Opening 2003 Files From Word 2003

Jan 8, 2010

how to write a code where i can open Excel2003 file from Word2003 and delete data from Sheet1 and then close the excel2003.

All this is done from Word file.

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Selecting MS Word 2003 Table From 2003

Feb 13, 2010

I can select a MS Word 2003 Table from my Excel 2003 macro? I keep getting Error 438 as per attached file for the line of

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Excel 2003 :: Count How Many Times A Word Is In A Range / Word Can Be In Cell More Than Once

Feb 16, 2012

I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with

Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.

=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")

But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?


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Security Warning About Macros When Opening 2003 File

Mar 3, 2009

I'm using Excel 2003 and recently when I open a file, it prompts out a Security Warning message about Marcros which at the end contains 3 choices: Disable Macros, Enable Macros, and More Info. I then click Enable Macros to open the file. Once open, I go to Tools > Marco > Run Marco (Alt+F8). A Macro box prompt out but the Macro list is empty. I try different choice inside the pull down menu "Macros in" but the Macro list is still empty.

Where can I find out the macro which triggers the warning message of Security Warning when opening the file? And how can I delete the macro if found useless.

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Offices 2007 & 2003 At The Same Time, Choose Between The Versions When Opening A File

Jul 25, 2006

i downloaded the beta version of the office 2007 for testing. can i install this version alongside my existing office 2003 version. i want to have the 2 versions installed on my computer so that i can choose between the versions when opening a file.

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Retain 2003 Code In 2007 And Back To 2003

Aug 29, 2008

I've created a workbook with code to email it to a reviewer then back to the originator when reviewed (along with other editing functions etc.). The problem - The originator is working in Excel 2003, the reviewer in 2007. The macros work great until the reviewer sends it back. I have not been able to figure out which FileFormat:= ???? to use when I SaveAs prior to emailing as an attachment. My Excel 2003 doesn't recognize the .xlsm file and other formats are eliminated the vba/macro coding

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Excel 2003 :: Use Find And Replace To Delete Word?

Dec 1, 2005

I'm looking to simply delete certain words that are in cells, without having to delete rows, columns or the entire cell. I can use 'find and replace' and replace the particular word with a space, but I really want to delete the word. I'm using both Excel 2003 and 2000.

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Worksheet To Word Document

Mar 30, 2014

I'm trying to copy parts of a worksheet from excel 2003 to word 2003. I've found code that does this alright but I need to be able to re-size the the pasted data to fit the word document. Is there a way to set the properties of the word document like change it to landscape and move the margins etc? Even a simple "reduce the table size to fit the word document". I've included the code i've got already. This code will open up a word document and copy your cells into it but without any useful options. So its ok for a small group of cells.

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Convert Files To 2003 Format

Feb 24, 2009

I've been asked to change a massive batch of Excel 2007 files to 2003 format (to send to a client who doesn't have the newer version). Apart from going into these files (there's over 500 of 'em ), can anyone suggest a means of doing this? I know that Microsoft has a Migration Manager tool, but it appears this only converts the other way around.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Copy Part Of Worksheet Into Word?

Nov 29, 2011

Creating a macro that updates and copies part of a worksheet in Excel 2003 and pastes it in MS Word. The sheet I have is a sheet that updates some prices etc and after it updates I usually select a square (part of the sheet), press CTRL+C to copy it and paste it as a picture (paste special ) in word. Is there a way to automate the process?

I am thinking a macro that updates the sheet, copies and pastes iit on word??

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Excel 2003 :: VBA To Unzip And Download Files

Nov 7, 2011

I have code with downloads files from our work intranet site. When the files download the are zipped up. Is there a code which will unzip and open these excel files?

I'm using Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Error Message When Trying To Open XLS Files?

Oct 20, 2013

I'm using 2003 (I know!) version & I can't open excel files directly by clicking on them. I get an "error in sending command" message. I can circumvent problem by opening Excel & then opening the relevant file, but this sometimes causes me problems.

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Excel 2003 :: Saving Files Generated By External Application

Jul 23, 2013

I have the following code which edits an excel file and saves it in a different format, I think want the code to take this newly saved file and open it in an external application (Softplot) and then save it through this new application.

Sub FormatMacro1a(ws As Worksheet)
Columns("D:E").Cut Destination:=Columns("J:K")
Columns("F:K").Cut Destination:=Columns("D:I")
Range("E1:E201").Value = "0"

[Code] .....

As it stands I have the file saving in a new format and I can open a specific file in softplot through VBA however where I am getting stuck is opening my newly saved file and then saving it.

I have tried the following :

Path = "C:Program FilesSoftPlot-8softplot.exe"
File = "ActiveWorkbook"

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Excel 2003 :: Printing Multiple Files With Explorer But Asks To Save Changes?

Dec 7, 2012

When selecting multiple excel files in explorer, you can right click and choose to print the selected documents. All documents gets opened and printed but the files stay open and you have to manually click on YES or NO to save the changes.

Is there a way not to see this window appear. So documents get opened and printed and closes itself without asking anything. Maybe it can be done with an option in the preferences. I'm not sure.

By the way the documents where created with excel vba just in case it's relevant. Also the version of Excel is an older version, I think it was Excel XP or 2002/2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Copy And Move Files To Create Backups For 7 Or 8 Years

Aug 30, 2012

Using Excel Office 2003.

I have been using VBA to copy and move files to create backups for 7 or 8 years now, and it works great. However, recently I have been working on a way to use SD cards for the backups and the FileCopy command is much slower than using Windows Explorer.

I am looking for some alternate command lines that might do the job faster. I would like to know what Explorer is using.

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Excel 2003 :: Deleting Rows For Multiple Files In Separate Workbook

Sep 10, 2012

I'm new to this forum and to VBA

First-off, I'm using Excel 2003 SP3.

The setup: A software application I regularly use produces csv data files (in this case approx 300 files). These I have converted to xls format using a separate macro. The files are in one folder and named as follows eg

G1 18800.xls
G1 18802.xls
G2 18975.xls
G3 19881.xls
G3 19990.xls
G5 19990.xls

The files contain the following data:

01-Oct-03 08:00 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:01 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:02 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:03 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:04 757 20 FALSE 0.18
01-Oct-03 08:05 1714 32 FALSE 0.44
01-Oct-03 08:06 1524 32 FALSE 0.39
01-Oct-03 08:07 1665 45 FALSE 0.47
01-Oct-03 08:08 1644 42 FALSE 0.46
01-Oct-03 08:09 263 8 FALSE 0.06

I then created a macro using code I sourced from the internet, and included some addtional commands (filename, copy/paste). See below. This macro opens the all the xls data files in the folder and copies the relevant data to an analysis workbook [Analysis sheet, Results sheet, Master sheet] ie the data is copied from the data file and pasted into the Analysis worksheet. Then the results are copied from the Results sheet to the Master sheet. So far so everything works.

My problem is this: I'm stumped at how to delete rows from the xls data files before running the analysis workbook and macro. In other words, after converting the csv files to xls format I need to clean the xls data files.

I have a separate xls file with criteria data in two columns:

FileName Date
G1 18800 06-Oct-03
G1 18801 02-Oct-03
G1 18801 03-Oct-03
G1 18801 05-Oct-03
G2 18795 14-Oct-03
G2 18795 15-Oct-03
G2 18795 16-Oct-03
G2 18795 17-Oct-03

The rows in a particular data file, with dates that are not present in the Criteria workbook must be deleted. This to be done for every data file in the folder. Also, I need to exclude rows for specific time periods eg 12H00AM - 04H00AM from all the files irrespective of date.

the code needed [should a separate macro be run or can code be placed within the present macro?]. I've tried looking for something similar on the internet, but my requirements seem too customized to be able to adapt the code that I found. And of course this is waaaay above my present skill level!

Option Explicit

Sub CopyPaste()

'This code opens up data files (xls) in a specified folder and copies data A1:G17281 to an Analysis workbook (Analysis sheet).

'The data from the Results sheet is then copied to the Master sheet.

Dim wkbDest As Workbook
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wkbSource As Workbook
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String


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2003 - Conditional Formatting: Find Cells That Have The Word "managment"

Jun 18, 2008

I am trying to use conditional formatting to find cells that have the word "managment" in the text. The problem I am having is that the cells may contain a paragraph and the word may be embedded in the paragraph. I need to either high the word or the paragraph. I can get it to work if only the word "management" is in the cell but not when I add other words to it. I have tried using *management* but this didn't work.

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Opening Word & Count Word Instances In A Word Document

May 26, 2006

I have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document.
For example to declare a workbook in excel its

Dim wb As Work Book

I've tried

Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim doc As Word.Application

as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.

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Excel 2003 :: Extract Variable Rows Of Cells From Files In A Folder To Existing File In Folder

Mar 15, 2013

I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.

At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.

At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).

I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).

The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".

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Array Calculation From 2 Files Without Opening Files?

Apr 2, 2014

I have 50 files each with 1000 numbers in column A.

I need to compare every list with every other list and calculate the Pearson function.

I am ok with the vb code to compare every file with everyother.

I can do this by opening each file then closing but it takes too long.

Each of the 50 csv file names is in my destination workbook

I would like to define an array using the file name, then extract 2 lists without opening the files then perform the pearson function and place the value in the destination workbook. (The pearson function just measures the strength of correlation between 2 sets of numbers)

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Search CSV Files For Word & Make .xls Files Of Them

Jan 23, 2008

I have 22 CSV files. I want to search each of those files for a specific text string (ie: "profile" or "description"). When the macro finds the word in any one of the CSV files I want it to copy that complete csv worksheet and paste it into an excel xls file.

how I can go about doing this. Not also that while vlookup is possible, its very time consuming if i have to do this 50 times over and each time the csv files have different file names. that is why i want to search within a file (each file has its own unique identifying text string)

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Opening Word Document From VBA

Aug 25, 2009

I am trying to open a word document from within excel using

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Opening Word Doc From Within Excel Using VBA

Aug 22, 2013

I have a database list, and run a bunch of formatting, inserting, formulas etc., to be able to have a Word Mail Merge be able to run against the data when finished. I'm automating the process and want to be able to open the Word document when the Excel piece is done, so the user doesn't have to navigate to the file manually.

Since Excel doesn't seem to automatically 'see' Word docs in the Open File dialog list, my Open File code below is getting an error of "File Format is Not Valid":

ChDir "O:UAIBDCustomer RelationsIDHome Office Indexing"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"O:UAIBDCustomer RelationsIDHome Office IndexingID Home Office Indexing Mail Merge Template TESTING.docx"

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Automatically Opening Word Documents

Sep 28, 2009

I need a little assistance opening a Word file via an Excel macro. The two files are linked and upon opening, the Word file asks if the links should be updated. I need this to automatically be "Yes" everytime the file is opened.

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2003 Is Too Far Up On The Screen

Sep 27, 2009

I did the restart our company required and when Excel reopened it was on my laptop rather than the big screen. I run 2 screens. Excel 2003 is now so far up on the laptop screen, I cannot move it. I can barely see File, Edit, View, etc. How can I drag Excel down so I can resize it?

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Getting #Value Errors In 2003

Dec 31, 2009

I can not get the following formula to work - I keep getting #Value errors and I've checked the fields and the values are correct

=SUM(IF(Input!$A$6:$A$4006=1,IF(Input!$I$6:$I$4006="DM",IF(Input!$K$6:$K$4006="Bid",Input!$L$6:$L$40 06,0),0),0))

My intension is that if A=1 and I=DM and K=bid then add the corresponding values in L and display. I can't figure out why this formula in another cell and works fine

=SUM(IF(Input!$A$6:$A$4006>0,IF(Input!$A$6:$A$4006<1,IF(Input!$I$6:$I$4006="DM",IF(Input!$K$6:$K$400 6="Bid",Input!$L$6:$L$4006,0),0),0),0))

it is just checking an additional condition of the value in column A

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Using DATE In 2003

Feb 17, 2010

I need to create a date using the DATE() function, and have been experimenting with:
=DATE(YEAR(NOW()), MONTH(NOW()), DAY(NOW())) to try and generate today's date as an exercise in using the DATE function without success.

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4.0 Macro In 2003

Aug 21, 2008

I have a workbook that on opening I see the following message. This workbook contains one or more Microsoft Excel 4.0 macros. What's confusing is that I never downloaded any 4.0 macros. The ones that I have were either recorded or provided by this forum. I am trying to find this macro and delete it but I can't locate any 4.0 macros. I even copied all worksheets to a new workbook and when I go under Tools/Macro there are 0 displayed. I even launched the VB Editor and can't find any.

It's not causing any problems even when I select Yes to enable these macros but it may cause some individuals to not want to open it which is a problem. I've also run Norton Antivirus and none were found. Additionally, if I open other workbooks this message is not displayed. Could someone have a look at the attached and see if they can identify what macro the message is referring to?

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Filtering In 2003..?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a filter that works in Excel 2007, and I'm trying to figureout how to make it work in Excel 2003. OrderNums is an array of multiple criteria. The below code works perfectly in Excel 2007.

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Month Plus One - 2003

May 21, 2006

I would like to find a formula that will take the current month (i.e.
May) and add one month and return (display) just the following month (i.e.

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