected to the start step, it's placed at the same y-coordinate but shifted along the x-axis.

The problem I'm running into here is this: say I have three steps connected to the start step and three further steps connected to the first of the three connected to the start step, how can I keep track of this and shift the other two steps connected to the start step along the x-axis so they're not positioned above the four steps below the first step (and as such, in the same location as other steps)? I'm not sure if my description is particularly clear or not so I've attached a drawing that will hopefully clear things up.

Is there any way of giving Excel shapes a "weight" so that other shapes won't line up on top of them?

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Macro To Solve For Cartesian Coordinates On An Ellipse

Feb 25, 2009

Does anyone have a macro they have created or know of that can solve the X and Y coordinates on an ellipse? Would you be willing to share here or send it to me in a personal email?

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Getting Max Value Of A Point Inside A Square Defined With X,y Coordinates

Apr 18, 2006

I have a square which is defined with x,y coordinates (roughly 2000 points), and for each point I have a value. And I have to divide this square in to 9 equal sub grids, and find the max value in each sub grid. I have all the coordinates for the sub grids. But I can’t get the max value of the specified cells.

I am thinking something like this:

if 0<x>10 and 0<y<10 then it is sub grid 1 and I want to find the max value there
and if 0<x>10 and 10<y<20 then it is sub grid 2 and so one…..

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ActiveCell.Address - Discarding Fixed Coordinates

Jul 17, 2006

I'm attempting to write a piece of code that builds a formula dependent on the location of the cell it is being created in. The relevant line of code currently reads as follows:

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = "=" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -5).Address & " & " & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -6).Address

Which when activated in cell A3, will enter the formula =$A$3 & $A$2

However, I would like to know if there is a way of automatically building a formula like this, only without the absolute references. Reason being, this formula is used in a large table, which is sorted in date order automatically when the sheet is activated. Since the code generated will point at the row it was generated on, when the table is sorted, this formula will calculate the incorrect result.

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Data Type Of Coordinates Of 2-dimensional Array

Apr 29, 2007

I have a big array "DataArray" and want to access it:

For i = 1 To 4
variable = DataArray(SourceArray(i))
Next i

"DataArray" has two dimensions, so SourceArray has to consist of data like this:

SourceArray(1) = 1,2
sourceArray(2) = 2,4

What data type does Sourcearray have to be? Integer doesnt seem to work, and DataArray doesnt like a string as coordinates. I have a workaround with two different arrays of integer for x and y coordinates, but this cannot be it.

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Modify Free-form Shape Coordinates

Feb 21, 2008

Right now I'm modifying a figure based on size data in an excel table.

I'm modifying the X/Y coordinates of the points of the freeform shape with VBA, however, I have to use absolute x,y coordinates.

I'd like to be able to move the shapes throughout the sheet. With fixed coordinates, this makes it difficult. I'm hoping there's an easy way to it

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Distance Between Xy Coordinates Not Converting Properly With Absolute Cell Use

May 14, 2014

I have a spread sheet that I am finding distance between xy coordinates and then trying to convert that distance into miles.

VB : =If(E2+F2=0,"",SQRT((E2-B2)^2+(F2-B3)^2))/1.6093

However, the division part only works in the first cell in the column correctly and then does not work in the rest of the column cells correctly. The difference in the code is that the first cell has no "$" in it and the rest of the cells in the column have the "$" in them.

VB : =If(E2+F2=0,"",SQRT(((E2-B$2)^2)+(F2-B$3)^2))

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Search For Value In Table Return Separate X And Y Coordinates Of All Its Locations?

Aug 22, 2013

i have a large table and i need separate x and y coordinates(to plot on a graph) of a particular repeated value that is known to me in a large table of numbers. how can i do this?

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Excel 2007 :: Realtime GPS Coordinates From Built In Receiver

Sep 19, 2011

i have a built in gps receiver into my laptop. what i am looking for is to simply click a button which will give me the x and y, with current speed if possible. and input to cell a1, b1, c1

im using excel 2007, and window xp pro.

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Minimum Distance Calculation Of Geographic Coordinates Using Array

Jun 9, 2006

I am working on two spreadsheets, one we shall call Target Sheet and the other Reference Sheet.

On the target sheet, I have a set of 200 geographic coordinates longitude and latitude (in decimal degrees). Each pair of coordinates coresponds to a geographic site.

On the reference sheet, I have a set of 900 geographic coordinates longitude and latitude (in decimal degrees). Each pair of coordinates coresponds to a geographic site. Note that of the 900, 200 are the same from target sheet, other 700 are different sites.

Using the spherical law of cosines, I can calculate the distance between a set of coordinates on target sheet agianst a set of coordinates on reference sheet. This allows me to see the distance from one geographic site, to the other. This was easy. The formula I use is as follows: ....

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Button Position/Coordinates On Worksheet. Discrepancy Between Versions

Apr 30, 2008

Add Multiple Buttons That Select Row Of Housing Cell. One of my Macro's places a button on a sheet using Top/Left;

Set sbut = Sheets("Listings").Shapes.AddFormControl(xlButtonControl, _
Range("J" & count).Left, Range("J" & count).Top, 50, 12)

When I try to find the row of the clicked button using the following code;


The code behaves differently in Excel 2002 and 2007. In 2002 it returns the row the button sits on, but 2007 returns the cell above the button. This could be because the workbook is an XLS running in Excel 2007 in compatibility mode? Is there a way to "nudge" the button down a little after it has been placed using .top/.left ? Or is the only way around this something like;

count = ActiveCell.Row
If Application.Version >= 12 Then
count = count + 1
End If

Is this a bug, or something that I am doing wrong ? The workbook needs to be a .xls to ensure that it works in older versions of Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Calculating Coordinates For A Point On Multi-Segment 3D Line

Sep 19, 2013

Windows 8, Excel 2010

I have XYZ Coordinates for a continuous 3-D line that has numerous segments. I want to input a distance along that line, and have it create the XYZ coordinates at that point. See Image for reference.

Row 2 is my start point - I input the initial coordinates here - this point is the origin of the 3-D line
Column B is where I want the calculated Y value to go for each point
Column C is where I want the calculated X value to go
Column D is where I want the calculated Z Value to go
Column E is the how far along the 3-D line that the (to be calculated) point should be at. (MD1)
Columns G, H, & I are given to me, and I use this data to generate the coordinates in Columns J, K, & L
Column O is the cumulative length of the line at that coordinate. (MD2)

Basically, I had planned on writing a formula to:

Find the coordinates of the point who's MD2 (column O) is before the desired point's MD1 (column E)Find the coordinates of the point who's MD2 (column O) is after the desired point's MD1 (column E)Subtract MD's (column O) to get the length of the segmentFind the distance along that segment that MD1 (column E) fallsUse that distance to traverse along that line to the desired point.

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Auto Numbering A Tag Name

Dec 26, 2007

I would like to know if there is a way to Auto number a text.
I have a column with text tags (lets say Column B). These cells look at a specific cell (ex. A1) and see what text is written in it then copy the text into their own cells B1, B2, B3 and so on. So if cell A1 reports AAA then Column B cells become AAA all the way down.
Now what I like to do is for column B cells look at A1, copy the text and add _01 infront of their copied text. so for Column B, B1 reports AAA_01, B2 is AAA_02, B3 is AAA_03 and so on

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