Open Worksheet - Refresh And Close
Feb 11, 2013
I have a batch script which runs the following line to open my excel sheet:
start m:exportad.xls
when this sheet opens it automatically refreshes from a csv file.
The problem is that I want this sheet to open, refresh and close. To close Excel I have been using the taskkill command in my batch script, but I have found that using this method doesn't update the sheet properly - the sheet only updates properly if I close Excel in the correct way, but this means manual input and I want this to be automatic.
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Mar 25, 2014
I am using Task scheduler to open a workbook which has some connections to an ODBC that are set to refresh on opening.
I need to automate:-
One of the sheets needs to recalculate for the sort by ascending code to run on the sheet.
Save and then close after say 2 minutes of opening (to give the ODBC connections enough time to finish).
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Jan 23, 2014
I have data that daily needs to be refreshed and printed to pdf.
I figure the simplest way to do this would be to task schedule the workbook to open daily. Then on open it will refresh the data, print it after all data has been refreshed and close the workbook.
I set it up originally without the need to print so I have all the queries set to refresh when opening the file, however when I now try and put the code to print to pdf on the workbook open event it runs before the queries are finished running. (Query notes: queries were created through Microsoft query, and are accessing a MySQL database queries set to refresh when opening the file queries set to enable background refresh).
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May 3, 2013
I currently have a spreadsheet that has data connections to a file on a shared drive. On opening the file I have it update the data connections so that the data needed is always correct. The file I use is to be distributed out to work colleagues to use and on testing it works really well apart from if you have the file open and somebody tried to open the original file where the data is pulled from for the connection. It says it currently in use by 'another user'.
Is there any code to add to workbook_open that will close/disable the data connection links once the data has been updated? The code I currently have is this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
End If
End Sub
What this basically does is gives it time to refresh the data connections and show a progress userform. The only thing is the connections stay live and I don't want that as the connection file is then locked. I'm hoping its something simple like ActiveWorkbook.CloseDataConnection added in after the userform has been shown (or something along them lines ). Also the data connections would have to be able to reconnect on open so that they can refresh again.
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a bunch of workbooks that are used to capture information about implants used in surgical cases. I use a small VBA process each morning to update a querytable which contains all of the core patient information for future cases, however it is not working properly. The code goes through the process OK, or so it appears, opens and closes each sheet, and saves them appropriately, but the query table doesn't seem to refresh no matter what I do.
Sub RevisedRefresh()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "G:SHSTheatreCommonReceptionImplants"
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
If .Execute > 0 Then
For lCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Set wbResults = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=.FoundFiles(lCount), UpdateLinks:=0)...............................
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Jun 6, 2006
I'm trying to combine 2 sets of code that I have searched other threads for.Both use the OnTime code to trigger events after 5 and 10sec.
My problem is that the workbook won't close correctly and keeps re-opening on the refresh event. I understand both events need to be passed to the dTime variable, but I am obviously doing something wrong. I will include the code as I'm sure its something obvious;
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime dTime, "Sort", , False
If Cancel = False Then Application.OnTime dTime, "RefreshIt", , False
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Run "RefreshIt"
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:10:00"), "Sort"
End Sub
Public dTime As Date
Sub Sort()
dTime = Time + TimeValue("00:00:10")
Application.OnTime dTime, "Sort"
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("I6"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Sub RefreshIt()
dTime = Time + TimeValue("00:00:05")
Application.OnTime dTime, "RefreshIt"
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated!
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Oct 29, 2008
I've developed a complex dictator application, which pretty much takes over the entire Application object. During beta testing, I've had some user complaints that, once my program is started, they can't access their existing workbooks.
In order to remedy this situation, I'm trying to construct a front-loader workbook, which will automatically determine whether or not to start a new instance (application) of Excel. If the user already has a workbook open (i.e. "MiscBook.xls"), the front-loader will start a new application; otherwise, it will just use the existing application.
My "Auto_Open" code for the front-loader workbook is shown below:
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wbkTemp As Workbook, wbkApp As Workbook
Dim lCount As Long
Dim vTemp As Variant
The code works fine, but I have a minor gripe: every time a new application is created ("Else" in the "If-Else" above), the screen doesn't appear to refresh. In other words, I get a new window (instance of Excel), but none of my custom-defined buttons and menus show up. If I hover my mouse over their intended locations, they "appear" one at a time.
I'm just wondering - is there something I can do to prevent this behavior, or "refresh" the new application window upon startup? I'm essentially looking for something like "Userform.Repaint", only for a brand-new Excel Application object.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a model which extracts data from an external data sournce using an ODBC query. This data is then used to generate a pivot table. I have incorporated code to update the query and the pivot table on startup but would like to disable the Enable Query Refresh message box which occurs at startup (it would also be nice to disable the security warning but I know that is a no no)
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Apr 14, 2008
Can I take
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")
and do something like this?
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls") Not _
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")
I have a userform that I would like with a click of a button to open the workbook and then click the same button to close the workbook after it has been viewed.
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Jan 16, 2009
When i open excel it give an error and it close. My computer up to date about office upgrades. And i try to repair my office but it doesnt solve my problem.
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Jun 3, 2014
Below is the code to open a csv file and paste it in the workbook "ResultFile". When i click on a button, a csv file will open to copy the values and paste it in "Resultfile". Now, i want to close the csv or excel file to be closed once copying has done.
where to put the close file.
[Code] ....
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Jul 27, 2006
I'm creating a template that will be opened by users and saved to a new name based on info provided by the user. I have macros triggered when opening and closing the workbook. The Before Closing sub does some data transfer between workseets. I'm running into a problem with the Open sub, however. I wanted to give the user a chance to abort the opening, giving a dialog that allows canceling. I wanted to just close the workbook.
However, if I include an Active.Workbook.Close line in the Open sub, it of course triggers the Before Close sub, but it leaves the On Open sub hanging. The workbook closes, but the next time I open it, the dialog in the Open sub doesn't come up. Close again, and it works ok or quit Excel between openings and it is ok. If I let the Open macro complete, bypassing the remainder of the macro if the user indcates canceling, how to I trigger closing within VBA? If the Open macro completes without an Activeworkbook.close statement things will just sit there until the user initiates closing.
Is there a way to terminate the Open sub from within the Before Closing sub if I create a flag to indicate closing started during the open sub or some other way around this problem?
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Feb 25, 2008
I made an Excel based program that uses multiple workbooks with two main workbooks (“Master List” and “Products”) that all the others pull information from. I run into a problem when a user clicks the close X in the upper right hand corner and the entire application closes. I found some code that will let me close all the workbooks but one (the code is put in the “Products” workbook in the BeforeClose event).
For Each wb In Workbooks
If Not wb Is ThisWorkbook Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
Next wb
Is there a way to modify the code so it will close all the workbooks but the two main ones if someone clicks the close X button in the upper right hand corner?
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Apr 10, 2008
When i open an excel file, i need it to print 3 copies and then close itself without saving. This is because i have a file that must have 3 copies printed everyday. I know its lazy =) but i'm sure it will be very useful and i have seen it on a file before however i cannot successfully replicate it.
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Mar 5, 2007
I've got a 'Control Panel' spreadsheet which is all based on UserForms. When a user clicks a particular button, it opens one of many separate 'Regional' sheets which they work in.
When the user closes the 'Regional' sheet, I would like the 'Control Panel' sheets userforms to show again. However I can find no way of doing this as it simply switches back to the 'Control Panel' sheet without loading the forms (as I had to hide the 'Control Panel' useforms to give them access to the 'Regional' sheet).
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Feb 1, 2010
I am working with a bunch of files to do a dashboard. I have the main file which shows end results and what my users will see "Dashboard". I have about 10-15 files which I export weekly from MS Access. and I have the "Dashboard Data" file. In this file I have a sheet which links all the information for the files exported from MS Access. In here I have named ranges and dynamic ranges plus additional columns created to look up information in other tables. I use this file as my source data for my Dashboard File so that I can reduce the size of the actually dashboard. Dashboard Data file is about 5.5 mb and my Dashboard is 300kb. I have 12 branches that need to view the data over a radius of a hundred miles so the smal file are better.
My problem: I can get the Dashboard Data file to update without opening all the 10-15 other files. I cant however make the Dashboard file update without opening the Dashboard Data file. I have it to auto update without prompting but its still tells me that it cannot update. I was wondering if there is some VBA code I could use that would work like this:
I open the Dashboard File, Dashboard Data file opens so that Dashboard file updates and then close Dashboard Data File so that the user never has to see the Dashboard Data file. I dont want them to see it or have access to it.
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Jul 10, 2012
I use the below code to close ALL open Internet Explorer pages. Im trying to adapt this to close ALL Windows Explorer Folders.
Dim Shell As Object
Dim IE As Object
Dim i As Variant
Set Shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
i = Shell.Windows.Count
On Error Resume Next
Do While i > 0
i = i - 1
Set IE = Shell.Windows(i)
If TypeName(IE.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then IE.Quit
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Feb 21, 2013
I opened a file, by file I mean a "file" with no extension that has commas separating it.
So I recorded a macro to open up the file and this works fine.
How do I close it? I tried
wk1 = ThisWorkbook.Name 'Main Worksheet
But the problem is that "wk1" is not set equal to the name, probably because the file is not an excel file, it has no extension.
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Apr 30, 2013
I know the shortcut for grouping columns in excel is Alt + D + G + G or Shift + Alt + Right Arrow. Is there a shortcut to actually open and close grouped columns (i.e., the equivalent of clicking on the + sign at the top) without using the mouse?
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Aug 6, 2013
I use the following code to open an existing open workbook in a new instance of Excel...
Everything works fine... What I would like to do is close (when I say close I mean, completely exit/quit the application). I'm not able to do that, the original Excel instance stays open with no spreadsheet open. I would just like it force the application to quit so that after running the code I would just have one Excel instance open (with the desired workbook, which works fine now)...
Public Sub Re_open_workbook()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
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Apr 10, 2014
Is there a way to automatically open or close all grouped rows on a specific worksheet or for specific rows?
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Mar 22, 2006
Assume that the workbook Book1.xls opens a user form named myUserForm.
I'm trying to show only the user form on the desktop when I open Book1.xls, with Book1.xls minimized on the Taskbar.
And , if the Cancel button on the form is clicked, then unload the form and close Book1.xls.
That simple!
In ThisWorkbook, I have the event:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
End Sub
On the Form, I have the Cancel button:
Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
Unload Me
ThisWorkbook.Close True
End Sub
The above procedure shows the form, with Microsoft Excel blank window in the background, and produces a small bar at the bottom left of the screen for Book1.xls
Click the Cancel button, and both the Form and Book1.xls close, but the blank Excel window remain open !
I suppose I would not be able to edit this version of Book1.xls, but that is fine for now!
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Oct 22, 2008
this has to be the easiest thing ever. I want to (on opening one file) open another, and hide it (the second file), and then when closing the first file, I want to close the second file as well....
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Feb 25, 2009
I need to check if a .txt file is open. If yes, need to close it.
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Dec 29, 2006
I am trying to append 365 text files into a single Excel sheet. The files have unique names corresponding to the day of data that they represent (i.e. 0101.txt, 0102.txt, 0103.txt etc.) I am looking for some code that will loop through a folder, open each file, copy all data, and append it without the headers into the single Excel sheet. Does anyone have some VBA code that would do this?
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Sep 22, 2007
Code to check if a workbook is open, and close it, if it is.
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Jan 30, 2008
Two workbooks named"test1.xls"test2.xls
I have a userform in "text1.xls" workbook when I click on commandButton it validates Staff name and Staff number stored in sheet1 of "test1.xls" workbook and opens test2.xls file which is in different folder. Problem is how do I code to close or unload "test1.xls" after opening test2.xls
Private Sub goButton_Click()
F$ = "D: estFiles est2.xls"
' can I use Path so I don't need to type the full directory path
Workbooks.Open Filename:=F$
End Sub
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May 16, 2014
I have a folder which has a set of files (Files may be anything like excel,pdf,word..etc).My rrequirement is: When i run the macro the first file to last file should open and wait for 5 sec and then close..I mean first time the first file should open and wait for 5 sec and close..Next 2 nd files shoul open and close after 5 third files should open and close after 5 sec...Like wise till last file..Is this possible to achive through macro code..
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Jul 18, 2014
I have created several excel files as I cannot open them all at once since they are too large. So I have to open one excel file whilst closing another.
I want a macro that opens the excel file part 1 and part 2. Then it should close part 1 and after closing part 1 it should open part 3. Once part 3 is open, part 2 should be closed and when part 2 is closed part 4 should open. When part 4 is open, then part 3 should be closed and part 5 should open.
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Mar 14, 2014
I need to have a workbook (all of them in a folder, ideally) refresh in the middle of the night. The file is large so the refresh takes a full minute. I know I can't auto refresh a closed workbook (pretty sure anyway), and I can't leave the workbook open for various reasons.
So I'm thinking I could have a macro in an open excel (it kicks off on open) that will open a particular workbook elsewhere (the one I need refreshed), open it, refresh it and close/save it. Ideally it would do this for the entire group of workbooks in the folder but I'd be happy to start with just one. I would like to set it to occur every twelve hours (so at midnight, say, this would occur - I would just have to leave the workbook with the macro in it open on a computer so that it runs and completes this task every night).
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